Introduction1、There are many elements constituting European Culture.2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.The richnessof European Culturewas createdby Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.Division One: Greek Culture and Roman Culture1、The 5 th century closed with civil war between Athens Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labour.3> Ancient Greece's epics was created by Homer.4 The Home r's epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.5、 Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.6、Three masters in tragmd 大y惨剧大师 AeschylusPrometheus Bound>Shelly Prometheus Unbound SophoclesOedipus die Kin一g > Freud's "the Oedipus com 位e : x ”情结)> David Herbert LawrenceS5 ons and lovers EuripidesA Trojan WomenB. He is the fiist writer of “probld# s居父C Realism can be traced back to the Ancien, t tGorebecespecific, Euripides.7、 The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes.Aristophanes writes about nature.8、History (Historical writing)“Father of History, Herodotus 一(b-etwain Greeks and Persians)rhe greatest historian that ever lived.,> Thucydi tieJw etnSwart A and Athens)9、Euclid's Elemen解ts析儿何It was in use in English schools until the early years of the 20th century.ArchimedesHis work laid basis for not only g& ofn e学tr,ybut also arithm& t术ic, mechanic利 Ls械,and hydrostati流cs体.静力学'Give me a place to stand, and I will move t(hAer u hoi mid J es.)10、The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Cui罗tu W e征.服(希腊的标志)From 146 B.C., Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire, and Greek that of the eastern half.Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.1 1、The dividing range in the Roman history refers to 27 B.C.1 2、 The year 27 B.C. Divided the Roman history into two periods: republic and empire.13、The idea of Republic can be traced back tne Aulbaltixf.s14> In the Roman history , there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legion罗s(马军团)1 5 > In the Roman history, there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was known as Pax Romana.神( 圣罗马帝国)Essays are Bacon's most widely rea, d w5o8rkessays were included.10、Francis BaconKnowledge is power知.识(就是力量)Virtue is like precious rrdomuorst fragrant when they are incensed or crushed.品德像珍贵的气 味一当被压碎或者焚香时很芳香(3) Some books are to be tasted, others to be s吹a致H用 w 或d),( and some few to be chewed and digested翻.(翻而已)Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing a仔/1 x 的c人t)ma读n.书(可 以使人胸有成 竹Histories make men wis学e.史(可以使人明智)Wives are young men'smistresses(T青人),companions (伴侣)fbrmiddleagc,and old men's nurses.照(顾人 的人)11、Tomas Hobbes> Leviathan1 2、Locke also believed that the ruler of government is one partner of the social contract.13、Hobbes absolute Monarchy君(主制)Locke> Constitutional Monarchy主(立宪制J)1 4、The English Revolution is also called Bourgeoisie Revolution.15、Democracy (民主的体现是)> Parliament议会0 (希腊民主的体现是公民大会)16> 1689, the Bill of Rights was enacted by the English 讯a会rl)i.ament (17> Milton> Paradise Los失t乐(园)The fall of me圣n经(的旧约)Satan18、Theory of Knowledge认知论Descartes employed methodic dou抗疑方(法论)with a view to discovering whether there was any indubitabl4不容置疑的)truth.I doubt,therefor d think:I think,therefonf am. Doubting is thinking, thinking is the essence of the mind . Descartes believed that they are not dependable. 19> Classicism新(古典主义)Classicism implies the revival of the forms and traditions of the ancient world, a return to wo of old Greek literature from Homer to Plato and Aristotle. But French classicism of the 1 7 th centu was not conscious of being a classical revival. It intended to produce a literaturee, French to the co 法语为中心),which was worthy of Greek and classical ideals. This neoclassicism reached its climax in France in the 17theent代ur表y.:(莫里哀和德国的歌德席勒) 20、French classicism of the 17th century was not conscious of being a cl并aSk i古ca典 1 主re义vival (的复苏).21、Rationalismwas believed to be ableto discoverthebestprincipleosf human conductand the universalprincipleosf naturalaws.Here Descartesprovidedthe philosophicafloundationfor the French neoclassicism.22 > Moli it e 莫(里哀) The best representative of French neoclassicism.Why do we say the 17 th century is a transitional period from middle ages to the modern times? 1 > This advance began in science, in as, tropnhoymsyics and pure mathematics , owing to the work of Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Descartes.2、The outlook of educated men was transformed. There was a profound change in the conception ofmen's place in the universe.3、The new scienceand philosophygave a greatpush to thepoliticasltrugglaaged by thenewly emerged class, the bourgeoisie, and other chasses.4、The modern world, so far as mental outlook is concerned, begins in the 17th century.What is the theory of the Social Contract, according to the Hobbes?1、It is necessary that there should be a common powernment backed by force and able to punish 处(罚).2、Commonwealth, in Latin, Civi共ta有s财(产).3、To escapeanarchy(无政府状态),men enterintoa socialcontractb,y which they submit to the sovereign(君主).In retumforconferrinp lltheirpowers and strengthto the sovereign,men attain peace and security .4、The powers of the sovereign must be absolute, and it is only be the中c出n集trRj) izoaftion ( authorit 投利()in one person that the evil can be avoided.5 As to the form of government, Hobbes preferred mo 主 na 胎c 君 hy 主制()6、Government was not created by God, but by men themselves.What is John Locke's Social Contract?1、Society is out of necessity, convenience and man's own interest, and therefore, society is natur man.2、The institution of political society and government must proceed firo赞m同也eoifonthensU (who are incoiporated irtjto.融(为一体)political society and subject themselves to g人overnment.(要彻底屈服于政府的统治)3、Locke emphasizedthat the social contract must be understood as involving the individuaPs consent(允许)to submi服t从("o the will of the ma大jot乡 i数ty人(的意志)and that the will of the majority must prevail.4、Locke also believed that the ruler of government is one partner of th是e社so。: i 献 1约由Jntract.(签约 方)If he violatesthe social contract, then government is ©的"效iv蜕1 取i)s,soTtaed .(idea was welcomed by the Americans during the American Revolution and the bourgeoisie revolution in England北.(美 独立战争和英国资产阶级革命)What is the great significant of the English Revolution?1、It was the first time that capitalism has defeated abso君lut主e 童o制nA r d hyhl story.2、The English Revolution marked that the modern times are approaching.3、After the English Revolution the constitutional君mo主na立rc宪hy制 I has come into being as well as the Bill ofRights. The Bill of Right established 储e高s无up上r曲蚊丫利of the Parliamentand put an end to divine monarchy in England. The Bill of Rights limited the Sote权re)ign's power (in certain important directions.Division SixThe Age of EnglightmentEnlightenmentEnlightementwas an intellectumaolvement originatinign France,which attractewdidespreadsupport among the ruling and intellectural classes of Europe and North America in the second half o the 18th century. It characterizes the efforts by certain European writers to批评s推ecritical reason (理)to free minds from prejudice, unexamined authority and oppression by Church or State. Therefore the Enlightenment is sometimes called the Age oiiflTealjs n代().(Why do we say the 17th century provides the intellectual origin for the Enlightement?) 2、Newton's theory of gravit 而 t有io 市 力(理论)further demonstrated to the world that the universe is governed by laws that could be understood by the human mind.3、The major force of the Enlightenment was the French philosophes, such as Moolntueiycuieu, V (伏尔泰)and Rousseau卢梭0. Diederot, who edited the famous Endci el 自 p科6全书).4、Diederot EncyclopQdi 百 e科(全书).5、Montesquieu第(一个加入到启蒙运动的法国人)> was the first of the great French men ofbclieattedrswiatshs the Enlightenment> Persiabetters波(斯人的信札) The spirit of the L论aw法§的(精神)6、The theoryof theseparationf powers (三权分立理论)was put forwardby Montesquieu in his work The Spirit ofthe Laws. He believed that thei)s,laetxhrceut(iv 行 政0 andjudici t'l (法)powers must be confid托ed付。todifferent individuals, acting independently.The theory of the separation of powers was accepted by the U.S. U oMs 分 ti 立 tu 的电 n 想被(美国宪法所接受)7、Voltaire伏尔(泰)> His works are an outstanding embodirtHeifc t的(体现)of the principles (原则性的)ofthe French Enlightenment.> Letters Anglaise (Letters philosop h iq u 喳 s件)> Candide8、Rousseau 卢(梭):The greatest figures of the French Enligh对漫n主t 义(文学思潮产生影 响的法国哲 学家是卢梭)he glorified human nature and attacked social i 蕾 e 标 u人 1 的让即.质(反对社会不平等)> The Origin of Human Inequal论it人y类(平等的根源)“man is bom free, and everywhere heis in chains.>The Social Contra社ct会(契约论)social democrac呼y唤社会的民主9、Daniel Defoe> Robinson Crusoe鲁(滨逊飘流记)> One of the great Ciction writ 小er说s作(家)of 18th century England.10> Swift> Satiris讽t刺(大师)in the English language> Amodest Proposal> Gulliver's Trav 格el 列 s佛(游记)11、Fielding> Father of the English n 苒现(代小说之父)小说类型为:Modern novel> The History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingHe was also the first person to approach the genre with a fully worked-out theory of the novel.(小说理论进行创作的 第一人) 12、Goethe歌(德)> 德国文学第一人> The Sorrows of Young Werth & r年(维特的烦恼)郭沫若翻译> Faust浮(土 德)> Poetry and Trut诗h和(真理)Autobiography 自(传体)13、 Schiller 席勒() He was a founder of modem German literature.> Cabaland Love阴谋(与爱情)14、 Schiller and Goethe are the chief representatives of German classicism15、 Kant 康(德)> Waterhead of modem philosoph- y代(哲学的源头)nebularhypothesi那s不(勒假说or星云假说)> General History ofNature and Theory of the H 自 ea然 v 发 n展 s 史(和天体理论)nebular hypothe在si这s部作品中提出 Critique of Pure Rea论so 白;粹(的推理):rationalism with empiric把isH1(论主义与经验 主义融为一体)在上书中;human knowledge is limited to the phenomenal tejorld.限于外部世界 16、The Musical Enlightenmen音 1乐(启蒙运动)By the beginningof the 18th centurythe artof creatingmusic had become almost entirely rationalized . Itcame to its richest fruition in the巴w赫ot k andfHBadbl亨(德尔).Bach andHandel represented a trend towai'ds greater r 胜 r)itvf (style in the clearly defined types and forms, in a series of standardized formulas.17、Bach (巴赫)一Bach created a synthetic人a为rt艺术()which summarized all the developments of the Baroque era.一为 Haydn (海顿),Mozart, and Beethov打en下基础的人是 Bach一Schumann said, “Music owes as much to Bach as Christianity does to i欧ts洲F现ou代nder."(主义音乐的创始 人)18、Handel 亨(德尔)combination结(合)of the Italian traditions独。奏为so主lo) (and instrumental style, the English choral合(唱)tradition.-> Messiah米(赛亚)轻歌剧教会音乐1 9> The Baroque Period was followed by the Classical Period, roughly between 1750 and 1820.20、Classical Peri 正d大代表:Haydn (海顿),Mozart, and Beethoven.21 > Haydn (海顿) Austrian> London symphonies伦(敦交响乐)以交响乐为主29、Mozart莫(扎特)歌剧成就最高> Operas 歌(剧)> Don Giovanni唐(璜) The Marriage of Figa/o力口(罗的婚礼)Division SevenRomanticism1、 RomanticismRomanticism was a movement in literature, philosophy, music and art which developed in Europe in the late I 8 th and early 1 9 th centuries. Starting from the ideas of Rousseau in France and from Storm and Stress movemen狂t飙(运动) in Germany. Romanticism emphasized individual values and aspirations above those of soAcsieatyr.eaction to the industrial revolutiont,o itheloMoikdedleAges and to directcontactwith naturefbr inspiratio R.omanticism gave impetus to the national liberation movement in 19th century Europe.2、Blake> Songs of InnocencS:真(之歌)happy world>Songs of Experienc经e验(之歌)bitter world3、The Laker poets (The Lakers) Wordsworth> Lyrical Ballad情(民谣)与 Coleridge合写>The Prelude序(曲) Coleridg-e > Kubla Khan 忽(必烈汗)exotic cultu 外 re 来文(化)> TheRime of the ancient Mar古in&仔(咏)4、 Lyrical Ballads marked the beginning of the Romantic literature.5、Coleridge's works possessed the characfterxiosttiic ©011101利曾来.文(化)6、Byron> Isles of Greec e腊(诸岛)> Don Juan唐(璜)莫扎特改编成歌剧7 Byronic hero was created by Byron in the Romantic period of the English literature. The Byronic hero is characterized by bravery and hard working spirit, such as Don Juan as the best representative the Byronic hero.8、Shelly> Ode to the West Win西d风(颂)(If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?)>Prometheus Unbound The Lyrical dra抒ma情戏剧"If Winter comes, can Spring be far behindi?t,tenwaisn wOrde to the West Wind by Shelly.Shelly wrote a Lyrical drama Prometheus Unbound which is a parody Prometheus bound written by Aeschylus 9、Keats> Ode to a Nightinga夜le莺赋()> Ode on a Grecian Ur希 n腊(古瓮颂)“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,“was written in Ode on a Grecian Urn by Keats.10> The death of Scott marked the end of Romanticism in 色感,1 /n而.志着浪漫主义结束1 1、Victor Hugo was a best representative writer of Romanticism in France.>Cromwell> Notre Dame de Pari氏黎(圣母院)> Les Miserable悲s惨(世界)12> George Sand> Indiana(第安纳州)13 Russian Romantic literature was against The Tzag'i皇st统忌l)e.(1 4、 The representative writers of Russia Romanticism were Pushkin and Lermontov.15、Pushkin> Ruslan and Liudmil 罗a斯(兰与雷尔达米拉)一Boris Godunov布(达耶夫)“It is people, not the Tzar that could change history”. Eugene Onegin奥(涅金)based on Byron's model Don Juan.Pushkin was himself a “Byronic hero16> Lermontov 雷(蒙托夫)> The death of oaetP (Pushkin)> AHero of Our Time时代(英雄)17、Romantic MusicThe Romantic Movement in music dominated the period about 1 830 to about 1 900. It was merely part of a general movement, which, all over Europe, especially in Germany and France, affected all ar The Romantic Music is divided into two periods: The early Romantic Music represented by Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Schumann, and the later Romantic Music represented by Brahms and Tchaikovsky. 18 Beethoven> Fate命(运交响曲)Pastoral田园(交响曲)19、Schubert> Lied (art song)Music came to him as naturally as brea像th呼in吸g.一样(顺畅)是形容 Schubert的20、Chopin (肖邦)Polish波(兰)。piano musi的c奠基者O He stood in the same relation to piano music that handle did 清to唱tMlhe)QrMaotzoarrito t(o the concert 仆奏(曲)and opera, Beethoven to the symp*g;y乐0, and Schubert to the艺 1 术ied (歌曲). 21、SchumannO His worths were full of imagina充ti满on幻.想(力)O He went a good deal further than most towards individ 他性li化za)tiaond program music (标题音乐). 22、Mendelssohn 门(德尔松) Fingal's Ca至e格(尔的洞穴)German。Hewas also a master in painting landscapes in music.23、Belioz> Fantastic Symphon 交响(乐狂想曲)24> Brahms浪漫主义与古典主义的完美结合>German25、 Three B's refers to B arahm,sB, Beethoven.26、Tchaikovsky (Russian-) > Ballet芭(蕾舞)> Swan Lake 天(鹅湖)His music mirrored the deep, emotional character of his people. (National emotion)16、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions, it was known as