原版英语RAZ 教案(S) The Titanic - Lost and Found_DS.pdf
The Titanic:Lost and Found A Reading AZ Level S Leveled BookWord Count:1,094Visit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.www.readinga-Written by Lisa TrumbauerLEVELED BOOK SThe Titanic:Lost and FoundThe Titanic:Lost and FoundWritten by Lisa Trumbauerwww.readinga-16Glossarycontraptions(n.)interesting,unfamiliar devices(p.5)dire(adj.)terribly bad(p.10)frantically(adj.)acting wildly with emotion(p.10)magnificent(adj.)beautiful and impressive (p.4)ominously(adv.)in a threatening or foreboding way(p.8)steerage(n.)the lowest part of the ship where the poorest passengers rode(p.6)IndexAndrews,Thomas,9Carpathia,11,12iceberg,8,11,14,15International Ice Patrol,15New York,5North Atlantic Ocean,7,8,1113Southampton,5,7,816The Titanic:Lost and FoundLevel S Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Lisa TrumbauerIllustrated by Craig FrederickAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover:Mary Evans Picture Library;back cover:courtesy of Library of Congress,Prints&Photographs Div LC-USZ62-34781;title page:dieKleinert/Alamy Stock Photo;page 3:courtesy of Library of Congress,Prints&Photographs Div LC-USZ62-94037;pages 4,5:Mary Evans Picture Library/Onslow Auctions Limited;page 6:Sven Kaestner/AP Images;pages 8,9,15:Jupiterimages Corporation;page 10:Willy Stwer-ullstein bild/The Granger Collection,New York;page 11:courtesy of Library of Congress,Prints&Photographs Div LC-USZ62-33430;page 12(top):The Granger Collection,New York;page 12(bottom):courtesy of Library of Congress,Prints&Photographs Div LC-USZ62-121012;page 13:REUTERSPage 3:Molly Brown,nicknamed“Unsinkable,”was one of many famous people on board the Titanic.She survived.CorrelationLEVEL SO3434Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRAThe Titanic:Lost and Found Level S15Lifeboats on a modern shipTitanics LegacyBecause of the Titanic,many lessons were learned and new rules were applied to make ships safer.Today,a ship must have enough lifeboats for all its passengers,and lifeboat drills must be conducted so everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.Ships must also keep their radios on 24 hours a day.And the International Ice Patrol,an organization that keeps track of the location of icebergs,was established.The Titanic was a grand ship,and her story is just as grand.The legacy of the Titanic lives on in the memories of the lives lost,the lessons learned by the tragedy,and the changes that such a tragedy brought to sea travel.15The Titanic:Lost and Found Level S3Table of ContentsThe Grandest Ship .4At Sea .7Were Sinking!.9Rescued.12Found!.13Titanics Legacy .15Glossary .16Index .1614Scientists confirmed that the ship had broken into two parts.But what about the hole made by the iceberg?Buried in the sand of the ocean floor,it could not be seen.Therefore,scientists had to rely on sonarwaves of sound that bounce off surfaces.The sound waves helped the scientists discover that the iceberg had not cut a huge gash in Titanics side,as first suspected.The compartments were open at the top,allowing water to flood from one to the next.Instead,the iceberg had made several small holes which,when added together,equaled only about the same area as a doorway.In addition,the holes were higher up on the ship than people had thought.These smaller,higher holes caused the ships compartments to fill very quickly with water,which ultimately caused the ship to sink.4The Grandest ShipWhen it was built,many people thought it was the grandest ship to ever sail the seas.Others claimed it was the biggest,and some people even said it was unsinkable.But on Sunday,April 14,1912,just before midnight,disaster struck.Within hours the Titanic,the most magnificent ship of its time,had sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.Do You Know?The full name of the Titanic was the R.M.S.Titanic.R.M.S.stands for Royal Mail Ship.The Titanic was carrying 3,500 bags of mail on the night it sank.The Titanic:Lost and Found Level S13Found!In 1985,something extraordinary happened.The Titanic was found about four kilometers(2.5 mi)beneath the sea at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean.Scientists could finally find their answers about how the ship sank so quickly.Scientists sent robotic devices to explore and videotape the wreckage.The ships ghostly form appeared eerily on the video monitors,its front railing recognizable,even after seventy years below water.The bow of the Titanic at the bottom of the North Atlantic OceanThe Titanic:Lost and Found Level S5The Titanic was built in Northern Ireland to take people and cargo across the Atlantic Ocean.Airplanes were still new contraptions in 1912,so the only way to travel from Europe to the United States was by boat.Passengers began boarding the Titanic on Wednesday,April 10,in Southampton,England.They were thrilled to be on what was considered the grandest ship in the world.It was the ships first trip,also called its maiden voyage,and it would take one week to reach New York.1,300Passengers900Crew12RescuedIn the early-morning hours of Monday,April 15,the Carpathia arrived to rescue the Titanics exhausted and grief-stricken survivors.About 700 people had survived in the few lifeboats,but about 1,500 had perished.Most had not drowned,however.Floating in their life vests,most had died from the extremely cold temperatures of the North Atlantic.The world was stunned by the loss of the Titanic.How could such a magnificent ship,one that was called“unsinkable,”go down so quickly?Several decades later,many questions would be answered.The front page was filled with the Titanics story.The Carpathia6Wealthy people traveled in style aboard the Titanic.They had fancy rooms for dining and elegant rooms for sleeping.First-class rooms perched at the top of the ship and offered the best views and fresh air.The Titanic even had four elevators and a lavish staircase.People who did not have a lot of money traveled in less spacious quarters at the bottom of the ship.This area was called steerage,and the rooms were cramped and crowded.Steerage passengers were not allowed to go to the upper levels of the ship.Do You Know?A persons“class”was ones status in society based on how much money he or she made.“Upper-class”people had a lot of money,whereas“lower-class”people had little.In 1912,different classes were separated.How much did it cost to travel on the Titanic?First Class:$4,350.00 per personSecond Class:$65.00 per personThird Class:$35.00 per personA detailed copy of the Grand StaircaseThe Titanic:Lost and Found Level S11In the ships radio room,the radio operator sent an urgent message.“Have struck an iceberg.We are badly damaged,”the message read.A second message included the distress signal SOS.The closest ship that responded,the Carpathia,would reach the Titanic in several hours,but that was not soon enough.Two-and-a-half hours after the Titanic struck an iceberg,it sank and disappeared,lost beneath the icy surface of the North Atlantic Ocean.Do You Know?Although it has never been proved beyond doubt,suspicions remain to this day that another ship was nearby.The Californian might have been as close as five miles,but was definitely no more than 19 miles away from the Titanic.Its crew,however,claimed not to have seen Titanics distress flares.In addition,the Californians radio had been turned off,so it never received Titanics SOS.The Titanic:Lost and Found Level S7At SeaAfter leaving Southampton,the Titanic stopped in France,then in Ireland,picking up a few more passengers.Finally,on Thursday,April 11,the Titanic set sail for the cold,open sea of the North Atlantic Ocean.The Titanic must have been a marvel to behold as it glided across the ocean.It was the biggest ship of its time.It was 269 meters (883 ft)longabout the length of 55 cars parked bumper-to-bumper.It was also as tall as a ten-story building 32 meters(104 ft).Its four towering smokestacks stood 19 meters(62 ft)tall,which is more than 15 fourth-graders standing on one anothers shoulders.The dotted line shows the first,and only,voyage of the Titanic.NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN10Yet all too soon,it became evident to everyone on board that the Titanic was in dire trouble.The supposedly unsinkable ship was sinking,and it did not have enough lifeboats for everyone.Resolutely,the ships band stayed on deck and played music to keep everyone calm.Some people prayed quietly and waited for the worst.Others frantically grabbed objects that might help them float in the water.Still others desperately clung to the ships deck as it lifted into the air.This famous painting shows the Titanics last moments.8Three days after leaving Southampton,the Titanic was well into the North Atlantic.This area was known for icebergs,and the ships workers were responsible for watching out for these dangerous chunks of floating ice.That Sunday evening the sea was calm.No white-capped waves crashed against the rugged icebergs,which would have made the ice easier to spot.Also,the night was ominously dark and cloudless.No moon shone over the still,open waters.Then,at 11:40 pm,the crew and other passengers felt a jarring thud against the side of the ship.The Titanic had struck an iceberg.No one panicked,though,because they believed the Titanic was unsinkable.One person on board knew differently.A Chilly DiscoveryIcebergs are actually bigger below the surface of the water than above it!The Titanic did not hit the part of the iceberg that you can see.Instead,it hit the larger part of the iceberg below the surface.The Titanic:Lost and Found Level S9Were Sinking!That person was Thomas Andrews,who had helped design the Titanic.He soon realized by the way the ship was behaving that it was in grave danger.As calmly as possible,the unsuspecting passengers were awakened and told to put on their life jackets.Women and children in first class were ushered into lifeboats,which were then lowered to the ocean far below.People waited patiently for their turns,still not understanding the danger that faced them.Titanic passengers in one of the few lifeboats