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Book 7 Unit 1 Looking forwards Developing ideas:The road not taken 板块教学设计 (时长35分钟)课型Reading主题语境人与社会一一良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为议论文,介绍了一首脍 炙人口的诗歌未选择的路,作者是Robert Frost。本篇课文着重分析、解读了这 首诗歌的内容及现实意义,旨在启迪学生勇敢面对未来,做出正确决断。教师要引 导学生通过课文学习,领悟到这样一个朴素的道理:在人生中我们会遇到不少困难 和曲折,经受各种考验,但是我们必须具备乐观向上、百折不挠的精神,不断提高 自己做出正确判断和决定的能力。教学目标1引导学生理解未选择的路这首诗的内涵以及课文中对该诗的解读,同时能够 感知诗歌的节奏、韵律,了解诗歌的写作特点以及所运用的修辞手法,提高对诗歌 的鉴赏能力和语言运用能力;2引导学生在理解的基础上,感悟诗歌主题,从而加深对单元主题意义的认识,逐 步形成在迷茫中不迷失方向,在前行中不止步不前的积极人生态度,同时逐步学会 选择和决断,具备勇于担当、敢于面对挑战的优秀品质。教学重点1 .引导学生在理解的基础上,感悟诗歌主题,从而加深对单元主题意义的认识;2 .培养学生“热爱生活”、“勇于担当”的积极人生态度,提高语言运用能力。教学难点1 .引导学生理解Me Hoad No, Q能(未选择的路)这首诗的内涵并把握好诗 后课文对该诗的解读;2 .引导学生正确看待今后可能要面临的选择和必须做出决定或取舍。教学策略"Pre-learning, While-learning, and Post-learning, strategy (P-W-P 模式)Teaching contentsProceduresPurposesTeacher's activityStudents9 activityActivity 11. Teacher encourages students to read the short introduction of Robert Frost and his best-known poems.2. Teacher asks students to ask and answer the two questions below the short introduction.1. Students read the short introduction of Robert Frost and his best-known poems.2. Students answer the two questions below the short introduction.To get some specific information about the author and accumulate literary knowledge.Activity 21. Teacher asks students to read the passage and find out what it is about.2. Teacher asks students to read once more the poem aloud and pay attention to the rhythm.3. Teacher tells students something more about writing styles of the poem.1. Students read the passage and find out what it is about.2. Students read the poem aloud again, paying attention to the rhythm.3. Students learn something more about writing styles of the poem.To grasp the general idea of the poem.Activity 31. Teacher asks students to read the passage below the poem once more.2. Teacher asks students to take close look at the topic sentence of each paragraph.3. Teacher asks students to share their understanding of the passage.4. Teacher asks students to share in class their understanding of the passage, while teacher can make some comment on it.1. Students read the passage below the poem once more.2. Students take a close look at the topic sentence of each paragraph.3. Students work to share their understanding of the passage.4. Students share in class their group's understanding of the passage.To have a better understanding of the passage.Learning to Learn1. Teacher asks students to read the short paragraph of Learning to learn.2. Teacher explains to the class what symbolism is (or: the definition of symbolism).3. Teacher asks students to work in groups and try to find more examples of the use of symbolism.1. Students read the short paragraph of Learning to learn.2. Students learn what symbolism is ( or: the definition of symbolism).3. One or two groups share their answers and give reasons, and then others may make some comments.To appreciate the new writing style of symbolism.Think&ShareTeacher asks students to pay great attention to the key elements of poetry and the emotion a poet wants to convey.Students pay great attention to the key elements of poetry and the emotion a poet wants to convey.To find out the key elements of poetry so as to appreciate it.