Hidden Strike《狂怒沙暴(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx
石油大战加居U,中国缘泰石油公♥司♥After surviving relentless attacks from mercenary forces设于中东的炼油厂员工in the escalating oil wars,饱受佣兵劫烈攻击,虽然活着sources tell us that pleas have finally been answered但是遭到包围消息指出他们总算能如愿for the besieged employees of Yutime Chinese oil refinery in the Middle East.缘泰石油的营运主任程教授Professor Cheng, Yutimers Director of Operations,告诉我们中国一支私人保全部队tells us that a private security team from China has volunteered自愿进行这项危险任务to carry out the high-risk mission of extracting her trapped oil workers,救出命在旦夕的受困炼油厂员工who are facing certain death,并护送他们到安全区and escorting them to the safety of the Green Zone.罗队长Commander Luo,接近降落区了we're approaching the LZ.收到,机长Copy, Captain.是罗队长吗?-是Dragon Luo. - Yes.我是这儿的总工程师程颖Professor Cheng, head of Yutime Oil.教授娇好Hello, professor.感谢你们及时赶过来Thank you for coming to rescue us.先让我们了解一下这边的情况好的,请跟我来Can you bring me up to speed?卸装备,你们两个跟我来Of course, follow me. - HaiMing, unload.是,大家快点You two, follow me. Hurry up.是!Yes, sir.我们现在只能躲在厂区桂,出不去是!Yes, sir.开车Move out.抓稳啦You hold tight.好动身pilot Okay, let*s go.罗队长Commander Luo,直升机群朝安全区前进the helicopters are pushing ahead to the Green Zone.你现在得靠自己了You're on your own now.无线电测试,一号♥Radio check one.Two check.二号♥,正常三号♥,正常Three check.四号♥,正常Four check.五号♥,正常Five check.六号♥,正常Six check.七号♥,正常Seven check.八号♥,正常Eight check.九号♥,正常Nine check.十号♥,正常Ten check.11 号♥,正常Eleven check.女尔不能一直站着You can't stand the whole way.路上颠簸,危险啊Road's bumpy, it*s dangerous.我没事儿I'm fine.妫邯虫比妫1妈还倔More stubborn than your mom.原来你还记得她啊?So you still remember her?死亡高速公路The Highway of Death.还真是很凄凉It looks so tragic.当年这边打仗死了很多人A lot of people died here during the war.到现在还不太平It's still dangerous here.放心,没事Don't worry, well be okay.留意两边Watch the sides.准备再出发Prepare yourselves.坐下吧Please sit down.安全带Seatbelt please.前面是雷区耶There's a minefield ahead.看到他们了!I can see them coming!我知道,放心I know. Don't worry.团体保持队形,注意安全Stay in formation. Be careful.你干什麽?What are you doing?这边没有地雷There's no mines there.看见了吗?You see?这都是陷阱It's all a trap.他们都把女尔引过去They want to lure you in力尔认为安全的地方,随时要娇的命somewhere you think is safe and take your life.小玫Mei,这次来,我是来保护女尔的I'm here to protect you.你只是为了逞强,不是为了我You are here to be a hero not for me,你是为了他们but for them.撤退的名单上面有娇的名字Your name was on the evacuation list.所以呢?So,你带着你的人,大老远地来救我you brought your team all the way here to save me是想让我原谅你吗?just for my forgiveness?告诉你,不可能It's not gonna happen.你当初伤害了我妈You broke my mom's heart.也伤透了我的心And mine as well.我不可能原谅你I'll never forgive you.当初是女尔妈带夕尔离开我的It was your mom who took you away from me.那是因为你从来没有在乎过我们That's just because you never cared about us.那个时候我妈躺在医院狸My mom was lying there in the hospital,她病重成那样she couldn't get out of bed你都从来没有去医院看过她一眼but you never bothered to visit her, not even once.你怎麽那麽狠心呢?How could you be so cruel?我那个时候执行机密的任务I was on a top secret mission.国家需要我Our country needed me.国家需要你?Our country needed you?是Right.那我呢?What about me?我那个时候才多大?I was so little.我妈躺在医院狸她都需要你,我们也需要你Mom was in the hospital, she needed you more. 可是你为我们做了什麽?But what have you done for us?作为这狸的工程师As an engineer here,我很感谢你I'm grateful for you.但是作为女儿But as your daughter,没什麽好谈的there's nothing left to say.罗队长J点钟方向Dragon, on your one o'clock.所有队员注意Attention, everybody.前面有沙尘暴There's a sandstorm up ahead.齐芯QiXing,didn*t you say the weather was clear?力尔不是说天气没问题吗?I've been keeping an eye on the data.我一直盯着资料显示It shows the chance of a sandstorm here is zero. 这狸出现沙尘暴的机率为零If we don't keep going, we'll miss our window. 我们要在规定的时间到达安全区Jing and Yan, close the hatches.金和李妍,下来关窗We need to get through as fast as possible.我们要用最快的速度冲过去这个沙尘暴很不寻常耶This sandstorm is very unusual.海明HaiMing.海明?HaiMing?海明,收至u吗?HaiMing, do you copy?我也收不到I don't copy either.沉伟ShenWei?李妍Yan?奇瓯都失灵了Strange; there is no signal.喂,那个是Hey, is that-什麽?What?哈?Huh?没什麽,我可能看错了Nothing. I thought I saw something.可能接近目标了Should be close to the target.你看到什麽?Tell me what you see.在那桂There it is.我们的目标,还有她的四名重要下属Our objective plus four of her core crew.牙籁、古墓奇兵,攻击“X车鬼画符,抓了人就走,大家上Toothpick, Tomb Raider, we*re on the X.Scribblehead, extract and drop. Let's go.我叫诺克斯My name is Knox.(无讯号♥)怎麽会有这麽强的干扰?How is it causing so much interference?继续开,回大路Get back on the main road.玩够了吗?You having fun yet?保持警觉就好Just keep your head on a swivel.所有人趴下!Everybody down!Nobody move!谁都不准动!趴下!On the ground!You, got a hearing problem?你耳朵有问题吗?gruntOn the floor, don't move!趴下,不准动!趴下!On the ground!All clear. Lane secure.全部制♥服♥j道路畅通趴下!Down, down, get down.你想死吗?You, wanna die?趴下!不准动!On the floor! Don*t move.怎麽回事?Where are they going?奇怪Strange.沉伟ShenWei?Yan, HaiMing?李妍、海明Does anyone copy?有人收到吗?集♥合♥!Gather round!快点Hurry up!为什麽都不回话呢?Why isn't anyone answering?刚才他们的通讯设备全部都失灵了Our comms went completely down just now.你们都失灵了吗?What about you guys?刚刚收不到,没有讯号♥There's nothing. No signal.车都到齐了吗?Are all the buses here?我刚刚看到八号♥车离队了I saw bus eight leave the convoy.上哪儿去了?Where did it go?东边East.李妍呢?-11号♥车也不见了Where is Yan? - Bus 11 is gone too.你怎麽搞的啊?What's wrong with you?沙尘暴狸走丢了两辆巴士You lost two entire buses in a sandstorm.这不是自然的现象That storm is not natural.快点!走!Hurry up, hurry up, go!过去,走!Go. Go.他们是第七区的武装部队?Hey, these the guys that armed Area Seven?对啊,怎样?-这些人?Yeah, why? - These guys?不然坏人应该长怎样?What's a criminal supposed to look like, bro; huh?还记得伤寒玛丽吗?You remember Typhoid Mary?她害死100个人She killed like a 100 people.对,她只是厨师Yeah, she was just a cook.搞定啦!We got it!罗队长!Dragon!阿齐机长,两辆车失踪Captain Azir, we lost two buses.这狸需要两架直升机We need both helicopters here.收至力队长Copy, Commander.我们绕回去We are circling back.好Okay.你的飞机马上到好Take the second helicopter. - Okay.妫:跟我走-去哪?Follow me. - Where?女尔对这片沙漠比较熟You're familiar with this desert.环境调查不是女尔的本职吗?Isn't this part of your job?对Yeah,我之前跟程教授对这一带进行过勘测,所以I have surveyed this area with Professor Cheng before. 我需要烁帮忙找回两台巴士Why?I need your help finding the missing buses.我I.放心,我会保护好Don't worry, I will protect you.沙尘暴散了It's breaking up.这片峡谷不会有沙尘暴This doesn't happen in the canyons.你看!Look!沉伟ShenWei,沙尘暴是人为的the sandstorm was man-made.他们利用战机的引擎裂造了沙尘暴They used jet engines to push the sand.收至IJCopy.阿齐,朝北飞Azir,head north.罗队长!Dragon, Dragon!罗队长!Dragon!收到吗?Can you hear me?我们被袭击了,是佣兵We were ambushed by mercenaries.我听到了他们是谁?Who were they?是美国人行动迅速Americans. They were very fast.分工明确Very organized.娇没事吧?You stand down.快点联槃海明Connect with HaiMing.收至lCopy.海明HaiMing,你能查到八号♥巴士的定位吗?can you get a GPS position on bus eight?卫星定位追踪不到他们GPS can't locate it.沉伟ShenWet扫描半径10公里内scan a 10-mile radius看看有没有快速移♥动♥车辆 for any fast-moving vehicles.发现情况立刻报告Report if you find anything.收至uCopy.绕圈Circle around.你有什麽问题?What's your problem?我就知道不能相信你I knew I couldn't trust you.老哥,你太多疑了Bro, you are paranoid.靠,敌人来了!Shit. Incoming!掩护火力Cover fire.一定是他们,加速Must be them! Go, go, go.收至IJCopy!罗队长,有一帮可疑的佣兵Dragon Luo,正在向我们开火there's suspicious mercenaries and they're firing on us!走吧,往东Let's go. Head east.李妍Yan,尽快加入车队,前往绿区join up with the rest of the team and head to the Green Zone. 我会在那边跟你们会合Ell meet you there.Copy.收至IJHaiMing,海明get the convoy rolling.车队出发-是收至IJCopy.前导车没了I just lost my lead.骷髅王,你带队Etch-a-Sketch, you're up, you take point.我叫诺克斯!It's Knox!We are only safe inside the refinery.放心,我们就是来接你们出去的Don't worry, we're here to escort you out.咱们国家的撤侨专机已经在绿区等你们Our planes are waiting for you in the Green Zone.知道武装分子的身分吗?-不知道Do you know who the rebels are? I don't know.他们要我们交出炼油厂的控制权They want us to give up the refinery.我们被围困了两个星期We've been surrounded for two weeks.他们每隔几天就会发动一次袭击They launch an attack every couple of days.我们加强了安保力量We've increased our security但是杯水车薪如果他们再发动一次像昨天那样的袭击but if they launch another attack like yesterday,我们真的扛不住we won't make it.所以必须撤离We must evacuate immediately.整个工厂大概有多少工人要撤离How many are we evacuating?498个人,包括妇女和儿童Four hundred and ninety eight including the children.走之前我们还有很多事情要做There's a lot of things to do before we go.我们计画是明天早上出发We plan to leave at dawn.他全力挥杆,非常满意本来很高兴,现在担心Gets it all and is happy with it.他开始担心了Looks happy, looks concerned. He's concerned now.掉进沙子了It's in the sand.我成功了boy in Arabic I made it.克里斯,你最近怎麽样?How's it going, Chris?你迟到了,亨利You're late, Henry.独眼龙,到前面准备偷袭Cyclops, push ahead and set up an ambush.我叫诺克斯!My name is Knox!靠Shit!他速度太快了He's moving too fast.抓好了Hold on!古墓奇兵旌护我Tomb Raider, cover me now.刺青男,我把直升机引开Tramp Stamp, fm drawing this helo away你躲在后面干掉直升机!and you stay behind and take it out!我们必须继续前进We need to keep going.直升机会把我们全都干掉We got no chance with that thing in the air.你干掉直升机You take care of the bird.我带他们到交换点Ell get 'em to the exchange site.收至U!Copy!预备Set.刺青男,干掉他!Tramp Stamp, take it out.我没弹了I'm out.我没弹了!Tomb Raider I'm out.4门躲好了We're clear.妈的,诺克斯,开火!Goddammit, Knox, take your shot!我可以的I got it.我要迫降啦We're going down.队长Commander.你看Look.飞过去Go!你就这麽下去吗?You're going down like this?小心Be careful.五Five.杨卫-在Wei.罗队长,他们带走了五个人Dragon Luo,they took five people with them.they took five people with them.阿齐,五人失踪Azir, five missing.小玫必须下来帮忙I need Mei down here.怎麽回事?What's going on?谁请我们的?Who hired us?联合公♥司♥-别骗我,亨利Unicorp. - Don't lie to me, Henry!你惹上什麽事了?What are you mixed up in?对他别那麽凶,克里斯Go easy on him, Chris.你也说过It's like you said,没人比我拚命no one works harder than me.欧文?Owen?小玫Hey, Mei,教授和宁助理都被抓走啦they took Professor Cheng and her assistant.什麽?What?程颖教授Professor Ying Cheng.总算见面了Finally.谢谢攵尔百忙之中赶来I'm very, very thankful you could make it.我们见过吗?Have we met?没有,我到现在才有这个荣幸No, I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure until now.希望我的手下没有为娇带来太多麻烦I hope my men didn't cause too many problems for you.攻击炼油厂的就是你?It was you attacking our refinery?教授,请女尔谅解Please understand, professor,我们对事不对人it's not personal.诺克斯!Knox!我们讨论一下Let's talk.我跑遍这个国家I've been all over this country.你知道我的心得吗?You know what I've found?这不是沙漠This isn't a desert.这狸的每样东西都是宝藏Everything here is a gold mine.我要毁了这家公♥司♥1克里斯And I'm wiping the company out, Chris.什麽?What?我看他们发财,自己却累得半死I watched them get rich while I busted my ass off.跟我开了 16年的空头支票Sixteen years of false promises.我甚至为他们放弃成家I even gave up having a family for them.换来什麽?And for what?什麽都没有Nothing.但是现在换我了But now it's my turn.我要自己开战I'm taking this war private.拿回他们欠我的东西I'm taking back what they owe me.他们也欠你What they owe us.这是你的事,跟我无关Listen, Owen, what you got going on here that*s your business.这是你跟她的事It's between you and her.中国保全部队的队长是罗峰Dragon Luo is leading the Chinese security team.他会来找教授He's gonna come after the professor.你只要让他别烦我,就能发大财If you can keep him off my tail, I can make you rich.没兴趣,我只要我的钱Not interested. I just want my money.等工作完成再说When the job is done.已经完成了,亨利说The job is done. Henry said dropping-亨利年轻又急躁!Henryrs young and desperate!千万别相信急躁的人You can't trust people who are desperate.我们的时代来了It's our time.朋友,千万别放弃这个机会You don't want to pass this up, my friend.记住And remember,没有钱no money,就没有水no water.你这个自私鬼Selfish son of a bitch.我自私?I'm selfish?你知道什麽才自私吗?You know what selfish is?躲在这个地方Staying here and hiding.我跟你一刀两断I'm done with you.随便你Whatever you want.你就这样让他走?Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're just gonna let him walk?他是你哥哥He's your brother.你去拦他You stop him.克里斯,慢着Chris, wait.我要拿钱,完成这项任务赶快抽身,免得为时已晚I-I need to collect our money and we gotta finish.Get out of here while you still can. 你走啊Well, go on then.放弃啊Quit.就跟你丢下老爸时一样Just like you did when you bailed on our old man.下午4点整到村子来Be at the village at 1600 sharp.把我剩下的钱带来,别迟到Bring the rest of my money and don't be late.欧文Owen.我们不需要他We don't need him.我就能应付这个罗队长I can handle this Dragon Luo guy on my own.你失败了,亨利You failed, Henry.我真的很难过That makes me so sad.停火!Stop!我们需要人♥质♥We need the hostages.白 ♥痴♥Idiot.把他带回电波发射塔Take him back to the radio tower伪装成中国人报复,好吗?and make it look like Chinese payback, okay?利用法国人收拾亨利的烂摊子Also, close the loop on Henry's bullshit with the French.不能让他们破坏计画We can't have them interfering with the plan.出发!Let's go!喂Hey.跟着那辆车Follow that car.收到,长官Copy, sir.前面有什麽?What's up ahead?不知道I don't know.前面有个村庄属于第四区,但是很危险There's a village there in Area Four.But it's dangerous.跟着他Follow him.我们燃料不多We're low on fuel.飞得至u,但就只能这样I can make it, but that's it.等一下娇别下飞机You stay in the helicopter, okay?克里斯,来玩啦Chris, we play.小兄弟,差一点,Almost, bud, almost.快啊,亨利Come on, Henry.是球乱弹的关彳系That took a bad hop, took a bad hop.Oh!你迷路了吗?You lost?我来找我的人I come for my people.你跑来我的村子干嘛?What are you doing in my village?你跑来沙漠干嘛?What are you doing in the desert?来钓鱼I'm fishing.你又跑来沙漠干嘛?What are you doing in the desert?喂Hello?我没事I'm fine.我跟一个棒槌在打棒球I'm playing baseball with a bangchui.我来找我的人I came for my people.你找错人了You got the wrong guy.克里斯,来玩啦Chris, we play.哇Whoa.你接到了,玩咖,好厉害You caught it, Funhouse. That was awesome.我跟你说过很多次叫你乖一点,下次我就罚你了I told you many times to behave yourself.You will get punished next time.克里斯,你去哪狸?Chris; where are you going?去拿我们的钱,马上回来I'm going to get our money. I won't be long.好吧Okay.喂!Yo!弟弟,我们来生见See you on the other side, bro.你干嘛跟踪我?Why are you following me?你干嘛来沙漠?Why are you in the desert?喔,哦!Oh! Ah!你杀了我的人我没杀人You killed my people.Ahh, I didn't kill anyone.明明就有Yes, you did.我知道是你I know it's you.怎麽知道?How?在沙漠狸钓鱼?Fishing in the desert?想骗谁?Really?你听我说Listen to me.你听我说Listen to me.你杀了我的人!You killed my people.是他们杀了你的人,他们也杀我弟弟They killed your people. They killed my brother too.这狸怎麽回事?What's going on here?我的钱呢?Where is my money?你好Hello.你会讲♥法♥文?You speak French?就这一句That's all.美国先生,我的钱呢?Where is my money, Mr. America?武器的货款For the weapons.想找钱吗?Looking for money?排队等吧Get in line.快点,我觉得他们想杀你Hurry up. I think the