原版英语RAZ 教案(U) Wildlife Rescue_DS.pdf
www.readinga-Wildlife RescueA Reading AZ Level U Leveled BookWord Count:1,850Wildlife RescueVisit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.Written byKira FreedLEVELED BOOK URUXWritten by Kira FreedWildlife RescueLevel U Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Kira FreedAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover,title page,pages 3,4,6,8,13,14,16,19:Craig Frederick/Learning AZ;page 5:NHPA/SuperStock;page 7:Danita Delimont/Alamy;page 9:REUTERS/Stringer Australia;page 11:Jupiterimages Corporation;page 12:Barbara L.Salisbury/The Washington Times/Landov;page 15:courtesy of Ron Garrison/San Diego Zoo/U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service;page 17:Jason Edwards/National Geographic Stock;page 18:courtesy of Ronald Laubenstein/U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service;page 20:courtesy of Terri Crisp/www.noahswish.org;page 21:Romeo Ranoco/Reuters/Landov;page 22:courtesy of Megan Durham/U.S.Fish and Wildlife Servicewww.readinga-Wildlife RescueCover:This baby gray fox was found in a pipe on a farm.It will be placed with an adult fox before it is released into the wild.Back cover:A rescued raccoon washes its food at a rehab center as it would in the wild.Title page:Wildlife rehabber Lisa Bates works with a nearly blind hawk.CorrelationLEVEL UQ4040Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA2324Glossaryambassadors (n.)representatives of a country,species,or cause(p.22)coaxing (v.)convincing through gentle persuasion(p.20)fledgling (n.)a young bird that is learning to fly(p.11)habitats (n.)the natural environments ofplants or animals(p.6)incubator (n.)an enclosure in which a baby animal is placed to keep it warm(p.14)orphaned (adj.)caused to have no parents(p.4)predators (n.)animals that hunt and eat other animals(p.9)quarantined (v.)isolated to prevent the spread of disease(p.13)urban (adj.)near or in a city or town(p.7)veterinarians (n.)doctors who treat animals other than humans for illnesses and injuries(p.13)volunteers (n.)people who offer help or performa service without being paid(p.8)Index2004 Asian tsunami,21 animal housing,5,8,1315baby(-ies),4,6,8,1012,1416care,4,5,7,8,10,12,15,21causes of injury,6contact with humans,15,17,18Crisp,Terri,20dangerous animals,4,7,9,15disease(s),4,10,13Exxon Valdez oil spill,20fast release,18flight cage,14food(s),6,8,1618,21,22Humane Society International,21Hurricane Andrew,20imprinting,15money,8,16nonreleasable animals,19orphaned,46,11,12,16predator(s),9,12,17rabies,4,10rehabbers,59,1319,22release,5,1619,22recover,5,13,14respecting wildlife,22rules(for kids),4,9slow release,18spring,12substitute parents,14,15training,5,8,12tsunami,21urban wildlife,7veterinarian(s),12,13volunteer(s),8,16,20Explore MoreOn the Internet use to find outmore about topics presented in this book.Use terms from the text,or try searching for glossary or index words.Some searches to try:wildlife rehabilitation,veterinarian,or Humane Society International.Wildlife Rescue Level UWritten by Kira FreedWildlife RescueLevel U Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Kira FreedAll rights reserved.www.readinga-Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover,title page,pages 3,4,6,8,13,14,16,19:Craig Frederick/Learning AZ;page 5:NHPA/SuperStock;page 7:Danita Delimont/Alamy;page 9:REUTERS/Stringer Australia;page 11:Jupiterimages Corporation;page 12:Barbara L.Salisbury/The Washington Times/Landov;page 15:courtesy of Ron Garrison/San Diego Zoo/U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service;page 17:Jason Edwards/National Geographic Stock;page 18:courtesy of Ronald Laubenstein/U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service;page 20:courtesy of Terri Crisp/www.noahswish.org;page 21:Romeo Ranoco/Reuters/Landov;page 22:courtesy of Megan Durham/U.S.Fish and Wildlife Servicewww.readinga-Wildlife RescueCover:This baby gray fox was found in a pipe on a farm.It will be placed with an adult fox before it is released into the wild.Back cover:A rescued raccoon washes its food at a rehab center as it would in the wild.Title page:Wildlife rehabber Lisa Bates works with a nearly blind hawk.CorrelationLEVEL UQ4040Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRA2324Glossaryambassadors (n.)representatives of a country,species,or cause(p.22)coaxing (v.)convincing through gentle persuasion(p.20)fledgling (n.)a young bird that is learning to fly(p.11)habitats (n.)the natural environments ofplants or animals(p.6)incubator (n.)an enclosure in which a baby animal is placed to keep it warm(p.14)orphaned (adj.)caused to have no parents(p.4)predators (n.)animals that hunt and eat other animals(p.9)quarantined (v.)isolated to prevent the spread of disease(p.13)urban (adj.)near or in a city or town(p.7)veterinarians (n.)doctors who treat animals other than humans for illnesses and injuries(p.13)volunteers (n.)people who offer help or performa service without being paid(p.8)Index2004 Asian tsunami,21 animal housing,5,8,1315baby(-ies),4,6,8,1012,1416care,4,5,7,8,10,12,15,21causes of injury,6contact with humans,15,17,18Crisp,Terri,20dangerous animals,4,7,9,15disease(s),4,10,13Exxon Valdez oil spill,20fast release,18flight cage,14food(s),6,8,1618,21,22Humane Society International,21Hurricane Andrew,20imprinting,15money,8,16nonreleasable animals,19orphaned,46,11,12,16predator(s),9,12,17rabies,4,10rehabbers,59,1319,22release,5,1619,22recover,5,13,14respecting wildlife,22rules(for kids),4,9slow release,18spring,12substitute parents,14,15training,5,8,12tsunami,21urban wildlife,7veterinarian(s),12,13volunteer(s),8,16,20Explore MoreOn the Internet use to find outmore about topics presented in this book.Use terms from the text,or try searching for glossary or index words.Some searches to try:wildlife rehabilitation,veterinarian,or Humane Society International.Wildlife Rescue Level U2122Incredibly,many wild animals knew to run inland before the 2004 Asian tsunami hit land.However,pets and farm animals did not fare so well.Many people in the areas hit by the tsunami depended on working farm animals.Large numbers of these animals were killed,and many others were injured or left in places without food when the tsunami struck.The Humane Society International and others help the animals,and the people who care for them,get their lives back on track.ConclusionRehabbers often use animals that cannot go back to the wild as ambassadors to help teach people to respect wildlife.Children and adults learn about wildlife that live in their area and about respecting the land so that wild animals can continue to find food and shelter.Wildlife rehabbers do important work in caring for injured wild animals and returning many of them to the wild.You can help rehabbers efforts by respecting wildlife and by calling a rehabber if you see an animal in trouble.One phone call could give a wild animal the opportunity to grow up and live a free and healthy life.A man carries his daughter and dog to safety after the tsunami in December 2004.This bird of prey acts as an ambassador to teach children about animals in their area.Wildlife Rescue Level U34Table of ContentsIntroduction.4Wildlife Rehabilitators .5Rescue.9Rehabilitation.13Release .17Disaster Rescue .20Conclusion .22Glossary .23Index .24IntroductionA baby bird hops along the ground,and its parents are nowhere in sight.What should you do if you find a baby bird that appears to be orphaned?What if you find a rabbit that seems unable to hop or a raccoon swaying from side to side as it walks?Many people dont know what actions to take,or not to take,when they find wildlife that may be in danger.However,people with special training in caring for wildlife know just what to do.They know to leave the raccoon alone because it is probably sick,and they know whether they can help the rabbit and then return it to the wild.They can also look at the baby bird and know what care to give,if any.These people can teach you how to help,too.Who to Call?If you see a wild animal in trouble,let an adult know right away.If you cannot find an adult you trust,look in the phone book under“Wildlife Rescue”or“Animal Rescue.”Topsy,a three-month-old female great horned owl,was rescued after she fell out of her nest during a windstorm.She is healing from neck and back injuries.Tucson Wildlife CenterWildlife Rescue Level U34Table of ContentsIntroduction.4Wildlife Rehabilitators .5Rescue.9Rehabilitation.13Release .17Disaster Rescue .20Conclusion .22Glossary .23Index .24IntroductionA baby bird hops along the ground,and its parents are nowhere in sight.What should you do if you find a baby bird that appears to be orphaned?What if you find a rabbit that seems unable to hop or a raccoon swaying from side to side as it walks?Many people dont know what actions to take,or not to take,when they find wildlife that may be in danger.However,people with special training in caring for wildlife know just what to do.They know to leave the raccoon alone because it is probably sick,and they know whether they can help the rabbit and then return it to the wild.They can also look at the baby bird and know what care to give,if any.These people can teach you how to help,too.Who to Call?If you see a wild animal in trouble,let an adult know right away.If you cannot find an adult you trust,look in the phone book under“Wildlife Rescue”or“Animal Rescue.”Topsy,a three-month-old female great horned owl,was rescued after she fell out of her nest during a windstorm.She is healing from neck and back injuries.Tucson Wildlife CenterWildlife Rescue Level U2122Incredibly,many wild animals knew to run inland before the 2004 Asian tsunami hit land.However,pets and farm animals did not fare so well.Many people in the areas hit by the tsunami depended on working farm animals.Large numbers of these animals were killed,and many others were injured or left in places without food when the tsunami struck.The Humane Society International and others help the animals,and the people who care for them,get their lives back on track.ConclusionRehabbers often use animals that cannot go back to the wild as ambassadors to help teach people to respect wildlife.Children and adults learn about wildlife that live in their area and about respecting the land so that wild animals can continue to find food and shelter.Wildlife rehabbers do important work in caring for injured wild animals and returning many of them to the wild.You can help rehabbers efforts by respecting wildlife and by calling a rehabber if you see an animal in trouble.One phone call could give a wild animal the opportunity to grow up and live a free and healthy life.A man carries his daughter and dog to safety after the tsunami in December 2004.This bird of prey acts as an ambassador to teach children about animals in their area.Wildlife Rescue Level U1920About half the animals at rehabilitation centers are too sick or too badly injured to ever be released back into the wild.Many animals have lost limbs,beaks,wings,or eyesight.A bird with an injured wing that does not heal properly,or with only one eye,would not be able to fly or hunt in the wild.When it is clear that an animal will never be able to survive in the wild or at a rehabilitation center,rehabbers have to make a tough decision.If the animal is in pain,euthanasiaquick,painless killingis sometimes the best way to end that animals suffering.Disaster RescueHuman activities are not the only causes of wildlife injuries.Natural disasters,such as wildfires and hurricanes,hurt animals,too.Terri Crisp spends much of her time rescuing animals that are affected by natural disasters.During a raging California wildfire in 1986,Terri rescued a Shetland pony by coaxing itinto a car.She worked to save sea otters and loons in 1989 during the ExxonValdez oil spill in Alaska.In 1992,she worked to rescue hundreds of animals hurt by Hurricane Andrew.She started the organization Noahs Wish to train volunteers to rescue animals that are in danger because of natural disasters.This adult female great horned owl is not a quiet flyer because of a wing injury.The noise warns prey animals she hunts,so she can never be released.Terri Crisp with one of the animals she has rescued from earthquakes,fires,floods,hurricanes,oil spills,tornadoes,and other disastersWildlife Rescue Level U56Wildlife RehabilitatorsPeople who help sick,injured,or orphaned wildlife are called wildlife rehabilitators,or“rehabbers.”Rehabilitate means“to restore,or bring back,to good health.”Wildlife rehabbers rescue wild animals and care for them as they heal.After the animals recover,rehabbers return them to the wild whenever possible.Wildlife rehabbers have special training in caring for,feeding,and housing wild animals.Many can treat wild animals for illnesses and injuries,too.They also know how to handle wildlife safely without hurting the animals or themselves.The work of rehabbers is needed more frequently as people move into places where wild animals live.When land is used for farming,houses,and businesses,the homes and food sources of wild animals are destroyed.As people invade wildlife habitats,animals are more likelyto be orphaned,injured,or killed.People and their activities cause the majority of wildlife injuries.Common Causes of Injury Hit by cars or other vehicles Hitting other objects,such as windows Poisoning Illegal hunting Litter and pollution Attacks by other animalsAnimal caretakers treat a sea turtle for injuries to its right flipper.Rehabber Lisa treats Tripod,a young javelina who was hit by a car.Wildlife Rescue Level U56Wildlife RehabilitatorsPeople who help sick,injured,or orphaned wildlife are called wildlife rehabilitators,or“rehabbers.”Rehabilitate means“to restore,or bring back,to good health.”Wildlife rehabbers rescue wild animals and care for them as they heal.After the animals recover,rehabbers return them to the wild whenever possible.Wildlife rehabbers have special training in caring for,feeding,and housing wild animals.Many can treat wild animals for illnesses and injuries,too.They also know how to handle wildlife safely without hurting the animals or themselves.The work of rehabbers is needed more frequently as people move into places where wild animals live.When land is used for farming,houses,and businesses,the homes and food sources of wild animals are destroyed.As people invade wildlife habitats,animals are more likelyto be orphaned,injured,or killed.People and their activities cause the majority of wildlife injuries.Common Causes of Injury Hit by cars or other vehicles Hitting other objects,such as windows Poisoning Illegal hunting Litter and pollution Attacks by other animalsAnimal caretakers treat a sea turtle for injuries to its right flipper.Rehabber Lisa treats Tripod,a young javelina who was hit by a car.Wildlife Rescue Level U1920About half the animals at rehabilitation centers are too sick or too badly injured to ever be released back into the wild.Many animals have lost limbs,beaks,wings,or eyesight.A bird with an injured wing that does not heal properly,or with only one eye,would not be able to fly or hunt in the wild.When it is clear that an animal will never be able to surviv