2023年初中英语作文精选20篇优秀范文一、写人叙事类。好句积累【开头句】2. Today I aw< glad to introduce a teenager. His 八4HAC is Ckc八g Xi八.3. Li Hua aid Vm very happg to stand here to talk about myself.4. There is always something unforgettable in kvxy lifCj especially the story betwee八3g firieid aid me.5. Mg friend Daniel c八coHgcs me a lot i八 14A八g wags. Now let ie tell you something about6. I visited Hong Kong last sunAHAer holiday. It's a heaiAtiful city aid I had a wonderful tiie there.(o. Liaig LSg, a 25-gc匕一o/d giN, is a student in Class2Grade 9.7. How time flies! Three years has passed. I will graduate fr。14A jimior high school.范文精选第1篇(提高英语成绩)How Do I Improve Mg EnglishTo improve our English the school givei a list of books for us to read this suinAer Of all the suggested books, I have decided to choose Secrets of E八gsk Words aid Tiie for Kids.The first om is a book wkick小4g help小c use English words better. By reading this book, I wilt surely leari more mw words. This will iake xg future studg easier. Tiie for Kids is a popular wagaiM spcciaHg written for students, m wkick I will read interesting stories aid have a taste of teen life abroad. So it hAust be of great f”八 to read it.Being part of this activity, I aw expecting a big step forward m kviy English.第2篇(端午节)Chinese Dragon Boat FestivalDear Mike,Glad to from gou. rd like to tell you something about tMe Chinese Dragon Boat Festival aid kow I spent it this year.The Dragon I3oat Festival falls on May 5th this year. People all across Cliva eat zongzi aid dragon boat races are held in侬八g places to rememfeer a great aMieit person Qu 八.We had tkrcc dags off for this festival this year. During that timej I weit for a picnic,八 the couintryside witk ig good He八ds, aid of course ate zogzi with 14Ag family. I also watched the dragon boat traces。八 TV. I enjoyed the holiday uergI hope go” cad coie to Cliia next gear aid spend the festival with me.Best wishes.You0Li Hua第3篇(旅游)Come to Mg Hometown Fujian for a VisitHi, Johglad to匕 that youfre planning to travel aroiAind Ckxiia during the summch vacation. (以 like to invite tjou to koietowi Fujian for a visit.FiAjiai ties m the southeast of Cliia with F“zk。” a$> its capital citg. It a population of over 38 i4A。八.Because of the nice cinv"。八八,it's known asRefreshing FujTmwkick attracts iilliois of toiArists fro& hoiAAC aid abroad. If you coie here you cai enjoy fresk air, blue sky as well as beautifixl mouitams aid clear rivers. Mang famous places of interest like Mouit Wagi aid Gulaig Island are well worth visiting. Besides, g。" cav taste varioiAS kinds of delicious food.looking forward to Meet% you!第4篇(我最喜欢的学科)My Favourite Subject伉 school we study 14A4八g subjects, such as CliMse, E八g,skj watls, googsaphg aid s。八. But 14Ag favorite subject is English.I think English is vcrg interesting. It's used widely m the world. Wherever you go. you cav use it. I cav vot o八(g leari侬八g iew words aid phrases but also get the latest news about western countries. Besides, English is a global laigixage, K八。wihg English wakes trave iaauc/i easier. I cav iake恒八g foreign 汨ends too./八 the fiAturCj I will take notes carefully 4八d focus on correct spelling aid grammar After class, it is a good idea for to read articles fr。14A English newspapers or iagaziMS. Wkeh I have sowte problems with 14Ag English spcakSg, I will turn to teachers aid friends for help. I will continue to study hard in iny English studies and improve it to a higher stage.三、建议做法类好句积累【开头句】1. I aw< Mcrg glad to he匕 that you will cowe back to Chi八4 aid stixdg m 14Ag school Mxt ternA. Here are SOM。suggestions for you.2. sorry to know that g。” aresoweproblems now. rd like to give you some suggestions. 3. In order to lave more 八ccs to practice八d improve Eng(ish)we are involved iniaiy kinds of group work aid pair work activities in English classes.4. A great iixiber of students cat finish the/ tasks, wkick leads to bad results aid makes t/iem (ess interested m the" study. How can we solve the problem? Here are somc suggestions.5. So I would like to suggest that evercjoM should borrow iore books aid read good books.6. There is no endless time for us to spend. So how c八 we iake good use of time to iake our study av(k life better?建设文明城市2. Nowadays we are 七可八g our best to take Xining become a civilized citg. As studentSj we kvtust know wkat we shoiA以 do aid w!at wc sko/d八 t do.3. As citizens of Green City, we shoudd vot。八也 protect our eviroiieit but alsofollow the traffic rules.4. As junior students, we ave also iade some contributions to the civilized SiAqiai.5. BcSg a teenager of LiaigL(八ga八g, wMat shoa/d I do to help build a civilised citij?6. Here are iy ideas about how to create a harmonious coikmunity.(o. Here I以 like to tell go sowetkihg that will iake your school life more coifostable aid woiderfuL7. So kow caw we help protect our cits eiviroinieit aid iake it a grcc八cr place to live? Here are souac things wc all ch do aid should do.S. With the development of the society, haokc aid iore c products are used m our daily life, iakiig us live coiveiieitlij 4八d coifortably.保持健康1. As we know keeping in a good woocL is good for 。匕 kealtk aid study. Here are souac suggestions for LjOlA.2. As teenagerj its very iiportait for us to keep safe. But soietiies accidents iay happen aroiAid us. So how cav we keep safe?3. SuiAAmer holiday is cowvq. And swinAi/vu'八g safety becomes a big problem. So rd like to give you some advice to keep off the danger.4. Evcirgbodg, men or woiaac八 goung or old, should kave a good habit of doing sports. So should I)aid s。I do.【中间句】交流If t/our parents get 八grgyou should try to cowwiAvicate with about it.5. Whatrs 恒。/。)g。, shoudd be polite to everijoM, wkick will iake you get。八 well with others 4 八 gtii/vic.6. Besidesif sowkcom does八比 wait to cxck八ge his or Mer ideas, kvaybe he or she iacj lose the八ccsto know lAAorc 八cw Methods about leariiig English.文明城市2. Do renACHAfeer no matter where we go, be sure vot to throw litter cvcrgwherc.3. To iake it ignore and iore beautifulj I often dot litter CMergwkcrc to iake the school c八sir。八HAcnt cleaMir.4. Firstlywhen we are。八 tlxe way to school frow 人。恒也 we should follow the traffic lights aid rules to avoid the traffic accidents.5. In this wg” we cav fee a virtue teenager aid help to build our citej iito a civilized om.6. Of course, we should set up a recycling site or evei the %cgc(Mg website theto wake iteasier.保持健康2. To keep yourself safe, g。,go somewheredangerous.3. Last but not leasts when you are surfing the /internet atgoa should be careful to kvakefriends oiHm to keep goarsc/f safe.4. /八 the school, I take av active part iv P.E. /essoins. Somet/mes we plag football aid volleyball. Soiaa况沁cs we play basketball, table tc八八is or badiiitoi. Foothall is n/g favorite sport.【结尾句】1. I hope me/ suggestions will be helpful for gout.2. Its our duty to do wkat we cav do to iake our city kvore beautiful. I believe if everyoM iakes av effort, Xi八,八g wilt be。八c of the most beautiful cities ih our co(Aitry.3. All in all, we will try our best to do what we caw do to iake o“rsc/vcs aid Sixqiai citej iore civilised.4. EveryoM should iake a contribution to the building of a人口匕侬。八ios commumYc/.5. If you follow the advice that I kave ieitioied above, cjoia will be succcssf”/.(o. Only when we spend it properlycav wc iake our life ieaiiigful aid colorful.7. Last but not leasts the govc匕八mc八土 cav iake some ru/es eve八 laws to iake people realise the serioushcss of e-waste.。范文精选第1篇(校园暴力)Campus ViolenceCampus violeMe(校园暴力)kappe八s fronA t/me to tiie nowadays. It is harmful fo夕studc八七s. It karts wot。八也 our bodies but also our n/u'八ds.As stixdc八ts, wc should follow the school ru/es to behave well at school. It's good for us to obey the teachers and parents. Also, we must be strict with 。匕sc/vcs. To be safe, we should keep away fro ma literMt bar, aid go to school aid go back koh/ic 。八 tiwe. Besides, we skoix/d be polite aid fn'c八d/g to others, aid dot fight with classmates. If we八 g difficulties m life,由 s bestto communicate with our teachers aid parents. In this wag our school cav become safer aid safer.第2篇(建设文明城市)What Should I Do For the Strive?8. I still reiekvtber what happened between me/ best firic八d Li八 Tao aind we.q. This is a photo tkat is very special to we.【中间句】2. He is a helpful bog who oft" helps people around3. He is very popular in our school because he is polite to everijoM.4. As for wy dreaw, I wait to he a teacher, rll iake fn'e八ds with 14Ag kids.5. Like iany other bogs, I enjoy doing sports, but KAQtks aid science are me/ favorite.6. Mg favorite MCMorg of dad is that he always waists to keep me from iakiig Mistakes but he tries to let me fiid me/ owin w"/ cue八 though his keart breaks m sc八cc when I get hixrt.(o. Though she is bb(sg)she studies aitd gets good grades.7. I imagine that she/he is iot o八(g g。"八g but also beautify /k 八 dsowu.As we k八。Wj A八skah city is becoiiig more aid kvore beaiAtiful. Actually, A八sk"八 is bidding for the title of ccNationally Civilized Citg")wkick is a must for our city to become green aid famous iin Ckiia.As a middle school studentI aw terribly happy for that, because I will do wkat I cavy do to hc(p the strive. What should we do the八? Firstlywe cav wot litter anywhere aid we should keep tke streets cleats. Secondlyj we skou/d follow traffic nx/cs at all tildes to keep safe. Thirdlywe sIoiaIcL treat each otler politely avd behave iv a civilized way. More iiportantlyj we must plaint more trees, flowers avd plants to iake the cittj become grcc 八 crTo suka upj it is o匕 duty to contribute to the strive 八d to struggle for the人。八。匕 of "Nationally Civilized Citg”, isirJt it?第3篇(提高学习效率)How to Improve Our Study Effectively?A greatof students cavt finish the"tasks, wkick leads to had results av(k makes t/iem /ess interested ih the" study. How cav we solve the problem? Here are some suggestion.You need to fSd ain effective加 4mi 八 g Method. Take advantage of class tiie to listen to the teacher. Taking notes will help you reHAemfeer what the teachers sags. After class, ljoia should review c/our /css。八s in tiwe. You should also finish your homework carefulltj. If you lave discovered any mistakes, correct tkcHA immediately. This wilt hc(p you form a good /coming habit.Besides you Med to do somc exercise. It cav not only iake you relaxed but alsohuild up your body.All in all, g。” should iake good use of tiie。八 studcj aid relaxation. If you kave aiy problems m your studycjoiA cav ask your classmates or teachers for help.If tjoiA follow the advice that I kave ieitioMd above, you will be succcssf”/.第4篇(合理利用时间)How to Spend Our Ti伙e Properly?There is no endless time for us to spend. So how cav we make good use of tiie to iake our study aid life better?First, we should iake sure that the time is balder control of ourselves. Second, more t/me should be “sed ih study. As we all k八。wit takes tiie to study words or to do soi/wc exercises. So, to study well, you are supposed to spend mack tiie。八 it. Third, we shobdd spend proper tiie,八 developing our interests. Foard% spehdi八g tiwe with our family aid friends is八cccss4Kg.A" in all, tiie is a good gift froi the god.。八也 wkc八 we spend it properly, caw we iake our life Wie八,八gfu/ aind colorful.四、观点看法类。好句积累【开头句】As for it j different students k/c different thoughts. Sowe students stand by it, others are against it. As far as Vm concemedj I 加八k study trip is good for studc八aid kcrc are me/ reason. 2. D。 tjoiA agree that your parents h.ave a second child? Different students have different opinions about it.3. Last week, we had a discussion about the hot topic "To change or八。I 加八k differ©八t people kave different choices to deal with problems.4. I lave recently doM a survey about kow a teenager cav kave a successful life.5. When theg cowe across problem, theg dot know what to do. The problem raises peopled attention.(o. We did a survey about middle school stixdeits1 weekend activities. Here are the results.7. As students, wkat skoa/d we do to build our coiAKitry? I 加八k we should study kard to get rich knowledge so as to make cotnbutios to our coiAitrij.S. I dot think grades are iiportait. Students kave different abilities aid some of cavt be measured by grades,suck as> creativitcj, abilities to cowwAvcate aind act.q. Oixir class kave had a discussion about wkctkcr we cav use mobile poMS.工。.I have recently doM a survey about kow a teenager cav kave a sacccssf”/ life.【中间句】2. As for MeVcl love to kave a brotker or sister as cowpaLj, s。 that I cav share happiness aid sorrow with or her3. There is no doubt that juik food is delicioiAS aid attractive, tut it surely does to our body.4. VJhaVs hAore, do iore outdoor activities. As (。八g as tjoiA are bsg with soMCtkihg interesting, you will iore probably get away fn914A juik food.5. In my opinionj those kids wko are good at leariiig are able to iaiage their tiie vesg well.6. Fro ha kwy opinion of Wew? we Med to iake sowu good friends so that we cav leari frok each other.(o. Instead of giving up, I ckosc to change. I tried hal/ best to listen to tapes aid practice speaking cvcg7. On one handj parents should give them proper suggestionsaid give tew iore chances to iake the" own decisions. On the other handj ckdrc八 skou/dh t depend。八 the" parents too mucM.8. In order to produce c八。ugh vegetables aid fruits, theg are busy growing plants.q. To start with, I w4s八七 good at E八gsk aid seldom got high scores on the ex4ks.20. But some others don't think so. They think students shoiA(d八比use iohile phones.22. What's More 七heg sMare tkc idea that tec八gers are supposed to iake a good plai for future.【结尾句】L tn a word, both the cock aid the keh arescf/. It is wrong for thei to see their own use instead of seeing otkers, “sc.2. If everyoM Makes a contribution to bmildiig a green city, Ezhoot will become a better place to live in.3. sure a good balance between leamiig aiad playing cav make a great contribution to kids1 growth.4. A” /n allj it's vertj iiportait for children to teari to be Sdcpc八d"t.5. In a wordj it's our duty to iake reading become a part of our life.(o. Sharing bikes briig people s。 ha4八g advantages, so (etK protect tkci/w aid follow the rules of using them.7 . A" m all, grades cav be a watj to measure students,aclieveieitsi 八schoolwork.However, different interests and abili