原版英语RAZ 教案(T) Brazil.pdf
www.readinga-Compare and Contrast:How are the Pantanal and the Amazon Rainforest alike?How are they different?Cause and Effect:In the past,Brazil was a colony of Portugal.How has this past affected what Brazil is like today?Discussion QuestionsVisit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.LEVELED BOOK TLEVELED BOOK TWritten by Gavin WilliamsBrazilA Reading AZ Level T Leveled BookWord Count:1,090Brazilwww.readinga-BrazilCountries Around the World Level T Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Gavin WilliamsAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover:vau902/iStock/Thinkstock;title page:Ken Klotz/iStock/Thinkstock;page 3:Peter M.Wilson/Alamy;page 5:Ruy Barbosa Pinto/Getty Images;page 6:Marina Lohrbach/D;page 7:AP Images;page 8:Johnny Lye/iStock/Thinkstock;page 11:Yadid Levy/Alamy;page 12(top left):nicholashan/iStock/Thinkstock;page 12(right):jimodenney/iStock/Thinkstock;page 12(bottom left):Ricardo Bazarin/D;page 13(left):Anthony Hathaway/D;page 13(right):Eric Gevaert/D;page 14:Elder Salles/D;page 15(main):Vinicius Tupinamba/Hemera/Thinkstock;page 15(inset):Renan gustavo Kunst/Hemera/ThinkstockFront and back cover:Iguazu(EH-gwah-SOO)Falls is a series of waterfalls between Brazil and Argentina.Title page:Beautiful hyacinth macaws live in Brazil.They are in danger of disappearing from the Earth due to habitat loss.Page 3:People wear colorful costumes and dance in parades during Carnaval,a holiday in Brazil.Written by Gavin WilliamsBrazilCorrelationLEVEL TP3838Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA34Table of ContentsWhere Is It?4People 6Land 8History 10Celebrations 11Animals 12Conclusion 14Glossary 16Where Is It?Brazil is the largest country in South America and covers nearly half of the entire continent It is almost as large as the entire United States The western half of Brazil shares a border with many smaller countries These countries include Venezuela,Colombia,Peru,Bolivia,Paraguay,Argentina,and Uruguay BrazilBrazilBrasliaParaguayBoliviaPeruColombiaVenezuelaArgentinaATLANTIC OCEANPACIFIC OCEANRio de JaneiroSo PauloSo LuisGuyanaSurinameFrench GuianaUruguayBrazil Level TNORTH AMERICASOUTH AMERICA56To the east of Brazil is the Atlantic Ocean The countrys coastline is more than 7,400 kilometers(4,600 mi)longThe capital of Brazil is Braslia(bruh-ZIL-yuh),which is located near the middle of the country However,Braslia wasnt always the capital The larger city of Rio de Janeiro(REE-oh DAY zhuh-NAIR-oh),located on the east coast of the country,was the capital until 1960 The government decided to build a new capital city farther inland Although it is still new,Braslia is growing quickly More than two million people live and work there Many people work for the government,since the city is Brazils political center PeopleMore than 200 million people live in Brazil,and eight out of every ten people live in cities The country has several large cities,including So Paulo(SOW POW-low),the largest city in South America Many people in Brazil work in service industries,such as construction,banking,education,and healthcare Large hotels and restaurants line many of the countrys beaches,providing work for people living along the coast Other Brazilians work in factories,making cars,airplanes,and steel Many of these factories are located around So PauloIn the countryside,people work in mining and farming Brazil is a leading producer of minerals such as iron ore,tin,and even gold Brazils farmers grow much of the worlds coffee on huge plantations They also grow oranges,cassava,and soybeans Some farmers raise hogs and chickens,and ranchers raise cattleBraslia is filled with many modern buildings.Brazil grows the most popular type of coffee,called Arabica.Brazil Level T78Brazilians come from many different backgrounds Some are descended from the native people who first lived there Many others are descended from people who came to Brazil from far-away countries such as Portugal,Spain,Germany,and other places in Europe In fact,Brazil was a colony of Portugal for three hundred years,and the main language in Brazil is Portuguese(POR-chuh-geez)Many other people are descended from slaves brought to the country from Africa to work on plantations and in mines LandMany rivers flow through Brazil,making the soil rich and good for growing crops However,one river clearly stands out The Amazon River is one of the widest and longest rivers in the world,flowing for at least 6,400 kilometers(4,000 mi)through northern Brazil Its waters feed the vast Amazon basin,which covers nearly half of Brazil and about 7 million square kilometers(3 million sq mi)The largest tropical rainforest in the world,the Amazon rainforest,is also located hereBrazil is so large that it includes five main regions The landforms in each region are so different that they are like separate countries The north and southeast regions include highlands In the north,the Guiana Highlands consist of steep mountains and deep valleys In the southeast,hills and low mountain plateaus make up the Brazilian Highlands FutebolMany Brazilians enjoy watching and playing soccer,which they call futebol(FOOT-bohl).Brazil has won the World Cup,the worlds largest soccer tournament,more than any other country.The countrys most famous soccer playerPelis known around the world.Pel led his team to victory in the World Cup in 1958,1962,and in 1970.The Amazon River carries more water than any other river on Earth.PelBrazil Level T910Brazils long east coast makes up another region It includes beautiful sandy beaches,which are some of the main attractions for tourists visiting the country The Pantanal is located in central Brazil It is one of the worlds largest freshwater wetlands and extends for thousands of miles around the tributaries of several different rivers HistoryThe first known people who lived in Brazil were American Indians Different groups of these people still live in the jungles and along the banks of the Amazon River today In the early sixteenth century,Portugal claimed Brazil The Portuguese used the land to collect a type of wood called pau brasil(POW brah-SEEL),or brazilwood This unique type of wood is how the new colony got its name The Portuguese forced many of the American Indians to work on huge sugarcane plantations Later,slaves were brought from Africa to work on coffee plantations and in diamond and gold mines In 1822,Brazil became an independent country ruled by an emperor Slavery ended in 1888 In 1889,the emperor at the time was forced by the military to step down,and Brazil became a republic In a republic,the people usually choose their leaders,but this didnt always happen in Brazil Instead,the people were often led by dictators After much turmoil,the country became a democracy in 1985Brazils LandformsBrasliaPantanalWetlandsBrazilian HighlandsAmazon BasinGuiana HighlandsCoastal LowlandsATLANTIC OCEANPACIFIC OCEANBrazil Level TAmazon River1112CelebrationsMany holidays in Brazil are religious in nature Most Brazilians belong to the Catholic faith,a religion that was brought to Brazil by the Portuguese However,because Brazilians come from many different backgrounds,religious customs of other groupssuch as American Indian and Africanare also followed Carnaval is the largest and most popular holiday in Brazil It is a four-day celebration leading up to Lent,which is the forty-day period in which Catholics prepare for Easter During Carnaval,people crowd into Brazils streets for parades and dancing Many people wear elaborate costumes with masks and headdresses AnimalsBrazil is home to the widest variety of life on Earth The Amazon rainforest provides a home to more animals and plantsthan any other environment in the world Colorful birds such as the toucan(TOO-kan)live there,as well as jaguars and ocelots(OS-uh-lotz)Slow-moving sloths hang from trees,and giant anacondas slither along the forest floor Many different types of monkeys swing from the treesIn the Amazon River,meat-eating fish called piranhas(pi-RAH-nuhz)hunt in groups of one hundred or more Large manatees swim through the waterRio de Janeiro has the largest Carnaval celebration in Brazil.It is held in a special building called the Sambadrome.toucanjaguarpiranhaBrazil Level T1314Other parts of Brazil,such as the Pantanal wetlands,also include unique animals Storks and herons build nests in the Pantanals trees Colorful parrots,such as the blue and yellow macaw,fly overhead Deer and jaguar roam the land Giant anteaters also live in the PantanalSadly,some animals in the Amazon rainforest and the Pantanal could disappear from Earth forever Every year,trees are cut down for timber and to clear land for farming As a result,animals like the jaguar and the golden lion tamarin,a type of monkey,are losing their habitat Many organizations are working together with the Brazilian government to keep this from happeningConclusionBrazil is a country filled with life The Amazon rainforest teems with more living things than anywhere else on Earth The people in the cities and countryside have vibrant celebrations unlike any other From its land to its animals and people,the vast country of Brazil has many things to learn about and explore The large city of Rio de Janeiro is also known for its many beautiful beaches.giant anteatergolden lion tamarinBrazil Level T1516BrazilGlossarycassava(n.)a plant with thick roots that grows in the tropics and is used in cooking(p 6)Catholic(adj.)of or having to do with the Roman Catholic Church,a branch of Christianity(p 11)dictators(n.)leaders who rule with total power,usually by force(p 10)highlands(n.)areas with many mountains;land that is high above sea level(p 8)Pantanal(n.)wetlands in south central Brazil that extend into Paraguay and Bolivia(p 9)plantations(n.)large farms with many workers(p 6)plateaus(n.)large raised areas of flat land (p 8)sugarcane(n.)a tropical grass that sugar comes from(p 10)tributaries(n.)rivers or streams that flow into larger rivers(p 9)Population:202,656,788Land:8,458,417 sq km(3,265,813 sq.mi.)Capital City:BrasliaPrimary Language:PortuguesePrimary Religion:CatholicCurrency:Real(ray-AHL)Source:Central Intelligence Agency(July 2014),World BankBrazil Level T