原版英语RAZ 教案S49-Goliath Beetles Giant Insects.pdf
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原版英语RAZ 教案S49-Goliath Beetles Giant Insects.pdf
Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Instructions:Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.Quick Check continued on following pageGIANTS OF THEANIMAL WORLDName Date Quick CheckS SLEVELGoliath Beetles:Giant Insects3.What is the main idea of the section“Speedy Beetles”?A Insects have mouths that have adapted for different purposes.B All beetles use their antennae to detect odors in their environment.C There are more than one hundred different families of beetles.D Goliath beetles may be large,but they are fast and skillful at flying.4.What feature do Goliath beetles share with all other insects?A immense size and weightB three main body parts:head,thorax,abdomenC antennae with separate,overlapping plates D Y-shaped horns on males1.How does the introduction relate to the rest of the book?A It sums up all of the information provided in the book.B It describes one feature of the beetle to be compared with the feature in the next section.C It introduces the main idea which will be supported by the topics of the following sections.D It describes the connection between several topics introduced earlier in the book.2.What caused scientists to call Goliath beetles zebra beetles?A Most beetles have stripes on all or part of their bodies.B The beetles have reached the size limits for modern insects.C Scientists think the insects are too heavy for flowers to support.D The beetles live in tropical rainforests or dry grasslands.Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Quick Check(continued)GIANTS OF THEANIMAL WORLDName Date S SLEVELGoliath Beetles:Giant Insects5.Under which of the following section titles would you expect to find details on the home of the Goliath beetle?A“An African Home”B“All in the Family”C“Beetles,Beetles,Everywhere!”D“The Circle of Life”6.Extended Response:How does the author feel about Goliath beetles?Identify at least two details from the book that support your answer.Then,compare the authors opinion with your own.Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Quick Check Answer SheetGIANTS OF THEANIMAL WORLDS SLEVELGoliath Beetles:Giant Insects 1.C Text Structure 2.A Cause and Effect 3.D Main Idea and Details 4.B Compare and Contrast 5.A Main Idea and Details 6.Answers will vary,but will indicate that the author considers Goliath beetles to be amazing insects,amazing flyers,worthy of study,and so on.Answers will then provide two details from the book to justify their answer.Details could include the following:the conclusion explicitly states this information,the introduction refers to it as an amazing insect,the book describes many details scientists discovered about insects and how they learn about them,and so on.Finally,answers will describe their own opinion about Goliath beetles and compare it to the authors.