原版英语RAZ 教案(S) Groundwater.pdf
Visit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.GroundwaterA Reading AZ Level S Leveled BookWord Count:1,059WritingWrite an acrostic poem about groundwater.Use the word groundwater as the acrostic.Begin each line of your poem with the letters in the word.Science and Social StudiesWrite a public service announcement persuading members of your community to conserve water.Include why conserving water is important and what can be done to help.Connectionswww.readinga-Written by Sean McCollumGroundwaterwww.readinga-Written by Sean McCollumSVYLEVELED BOOK Swww.readinga-Why is groundwater important?Focus QuestionWritten by Sean McCollumGroundwateraquifersclimate changeconservecrisisdroughtgroundwaterirrigatemonitorresourceWords to KnowCorrelationLEVEL SO3443Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRAGroundwaterLevel S Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Sean McCollumAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Page 3:Ten days after her well dried up in August 2014,a California woman receives 300 gallons(1,136 L)of drinking water.Photo Credits:Front cover:RCarner/iStock/Thinkstock;title page:TREVOR SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images;page 3:Chieko Hara/Porterville Recorder/AP Images;page 6:tbgrant/iStock/Thinkstock;page 7(main):modified from McGuire,V.L.,2014,Water-level changes and change in water in storage in the High Plains aquifer,predevelopment to 2013 and 201113:U.S.Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20145218,14 p.;page 7(windmill icon):iStock/Kathy Konkle;page 8:Jupiterimages/PHOTOS.com/Thinkstock;page 10:Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images;page 11:David McNew/Getty Images;page 12:S847/iStock/Thinkstock;page 13:tracy tucker/iStock/Thinkstock;page 15:ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty ImagesIllustration Credit:Page 4:Laszlo Veres3Table of ContentsWhen the Water Runs Out .4What and Where Is Groundwater?.5Too Many Straws .7Water Fights .9Staying Out of Trouble .11Farming Smarter .12Future Focus .14Glossary .16Groundwater Level S4When the Water Runs OutPicture getting up one morning,turning on the faucet,and getting nothing but a gurgle.This happened in a part of California that is famous for its fruits and vegetables.Years of drought there meant little rain.To irrigate their crops,farmers pumped huge amounts of groundwater from under the land.The result was some two thousand dry wells in 2014.Unfortunately,California isnt the only place with a water crisis.Groundwater fills the spaces and cracks between rocks,sand,and soil underground.Water in the Ground=Groundwater5What and Where Is Groundwater?Many of us look at a globe and think the planet holds plenty of water for all our needs.Most of Earths water is in our oceans,however,and full of salt.Freshwater keeps us alive,yet very little of Earths water is fresh.Of that small amount,most is frozen.Scientists say that 99 percent of Earths usable water is in the ground.Most groundwater is stored beneath land in aquifers.These are underground layers of rock,gravel,and sand that hold groundwater like huge sponges.Rain and melting snow flow very slowly into the surface soil and rock to feed the aquifers.All water on EarthUsable 1%Groundwater 99%Surface water 0.3%Ground ice and permafrost 0.7%Unusable 99%Water We Can UseSource:U.S.Geological SurveyGroundwater Level S6Aquifers can reach down thousands of feet and extend for thousands of miles.They feed our rivers,lakes,and wetlands.Their freshwater also irrigates the best farming areas in the world.For more than a century,people have been pumping billions of gallons of water from underground to drink,grow crops,and meet other needs.Even during a drought,communities and farms above aquifers can draw groundwater.It keeps many of us from going hungry and thirsty.The trouble is that groundwater levels are falling fast.People near and far must conserve this life-giving resource.Center-pivot irrigation makes farming possible in many dry regions.7Too Many StrawsWe are pumping groundwater faster than nature can replace it,experts say.Since 1995,water levels have dropped in almost two-thirds of the wells across the United States.Ups and(Mostly)Downs:The Ogallala AquiferThe Ogallala Aquifer waters the wheat fields of Americabut that water cant last forever.This map shows water-level changes in the aquifer over a span of about sixty years.In some places,water levels are largely unchanged today.In others,they have crashed.1952 1958 1964 1970 1976 1982 1988 1994 2000 2006 2012Ground level 020406080100120140Wyoming-0.4 ft.(-0.12 m)Nebraska-0.9 ft.(-0.27 m)S.Dakota 0 ft.(0 m)New Mexico-15.1 ft.(-4.6 m)Colorado-13.2 ft.(-4.02 m)Kansas-22.8 ft.(-6.95 m)Texas-36.7 ft.(-11.19 m)Oklahoma-12.3 ft.(-3.75 m)Water-level changes in the aquifer,1950 to 2010The water level in one Texas well has sunk more than 120 feet(36.6 m).Feet undergroundGroundwater Level SSource:U.S.Geological Survey8Competition for groundwater is causing conflict in some farming areas.In Northern California,for example,winemakers grow fields of grapes,which need large amounts of water.Many of these winemakers have drilled deep wells to make sure they can get the groundwater they need.Without it,they might go out of business.Many smaller farmers and homeowners nearby,though,blame winemakers for sucking up too much of the groundwater they all share.In many cases,these smaller property owners cannot afford to drill deeper wells for themselves.As a result,their shallower wells go dry.Its as if everyone has their straws in the same drink,but some farms and businesses can pay for more and longer straws.This problem raises big questions:Who owns groundwater?What is fair?Sonoma Valley in California is famous for its fields of grapes.9Water FightsHalfway around the world,Pakistans water supply has dropped by almost 75 percent in the last sixty years.Many in Pakistan blame India,their neighbor to the south.They accuse India of building dams that block river water that would normally flow to them.They say this has forced farmers in Pakistan to pump more groundwater.India says Pakistan has only itself to blame.It says Pakistan has managed its water poorly.Today,both countriescountries that have fought four wars against each other in the pastface water shortages and growing competition for freshwater.India China United States Pakistan112 km3 year251 km3/year112 km3 year65 km3 yearCompare Chinas population to the United States.Now compare their water use.Per person,which country is using more water?Top Four Global Water UsersKEYIrrigationDomestic usePopulationIndustryOne cubic kilometer(km3)=1,000,000,000,000 liters(264,172,052,358 gal.)That would fill about 400,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.Source:Margat,J.,and J.van der Gun.2013.Groundwater around the World.CRC Press/BalkemaGroundwater Level S10Experts predict such battles over water will grow worse.If nothing changes,they estimate the world will fall 40 percent short of its water needs by the year 2030.Nearly two billion people worldwide could face severe water shortages,leading to food shortages and famine.In time,shortages like these can even lead to war,experts warn.In some places,lack of water has already done just that.In Syria,for example,drought may have helped start a civil war in 2011.As a result,many Syrians have died.In many places,groundwater is that importantthe difference between green farms or dusty fields,life or death.A Syrian girl flees war in 2013.11Staying Out of TroubleThere is an old saying:“It is easier to stay out of trouble than get out of trouble.”This is true about groundwater.Fixing this crisis now will be much easier than waiting until aquifers run dry.We have to plan ahead,however.One growing threat to our groundwater supply is climate change.Almost all scientists who study the Earth now agree that its getting hotter.Climate change may also mean less rain for some areas,and freshwater may be harder to come by.Another huge challenge is Earths growing population.More than seven billion people live on our planet now.That figure is expected to reach eleven billion by the year 2100.All of us will need water to drink and grow our food.We must manage our groundwater now,and we can.Drought in California led to many wildfires in 2015.Groundwater Level S12Farming SmarterOur best hope is finding ways to use less water and keep more groundwater in the ground.Experts estimate that about 65 percent of the fresh groundwater Americans pump to the surface is used to irrigate crops.Yet many forms of irrigation waste water.They spray and sprinkle water on the surface,where much of it is lost to evaporation.More farmers are using new ways to make sure every drop counts.New meters monitor moisture in the soil and turn the irrigation on and off to waste less water.Many fruit and nut orchards now bury irrigation pipes to waste less water,too.Almond trees in bloom13Planting different crops can also help conserve groundwater.In states such as Kansas and Iowa,some farms are switching from corn to other crops,since corn requires a lot of water.Farmers need new ways to farm.If they do not choose to conserve water,empty aquifers will force them to.Wheat is one crop that uses less water than corn.Groundwater Level S14Future FocusRecord drought forced California to conserve water.In just six months,people there went from using as much as 140 gallons(530 L)per person to just 67 gallons(254 L)a day,on average.Across the United States,small changes in water use can save hundreds of gallons in the average American home each week.The Trouble with ToiletsSource:DeOreo,W.B.,P.Mayer,B.Dziegelewski,and J.Kiefer.2016.ResidentialEnd Uses of Water,Version 2.Project#4309A.Denver,Colo:Water ResearchFoundation.2016 Water ResearchFoundation.Reprinted with permission.Gallons per household per daytoilet33.1(125.3 L)31.7(120 L)26.3(99.6 L)22.7(86 L)23.9(90.5 L)shower,bathfaucetclothes washerdishwasher,leaks,otherDid you know that toilets use more water than anything else in your house?They do,according to a 2016 study of water use inside 23,749 homes spread throughout the United Statesbut not as much as they did in a similar 1999 study.Newer,more efficient toilets help send less water into the sewer.Some families also practice selective flushing.That means they dont flush the toilet each time they use it.15By installing low-flush toilets and taking shorter showers,we can use less groundwater.Another small effort that can save gallons is running only full loads in washing machines and dishwashers.Some people are also saving water by replacing thirsty grass in their yards with plants that need less water.Saving our groundwater isnt easy.People need to drink.Farmers need to irrigate crops to grow our food.Still,we can be smarter about how we use this resource,both now and far into the future.Some Los Angeles homeowners swapped grass for other plants in the dry summer of 2014.Groundwater Level S16Glossaryaquifers(n.)underground layers of rock,sand,and other material that can hold and absorb groundwater(p.5)climate change the long-term,lasting changes(n.)in Earths weather patterns or the weather patterns of a region(p.11)conserve(v.)to protect a natural place or resource so it will last longer (p.6)crisis(n.)a dangerous or unstable time or situation that demands attention(p.4)drought(n.)a long dry spell with little or no rainfall(p.4)groundwater(n.)water held underground in soil or rock,often feeding springs and wells(p.4)irrigate(v.)to supply land with water,especially to help crops grow (p.4)monitor(v.)to observe the progress of something(p.12)resource(n.)a supply of something valuable or very useful(p.6)