十四天之前You were being tracked by Ms 你被鲍巴费特终结者女士跟踪Boba Fett Terminator back there 14 days ago.你却没想到告诉我们一声.and you didn't think to tell us?!皮普小心Pip, look out!经期节SyncFest.天堂有路我们不走Why are we walking ourselves out of the fire, 地狱无门闯进来into the fucking furnace of hell?因为最危险的地方就是最安全的地方Because the best hiding is hiding in plain sight.可别搞砸了是个英雄Don't screw this up. Moony is a hero.你的客人陪我Your guest with me至日落by sundown.不No!杰米你在干什么Jaime, what are you doing?快点我们快跟丢他们了Come on! We're losing them.找到自己的丰富之处Find your abundance.你非得系安全带吗我会把鲍比追回来的I have to make it click, OK? I'm going to get Bobby back.那杰米呢你的朋友杰米And Jaime? Your friend, Jaime.对啊杰米还用你说吗Yes, Jaime, obviously. Goes without saying.那儿他们在那儿-开快点啊There! There they are. - Come on, drive faster!你怎么不开快点-这里是住♥宅♥区Why aren't you driving faster? - This is a residential zone. 什么鬼痛苦in pain.现在她妈妈Now her mum dances.载歌♥载舞细嗅花香She sings, she smells roses.就像她回到了这种负面局势开始前的正常日子Just like she did way back before any of this negativity started. 去你的Fuck you!莱恩别这样Lane. Please don't do this.感谢你的配合Thank you for your cooperation.不不把它还给我把它还给我莱恩No, no! Give it back. Give it back, Lane!你不能这么对待我们太棒了You can't do this to us! - Gorgeous.求你了Please!老天Oh my Goddess.老天Oh my gosh.皮普你看起来美极了Wow. Pip, you look stunning.我一直都认为你是我的偶像I've always thought this about you, but you are my idol.对Yeah.我真不敢相信你找到了一个活生生的雄性人类I can't believe you found a real, live, breathing human male.你是怎么做到的别围着她How do you do it? - Don't crowd her.我带你去坐下Ell take you to your seat.她想挨着我坐我要把她带到上座She wants to sit by me. - I'll just take her to her seat.有机会的话And when you get a chance, 教教我你的烟熏眼妆技巧好吗you have to teach me how you do your smoky eye, OK?你是怎么画出下眼线的呢How do you get the wings to flick out?那么整齐的下眼线很难画An even flick out? Cos that's difficult.好你坐那OK, you sit there.各位请就座Everyone, please be seated.我不敢相信I cannot believe我们有多幸运how blessed we are.这次集♥会♥史无前例this unprecedented SyncFest.你感觉到了吗Can you feel it?这个房♥间里弥漫的能量The energy vibrating in the room?空气里流动着振奋充满了希望Such excitementin the air, such abundant hope.这是我的荣幸我十足高兴地It is my honour, my unmitigated joy,欢迎在座的新成员皮帕to welcome new committee member Pippa to our table.欢迎你皮帕Welcome, Pippa.是皮普叫我皮普就行It's Pip. Just call me Pip.小皮今天带给我们的是Pippin here has brought to us today一件剑齿虎般珍贵的宝物a treasure precious as a sabre-toothed tiger.各位这位是罗伯特Everyone, this is Robert.你好罗伯特罗伯特Hi, Robert. - Robert.罗伯特Hey, Robert.在我明早陪伴罗伯特去总督府之前Robert will be joining us for dinner他会陪我们before I chaperone him to Government House共进晚餐in the morning.那么就此打住And so, without further ado,我们开动吧let's drink and feast.好Yes!致未来一致未来Carpe futurum. - Carpe futurum.他一定饿坏了He must be so hungry.我可以给你包点那个馅饼I could bag you some of that cobbler.他的手真灵活He's got good hands.她们正在准备手术They're prepping the surgery now.除非你不想那样并且说是我们Unless you wanna not. and say we did.我不能你不会I can't- You won't.我不能I can't.等等Wait.你们俩在一起了吗You guys are together?以前是我们有一线希望对吗Were. - Silver linings, eh?我再也不用和莱恩的跟班一起出去吃饭了I don't have to eat out a Lane lackey any more.外面还有很多人在继续自己的生活亚历克斯There are people out there getting on with life, Alex. 外面还有很多人真的很幸福There are people out there that are actually happy.我们也能像他们那样We could have been them.你眼瞎你眼光狭隘You're blind. - And you're blinkered.你只关注那些不好的东西忽略了那些美好You're so focused on all the bad stuff, you miss the good.我看到了真♥相♥-真♥相♥是我I see the truth. - The truth is I.我I.怎样What?我爰上了你I was falling in love with you.我们曾经令彼此幸福We made each other happy.如果不准我讨厌你我怎么可能会爱上你How can I love you if I'm not allowed to hate you?再见亚历克斯Goodbye, Alex.再见康斯坦丝Bad-bye, Constance.鲍比Bobby.鲍比Bobby.我知道你现在很生我的气I know you're angry with me right now,但总有一天你会知道我都是为了你好but one day you'll see that I did this all for you.那是什么Is that. - What?不看看那根骨头吃完了吗No, but look. Is that finished?因为骨头上还有很多肉Because there's so much meat on the bone.你算什么东西我妈吗What are you, my mother?如果你妈不败家你就当我是你妈If your mother wasn't a wastrel, then yes.我妈是个圣人My mother was a saint.谁会用"败冢这种字眼骂人And who says 'wastrel'? It's not even a fucking word.这字眼当然不好听不然我为什么这样说It absolutely is a word, otherwise why would I use it?然后她就And then, OK, so then she.她就自愿把他交出来了she just handed him over on her own accord,现在她的朋友们该受烫刑了and now her friends, they're gonna get permed.真的吗Really?嗯那他为什么还愿意和她讲话Mm-hm. - How's he still talking to her?我不知道因为他连我看都没看I don't know, because he didn't even look at me,他从不正眼看人He's not looking at anyone.大多数人看见我的脸and most people look at my face.除了她倒点酒杯子空了except her. - Hello? I'm empty.她的脸完美又对称She has, like, this perfect, symmetrical face,.是的Yeah.她真的很适合刘海我也有and she really suits her fringe, and I also have.如果我也剪个刘海我俩的脸就一样了if I do this way, and then that way, it's also the same face.她的裙子真时尚是的Oh, and her dress is so sharp. - Mm. Yeah, yeah.那是我的裙子It's my dress.我为她选的真的吗我I chose it for her. - Really? I.我不记得你穿过那条裙子have no memory of you ever wearing that dress.你说我要不要剪刘海I was gonna say, do you think that I would suit a fringe?我觉得我该剪刘海I think I might get a fringe.你该剪刘海没错You should get a fringe. - Yeah.没错-你该剪个刘海Yep. - You should get a fringe.我们都该剪个刘海Yeah. We should all get fringes.我们的客人们看起来相处融洽Our guests of honour seem to be getting on so well.不过我想问皮普But I wonder, Pippi,你知道鲍比和你最好的朋友杰米睡了吗do you know Bobby slept with your best friend Jaime?不不不他们俩没睡No. No, no, no. They didn't sleep together.什么“睡了”我进去了'Slept with1? I came in a cup.干杯Ooh! Cheers.闭嘴Shut up!女神赐予我们The goddesses have showered us这些奖励with bounty.皮帕雷拉现在充满了欲望Pippa-rella here is ripe with lust.莱恩我很抱歉Lane, L.I'm so sorry.对不起我让你误解了I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.我们并没有在一起We're not together or anything.我们不是不不不We're not. - No. No, no, no.我为你强烈的欲望感到高兴I'm so happy for your abundant desire.我想和你一起分享I want to share it with you.前戏the foreplay,挑逗the flirting, 招摇 the flaunting.你为我们贡献了晚餐和表演对吗You've gifted us with dinner and show, havenrt they? 对不对米歇尔Haven*t they, Michelle?是的我喜欢那些表演Ye. -1 love shows.我喜欢那些表演-我很怀念I love shows. - Miss 'em.我也一样Same.你呢Don't you?表演不精彩的话就不该拿上台Can't very well promise a show and then not deliver on it. 你能吗米歇尔Can you, Michelle? 不你不能不 No, you ca. - No. 皮普我亲爰的皮普 Pippi, my sweet apple pip, 拥抱你强烈的欲望 embrace your abundance 和我们一起分享吧 and share it with us. 我们想让你们这对鸳鸯互吻 We want you two lovebirds to kiss. 我们都想让你俩互吻 We all want you to kiss.今夜如此独特来吧It's a special night, so come on.轻吻一下Give us a little kiss.亲吻 Kiss.亲吻 Kiss. 亲吻 Kiss.亲吻Kiss.亲吻亲吻Kiss. Kiss.亲吻亲吻Kiss. Kiss.你做得很对Boo! You've gotta do it properly.你该用舌头You've gotta use tongue.舌头Tongue.舌头Tongue.舌头舌头Tongue. Tongue.舌头舌头Tongue. Tongue.舌头舌头舌头Tongue. Tongue. Tongue.把他放倒帮我压着他Whoa! Put him down! Help me hold him.放开我-你们在干嘛Fuck off me! - What are you doing?见鬼Fuck.你们在干什么-让他闭嘴What are you doing?! - Shut him up.去你的Fuck you.嘘Shh.莱恩不拜托Lane, no! - Oh, come on.一整晚你都在You've been teasing us戏弄我们all evening.不不要No, don't.我们可以帮你把他弄硬We can make him hard for you.幸运的小子如果他不愿意就不会硬Lucky boy. He wouldn't get hard if he didn't want it. 上了他-你说什么Fuck him. - What?!什么What? 我说.I said. 上了他-皮普不 fuck him. - Pip, no! 你醉了你们都醉了You're drunk. You're all drunk.这是为了你皮帕雷拉This is for you, Pippa-rella. 为了最好的你庆祝你的强欲 For your optimal self, celebrate your abundance. 想怎么做都可以Take what you want.我不我不I don't. I don't.要么你放肆做Either you take what you want, 要么你根本就配不上我的赏赐 or you don't deserve my gifts, 也不配当我的座上宾 your seat at my table.可是你说过啊But you said that. Ah!假装他愿意和他做不然我就烫你的朋友Fuck him like he wants you to, or I perm your friends. 做吧Do it.皮普Pip.皮普皮普Pip. Pip.皮普你在干什么Pip. - What are you doing?! 你真是个好女孩There's a good girl.不为什么不No.- No?去你的Go fuck yourself.你刚才说什么What did you say to me?一直以来我以为你想改变世界All this time, I thought you wanted to change the world.可你只是想重铸那个高高在上的旧身份But you just wanted to rebuild the old one with you at the top.你那么优雅迷人You're elegant, you're charming.你耍把戏的技术能得10分Your skin game's a 10.可你也是个老古板But you're also a cliche.一个渴慕权力a power-hungry,丁瘪的老姨♥子♥shrivelled; old bitch.你在我眼里失去了光环I just don't see your appeal anymore.你们呢Do you?康斯坦丝Constance.把皮普和她的朋友们永远解放了吧Take Pip to be forever freed with her friends.不No.看看我怎么说的康斯坦丝快点See? See what I mean? - Constance, now.我命令现在好的女士I mean right now. - Yes, ma'am.立刻带她和其他人受烫刑Perm her right this second with the others然后带回来让我看看and bring 'em all back so I can see!我需要支援我需要支援I need back-up, I need back-up.不放开我别动他鲍比What?!我们要去哪啊Where are we going?绑得太紧了吧These tights are so tight!武器不错哦一别碰它I like your weapon. - Don't touch that.妈的Oh fuck.我的天我的大腿-好嘲Oh my God, my thigh! - OK.闭嘴Shut up.什么What?我感觉不到我的腿了我闻起来像蜗牛I can't feel my legs. I smell like snail.闭嘴该死的破玩意儿Shut up. Stupid bloody thing.你跟丢他们了You lost them.因为他们超速行驶了Because she was exceeding the speed limit.因为你分不清什么事重要Because your priorities are fucked.你会走哪条路Which way would you go?那条That way.请别割我别动Please don't cut me. - Stay still.放开我啊喂你快放开天哪Get off me! Hey; get off me, you- - Oh, Jesus.闭嘴闭嘴Shut up. Shut up.我的天我知道你-喂Oh my God, I. I know you. - Hey!我知道你你喂I know you! Y-you. - Hey.不管了Fuck it.No! Get off me. Don't take him. Bobby!皮普再来些酒Pip! - More wine!甜点Dessert!莱恩让你立刻把这个做了Lane wants you to do this one now.这里不是他妈的中♥央♥车站对吗This isn't Grand fucking Central Station, is it?我很害怕因为我不知道如何恢复I'm terrified, because I don*t know how to come back from this.见鬼Shit.谁有枪康健协会什么都有Who has a gun? - Wellness has everything.你说“动手朋友”You said, *Rise, friend1.我来了你的朋友Here I am, your friend!求你了我是幸存者Please! I'm a survivor.破滑动门Stupid slide door.你好Hello?放开我你杀了我的朋友Hey, get off me! You. You killed my friend!你杀了托马斯是你杀的让我走啊You killed Thomas. You killed Thomas. Let me go!这是为了你好It*s for your own good.不离他远点臭姨♥子♥No! - Get away from him, you bitch.后退Get back!后退啊Get back.后退Get back!快后退Get back!你运气真♥他♥妈♥好You jammy bitch.鲍比Bobby. - Hm?你还好吧嘿Are you OK? - Hey.我认识你I know you.谢谢你Thanks.刚才的举动for back there.说真的我没觉得你身上有那种秉性Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you.你知道我身上还有什么吗You know what else is in me?宝宝Baby.在In.在我体内你给予的In me, from you.如果不是怀孕那就是我吃坏肚子了Well, either that or I ate some bad eggs, 但他们给了我那种东西可我没那种东西 but they give me the shits, and I don't have anyshits.就是不一样的东西所以Well, apart from regular shits, so, um.你确定是我的吗Are you sure it's mine?看Look.他们来过这儿They were here.我的天那是什么Oh my God. - What is it?你要去哪Where are you going?他们在那待过皮普They were there! Pip!杰米Jaime?杰米Jaime!大伙们-我的天啊Guys? - Oh my God!杰米艾利克斯Jaime. - Alex.皮普鲍比Pip! - Bobby!你做到了You made it.你好啊嘿Hi.- Hey.你没事吧我没事You all right? - I'm fine.妈呀皮普你做到了这是何种心灵感应啊Holy shit, Pip. You did it. What kind of ESP telepathic.?电影外星人里的In E.T.当他走丢时他们发现他在镇上的排水沟附近When he's lost, they find him near the town storm drain.你记得的You remembered.我们在每年的生日才会看也就看了七次We only watched it every birthday for, like, seven years.什么是ETWhafs E.T.?那部和外星人的电影You know, that movie with the, uh, alien.长得像没毛的蛋蛋Looks like a shaved ball sack.把嘴给我闭上You shut your mouth.你以为自己幽默吗你懂什么You think you're funny; you don't even know.那部电影讲的是友情That film is everything about friendship.艾略特才十岁Elliott's only 10, and no甚至连他父母连军人都没有做到one not his parents, not even the army 只有他肯为友情而付出no one but him goes the extra mile for friendship no one.皮普没事的Pip. Its OK.好吗Ok?你是我的艾略特You're my Elliott.天色要晚了It's getting late.你没事吧嗯没事You OK? - Yeah, I'm fine.所以你杀了那个追捕人吗So, you killed her, eh? The hunter.不是我都是她的功劳It wasn*t me. It was all her.她直接就把那个姨♥子&hearts汗掉了I mean, she straight-up executed that bitch.我才没有No, I didn't.你用她的枪反杀了她You shot her with her own gun.我才没有那是镇定剂枪No, I didn*t. It was a tranquilliser gun.什么What?你认为我杀了她然后我们再不谈论这事You thought I killed her, and then we didn't talk about it again.她本想我活着吗So she wanted me alive?反正我们又折回去Anyway, so we go back to the coordinates.然后怎样继续等吗Then what? More waiting.电♥话♥上的那个男人他因为我是男的才接的The man on the phone he only answered because I was a man. 或许我应该自己去So maybe I-I should just go alone.不不我们不要再分开了No. No, we are not splitting up again.我是说我先去然后是你们彳三你晚点跟我去I mean, I go in alone, then you three, you join me later.我会担着你们住好吗安排吗And ril vouch for all three of you, OK? Plan?安排安排Plan. - Plan.安排皮普Plan, Pip?皮普知道Pip knows the score. She's got this on lockdown, right, Pip?皮普Pip?你带我们去哪啊这里是健康中心Where have you taken us? This is a Wellness Centre.皮普转过身来Pip! - Pip, turn around.你为什么这么做Why have you done this?转过来不Turn around! - No!#他们说道陶醉中的印度男孩# Drunk little Indian boy, they said.#吹着牛逼聊伟人负的债# Spouting off his mouth 'bout the great man's debt.#牢房♥里的男孩爱炫耀算什么# What's a little brag between boys in the cell?#你永远不知道何人趴在地狱之门偷听# You never know who's listening at the gates of hell.#他们就像录像店点按倒带删除# They're like video stores press, rewind, delete.#删了那些没用又不合适的磁带# On those that don*t work, that don't fit nice and neat.#在未来我们会说他有点价值# In the future, we'd say he's worth something.#妈的我本能出人头地你知道我是谁吗# Hell, I could've been somebody. Donrt you know who I am?#你知道我是谁吗# Don't you know who I am?#在特定圈子里你别想动我# In certain circles, well, you can't touch me.#我狂舞不止# fma dance around,#你知道我有当权者撑腰#you know I'm connected to the powers that be.#艾丽你可抓不住我的把柄# Like Alt you ain't got nothing on me.#你害我吃牢饭请问这里叫地狱吗# You put my tail in jail. Is this a place called hell?#在周六的晚上不择手段# Wheelin' and dealin' on a Saturday night.#暗战前压抑的冲动# Caught between a calling and a stitched-up fight.#在此休整的鸟儿旋即飞往地狱# Brushing birds that travel hell outta here.#看见我了吗不熟悉我吗# Can you see me in your eyes? Don't you know who I am?#不熟悉我吗#J Don't you know who I am? ?你今天做的事我难以想象那对你来说有多难What you did today I can't imagine how hard that was for you.你不会伤害他们吧You're not gonna hurt them, right?一切都会像你说的那样恢复正常是吗Everything will go back to the way it was, like you said?我向你保证You have my word.你今晚要参力我们的集♥会♥You'll stay here tonight for our annual SyncFest. 我要参加吗I'm coming to that?为什么不呢皮普Why, Pippi, 你是我们的座上客you are the guest of honour.把你的上衣给我Hey, give me your top.乱♥伦♥ 快点快把你上衣给我Incest. - Come on