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Mysterious CavesA Reading AZ Level V Leveled BookWord Count:2,003Visit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.www.readinga-LEVELED BOOK VWritten by Terry Miller ShannonMysterious Caves Written by Terry Miller Shannonwww.readinga-Mysterious CavesLevel V Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Terry Miller ShannonAll rights reserved.www.readinga-CorrelationLEVEL VR4040Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRAMysterious Caves Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover,title page,pages 4,5,6:Carsten Peter/National Geographic Stock;pages 3,7,18(main):Stephen Alvarez/National Geographic Stock;page 8:Wayne Scherr/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page 9:Patrick McFeeley/National Geographic Stock;page 10:Gary B./Alamy Images;page 11:Alaska Stock Images/National Geographic Stock;page 12:Blaine Harrington III/Corbis;page 13:Michael Thompson/D;page 14(top):Rob Francis/Alamy Images;page 14(center):iS Jolly;pages 14(bottom),22,23:Michael Nichols/National Geographic Stock;pages 15(all),18(inset):Dante Fenolio/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page 16:Corbis;page 17(top):Sisse Brimberg/National Geographic Stock;page 17(bottom):iS Crowley;page 19:Gerrit Vyn/Animals Animals/age fotostock;page 20:Javier Trueba/MSF/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page 21:Aurora Photos/Alamy ImagesMysterious Caves Level V2324Glossary chambers(n.)a room or other enclosed space,either natural or artificial(p.8)collapsed(adj.)fallen apart or fallen down(p.5)column(n.)a pillar on a building;a cave formation created when the gap between a stalactite and a stalagmite closes(p.13)drapery(n.)a curtain;a cave formation in the shape of a thin sheet that hangs from the cave wall or ceiling(p.14)erosion(n.)the gradual wearing away of rock or soil by water,wind,or ice(p.10)formations(n.)something that is shaped,formed or created(p.4)lava tube(n.)a cave formed when the outside of a lava flow cools and hardens while the still-molten interior flows away(p.9)passageways(n.)narrow tunnels,halls,paths,alleys,or routes to get from one place to another(p.20)primary cave(n.)a cave formed when new rock is created with a hollow space inside(p.9)spelunkers(n.)people who explore caves(p.4)stalactite(n.)a pointy rock formation that hangs down from the ceiling of a cave (p.13)stalagmite(n.)a pointy rock formation that sticks up from a cave floor(p.13)ConclusionThe world of caves is fascinating.Where else on Earth can you find unexplored land,discover otherworldly formations,and see artwork from thousands of years ago?As long as we treat them respectfully,we can continue to experience the wonder of caves indefinitely.An explorer climbing a flowstone formation inside the Ultra Primo Chamber of Lechuguilla Cave,in Carlsbad Caverns Park,New MexicoWritten by Terry Miller Shannonwww.readinga-Mysterious CavesLevel V Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Terry Miller ShannonAll rights reserved.www.readinga-CorrelationLEVEL VR4040Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRAMysterious Caves Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover,title page,pages 4,5,6:Carsten Peter/National Geographic Stock;pages 3,7,18(main):Stephen Alvarez/National Geographic Stock;page 8:Wayne Scherr/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page 9:Patrick McFeeley/National Geographic Stock;page 10:Gary B./Alamy Images;page 11:Alaska Stock Images/National Geographic Stock;page 12:Blaine Harrington III/Corbis;page 13:Michael Thompson/D;page 14(top):Rob Francis/Alamy Images;page 14(center):iS Jolly;pages 14(bottom),22,23:Michael Nichols/National Geographic Stock;pages 15(all),18(inset):Dante Fenolio/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page 16:Corbis;page 17(top):Sisse Brimberg/National Geographic Stock;page 17(bottom):iS Crowley;page 19:Gerrit Vyn/Animals Animals/age fotostock;page 20:Javier Trueba/MSF/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page 21:Aurora Photos/Alamy ImagesMysterious Caves Level V2324Glossary chambers(n.)a room or other enclosed space,either natural or artificial(p.8)collapsed(adj.)fallen apart or fallen down(p.5)column(n.)a pillar on a building;a cave formation created when the gap between a stalactite and a stalagmite closes(p.13)drapery(n.)a curtain;a cave formation in the shape of a thin sheet that hangs from the cave wall or ceiling(p.14)erosion(n.)the gradual wearing away of rock or soil by water,wind,or ice(p.10)formations(n.)something that is shaped,formed or created(p.4)lava tube(n.)a cave formed when the outside of a lava flow cools and hardens while the still-molten interior flows away(p.9)passageways(n.)narrow tunnels,halls,paths,alleys,or routes to get from one place to another(p.20)primary cave(n.)a cave formed when new rock is created with a hollow space inside(p.9)spelunkers(n.)people who explore caves(p.4)stalactite(n.)a pointy rock formation that hangs down from the ceiling of a cave (p.13)stalagmite(n.)a pointy rock formation that sticks up from a cave floor(p.13)ConclusionThe world of caves is fascinating.Where else on Earth can you find unexplored land,discover otherworldly formations,and see artwork from thousands of years ago?As long as we treat them respectfully,we can continue to experience the wonder of caves indefinitely.An explorer climbing a flowstone formation inside the Ultra Primo Chamber of Lechuguilla Cave,in Carlsbad Caverns Park,New MexicoMysterious Caves Level V2122A cave is exciting,but it can definitely be dangerous.It is easy to get lost in the twisting,pitch-black tunnels or trapped in a narrow space.Cave floors can be steep and rocky,or slick with mud.It takes the skills of a hardy rock climber to explore many caves.Cave formations can be extremely delicate.Thoughtless cave visitors have broken off stalactite tips as souvenirs,destroying in a second something that may have taken 40,000 years to form.If you ever plan to visit a cave,take a guided tour.The guide can explain the many wonders of the cave and keep both you and the formations safe.Exploring CavesWhy do spelunkers go into caves?Some do it for the thrill of physically challenging themselves by climbing down ropes,crawling through tiny tunnels,or scuba diving in underground caverns.Scientists enter caves to learn more about Earth.Experienced cave explorers equip themselves with helmets,flashlights,warm clothing,rope,and kneepads.As the spelunkers go deeper,they may have to wriggle through tiny tunnels.They may wade through underground pools or rivers.In the cave,they hear water drip-drip-dripping,but no other sound.The only light is the glow of their flashlights.Safety equipment,lights,and proper climbing gear are a must on any cave exploration.Lacey sprays of gypsum crystals are found only in the Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns Park,New Mexico.34Mysterious Caves Level V Table of ContentsA New Underground World.4What Are Caves?.7Types of Caves.8Inside Caves.12Cave Inhabitants.15Famous Caves.20Exploring Caves.21Conclusion.23Glossary.24A New Underground WorldIn 2009,a team of British cave explorers traveled to Vietnam.Vietnam is a long,narrow country that borders a portion of the South China Sea.It has many beautiful bays,large rock formations,forests,and rivers.These cave explorers,or spelunkers (spee-LUNK-ers),had already visited several large caves in the area.But this time,they were exploring a cave that was brand new to science.Only a local farmer,Ho Khanh,knew its location,and he had led them to the jungle-covered opening.They went in and walked for miles,into nothing but total darkness.British cave explorers are dwarfed by a gigantic flowstone column deep inside a Vietnamese cave.VietnamCambodiaChinaThailandSouth ChinaSeaN34Mysterious Caves Level V Table of ContentsA New Underground World.4What Are Caves?.7Types of Caves.8Inside Caves.12Cave Inhabitants.15Famous Caves.20Exploring Caves.21Conclusion.23Glossary.24A New Underground WorldIn 2009,a team of British cave explorers traveled to Vietnam.Vietnam is a long,narrow country that borders a portion of the South China Sea.It has many beautiful bays,large rock formations,forests,and rivers.These cave explorers,or spelunkers (spee-LUNK-ers),had already visited several large caves in the area.But this time,they were exploring a cave that was brand new to science.Only a local farmer,Ho Khanh,knew its location,and he had led them to the jungle-covered opening.They went in and walked for miles,into nothing but total darkness.British cave explorers are dwarfed by a gigantic flowstone column deep inside a Vietnamese cave.VietnamCambodiaChinaThailandSouth ChinaSeaNMysterious Caves Level V2122A cave is exciting,but it can definitely be dangerous.It is easy to get lost in the twisting,pitch-black tunnels or trapped in a narrow space.Cave floors can be steep and rocky,or slick with mud.It takes the skills of a hardy rock climber to explore many caves.Cave formations can be extremely delicate.Thoughtless cave visitors have broken off stalactite tips as souvenirs,destroying in a second something that may have taken 40,000 years to form.If you ever plan to visit a cave,take a guided tour.The guide can explain the many wonders of the cave and keep both you and the formations safe.Exploring CavesWhy do spelunkers go into caves?Some do it for the thrill of physically challenging themselves by climbing down ropes,crawling through tiny tunnels,or scuba diving in underground caverns.Scientists enter caves to learn more about Earth.Experienced cave explorers equip themselves with helmets,flashlights,warm clothing,rope,and kneepads.As the spelunkers go deeper,they may have to wriggle through tiny tunnels.They may wade through underground pools or rivers.In the cave,they hear water drip-drip-dripping,but no other sound.The only light is the glow of their flashlights.Safety equipment,lights,and proper climbing gear are a must on any cave exploration.Lacey sprays of gypsum crystals are found only in the Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns Park,New Mexico.Mysterious Caves Level V1920Famous CavesCaves throughout the world are famous for their outstanding features.The Cave of Crystals in Mexico contains rooms full of gigantic sparkling crystalsthe largest ever found.Some are 10 meters(33 ft)long!Mammoth Cave in Kentucky contains more than 480 kilometers(300 mi)of passageways,making it the largest known cave system in the world.The deepest cave found is Krubera Cave in the Eastern European nation of Georgia.It is over 2,000 meters(7,000 ft)deep,and spelunkers arent done exploring!One of the most world-famous caves is the Chauvet(shaw-VAY)Cave in France.Discovered in 1994,it contains over 300 of the worlds oldest paintings.Dated as approximately 30,000 years old,the paintings include horses,lions,and bears.Cave visitors first spotted the problem in 2006 outside Albany,New York.Bats there had a strange white fuzz around their mouths and noses.Instead of hibernating,they woke up and flew out of the cave.Waking up during winter is dangerous.Without food,the bats starve or freeze.Scientists call this condition White Nose Syndrome.Since 2006,it has spread across the entire eastern United States.White Nose Syndrome can kill over 90 percent of the hibernating bats in a cave in a single winter.Scientists have identified a fungus that causes White Nose Syndrome,but they dont know how to cure it.Some scientists fear that even common types of bats may soon go extinct.They urge cave explorers to stay away from caves with bats in order to keep the fungus from spreading.Bats with White Nose Syndrome Geologist studying the largest known crystals in the worldMysterious Caves Level V56Suddenly,they saw light.A shaft of sunlight was cutting through the darkness ahead of them.As they moved closer,they could tell that part of the cave roof had collapsed long ago,leaving a hole that let in this patch of sunlight.The sunlight revealed the rooms amazing size.They soon realized that they stood in the biggest cave room known to exist.One single area of the room was over 90 meters(300 ft)wide,180 meters(600 ft)high,and over 4 kilometers (2.5 mi)long.An entire city block of 40-story buildings could fit inside.This cave,called Hang Son Doong,or Mountain River Cave,is enormous.Where the roof collapsed,letting in sunlight and rain,dense hidden jungles grow.There is also a 60-meter(200-ft)cliff they named the“Great Wall of Vietnam.”The cliff stopped the cavers at first.They returned with equipment to scale the cliff,and continued their journey into the interior.This cave is the biggest yet found,but it may not be the biggest in the world.Adventurous explorers find new caves every year.In this book,you will learn about caves.You will read about how they form,the unusual formations and living things within them,and other caves that are just as wondrous as Hang Son Doong.A shaft of sunlight helps explorers ready to climb up the cave cliff called the Great Wall of Vietnam.The entrance to the massive Hang Son Doong cave was hidden by dense jungle.Mysterious Caves Level V56Suddenly,they saw light.A shaft of sunlight was cutting through the darkness ahead of them.As they moved closer,they could tell that part of the cave roof had collapsed long ago,leaving a hole that let in this patch of sunlight.The sunlight revealed the rooms amazing size.They soon realized that they stood in the biggest cave room known to exist.One single area of the room was over 90 meters(300 ft)wide,180 meters(600 ft)high,and over 4 kilometers (2.5 mi)long.An entire city block of 40-story buildings could fit inside.This cave,called Hang Son Doong,or Mountain River Cave,is enormous.Where the roof collapsed,letting in sunlight and rain,dense hidden jungles grow.There is also a 60-meter(200-ft)cliff they named the“Great Wall of Vietnam.”The cliff stopped the cavers at first.They returned with equipment to scale the cliff,and continued their journey into the interior.This cave is the biggest yet found,but it may not be the biggest in the world.Adventurous explorers find new caves every year.In this book,you will learn about caves.You will read about how they form,the unusual formations and living things within them,and other caves that are just as wondrous as Hang Son Doong.A shaft of sunlight helps explorers ready to climb up the cave cliff called the Great Wall of Vietnam.The entrance to the massive Hang Son Doong cave was hidden by dense jungle.Mysterious Caves Level V1920Famous CavesCaves throughout the world are famous for their outstanding features.The Cave of Crystals in Mexico contains rooms full of gigantic sparkling crystalsthe largest ever found.Some are 10 meters(33 ft)long!Mammoth Cave in Kentucky contains more than 480 kilometers(300 mi)of passageways,making it the largest known cave system in the world.The deepest cave found is Krubera Cave in the Eastern European nation of Georgia.It is over 2,000 meters(7,000 ft)deep,and spelunkers arent done exploring!One of the most world-famous caves is the Chauvet(shaw-VAY)Cave in France.Discovered in 1994,it contains over 300 of the worlds oldest paintings.Dated as approximately 30,000 years old,the paintings include horses,lions,and bears.Cave visitors first spotted the problem in