原版英语RAZ 教案(U) Kenya_DS.pdf
www.readinga-Analyze:How has the British Empire affected Kenyas history?Evaluate:Why does Kenya have more than fifty parks and reserves?Discussion QuestionsVisit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.LEVELED BOOK ULEVELED BOOK UWritten by Daniel YettaKenyaA Reading AZ Level U Leveled BookWord Count:1,255Kenyawww.readinga-KenyaCountries Around the World Level U Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Daniel YettaAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover,page 6:Bill Bachmann/Alamy;title page:Amrish Wadekar/iStock/Thinkstock;page 3:John Warburton-Lee Photography/Alamy;page 5:Joshua Wanyama/D;page 7(top main):Mark Boulton/Alamy;page 7(top inset):Sergey Skleznev/D;page 7(bottom):Paulette Sinclair/Alamy;page 9(top left):Piotr Gatlik/iStock/Thinkstock;page 9(top right):Images of Africa Photobank/Alamy;page 9(bottom):AfriP 10(main):nyiragongo/iStock/Thinkstock;page 10(inset):Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy;page 11:Kim Kaminski/Alamy;page 12:Serge_Vero/iStock/Thinkstock;page 13(top):david tipling/Alamy;page 13(bottom):Nigel Cattlin/Alamy;page 14:Nigel Pavitt/JAI/Corbis;page 15(main):Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Thinkstock;page 15(inset):ilbusca/iStock/ThinkstockFront and back cover:Two warriors from the Maasai(muh-SEYE)tribe stand in a reserve in Kenya.Title page:Cheetahs live in Kenyan savannas.These cats can run up to 114 kilometers(71 mi.)per hour.Page 3:A man from the Samburu(sam-BOO-roo)tribe in Kenya looks out over the land.Much of the country has vast stretches of land with few people.Written by Daniel YettaKenya CorrelationLEVEL UQ4040Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA1516KenyaSource:Central Intelligence Agency(July 2014),World BankGlossaryacacia(n.)a tree with small yellow or white flowers that grows in warm climates(p 9)colony(n.)an area or a country that is ruled by or belongs to another country(p 10)equator(n.)an imaginary line that circles Earth halfway between the North and South Poles(p 4)escarpments(n.)steep slopes or cliffs that separate two areas of land(p 8)mangrove(n.)a tropical tree that grows in swamps or shallow salt water and grows roots from its branches(p 9)migration(n.)a regular,predictable movement of living things from one location to another(p 12)reserve(n.)a place where wild plants and animals are protected(p 5)safari(n.)a journey to search for wild animals(p 11)savanna(n.)a flat grassland with few trees (p 9)Population:45,010,056Land:569,140 sq km(219,746 sq.mi.)Capital City:NairobiPrimary Languages:Swahili,EnglishPrimary Religion:ChristianityCurrency:Kenyan shillingKenya Level Uwww.readinga-KenyaCountries Around the World Level U Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Daniel YettaAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover,page 6:Bill Bachmann/Alamy;title page:Amrish Wadekar/iStock/Thinkstock;page 3:John Warburton-Lee Photography/Alamy;page 5:Joshua Wanyama/D;page 7(top main):Mark Boulton/Alamy;page 7(top inset):Sergey Skleznev/D;page 7(bottom):Paulette Sinclair/Alamy;page 9(top left):Piotr Gatlik/iStock/Thinkstock;page 9(top right):Images of Africa Photobank/Alamy;page 9(bottom):AfriP 10(main):nyiragongo/iStock/Thinkstock;page 10(inset):Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy;page 11:Kim Kaminski/Alamy;page 12:Serge_Vero/iStock/Thinkstock;page 13(top):david tipling/Alamy;page 13(bottom):Nigel Cattlin/Alamy;page 14:Nigel Pavitt/JAI/Corbis;page 15(main):Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Thinkstock;page 15(inset):ilbusca/iStock/ThinkstockFront and back cover:Two warriors from the Maasai(muh-SEYE)tribe stand in a reserve in Kenya.Title page:Cheetahs live in Kenyan savannas.These cats can run up to 114 kilometers(71 mi.)per hour.Page 3:A man from the Samburu(sam-BOO-roo)tribe in Kenya looks out over the land.Much of the country has vast stretches of land with few people.Written by Daniel YettaKenya CorrelationLEVEL UQ4040Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA1516KenyaSource:Central Intelligence Agency(July 2014),World BankGlossaryacacia(n.)a tree with small yellow or white flowers that grows in warm climates(p 9)colony(n.)an area or a country that is ruled by or belongs to another country(p 10)equator(n.)an imaginary line that circles Earth halfway between the North and South Poles(p 4)escarpments(n.)steep slopes or cliffs that separate two areas of land(p 8)mangrove(n.)a tropical tree that grows in swamps or shallow salt water and grows roots from its branches(p 9)migration(n.)a regular,predictable movement of living things from one location to another(p 12)reserve(n.)a place where wild plants and animals are protected(p 5)safari(n.)a journey to search for wild animals(p 11)savanna(n.)a flat grassland with few trees (p 9)Population:45,010,056Land:569,140 sq km(219,746 sq.mi.)Capital City:NairobiPrimary Languages:Swahili,EnglishPrimary Religion:ChristianityCurrency:Kenyan shillingKenya Level U1314Hippos stay in the water most of the time,but at night they emerge to feed on grass and other plants Sometimes they eat crops,which causes conflict between the hippos and people On Lake Nakuru in the Great Rift Valley,pink flamingos gather by the millions These wading birds stick their heads into the water to feed on small plants and animals Scientists are not sure why they often stand on one leg Two of the most dangerous animals in Kenya are very small The tsetse(TSEE-tsee)fly and the mosquito infest about one-third of the country These insects carry the diseases of sleeping sickness and malaria Both diseases make people very sick Sleeping sickness gets its name from one of its symptoms:infected people have trouble staying awake due to extreme fatigueConclusionKenya is famous for its savanna and the animals that live there Many of Kenyas animals are found nowhere else Yet the country is much more than a savanna The cliffs of the Great Rift Valley tower over the land Its tribes have many different customs Its capital city is the center of industry for East Africa From Mombasa,African goods are sent to places all over the world Kenya is one of Earths most amazing countriesPigments in their food,mainly shellfish,give flamingos their pink color.The tsetse fly looks like a large housefly.Towering over Kenya is Mount Kilimanjaro,which lies in Tanzania near its border with Kenya.Kenya Level U34Table of ContentsWhere Is It?4People 6Land 8History 10Animals 11Conclusion 14Glossary 16Where Is It?Kenya is a country in Africa that lies along the equator,midway between the North Pole and the South Pole Because its close to the equator,the temperature doesnt change much with the seasons Some seasons have more rain than others,though,and the mountains are cooler than the lowlandsKenya borders five other countries:Tanzania(tan-zuh-NEE-uh),Uganda,South Sudan,Ethiopia,and Somalia The southeastern edge of Kenya is on the Indian OceanKenyaEUROPEAFRICAASIASomaliaEthiopiaSouth SudanUgandaTanzaniaKenyaNairobiLake VictoriaINDIAN OCEANMombasaLake TurkanaKenya Level U34Table of ContentsWhere Is It?4People 6Land 8History 10Animals 11Conclusion 14Glossary 16Where Is It?Kenya is a country in Africa that lies along the equator,midway between the North Pole and the South Pole Because its close to the equator,the temperature doesnt change much with the seasons Some seasons have more rain than others,though,and the mountains are cooler than the lowlandsKenya borders five other countries:Tanzania(tan-zuh-NEE-uh),Uganda,South Sudan,Ethiopia,and Somalia The southeastern edge of Kenya is on the Indian OceanKenyaEUROPEAFRICAASIASomaliaEthiopiaSouth SudanUgandaTanzaniaKenyaNairobiLake VictoriaINDIAN OCEANMombasaLake TurkanaKenya Level U1314Hippos stay in the water most of the time,but at night they emerge to feed on grass and other plants Sometimes they eat crops,which causes conflict between the hippos and people On Lake Nakuru in the Great Rift Valley,pink flamingos gather by the millions These wading birds stick their heads into the water to feed on small plants and animals Scientists are not sure why they often stand on one leg Two of the most dangerous animals in Kenya are very small The tsetse(TSEE-tsee)fly and the mosquito infest about one-third of the country These insects carry the diseases of sleeping sickness and malaria Both diseases make people very sick Sleeping sickness gets its name from one of its symptoms:infected people have trouble staying awake due to extreme fatigueConclusionKenya is famous for its savanna and the animals that live there Many of Kenyas animals are found nowhere else Yet the country is much more than a savanna The cliffs of the Great Rift Valley tower over the land Its tribes have many different customs Its capital city is the center of industry for East Africa From Mombasa,African goods are sent to places all over the world Kenya is one of Earths most amazing countriesPigments in their food,mainly shellfish,give flamingos their pink color.The tsetse fly looks like a large housefly.Towering over Kenya is Mount Kilimanjaro,which lies in Tanzania near its border with Kenya.Kenya Level U1112AnimalsKenya is famous for its wildlife,and some of its animals are very rare To protect them,Kenya has set aside more than fifty parks and reserves Every year,millions of tourists go on safari to see animals such as rhinoceroses,lions,leopards,zebras,hippos,gazelles,and elephantsTwo kinds of elephants live in Kenya The forest elephant lives in the highland rainforests,while the savanna elephant lives in many environments,including deserts Kenya also has two kinds of rhinoceroses They are called the white rhino and the black rhino,but both are actually gray The white rhino is larger and has a square lip Rhinos do not see well,but they have keen senses of hearing and smell Even though they are very heavyabout 3,600 kilograms(8,000 lbs)they can run as fast as 45 kilometers(28 mi)per hour Zebras and other grazing animals fill the Kenyan savanna One of the most amazing sights in all of Africa is the migration of wildebeests and zebras Every year,about 15 million wildebeests and 300,000 zebras travel over 1,600 kilometers(1,000 mi)from Tanzanias Serengeti(ser-en-GEH-tee)Plain to Kenyas savanna to find food and water The trip is difficult and dangerous;about 250,000 wildebeests dont survive Along the way,lions,leopards,cheetahs,hyenas,and wild dogs follow the herds,hunting for easy prey One of the most dangerous parts of the migration is crossing the Mara RiverRivers such as the Mara are also home to hippopotamuses These animals may look harmless,but they actually cause more human deaths in Africa than lions do They are aggressive,territorial animals whose huge teeth make them deadly People can see zebras,gazelles,and other animals at the Tsavo West National Park in Kenya.Crocodiles lie in wait for the wildebeests as they cross the Mara River.Kenya Level U56The capital city of Kenya is Nairobi(neye-ROH-bee)It began as a simple railway station but has grown into a large city of more than three million people Nairobi is the center of industry in Kenya,where raw materials are collected and made into products in factories Nairobis factories make goods such as clothing and furniture,along with processed foods such as bread and cornmeal Because of Nairobis location near East African farmlands,crops used as raw materials do not have to travel far to the food processing factories Nairobi National Park,a large game reserve,is located just a few kilometers outside the capital Visitors to the park can see lions,giraffes,and other mammals in addition to reptiles and birdsKenya has many hotels for tourists who visit the country,but one hotel very close to Nairobi is a little different At Giraffe Manor,guests can eat breakfast and dinner next to giraffes!The area around the hotel is a sanctuary for a rare species of this long-necked animalPeopleMore than forty-five million people live in Kenya,and the population includes more than thirty African tribes Almost all Kenyans have African ancestors and speak the language of their tribe A very small number of people have ancestors from Europe,Asia,or the Middle East Almost all Kenyans speak one or both of the national languages:English and Swahili(swah-HEE-lee)Many Kenyans enjoy watching and playing football,which is also called soccer Many famous runners have come from Kenya Kenyan runners have competed in international races and have won gold medals in the Olympic Games Some Kenyans also play bao,a game with a wooden board that has cups for holding seeds or stonesNairobi is the largest city in Kenya.The Maasai(muh-SEYE)are one tribe of Kenyan people.Maasai are herders who raise cattle,goats,and sheep.Kenya Level U56The capital city of Kenya is Nairobi(neye-ROH-bee)It began as a simple railway station but has grown into a large city of more than three million people Nairobi is the center of industry in Kenya,where raw materials are collected and made into products in factories Nairobis factories make goods such as clothing and furniture,along with processed foods such as bread and cornmeal Because of Nairobis location near East African farmlands,crops used as raw materials do not have to travel far to the food processing factories Nairobi National Park,a large game reserve,is located just a few kilometers outside the capital Visitors to the park can see lions,giraffes,and other mammals in addition to reptiles and birdsKenya has many hotels for tourists who visit the country,but one hotel very close to Nairobi is a little different At Giraffe Manor,guests can eat breakfast and dinner next to giraffes!The area around the hotel is a sanctuary for a rare species of this long-necked animalPeopleMore than forty-five million people live in Kenya,and the population includes more than thirty African tribes Almost all Kenyans have African ancestors and speak the language of their tribe A very small number of people have ancestors from Europe,Asia,or the Middle East Almost all Kenyans speak one or both of the national languages:English and Swahili(swah-HEE-lee)Many Kenyans enjoy watching and playing football,which is also called soccer Many famous runners have come from Kenya Kenyan runners have competed in international races and have won gold medals in the Olympic Games Some Kenyans also play bao,a game with a wooden board that has cups for holding seeds or stonesNairobi is the largest city in Kenya.The Maasai(muh-SEYE)are one tribe of Kenyan people.Maasai are herders who raise cattle,goats,and sheep.Kenya Level U1112AnimalsKenya is famous for its wildlife,and some of its animals are very rare To protect them,Kenya has set aside more than fifty parks and reserves Every year,millions of tourists go on safari to see animals such as rhinoceroses,lions,leopards,zebras,hippos,gazelles,and elephantsTwo kinds of elephants live in Kenya The forest elephant lives in the highland rainforests,while the savanna elephant lives in many environments,including deserts Kenya also has two kinds of rhinoceroses They are called the white rhino and the black rhino,but both are