山市市长并率先进行转型的 Mori Masashi就该计划举行了数百次市政厅讨论。“我不得不说服人们思考 未来30年的生活,”他解释道。他还四处旅行,向阿姆斯特丹和波特兰等遥远城市学习。5 Thoughtful design helped. The new light rail has carriages that align flush with station platforms, eliminating the steps that can trip up elderly riders. Lest youngsters feel left out, the city also built a skatepark, a rarity in Japan. Such projects made canny use of the city's existing resources. Old rail tracks were repurposed for the new light rail, a move that reduced costs by 75%, according to the World Bank. While the government handled construction, it farmed the rail network out to an expert private firm. It also offered subsidies to entice people to move into the dumplings.【5】深思熟虑的设计非常有益。新轻轨的车厢与车站站台齐平,消除了可能绊倒老年乘客的台阶。为了 不让年轻人感到遭遇冷落,这座城市还建了一个滑雪场,这在日本是罕见的。这些项目巧妙地利用了城 市的现有资源。世界银行表示,旧铁路轨道将重新用于新的轻轨,此举将重建费用降低了 75%o施工 方面,政府将铁路网络外包给了一家专业的私企。它还提供补贴,吸引居民搬进活动中心。6 The policy, though no panacea fbr the demographic squeeze, changed Toyama's trajectory. The city arrested the outflow of people from its centre: net migration into the downtown area was negative before 2008 but has since been growing. In 2005 only 28% of Toyama residents lived along public-transit corridors; by 2019 nearly 40% did. The new developments have made property more attractive. Land prices in the city centre had been declining by around 2% a year until 2012; in the decade since, they have grown by an average of 2% per year, with gains in some areas reaching as high as 6%. Using increased tax revenue from the revived city centre to support more remote parts of the region is a "basic model fbr other cities", says Nitta Hachiro, the governor of the surrounding prefecture, also called Toyama.【6】这项政策虽然不是解决人口减少的灵丹妙药,但改变了富山的轨迹。富山市阻止了市中心人口外流: 2008年以前,搬到市区的净移民为负数,但此后一直在增长。2005年,仅28%的富山居民居住在公 共交通走廊线上;到2019年,这一比例接近40%。新的发展使房地产行业更具吸引力。2012年以前, 市中心的土地价格每年下降约2%;此后十年,土地价格的年均增长率为2%,某些地段的涨幅高 达6%。周边县 一也称为富山的县长说,利用复兴后市区增加的税收来支援该市更偏远的地区,这是 其他城市的基本模式。7 The new urban design may have other long-term benefits. Public transport use among those aged 60 and older has more than trebled. Sakamoto Kazuko, a 73-year-old local, says the new network has made life “more convenient”. She goes out more often than before, using a discount rail pass fbr the elderly to visit the city centre and stroll while her grandchildren are at school. Small-scale studies show promising results: old folks who stay active by using their discount transit passes need less nursing care than those who do not【7】新城市规划可能还将带来其他长期效益。60岁及以上的老年人公共交通使用量已经增加了两倍多。 73岁的当地人Sakamoto Kazuko表示新的网络让生活更方便。她比以前更频繁地外出,当孙子孙女在 学校时,她使用老年人折扣铁路通行证参观市中心和散步。小规模研究得出的结论很美好:使用老年证 享坐车优惠的老年人保持活动,他们比不常活动的老年人需要的护理更少8 For those living far from the centre, the benefits are less clear. The compact city is a “bubble“ which people outside it look on with “cold eyes”, says one 73-year-old shopkeeper in the suburbs. Local governments with ageing, shrinking populations face hard choices about where to keep water and sewers running and where to close schools and clinics. Even as cities strive to become more compact, they may fail to reach the density necessary to keep businesses profitable, says Okata Junichiro, also of the University of Tokyo. But they must try. Japanese cities once grew boldly. As the population ages and declines, they must learn to shrink with grace.【8】对远离市中心的人而言,好处并不那么明显。郊区一位73岁的店主说,这座紧凑型城市就是一 块“泡沫”,外面的人正在冷眼旁观。人口不断老龄化和减少的地方政府面临着艰难选择,比如哪里的水 管和下水道需要继续运行,哪里的学校和诊所需要关闭。东京大学(University of Tokyo)的Okata