原版英语RAZ 教案(R) Exploring Tide Pools_DS.pdf
www.readinga-ExploringTide PoolsExploringTide PoolsA Reading AZ Level R Leveled BookWord Count:1,617Visit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.Written by Trica Oshant HawkinsLEVELED BOOK RWritten by Trica Oshant HawkinsExploringTide PoolsExploring Tide PoolsLevel R Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Trica Oshant HawkinsIllustrated by Cende HillAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover:Corbis;back cover:Bruce Parrott/123RF;title page,pages 7,9,10,11,12,13,14,21,22:ArtToday;page 4:Chris Cheadle/Alamy;page 5:Andrew J.Martinez/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page 6(Moon):Lick observatory/NASA;page 6(Earth):iS Rysavy;page 8:Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures,page 15:iS 20:Robert Marien/Corbis;page 23:Image Source/Alamywww.readinga-CorrelationLEVEL RN3030Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA2324Sometimes it is a good idea to just stop and closely observe one small area that you find interesting.The longer you look,the more likely you are to see things.Remember that the tide pool is home to many creatures.If you lift up a rock to look for creatures,do so gently.Always put rocks back where you found them.Check with an adult if you want to pick up a tide pool animalsome of them can sting!Put some water in your hand first to keep the animal moist.And always put sea creatures back where you found them.Animals need to stay in their tide pool homes.They dont make good pets and are likely to die if they are removed from the tide pool.Glossaryadapted changed or shaped to work in a certain situation(p.10)algae plant-like organisms,including seaweed(p.21)gravity the force that pulls things toward very large objects(p.5)intertidal zone the zone between the highest tide level and the lowest tide level(p.7)invertebrates animals without backbones(p.16)mobile can move around(p.11)neap tides the smallest tides of the month that happen when the sun and moon pull against each other(p.6)predators animals that hunt and eat other animals(p.9)rotation spinning(p.6)spring tides the greatest tides of the month that happen when the sun and moon line up(p.6)substrate the material that tide pools animals attach themselves to or live in,usually rocks or sand(p.8)Be careful handling tide pool animals.Exploring Tide Pools Level RWritten by Trica Oshant HawkinsExploringTide PoolsExploring Tide PoolsLevel R Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Trica Oshant HawkinsIllustrated by Cende HillAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover:Corbis;back cover:Bruce Parrott/123RF;title page,pages 7,9,10,11,12,13,14,21,22:ArtToday;page 4:Chris Cheadle/Alamy;page 5:Andrew J.Martinez/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page 6(Moon):Lick observatory/NASA;page 6(Earth):iS Rysavy;page 8:Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures,page 15:iS 20:Robert Marien/Corbis;page 23:Image Source/Alamywww.readinga-CorrelationLEVEL RN3030Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA2324Sometimes it is a good idea to just stop and closely observe one small area that you find interesting.The longer you look,the more likely you are to see things.Remember that the tide pool is home to many creatures.If you lift up a rock to look for creatures,do so gently.Always put rocks back where you found them.Check with an adult if you want to pick up a tide pool animalsome of them can sting!Put some water in your hand first to keep the animal moist.And always put sea creatures back where you found them.Animals need to stay in their tide pool homes.They dont make good pets and are likely to die if they are removed from the tide pool.Glossaryadapted changed or shaped to work in a certain situation(p.10)algae plant-like organisms,including seaweed(p.21)gravity the force that pulls things toward very large objects(p.5)intertidal zone the zone between the highest tide level and the lowest tide level(p.7)invertebrates animals without backbones(p.16)mobile can move around(p.11)neap tides the smallest tides of the month that happen when the sun and moon pull against each other(p.6)predators animals that hunt and eat other animals(p.9)rotation spinning(p.6)spring tides the greatest tides of the month that happen when the sun and moon line up(p.6)substrate the material that tide pools animals attach themselves to or live in,usually rocks or sand(p.8)Be careful handling tide pool animals.Exploring Tide Pools Level R2122Land AnimalsMany land animals also visit tide pools.The shallow water in tide pools makes it easy for these animals to find and eat sea creatures.Many birds,including seagulls and ravens,eat oysters,mussels,and fish.Mammals such as raccoons and monkeys can scoop up animals and eat them.Plantlike OrganismsThere are also many plantlike organisms in tide pools.Most of these belong to a group called marine algae.They are also known as seaweed.There are many different types of seaweed,but only some of them are found in tide pools.Seaweed provides good hiding places for animals.It also provides a substrate to which some animals attach themselves or their eggs.Exploring Tide PoolsTide pools are fun to explore.They are like an aquarium full of sea creatures.If you ever go to the ocean,find a place where there are tide pools.The best places to find tide pools are rocky shores.Pay attention to the rising and falling of the tides.Usually newspapers near the oceans publish the times and heights of the tides.Remember,the lower the tide,the more you are likely to see.When you find a tide pool to explore,there are some things you can do to help you see more creatures.It is best to move slowly and gently to avoid stepping on or crushing animals.Tide pools are full of fascinating creatures.Marine algae,or seaweedA shorebird eating a shellfishExploring Tide Pools Level R34Table of ContentsWhat Are Tide Pools?.4What Causes Tides?.5The Intertidal Zone.7What Is Life Like in a Tide Pool?.8Drying Out.12Eating and Being Eaten .14What Lives in Tide Pools?.16 Invertebrates .16 Fish.20 Land Animals.21 Plantlike Organisms .21Exploring Tide Pools.22Glossary .24What Are Tide Pools?The tide is the rising and falling of the ocean where it meets the land.The tide rises and falls twice each day.In some areas,little pools of seawater are left behind when the tide goes out.These are tide pools.Most tide pools are found in low areas along rocky shorelines.You might also find small tide pools on sandy beaches.Any place along the shoreline that traps water creates a tide pool.Tide pools are full of sea life.Exploring Tide Pools Level R34Table of ContentsWhat Are Tide Pools?.4What Causes Tides?.5The Intertidal Zone.7What Is Life Like in a Tide Pool?.8Drying Out.12Eating and Being Eaten .14What Lives in Tide Pools?.16 Invertebrates .16 Fish.20 Land Animals.21 Plantlike Organisms .21Exploring Tide Pools.22Glossary .24What Are Tide Pools?The tide is the rising and falling of the ocean where it meets the land.The tide rises and falls twice each day.In some areas,little pools of seawater are left behind when the tide goes out.These are tide pools.Most tide pools are found in low areas along rocky shorelines.You might also find small tide pools on sandy beaches.Any place along the shoreline that traps water creates a tide pool.Tide pools are full of sea life.Exploring Tide Pools Level R2122Land AnimalsMany land animals also visit tide pools.The shallow water in tide pools makes it easy for these animals to find and eat sea creatures.Many birds,including seagulls and ravens,eat oysters,mussels,and fish.Mammals such as raccoons and monkeys can scoop up animals and eat them.Plantlike OrganismsThere are also many plantlike organisms in tide pools.Most of these belong to a group called marine algae.They are also known as seaweed.There are many different types of seaweed,but only some of them are found in tide pools.Seaweed provides good hiding places for animals.It also provides a substrate to which some animals attach themselves or their eggs.Exploring Tide PoolsTide pools are fun to explore.They are like an aquarium full of sea creatures.If you ever go to the ocean,find a place where there are tide pools.The best places to find tide pools are rocky shores.Pay attention to the rising and falling of the tides.Usually newspapers near the oceans publish the times and heights of the tides.Remember,the lower the tide,the more you are likely to see.When you find a tide pool to explore,there are some things you can do to help you see more creatures.It is best to move slowly and gently to avoid stepping on or crushing animals.Tide pools are full of fascinating creatures.Marine algae,or seaweedA shorebird eating a shellfishExploring Tide Pools Level R1920FishAnother group of animals commonly found in tide pools is fish,which do have backbones.There are many types of fish that are adapted to life in the tide pools.Since tide pools are small compared to the ocean,fish that live in them are usually small.Other fish accidentally get trapped in tide pools when the tide goes out.These fish are not used to living in such a small space.They wait until the tide returns to swim off in the open sea.BarnaclesStationary;hard shells stuck to rockSegmented legsShrimp,crabs,and lobsters Segmented legs and bodies Hard outer shells MobileA kelpfish in a tide poolExploring Tide Pools Level R56What Causes Tides?The tides are caused by the force of gravity.The sun and moon have strong gravity that pulls on Earth.This gravity pulls on both land and water.But only the water can move in response to gravity.When the sun and moon pull on Earth,they pull the ocean water into two mounds.The rotation,or spin,of Earth causes the rising and falling of the tides.As land areas move into and out of where the water is in mounds,the tides slowly rise and fall.Since Earth makes one full rotation each day,there are two high tides and two low tides every 24 hours.The moon also moves around Earth,and this movement affects the tides.Twice each month,the moon and sun line up.They pull on the ocean water together.Their combined gravity causes higher mounds of water,creating the highest and lowest tides of the month.These tides are called spring tides.At other times,the sun and moon pull against each other.At these times,the high tides are not as high,and the low tides are not as low.These are called neap(neep)tides.EarthEarthMoonSunMoonSunSpring TidesNeap TidesVery high tideSun and moon pull together and cause very high and low tides.Sun and moon pull against each other and make smaller tides.Very low tideGravitational pullGravitational pullA dock with boats at high tide(top),and the same dock at low tide(bottom)Exploring Tide Pools Level R56What Causes Tides?The tides are caused by the force of gravity.The sun and moon have strong gravity that pulls on Earth.This gravity pulls on both land and water.But only the water can move in response to gravity.When the sun and moon pull on Earth,they pull the ocean water into two mounds.The rotation,or spin,of Earth causes the rising and falling of the tides.As land areas move into and out of where the water is in mounds,the tides slowly rise and fall.Since Earth makes one full rotation each day,there are two high tides and two low tides every 24 hours.The moon also moves around Earth,and this movement affects the tides.Twice each month,the moon and sun line up.They pull on the ocean water together.Their combined gravity causes higher mounds of water,creating the highest and lowest tides of the month.These tides are called spring tides.At other times,the sun and moon pull against each other.At these times,the high tides are not as high,and the low tides are not as low.These are called neap(neep)tides.EarthEarthMoonSunMoonSunSpring TidesNeap TidesVery high tideSun and moon pull together and cause very high and low tides.Sun and moon pull against each other and make smaller tides.Very low tideGravitational pullGravitational pullA dock with boats at high tide(top),and the same dock at low tide(bottom)Exploring Tide Pools Level R1920FishAnother group of animals commonly found in tide pools is fish,which do have backbones.There are many types of fish that are adapted to life in the tide pools.Since tide pools are small compared to the ocean,fish that live in them are usually small.Other fish accidentally get trapped in tide pools when the tide goes out.These fish are not used to living in such a small space.They wait until the tide returns to swim off in the open sea.BarnaclesStationary;hard shells stuck to rockSegmented legsShrimp,crabs,and lobsters Segmented legs and bodies Hard outer shells MobileA kelpfish in a tide poolExploring Tide Pools Level R1718 CoralsHard skeletons or shellsSoft bodies with tentaclesStationaryAnemones Flower-shaped bodies Tentacles with stinging cells Usually,but not always,stationaryJellyfishBell or dome-shaped bodiesLong tentacles with stinging cellsMobileSea stars,sea urchins,and sand dollars Spiny skin Bodies with sections arranged in a circle Can move slowlySnails and slugsSoft bodiesCrawl on single“foot”Clams and oysters Soft bodies Hard,two-sided shells Usually stationary,but can move in an emergencyOctopiSoft bodiesHard beaksEight armsSwim very fastExploring Tide Pools Level R78The Intertidal ZoneThe area along the shore between high tide and low tide is the intertidal zone.This area is covered by seawater during high tide and exposed to air during low tide.The area closest to the sea is only exposed to the air during the very lowest tides.The area farthest from the sea is only covered by water during the highest tides.Different creatures live in different parts of the intertidal zone,depending on whether they need air or water.What Is Life Like in a Tide Pool?Tide pools are full of sea life.You can see these creatures when the tide goes out.Usually,the more places there are for animals to hide or attach themselves,the more animals you will find in a tide pool.The tide pools with the most animals usually occur in rocky areas.The material the animals live in or attach themselves to is called the substrate.In tide pools,the substrate is usually rocks or sand.Low tideHigh tideThe arrows point to the edges of the intertidal zone.A sea star hanging around in a tide poolExploring Tide Pools Level R78The Intertidal ZoneThe area along the shore between high tide and low tide is the intertidal zone.This area is covered by seawater during high tide and exposed to air during low tide.The area closest to the sea is only exposed to the air during the very lowest tides.The area farthest from the sea is only covered by water during the highest tides.Different creatures live in different parts of the intertidal zone,depending on whether they need air or water.What Is Life Like in a Tide Pool?Tide pools are full of sea life.You can see these creatures when the tide goes out.Usually,the more places there are for animals to hide or attach themselves,the more animals you will find in a tide pool.The tide pools with the most animals usually occur in rocky areas.The material the animals live in or attach themselves to is called the substrate.In tide poo