原版英语RAZ 教案(S) Julius Caesar.pdf
Visit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.Julius CaesarA Reading AZ Level S Leveled BookWord Count:1,072WritingWas Julius Caesar a courageous leader?Write an essay evaluating his leadership.Use examples from the text to support your opinion.Social StudiesResearch Julius Caesars life and ancient Rome.Draw your own timeline of his life.Include at least five events not described in the book.Connectionswww.readinga-Written by Marianne BlachlyLEVELED BOOK SLEVELED BOOK SJulius Caesarwww.readinga-Why is Julius Caesar known as one of the greatest leaders of ancient Rome?Focus QuestionWritten by Marianne BlachlyJulius CaesarJulius CaesarWorld Leaders Level S Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Marianne BlachlyAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Front cover:A 1915 painting shows the leader of Gaul(France today)surrendering to Caesar.Title page:A marble sculpture of Caesar is on display in a museum in Naples,Italy.Page 3:A painting shows Caesar speaking about his military battles while scribes take notes.Photo Credits:Front cover:Newagen Archives/The Image Works;title page,pages 7,15(top left):Julius Caesar(marble),Roman/Museo Archeologico Nazionale,Naples,Italy/Photo Zev Radovan/Bridgeman Images;page 3:Caesar Dictating his Commentaries,Palagi,Pelagio/Palazzo del Quirinale,Rome,Italy/Bridgeman Images;page 4:AndreaAstes/iStock/Thinkstock;page 8:Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon,Scarpelli,Tancredi/Private Collection/Look and Learn/Bridgeman Images;page 9:TonyBaggett/iStock/Thinkstock;page 10:Mary Evans Picture Library;pages 11(top),15(right):Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar,1899,Royer,Lionel Noel/Muse Crozatier,Le Puy-en-Velay,France/Bridgeman Images;page 11(bottom):Julius Caesar and his Staff,Grme,Jean-Lon/Private Collection/Photo Christies Images/Bridgeman Images;page 12(top):Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group/REX Shutterstock;page 12(bottom):dvarg/iStock/Thinkstock;page 13:SuperStock/SuperStock;page 14(top left,top right):De Agostini/G.Dagli Orti/REX Shutterstock;page 15(bottom left):Mary Evans Picture LibraryancientcivilizationsconqueredcorruptempiresmilitarypoliticianprovincesstableWords to KnowCorrelationLEVEL SO3434Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA3Julius Caesar Level STable of ContentsHail Caesar!.4The Roman World .5Caesars Early Life .7The Leader .9Caesar Returns to Rome .12We Remember Julius Caesar .14Glossary .164Julius CaesarHail Caesar!Ancient Rome is one of the great civilizations in history.Many of the languages we speak,our cultures,and our ways of government are connected to Rome,and Julius Caesar was one of its greatest leaders.Caesar became famous because he was a great military commander.He was also a very clever and successful politician.He was a great public speaker,and the Roman public as well as Caesars soldiers loved him.However,many Roman politicians feared and mistrusted Caesar because they believed he wanted to be king.What Caesar really wanted was to fix Rome,which was in great trouble at the time he was born.5MEDITERRANEAN SEABLACK SEAATLANTIC OCEANGAUL(FRANCE)SPAINGREECEMACEDONIAASIA(TURKEY)AFRICARomeRoman Republic 200100 bcRoman Republic 200100 bcThe Roman Republic was growing in the years before Caesar was born.Republic in 100 bcRepublic in 200 bcJulius Caesar Level SThe Roman WorldAncient Rome began where the European country of Italy is today.Over more than one thousand years,Rome grew to become one of the greatest empires in the world.However,few of those years were stable or peaceful.Rome was often at war with its neighbors,faraway people,and even itself.In the beginning,Rome was a city-state ruled by kings.A city-state was a place that included one large city and the countryside around it.The story is that Rome was ruled well by six kings in a row,but the seventh king was cruel.In 509 bc,the people of Rome rose up and drove the terrible king from power.6Romans decided that they didnt want kings,and this was when the Roman Republic began.They began electing two men called consuls every year to run the government.The consuls were helped by the Senatea group of rich men who had great political power.They were called senators.The Roman Republic grew quickly.Over time,it spread to east and south,across the Mediterranean Sea into North Africa.As they conquered other regions,Romans created provinces.These provinces needed to be governed,and they needed an army to protect them.Romans chose upper-class Roman citizens to rule the provinces.Governing the provinces made the rulers wealthy.Life was not so good,however,for the common citizens back in Rome.Many of them were poor,and they did not benefit from the new provinces.The Senate had become very corrupt.The gap in wealth between the rich and the poor became too big,and civil war broke out.A civil war involves two groups of people from the same country fighting for control.7Julius CaesarJulius Caesar Level SCaesars Early Life Julius Caesar was born in July 100 bc more than two thousand years ago.Caesar came from an old and known family.They probably expected him to enter politics at a young age.When his father died,Caesar became the head of his family at age sixteen.In that same year,he married Cornelia,who was from a family that supported the common,or poorer,Roman citizens.At this time,a man named Sulla had control over Rome.8Sulla represented the wealthy class,and he demanded that Caesar leave Cornelia.Caesar refused,which was a very dangerous thing to do.It showed that he would not obey Sulla.To get away from Sulla,Caesar joined the army and served in the provinces far from Rome.Caesar advanced quickly in the military,and his soldiers admired him because he treated them with respect.When Sulla died in 78 bc,Caesar felt it was safe to return to Rome.He returned to politics and did very well working with a powerful man named Pompey.After Cornelia passed away,Caesar married Pompeys daughter,Pompeia.Now settled in Rome,Caesar believed he knew how to fix the troubled government.A great orator,or public speaker,Caesar told the people of Rome that he could help them,and they adored him for it.Caesar leads his troops across a river into Italy.9Caesar wore a crown of laurel leaves in his later years.Julius Caesar Level SThe Leader The people elected Caesar to the important government position of consul when he was forty years old.He served as consul for one year and then became the governor of Gaul.Gaul was an important Roman province in what is today northern Italy and France.As governor,Caesar commanded powerful Roman legions,or armies.Many different tribes,or groups of people,lived in Gaul at that time.The tribes fought one another and also fought against the Romans.Caesars armies were outnumbered,and the tribes were fierce.Still,Caesar was a brilliant general.He treated his soldiers well,he was fearless,and he had amazing military talent.Because of this,his legions respected and loved him.10One military tool was the battering ram,which was rolled to a wall or building.Protected by the shed,soldiers swung the ram on chains to smash strong gates.After many years of war,Caesars legions brought all the tribes of Gaul under Roman control.This forever changed the way these people lived and had a great effect on the way Europe would grow in the future.Caesar was in Gaul for ten years,and his military success there made him famous back in Rome.All the time he was away,Caesar had political friends working for him at home.He remained connected with Pompey,who married Caesars daughter,Julia.Pompey,Caesar,and a wealthy politician and general named Crassus formed a group that was very successful and powerful.11In this painting by Jean-Lon Grme,Caesar is shown as a military commander.In a painting by Lionel Royer,a northern leader surrenders to Caesar after a battle.Julius Caesar Level SHowever,in time,Pompey became jealous of Caesars fame.After both Crassus and Julia died,Pompey and Caesar became bitter enemies.Caesar was popular with the common Romans,but Pompey had the support of the rich senators and some of the legions in Italy.Caesar wanted to go back to Rome.The Senate said he must give up his loyal army.12Do You Know?Caesar changed the calendar.Romans used a calendar based on the positions of the Moon.The calendar was missing ten days.Caesar worked with astronomers to create a new calendar that was based on Earths movements around the Sun.It was much more accurate.PompeyThe month of July is named after Caesar.Caesar Returns to RomeCaesar feared that he might be murdered if he returned alone,so he brought his loyal and mighty army.He was breaking Roman law when he did this,but he believed he had to stand up to Pompey.When Caesar returned,the two armies fought a deadly civil war.Caesar chased Pompeys troops out of Italy and destroyed them.Pompey was killed.13Caesars Murder by Karl Theodor von PilotyJulius Caesar Level SWhen Caesar led his army back to Rome,the Senate welcomed him.Caesar accomplished many great things.He passed new laws,built great buildings,and even changed the calendar.The people loved Caesar.However,many members of the Senate did not.They never wanted a king,and they believed Caesar had become one.They hated that he had total power because it made them less powerful.Two years after his return to Rome,a group of senators planned against Caesar and murdered him.14A coin dated 44 bc shows Julius Caesar with Venus on the reverse.Caesars family claimed to descend from the goddess of love.This map shows the Roman Republic at the time of Caesars death.MEDITERRANEAN SEABLACK SEAATLANTIC OCEANGAUL(FRANCE)SPAINGREECEMACEDONIAASIA(TURKEY)AFRICARomeRoman Republic 45 bcRoman Republic 45 bcWe Remember Julius Caesar Caesars murder led to an even more terrible civil war.When the war was finally over,the Roman Empire was born.The empire that Caesar created would rule over Europe for centuries and shape the world we live in today.15The Life of Julius CaesarThe Life of Julius Caesar100 bc:Julius Caesar is born84 bc:Father dies;marries Cornelia8382 bc:Sulla gains control of Rome78 bc:Sulla dies;Caesar returns to Rome69 bc:Cornelia dies54 bc:Daughter Julia,who was married to Pompey,dies58 bc:Made governor of Gaul;defeats northern tribes67 bc:Marries Pompeia,the daughter of Pompey53 bc:Crassus dies6059 bc:Returns to Rome;elected consul;forms powerful group with Crassus and Pompey49 bc:Civil war begins44 bc:Murdered10090807060504030Julius Caesar Level S16Glossaryancient(adj.)from a very long time ago(p.4)civilizations(n.)organized societies that have stable food supplies,governments,written languages,and religions(p.4)conquered(v.)took control of a person,group,place,or thing,usually by force(p.6)corrupt(adj.)dishonest in order to achieve or gain something(p.6)empires(n.)collections of nations or people ruled by one person or government(p.5)military(adj.)of or relating to the armed forces of a country(p.4)politician(n.)a person involved in politics,especially someone who holds or runs for an elected office (p.4)provinces(n.)any of the largest areas that some countries are divided into(p.6)stable(adj.)balanced or steady;reliable and unlikely to change(p.5)