The Golden Girls《黄金女郎(1985)》第三季第十七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
谢谢你做我的朋友Thank you for being a friend.旅行数日后又重回此处Traveled down the road and back again.你的心是如此真诚Your heart is true.你是我的贴心好友Yourre a pal and a confidante.若你要开个派对And if you threw a party.邀请所有熟人到场Invited everyone you knew.你将发现最好的礼物是我送出的You would see the biggest gift would be from me.贺卡上将会写着And the card attached would say.感谢你与我为友“Thank you for being a friend"黄金女郎第三季第十七集嗨索菲娅你在做什么?Hi, Sophia. Ooh, what you making?肉酱千层面Lasagna al forno.闻起来很好吃Smells delicious.是的我的姑婆尼科琳达曾经说过Yeah. My great Aunt Nicolinda used to say,“做千层面就像过河"Making lasagna al forno is like crossing a river.“把裤子卷起来如果发现“If you roll up your pants, don't be surprised有蛤蝌在咬你脚后跟也不要感到意外if you find clams nipping at your heels."她什么意思? 我怎么知道?"What'd she mean? - How should I know?她是个无可救药的酒鬼She was a hopeless alcoholic.-尝尝吧-哦-Here. Have a taste. - Ooh.嗨这出戏的试镜怎么样?No problem, sweetheart.快回来饺子Hurry back, dumpling.我的脚有翅膀呕吐袋My feet have wings, barf bag.桃乐茜求你了坚持住Dorothy, please, hang in there.再过一会安吉洛就要坐飞机去布鲁克林了A little while longer, Angelo will be on a plane for Brooklyn.我真希望我带了雨衣I wish rd taken my raincoat.你们俩怎么穿成这样?Why are you two dressed like that?这是我们的戏服桃乐茜These are our costumes for the play, Dorothy.我们排练到一半时他们叫我们回家We were in the middle of rehearsal when they told us to go home. 有一场飓风正向迈阿密袭来There's a hurricane heading for Miami.我要吃一块蛋糕I will take a slice of cake.你好Hello.安吉洛叔叔我Uncle Angelo, Fd, uh,我想让你认识嗯like you to meet, uh. uh.我是萝丝修女I'm Sister Rose.你好!见到你很高兴How do you do? Nice to meet you.我是布兰琪修女很高兴认识你-I'm Sister Blanche. - Glad to meet you.我们在这里呃收集We're here, uh, collecting.内衣lingerie.给需要变得性感的人for needy sexy people.机场关闭了有一场飓风朝这边来了The airports are closed. There's a hurricane headed this way.我们所有人要留在原地They want everyone to stay where they are.这意味着我们可能会被困在一起好儿天That means we could be trapped together for days.哦主耶稣啊!Oh, Jesus!请保护我们守护我们Please protect us and watch over us在我们需要帮助的时候in this our hour of need.阿门Amen.天啊这雨真大Boy, it's really coming down put there.我从来没经历过飓风I've never been through a hurricane before.没有什么好害怕的我经历过飓风There's nothing to be afraid of. Tve been through hurricanes.事实上还挺有趣的Actually, they could be kind of fun.我记得我结婚的时候那次I remember one when I was married.-结婚了吗? 玛丽-Married? - Mary.我在修道院的圣诞游♥行♥中扮演玛丽I was Mary in the Christmas pageant at the convent.记得吗萝丝修女?Remember that, Sister Rose?哦天哪是的布兰琪修女是个出色的演员Oh, my, yes. Sister Blanche is quite an actress.她当然是好演员这才能让别人相信她是处♥女♥She'd have to be to make anyone believe she was a virgin.斯坦利你是只穿着廉价西装的猪Stanley, you're a pig in a cheap suit.我得说(两分钱)-就能换个更好的假发吗?-You know, for two cents. - You could get a better toupee?我已经受够了我不想再这样下去了Fve had enough. Tm not going on with this anymore.安吉洛快看阿西西的圣弗朗西斯Angelo, look. St. Francis of Assisi.闭嘴好好演你个蠢货Shut up and play ball, you yutz.看错了不过要紧我们都去睡觉吧False alarm. Never mind. Lets all go to bed.安吉洛你可以睡我房♥间Angelo, you can sleep in my room.哦那不会很挤吗?Well, won't it be crowded?拜托在西西里一张床能睡四个人呢Please. In Sicily; we slept four in a bed.是啊但我们有六个人Yeah, but there's six of us.我是说只有你和我I meant just you and me.哦吼真不错啊Oh-hp! Fancy.走吧我们去睡觉吧Oh, come on. Let's go to bed.我累死了Yeah. Fm beat.我也是我也是-Me, too. - Me, too.我也是Me, too.是谁?Who is it?是安吉洛叔叔It's Uncle Angelo.请进Come in.桃乐茜能帮我个忙吗?Dorothy, would you do me a favor?哦当然安吉洛叔叔Oh, of course, Uncle Angelo. Anything.我想让你和这个男人上♥床♥I want you to sleep with this man.算了吧Forget it.求你了作为一名神职人员我求你了Please, Tm a-begging you as a man of the cloth.现在我知道杰西卡汉恩的感受了Now I know how Jessica Hahn must have felt.1987年担任教会秘书时指控 Jim Bakker 强♥奸♥ 了 她我很抱歉安吉洛叔叔我们吵了一架Look, I'm sorry, Uncle Angelo. We had a fight.我知道我想睡觉了I know, and I wanna go to bed.所以你们两个孩子和好吧So you two kids, please make up.行吧行吧咱和好吧Fine. Fine. We're made up.谢谢!晚安两位做个好梦Thank you. Good night. Sweet dreams.我知道有段时间了没一起睡了你要控制你自己I know it's been a while, but control yourself.我需要休息一下I need some rest.这是干什么? 你不能上这张床-What is that for? - You're not getting into this bed.我该睡哪里? 像狗一样趴在地上-Where am I supposed to sleep? - On the floor like any dog.很好斯坦兹博纳克才不会求女人上♥床♥Fine. Stan Zbornak doesn't have to beg a woman to get into bed. 女人会主动找我Women come to me.是的她们会先看看你信♥用♥卡♥够不够刷 Yeah. After they get the approval number on your MasterCard.-晚安-闭嘴吧-Good night. - Oh, shut up.斯坦利如果你在做我以为你在做的事Stanley, if you're doing what I think you're doing, 你就完蛋了you're in big trouble.我在回忆你第一次把我从床上踢下去的情景I was remembering the first time you kicked me put of bed 我不得不睡在地板上and I had to sleep on the floor.埃米尔尊茨在波科诺的蜜月隐居处Emil Zuntz's Hidden Honeymoon Hideaway in the Poconos.四月份巴黎的每个小屋Where every cottage is April in Paris.还有七月加尔各答的每间浴室And every bathroom Calcutta in July.还记得我是怎么说服你让我回去睡床的吗?You remember how I convinced you to let me back in?不记得No.我真的I've got a喜欢上你了Crush on you小甜心Sweetie pie整日整夜All the day and nighttime听我叹息Hear me sigh斯坦利兹博纳克你是在勾引我吗Stanley Zbornak, I don't believe that you're trying to charm me.管用吗? 才没用呢-Is it working? -1 don't think so.你让我别无选择我得把那把“大枪"拔♥出♥来♥You leave me no choice. Til have to pull put the big gun.你在浪费时间斯坦利我知道”枪“才多大You're wasting your time, Stanley. Fm familiar with the big gun.要来咯Here goes.拥抱我Embrace me我甜蜜的拥抱你My sweet embraceable you-拥抱我-Embrace me你是无可替代的你You irreplaceable you桃乐茜!桃乐茜我刚做了个噩梦Dorothy! Dorothy, I just had a terrible nightmare.-妈怎么了? 就这个情景-Ma, what was it? - This.分开吧Break it up.斯坦利把我当成柏林墙吧Stanley, think of me as the Berlin Wall.如果你想从我身上爬过去Try to climb over me, and you'll know你就知道两腿之间夹铁丝网是什么感觉了what barb wire between your legs feels like.明白了Gotcha.桃乐茜这是怎么开始的?Dorothy, how did this start?唱的科尔波特? 格什温的-Cole Porter? - Gershwin.感谢上帝我来得及时Thank God I came in time.我去接Fil get it.你好Hello.嗨沃尔特你好吗?Hi, Walter. How are you?是啊我也觉得自己像一只被困在笼子里的动物Yeah, I feel like a caged animal in heat, too.哦!沃尔特你这个淘气的孩子Oh! Walter, you naughty boy.继续说Keep on talking.我穿的是什么?What am I wearing?好吧说实话一件修女的衣服Well, to be perfectly honest, a nun's outfit.哦!听起来不错啊哈Oh! That sounds good to me. Uh-huh.暴风雨一停我就过去Fil be over there just as soon as this storm lets up. 他是个麻风病人He's a leper.我是唯一会碰他的人I'm the only one who'll touch him.大家早上好Good morning, everyone.-早上好-我来做早餐-Good morning. - Fil make breakfast.真可惜你们俩结婚40周年纪念日被困在家里It's such a shame, you two stuck here on your 40th anniversary.跟我们在一起-四十周年纪念?-Stuck with us. - Fortieth anniversary?是啊今天是25号♥对吗?Sure. Today's the 25th, isn't it?是的是的我想是的Yes. Yeah, I guess it is.我记得我父母庆祝他们结婚40周年纪念日的时候I remember when my parents celebrated their 40th anniversary. 他们做了最可爱的事They did the cutest thing.他们重申了结婚誓言They renewed their marriage vows.你们俩应该这么做You two should do that.这里有个牧师会很完美的You've got a priest right here. It'll be perfect.有爱又浪漫甜蜜又自然It's sweet. Its romantic. Its spontaneous.这是我想过的最蠢的主意It's the dumbest idea I've ever had.我认为这是个好主意I think it's a great idea.-什么? 什么?-What? - What?你到客厅来一下好吗?Snookums, could I see you in the living room?好Sure.你到底是怎么回事?你疯了吗?What the hell is wrong with you? Are you put of your mind?桃乐茜听我说Dorothy, just hear me put.过去的两天你和我在这里The last two days, you and me being here勾起了很多美好的回忆brought back a lot of good memories.昨晚我们在床上的时候我感觉到了什么Last night when you and I were in bed together, I felt something. 那是我母亲的膝盖That was my mother's knee.除此之外Besides that.咱们还是有旧情在的There was still some of the old magic there.我知道上次我们把事情搞砸了Look, I know we loused things up the last time.我把事情搞砸了I loused things up.但现在我们有机会再试一次But now we have a chance to give it another try.宝贝我想你了Babe, I missed you.我想完成婚礼I wanna go through with the ceremony.然后我们就去市政厅去复婚Then we'll go down to city hall and make it legal.斯坦-桃乐茜这是命运-Stan. - Dorothy, it's fate.天意这场飓风我们假装还在婚姻里Divine intervention. The hurricane. Us pretending we're married. 如果上帝不想让我们在一起他就不会派牧师来If God didn't want us together, he would never have sent a priest. 我不是牧师I'm not a priest.安吉洛你不是牧师是什么意思?Angelo, what do you mean you're not a priest?我不能再这样欺骗下去了I cannot go on with this deception any longer.我不能为你俩主婚我不是牧师我从来不是I can't marry you. Tm not a priest. I never was.安吉洛叔叔你在说什么?Uncle Angelo, what are you talking about?我得坐下I gotta sit down.让我给你们讲个故事Let me tell you a story.想象一下Picture it:西西里岛1914年Sicily, 1914.我在我们亲爱的母亲临终前答应过她I promised our dear sainted mother on her deathbed 我要成为一名牧师Fm-a gonna join the priesthood.在我去巴勒莫神学院的路上On my way to the seminary in Palermo, 我在当地的一家小餐馆停下来喝了一杯基安蒂酒I stop off in a local trattoria for a glass of Chianti.女服务员把它端到桌子上The waitress bring drink to the table.想象出的场面is a vision.甜美的嘴唇Luscious lips,丰满的胸部full bosom.屁♥股♥那么圆那么结实and a behind so round, so firm,你得双膝跪地you got to fall down on your knees为它华丽宏伟的美丽而哭泣and cry put at its magnificent regal beauty.我是一个屁♥股♥控I'm a butt man.无论如何我对上帝的忠诚不会动摇Anyway, my devotion to God doesn't waver.但是突然间这个念头But suddenly, the idea和一群穿着令人发痒长袍的人住在一起of living with a bunch of guys in itchy robes看起来没那么吸引人doesn't seem quite as appealing就像那样as that tuckus.所以我撕毁了我的牧师申请So I tear up my priest application,向菲洛梅娜求婚ask Filomena to marry me,在接下来的72年里我们幸福地生活在一起and we lived the next 72 years in wedded bliss.为什么这么多年你一直保守着这个秘密?Why did you keep it a secret all these years?我怕我的家人会背弃我I was afraid my family gonna turn on me他们发现我违背了在妈妈临终前对她的承诺they find put I broke a promise to Mama on her deathbed.我答应妈妈要嫁给贝尼托I promised Mama I'd marry Benito,镇上给手风琴师的猴子做帽子的人the town's organ grinder monkey hat manufacturer.你没嫁吗? 拜托-And you didn't do it? - Please.我非常爰我的母亲但我有自己的生活要过I loved my mother dearly, but I had my own life to live.你也是安吉洛You did, too; Angelo.你能原谅我吗?-当然了安吉洛叔叔-Can you ever forgive me? - Oh, of course, Uncle Angelo.事实上我们也都有过欺骗的时候Actually, we/ve all been deceitful, too.斯坦利和我离婚了我希望你没有失望Stanley and I are divorced. I hope you're not disappointed.不我当然高兴了我从不喜欢这个蠢货No. Tm thrilled. I never liked him. He's a yutz.我们也不是真正的修女And we're not really nuns.我们其实是优秀的普通市民We're actually gorgeous private citizens.-现在我糊涂了到厨房♥来-Now I'm confused. - Come to the kitchen.我给你做点早餐然后解释整件事I'll fix you some breakfast and explain the whole thing.大伙快看暴风雨要停了Look, everybody. The storm's letting up.我马上就得去沃尔特家I'm gonna run right over to Walter's.你不打算换衣服吗?Aren/t you gonna change?不No.风还是很大It's still pretty windy.Hi, girls. How did the audition for the play go?糟透了我们只得到了小角色Awful. We just got two tiny parts.我们要表演音乐之声We're doing Sound of Music,布兰琪没能当主角and Blanche didn't get the lead.真不敢相信你没被选为主角I can't believe you weren't cast in the lead.你在过去的五年里一直在争取啊You've gotten it the past five years.他们雇了一个新导演他没有品味They hired a new director, and he has no taste.布兰琪以前和老导演睡过Blanche used to sleep with the old one.新导演是个同性恋The new director's gay.一个同性恋戏剧导演你听说过这种事吗?A gay theater director. Did you ever hear of such a thing?这真令人震惊It's absolutely shocking.接下来你就知道NBA里有黑人篮球运动员了Next thing you know they'll have blackbasketball players in the NBA.妈你在做千层面Ma, you are making lasagna al forno.又是要干什么?What is the occasion?才没有这只是你最爰吃的啊There's no occasion. I just know it's your favorite.我去开门Ell get it.做这个花了 12个小时你想要干什么?This takes 12 hours to make. What do you want?什么也不干而且花了 16个小时Nothing. And it takes 16.你做千层面的时机只是在葬礼和人情上The only time you make lasagna al forno is for funerals and favors.你没穿黑色衣服你想要干什么?You're not wearing black, so what do you want?啥也没有啊桃乐茜你真是有病我要出去看看能不能飞起来I'm gonna go outside and see if I can get airborne. 好了我也该走了Well, Fd better get going, too. 斯坦Uh, Stan.关于你说的话About what you said.桃乐茜我开玩笑的Hey, Dorothy, uh, I was kidding. 这是个玩笑It was a joke. 我也是这么想的That's what I figured.你不会以为我是认真的吧?Well, you didn't think I meant it, did you? -不当然不是-当然不是-Well, no. Of course not. - Of course not.我混迹在啦啦队员狂野派对和按♥摩♥浴缸之间 I'm strictly cheerleaders, wild parties, and hot tubs.斯坦趁我还没忘记Stan, before I forget, 之前答应过得 a deal's a deal.这是你的50元 Here/s your 50. 算了吧索菲娅 That's okay, Sophia. 这个免费了This one's on the house. 振作起来闺女Pull yourself together, pussycat.格什温的歌♥会迷惑很多人 Gershwin confused a lot of people.Nothing. Dorothy, you're a sick,而且还多疑偏执suspicious, paranoid person.斯坦我最喜欢的前女婿Stan, my favorite ex-son-in-law.哦!上帝!斯坦利你在这里干什么?Oh! God! Stanley, what the hell are you doing here?别那样跟他说话我邀请的他Don't talk to him like that. I invited him.什么? 我喜欢你的假发斯坦利-What? -1 love your toupee, Stanley.-是新的吗? 是的-Is it new? - Yeah.店里的人管它叫丹拉瑟造型The guy at the shop calls it the Dan Rather model.你觉得这会让我看起来更聪明吗?You think it makes me look more intellectual?当然了顺便说一下斯坦利你的拉链开着Oh, absolutely. By the way, Stanley, your fly is open.-我好尴尬一别担心-I'm so embarrassed. - Don/t worry about it.我听说丹拉瑟也这样I hear that Dan Rather has the same problem.所以他才坐在桌子后面That's why he sits behind a desk.妈听着我想知道答案Ma, listen, I want some answers.你为什么要准备我最喜欢的饭菜Now, why did you prepare my favorite meal然后邀请我最不喜欢的人and then invite my least favorite person来和我们一起吃?to come eat it with us?好吧好吧我需要你帮个忙All right. All right. I need a favor.还记得我哥哥安吉洛吗?他参加了你的婚礼Remember my brother Angelo? He was at your wedding.他是西西里岛的牧师He's a priest who lives in Sicily.他下周要去布鲁克林He's going to Brooklyn next week坚持要在迈阿密停一下and insisted on stopping off in Miami one day来庆祝你俩结婚40周年快乐to wish you two a happy 40th wedding anniversary.但我们已经离婚了But we're not married anymore.所以这让我想到了千层面Which brings me to the lasagna al forno.我要你们假装你们还没离婚I want you to pretend you're still married而且我们幸福地住在这里and that we're all living here.绝对不行婚姻是神圣的I will not take part. The institution of marriage is sacred.-我给你50块-好的-Til give you 50 bucks. - Okay.桃乐茜就一个下午Dorothy, its only for one afternoon.如果他知道你俩离婚了你叔叔会很伤心的It'll break your uncle's heart if you're divorced.妈算了吧我们离婚是因为斯坦利背叛了我Ma, forget it. We/re divorced because Stanley cheated on me.他是个令人讨厌令人厌恶的家伙He is a loathsome, repulsive creature.一想到假装结婚我就觉得不舒服Even the thought of pretending to be married makes me ill.好吧但我还是要留下来吃晚饭Fine, but I'm still staying for dinner.如果你不这么做我就再也不理你了If you don't do this, Til never speak to you again.我不在乎你的余生我每晚都会邀请斯坦过来-1 don't care. - Fil invite Stan over every night.能有多糟?就这一天How bad can it be? It's just for the day.布兰琪我刚熨好我们的戏服Blanche, I just pressed our costumes.今晚的排练让我很紧张I'm nervous about the rehearsal tonight.我们再过一遍台词怎么样?What do you say we go over our lines again.当然Sure.我们能从第三场开始吗?Can we t