识别伏笔(foreshadowing)在读后续写中的作用不言而喻,它是有效设计情节 的必要条件。有些学生经常错误地识别线索,导致续写情节走偏。识别优笔有时候看起来是很自然的事,但是细究起来,需要用到的技能似 乎又很微妙。先上几个容易识别的方法:1. Unexpected or Odd Detail: If a character, object, or event is described in an unusual amount of detail or emphasized more than others, it could be a foreshadowing.e.g. In "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby's books are described in great detail. This foreshadows the revelation that Gatsby's wealth and persona are constructed.2. Dialogue or Narrator ? s Comments: Sometimes, the characters1 dialogue or the narrator? s comments can hint at what's to come.e.g. In "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, Romeo says he prefers to die sooner than live without Juliet's love, foreshadowing their tragic end.3. Symbolism or Imagery: These are often used for foreshadowing. For instance, a storm could symbolize upcoming trouble.e.g. In "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the mad dog that Atticus shoots symbolizes the racism that he will later confront in the courtroom.4. Dramatic Irony: This is a literary device where the audience or reader knows something that a character does not - which hints at future events.e.g. In "Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles(索福克勒斯的俄狄浦斯王),the audience knows that Oedipus himself is the murderer he seeks, creating a sense of dread and anticipation.5. Flashforwards or Prophesies(提前叙述未来事件/预知):These are direct indications of what is going to happen in the future.e.g. In "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, the witches1 prophecies foreshadow Macbeth's rise to power and eventual downfall.6. Changes or Shifts: Any change or shift in the direction of the story might be a foreshadowing.e.g. In "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien, the peaceful and cheerful atmosphere of the Shire drastically changes when Frodo decides to leave, foreshadowing the dangerous journey ahead.7. Character's Actions or Decisions: If a character does something out of character or makes a significant decision, it may foreshadow future events. For instance, if a usually honest character starts to lie, it could foreshadow a future moral downfall.8. Environment Description: Sometimes, the environments description can foreshadow future events. For example, a peaceful town becoming increasingly deserted could foreshadow that something bad will happen.9. Recurring Motifs or Themes: These can predict a future event. In nThe Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, the repeated use of the raven and phrases like "Nevermore" foreshadow the protagonist's descent into madness.10. Direct Foreshadowing: An author may directly hint at future events. For example, in "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, he writes, "I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this abyss.n This directly foreshadows the French Revolution.11. Chekhov!s Gun: Itfs a literary principle that states that every memorable element in a story should be necessary and irreplaceable. nIf in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired,” wrote Anton Chekhov. If an object or character is emphasized, it's likely to come up again later in an important way.In nMurder on the Orient Express," a small pipe cleaner introduced early on seems insignificant. Later, it becomes a crucial piece of evidence 这些方式并不完全互相独立,可以有多种方式分类。可能会重新筛选一下: Through Narrative Elements:|Unexpected or Odd DetailDialogue or Narratofs CommentsRecurring Motifs or ThemesDirect ForeshadowingEnvironment DescriptionThrough Symbolic Representations:Symbolism or ImageryChekhov's GunDramatic IronyThroughCharacterand Plot Progression:!Characters Actions or DecisionsChanges or ShiftsFlashfbrwards or Propheciesflashback和flashforwards也可以不算foreshadow,不过在续写中,也可以算找线 索的方法。有了这些比较常用、容易识别的方法,再去讲更微妙、不易识别的那些伏笔(比 如某个句子中的一个特别的形容词、某个场景详略不当的描写、某个话题突然切 换),学生肯定会更容易理解一些。主要还是靠养成意识+练习判断。现以2022年12月份的八省联考的英语试题的读后续写为例,分析一下读 后续写原文材料中的伏笔以及其在续写文本中的关联和呼应。阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段.使之构成一篇完整 的短文。I was a vet in Yorkshire. One day I received a call from Mrs Tompkin asking me to cut the beak (喙)of her budgie's(虎皮鹦鹉). I armed myself with a pair of clippers and stepped onto the narrow strip of pavement which separated the door from the road. A pleasant looking red-haired woman answered my knock."Im Mrs Dodds from next door/ she said. “I keep an eye on the old lady. She!s over eighty and lives alone. ”She led me into the cramped little room. "Here's Mr Herriot coming to sec Peter for you/ she said to the old woman who sat in a corner. Mrs Tornpkin nodded and smiled, "Oh that's good. Poor little fella can hardly eat with its long beak and I'm worried about him. He's my only companion, you know. n“Yes, I understand, Mrs Tompkin. "I looked at the cage by the window with the green budgie perched (栖息)inside. nThese little birds can be wonderful company when they start chattering/9She laughed. "Yes, but it's a funny thing. Peter never has said that much. I think he's lazy! But I just like having him with me.”“Of course you doj I said, "but he certainly needs attention now.”The beak was greatly overgrown, curving away down till it touched the feathers of the breast. I would be able to revolutionize his life with one quick snip from my clippers. The way I was feeling this job was right up my street.I opened the cage door and slowly inserted my hand."Come on, Peter/ I wheedled (哄骗).As 1 lifted him out, I felt in my pocket with the other hand for the clippers, Then T stopped.The tiny head was no longer poking cheekily from my fingers but had fallen loosely to one side. The eyes were closed. He was dead.Mrs Dodds and I looked at each other in horror. When I turned my head towards Mrs Tompkin, I was surprised to see that she was still nodding and smiling.I drew her neighbor to one side. nMrs Dodds, how much does she see?” "Oh, she's very short-sighted but she's right vain despite her age. Never would she wear glasses. She's hard of hearing, too. nnWell9 look/ I said. My heart was still pounding. nI just don't know what to do. If I tell her about this, the shock will be terrible. Anything could happen. nMrs Dodds nodded, stricken-faced. "Yes, you!re right. She's that attached to the little thing. n注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I decided to do something for her instead of telling her the truth.It was a long time before I went to see how Mrs Tompkin got along with the bird bought for her.该续写的第一段写作思路较为清晰。由该段给出的首句中的do something 和第二段的段首句中的the bird I bought for her可推断出续写第一段主要的 故事情节将围绕“I bought her a new budgie for her ”展开。该段的内容提示 信息明确、写作框架清晰。学生的发挥大都在“新买一只鹦鹉”的范围之 内,几乎没有出现偏、离、怪的故事情节设计C第二段的情节设计则较具有挑战性。学生极易忽视原文的提示从而给 出了过于发散的故事情节和结局。如部分学生在第二段中的设计了 “Mrs. Tompkin得知了她的鹦鹉被换但是仍然接受事实”或“'我,承认欺骗了她, 并向她道歉”等情节,均不符合原文的提示,也背离了故事的主题意义。 有的学生甚至还在结尾还给出了 “要学会接受新事物”的升华总结,更是 离题甚远。实际上,续写第二段的情节设计和结局在原文中有多处伏笔,暗示了 故事的发展和结局。伏笔 1:"He' s my only companionv“These little birds can be wonderful company”伏笔 2:u.when they start chattering."伏笔 3 : “ Peter never has said that much. ”伏笔 4: “ But I just like having him with me.” 伏笔5: “I would be able to revolutionize his life with one quick snip from my clipp ers.”伏笔 6: “Oh, she, s very short-sighted but she' s right vain despite her age. Never would she wear glasses. She, s hard of hearing, too.”伏笔7:“If I tell her about this, the shock will be terrible. Anything could happen.” 伏笔 8: “She' s that attached to the little thing.”续写第二段的段首句中的关键短语“see how Mrs. Tompkin got along with the bird."提示该段的写作重点是“看到的老妇人和鹦鹉相处的状 态”。从原文材料推断和给出的这两个提示句可以推断,这是体现人与人之 间“关爱”主题的故事,需要添加一个温情的结局来使得故事圆满。梳理以上信息,由伏笔1、 4和8可以推断“看到的结果是他们相处 的很好。”由伏笔6和7可以推断“Mrs. Tompkin最终是不知道她的鹦鹉 是一只新买的”。如果把结局写成了 “Mrs. Tompkin知道了真相”那“任 何事都有可能发生”(暗指“后果将会很严重)。”由伏笔2和3可以推 断在第二段中要写到“鹦鹉是有变化的,该变化就是有原来的“寡言少语” 变得喜欢uchatteringvo Mrs. Tompkin和鹦鹉朝夕相处、相依为命,一定 发现了鹦鹉与以前的不同。“我”既不能让其知道真相,又要给出合理的 解释,这个理由就来自原文伏笔5的提示,即“ cutting the beak ”让鹦鹉“重 获新生",“我”作为一名兽医尽到了责任,同时也让Mrs.Tompkin幸福 开心地生活。这样既呼应了原文又体现了作者的睿智和善良,这才是合情 合理的结局。在阅读和赏析原文材料的过程中,关注到原文中的伏笔能够帮助写作者 确定合理的写作思路,在续写文本中将这些伏笔有效精准呼应能够保证故 事的完整性,增强文本的可读性。对于感觉续写无从下手的学生来说,这 种方法不妨一试!