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选择性必修第四册Unitl Understanding ideas教学设计课型Reading主题语境人与社会一良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为论说文。课文通过 夹叙夹议的方式,讲述了美国著名作家Ernest Hemingway和苏格兰著 名作家Arthur Conan Doyle这两位杰出人物不同凡响的故事,论述了他 们是如何在人生的重要时刻做出重大的选择或决定,并坚持不懈、矢志 不渝,最终名闻天下的。读前的导入活动通过请学生完成一份问卷,帮 助学生总结自己过去取得的进步,规划未来的目标。读中活动请学生看 课文标题,预测课文内容。读后通过完成段落匹配并回答问题,分析逻 辑结构和回答开放性问题,帮助学生深入理解课文、赏析课文,探究单 元主题意义。教学目标1引导学生获取课文主要信息,叙述课文中两位作家的成长历程,他们 在成长过程中的不同际遇及代表作。同时,学生结合自己的成长经历, 理解如何“面对未来”;2引导学生感知课文的语篇结构及语言特点,学习和掌握语篇中与话题 相关的表达,并能运用所学表达进行交流;3帮助学生基于课文内容,从两位作家如何憧憬未来、采取行动、面对 现实、做出决定、做出改变等方面进行思考。同时,引导学生结合两位 作家成长故事中可汲取的积极人生态度以及课文中Steve Jobs的名言, 加深对单元主题的认识。教学重点1 .引导学生读懂语篇,理解文段、把握课文结构;2 .引导学生了解夹叙夹议的文体特征。教学难点1 .如何引导学生理解语篇结构,把握文本重要信息;2 .如何引导学生欣赏文学作品,提升他们的文学修养。教学策略“Pre-learning, While-learning, and Post-learning strategy (P-W-P 模式)Teaching contentsProceduresPurposesTeacher's activityStudents9 activityActivity 11. Teacher asks students to read the title and predict what the passage is about.2. Teacher asks students to tick the answer from the 4 choices on page 2 of the text-1. Students read the title quickly, predicting what the passage is about.2. Students choose the correct one from the 4 choices and give their reason(s).1. To enable the students to improve their fast-reading skills.2. To make students have a general understanding of the reading passage.book.Activity 21. Teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and choose the author's purpose in writing the passage.2. Teacher invites some students to share their answers with the class.1. Students read the passage quickly and choose the author's purpose in writing the passage.2. Some students share their answers with the class.To figure out the author's purpose of writing the passage.Activity31. Teacher asks students to read the passage carefully and figure out the main structure of the passage and the main idea of each paragraph.2. Teacher asks students to make a comparison between the two writers and complete the chart in Activity 4.3. Teacher checks the answers with the students.4. Teacher asks students to read the passage again so as to further understand the structure of the passage.5. Teacher invites some students to retell the passage.6. Teacher deals with some of the most important language points, sentence patterns as well as grammatical items7. Teacher ask students to work in pairs, reading the sentences1. Students read the passage carefully and figure out the main structure of the passage and the main idea of each paragraph.2. Students complete the chart in Activity 4, paying attention to the details as well as the similarities.3. Students check the answers with the teacher or their deskmate.4. Students read the passage again to further understand the structure of the passage.5. Some students retell the passage, while others may make comments.6. Students may raise their hands if they have any question to ask the teacher.7. Students work in pairs and read the sentences from the passage and answer1. To figure out the main idea as well as the structure with some details of the passage.2. To enable students to be more familiar with the text.3. To learn something about the figure of speech.from the passage and answer the following 3 questions given in the textbook.8. Teacher tells students more items about what figure of speech is.the following 3 questions given in the textbook.8. Students learn more items about what figure of speech is.Think&Share1. Teacher asks students to read carefully the four questions and get ready fbr the answers.2. Teacher asks students to work in pairs, discussing the answers to the four questions.3. Teacher asks pairs of students to the front to give presentation of this part.1. Students read the four questions carefully and get ready fbr the answers.2. Students work in pairs and discuss the answers to the four questions.3. Pairs of the students are invited to the front of the class, and give presentation, while others make comments.To get students well prepared for their future.