原版英语RAZ 教案K04-Migrating Geese (3).pdf
LEVELED BOOK Kwww.readinga-Written by Veronica Angel Illustrated by Maria VorisMigrating GeeseA Reading AZ Level K Leveled Book Word Count:400Visit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.CorrelationLEVEL KJ1718Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRAWritten by Veronica AngelIllustrated by Maria Voriswww.readinga-Migrating GeeseLevel K Leveled Book Learning AZ Written by Veronica Angel Illustrated by Maria VorisAll rights reserved.www.readinga-When the days get shorter,the geese fly south.When the temperatures get colder,the geese fly south.When the leaves fall from the trees,the geese fly south.3It is fall,and winter will soon arrive.The land will be covered with snow and ice.4Migrating Geese Level KWhen the days get shorter,the geese fly south.When the temperatures get colder,the geese fly south.When the leaves fall from the trees,the geese fly south.3It is fall,and winter will soon arrive.The land will be covered with snow and ice.4Migrating Geese Level KThe geese fly south in groups called flocks.They go to a warmer place.They take to the sky,and they get into formations shaped like the letter V.They head for a warmer place.They are migrating.5Flying in a V-formation helps the geese to fly long distances.The V-formation makes it easier for the geese to move through the air.They can cut through the air like a knife.6Migrating Geese Level KThe geese fly south in groups called flocks.They go to a warmer place.They take to the sky,and they get into formations shaped like the letter V.They head for a warmer place.They are migrating.5Flying in a V-formation helps the geese to fly long distances.The V-formation makes it easier for the geese to move through the air.They can cut through the air like a knife.6Migrating Geese Level KThe goose in the front of the formation has to work the hardest.The geese take turns flying in the front.When the goose in front gets tired,a goose from the back takes its place.This is how geese in a flock work together.78Sometimes a goose in a flock gets injured and has to stay behind.Another goose stays behind with the injured goose.It stays until the injured goose gets better.Migrating Geese Level KThe goose in the front of the formation has to work the hardest.The geese take turns flying in the front.When the goose in front gets tired,a goose from the back takes its place.This is how geese in a flock work together.78Sometimes a goose in a flock gets injured and has to stay behind.Another goose stays behind with the injured goose.It stays until the injured goose gets better.Migrating Geese Level K9When the injured goose gets better,it continues to migrate.The other goose that stayed behind migrates,too.10Geese are like a family.They take care of each other.If one goose needs help or is in danger,other geese are there to help.Migrating Geese Level K9When the injured goose gets better,it continues to migrate.The other goose that stayed behind migrates,too.10Geese are like a family.They take care of each other.If one goose needs help or is in danger,other geese are there to help.Migrating Geese Level KThe migrating geese find a warmer place.They find a place where lakes and rivers are not frozen.They find a place where the land is not covered with snow.They find a place where there is plenty of food to eat.11They stay until the days in the north begin to get longer once again.They stay until the temperatures in the north get warmer once again.They stay until the trees in the north begin to leaf out and the grass begins to grow.12Migrating Geese Level KThe migrating geese find a warmer place.They find a place where lakes and rivers are not frozen.They find a place where the land is not covered with snow.They find a place where there is plenty of food to eat.11They stay until the days in the north begin to get longer once again.They stay until the temperatures in the north get warmer once again.They stay until the trees in the north begin to leaf out and the grass begins to grow.12Migrating Geese Level KOnce again it is time to migrate.But this time the geese fly north.It is spring.13In the north,the snow and the ice have melted.Food is plentiful,and spring has arrived.14Migrating Geese Level KOnce again it is time to migrate.But this time the geese fly north.It is spring.13In the north,the snow and the ice have melted.Food is plentiful,and spring has arrived.14Migrating Geese Level KThe geese mate and build a nest.The female lays eggs.Soon there will be baby geese.15The baby geese have hatched.They are called goslings.Their parents will care for them and teach them to fly.Soon it will be time to migrate again.16Migrating Geese Level KThe geese mate and build a nest.The female lays eggs.Soon there will be baby geese.15The baby geese have hatched.They are called goslings.Their parents will care for them and teach them to fly.Soon it will be time to migrate again.16Migrating Geese Level KCorrelationLEVEL KJ1718Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRAWritten by Veronica AngelIllustrated by Maria Voriswww.readinga-Migrating GeeseLevel K Leveled Book Learning AZ Written by Veronica Angel Illustrated by Maria VorisAll rights reserved.www.readinga-LEVELED BOOK Kwww.readinga-Written by Veronica Angel Illustrated by Maria VorisMigrating GeeseA Reading AZ Level K Leveled Book Word Count:400Visit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.