Night Court《夜间法庭(2023)》第一季第十六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
“夜间法庭前情提要-Previously on "Night Court".我辞职是为了去做法官-I'm leaving to be a judge.我收到了 一个回家任职的推荐I've been offered a position back home在路易斯安那州珀尔里弗in Pearl River, Louisiana.我下周就要离开了I leave next week.我只是不能让任何干扰使我从工作中分心-I'm just not used to having distractions from work.我是干扰?-I'm a distraction?这生日派对是埃尔默应得的-Elmer deserves his birthday party,而如果你不被允许进去and if yourre not allowed in there,那我们就把他弄出来then I got to bust him out.嘿丹有没有可能我能Hey, Dan, any chance I can convince you说服你回来一下?我被逮捕了to come out of retirement? I've been arrested.对一个被关了一晚上的人来说你看起来还挺精神-You're looking pretty good for somebody who spent a night in jail.我看见你还纹了身I see you already got a tattoo.这是临时的但不知为啥感觉已经感染了-It's temporary but somehow already super infected.-额额这太古怪了丹-Uh-huh. -This is so weird, Dan.我以前还从来没被起诉过I've never been charged with a crime before.会没事的-It's gonna be okay.你是因为要帮助一个老奶奶而被捕的You were arrested for helping an old lady.我们所知的最坏情况也就是罚款而已We're talking about, at worst, a fine.你是对的你是对的我没什么好担心的There's been an outbreak of pinkeye.零号♥病人就在那Patient zero right there.就一次我也希望你是那个红眼病病人-Just once Fd like for you to be the one with pinkeye.好了告诉你一直在找的品行证人怎么样了-Alright, tell me you*ve been lining up character witnesses.还没有头绪-None so far.古尔斯要去伦敦尼尔要做Gurgs is gonna be in London, and Neil is volunteering加比孩子棒球训练营的志愿者at Gabby's kids's baseball camp,所以他先要去棒球训练营so he has to go to baseball camp first,但他一直很难找到成人初学者but he's been having a hard time finding an adult beginner's 别再和我说尼尔的生活了-Stop telling me about Neifs life.而奥利维亚会以公诉人的身份出庭-But Olivia will be there in her capacity as prosecutor因为我告诉她应该这么做'cause I told her she should.所以就是你一个品行证人都没找到-So you've found zero character witnesses,反而遭到了背叛but you picked up a betrayal.好了听着我们没时间胡闹了Alright, listen, we've got to stop messing around.我们要让露易丝出庭We got to put Louise on the stand,而我会把所有罪行都推到她头上(直译:把腿放在火上)and let me put her feet to the fire.我们不能这么做We're not doing that.而且这也不会有效果Besides, it won*t work.因为她有周围神经病变She's got peripheral neuropathy周围神经病变:一种神经系统疾病,影响身体周围神经,通常表现为手脚麻木、刺痛或无力。所以她的脚什么都感觉不到and can't feel very much in her feet.我知道你想要做个好人-I understand that you want to be a good person,所以这坏人就由我来当吧so let me be your bad person.杰夫德威特不会规规矩矩办事的所以我们也不能Jeff Dewitt is not gonna play nice, and neither can we.为什么不能好好办事?这是我唯一擅长的事-Why can't we play nice? It's the only sport I'm good at.听着那个男人正在想方设法毁掉你的人生-Look, there*s a man out there trying to ruin your life.所以你能不能表现的成熟点?Would you please start acting like it?你知道怎么?如果做我的代理这么难的话-You know what? If representing me is so hard,也许你就应该直接出发去路易斯安那maybe you should just go to Louisiana right now.你知道吗?我正是这么想的-You know what? I would.但我不想付改签费But I refuse to pay the change fee.还有别想让我用你的里程And don't you dare offer me your miles.你和丹有没有谈过你知道的-Have you and Dan talked about, you know,比如接受个认罪协议之类? 如果我这么做了maybe taking a plea deal? -If I did that,我会被停职至少一年I could be suspended from the bench for at least a year.也没那么糟不是吗?-That wouldn*t be so bad, right?你可以回到州北部休息一段时间You could come back upstate, take some time off.猪赛跑比赛就要开始了Pig races are coming up.我觉得黛尔奥因克哈尔特应该会跑完全程的I think Dale Oinkhardt might go all the way.应该是捏他了 John Mueller的著名黑暗漫画里的角色奥因克天堂屠夫的名字。 这漫画讽刺性极强,尤其对现在不能多说了,有兴趣大家自己去找了看吧 但你不想这样是吗?But you don't want that, do you?我不想-I don't.我爱这份工作我爱在这里工作I love this job. I love it here.我就不那么确定了 是啊-I'm not sure I do. -Yeah.我也看出来点了I guess the signs have been there.比如当你在时代广场那个忍♥者神龟前大喊Like when you yelled, "You're a liar,“你个大骗子”的时候at that Times Square Ninja Turtle.米开朗基罗是个派对达人-Michelangelo's a party dude.-他也不吃沙拉-我知道He doesn't eat salad. -I know.现在 在M&M超♥市♥附近的每个人也都知道Now everyone within a block of the M&M store knows, too.纽约对我来说太吓人了-New York scares the hell out of me,但不知为什么你在这就像在家里一样but somehow you're at home here.我猜是因为我们成长中Guess we've been growing有段时期生活方式不同吧in different directions for a while now.是啊我猜也是-Yeah, I guess we have.所以我们现在该怎么办So what do we do now?我不想大声说出来-I don't want to say it out loud.我也不想-Me neither.也许应该同时说出来? 好吧-Maybe say it at the same time? -Okay. ,4.A.-One, two, three. -One, two, three.一分手吧时间机器-Break up. -Time machine.我知道是分手但我不想说出来I knew it was break up, but I didn't want to say it.某一天你会成为某人的“傲骨贤妻”的兰德-You're gonna make a great Good Wife to someone one day, Rand.这个Here.我猜你应该收回去I guess you should have that back.我想让你留着它-I want you to keep it.哦-Aww.事实上我应该收回的-Actually, I should take it back.我拿走它的时候My grandma was pretty pissed我奶奶很生气when I took it in the first place.你看上去很紧张菲尔灵You're looking pretty nervous, Fieldling.菲尔丁我故意说错的Fielding. Said your name wrong on purpose.吓到了吧Ya burnt.你离婚的事我很难过-Sorry about the divorce.我听说现在你只能睡在自己的车里I heard you're sleeping in your car.好吧那是你听错了-Well, you heard wrong.那是我妈的车It's my mother's car.你好啊丹您气色不错啊-Hello; Dan. You're looking well.也许事因为我昨晚睡在床上的缘故-Probably 'cause I slept in a bed last night.好了听着我知道我们没有就辩护策略达成一致Okay, look, I know that we do not agree on strategy,但有一件事是我们都认可的but the one thing we do agree on你不应该因为这事情遭到惩罚is that you should not be penalized for this.嗯我不太确定-Well, I don't know.我觉得应该承担一些责任I think there should be some repercussions.你就不能闭嘴吗?-Can you ever turn it off?你是对的我们要齐心合力-You're right. We're in this together.而且不只是我们两个人我找到了一个品行证人。And it's not just the two of us. I found a character witness.是兰德?-So, Rand?不是事实上我和兰德分手了-No, I actually broke up with Rand.当然你会的-Of course you did.他刚刚要变的有点用了He was just about to become useful.我很好谢谢你的关心-I'm doing fine, thank you for asking.是另一个证人是另一个在夜间法庭No, it's another witness and someone who's at night court 和我差不多的人almost as much as I am.别紧张塔比-Don't worry, Tabby.我搞得定的I got this.总而言之我和一个认为乌贼In summation, I can't be with a man who thinks a squid能在战斗中打败马的人合不来would beat a horse in a fight.作证完毕Defense rests.谢谢没有其他问题了-Thank you. No further questions.检方也没有问题了-The prosecution is okay.辩方还要传唤其他证人吗?-Does the defense have any more witnesses?让我把露易丝叫召回来吧-Let me call Louise back to the stand.决定吧艾比Come on, Abby.我是鲨鱼她就是条三文鱼I'm a shark and she*s chum.Chum可以解释为朋友也可以解释为三文鱼不是你想的那种说的不是朋友Not your kind of chum. Not like friend.我说的是那种大白鲨过来I'm talking about a bucket of meat chunks喂给它们的那种肉that this great white is gonna go to town on.我的意思是我看不出还有其他办法了I mean, I don't see any other way.有人说了 “证人?-Did somebody say "witnesses*'?不是这会儿但没错太好了 !-Not for a while, but sure. -Yes!我想起了高兴的事情My sports team just did a thing that I like.你们怎么会在这?-What are you guys doing here?我知道你没叫我们来但兰德叫了-I know you didn*t ask us to come, but Rand did.我们不会让你独自承受这一切的We weren't gonna let you go through this alone.你知道的我一直梦想召集一群-You know it's been my dream to assemble不合群的人来拯救世界a ragtag crew of misfits to save the day.我给我们取名叫小兰德团I'm calling us the Little Rand-scals.结果没人喜欢这名字No one likes it.所以我去伦敦的时间要晚一点了-So I'm gonna be a little late to my program in London, 而我们都知道尼尔当不了棒球教练and we all know Neil's never gonna coach baseball.我八岁的时候八岁的孩子都不喜欢我-8-year-olds didn't like me when I was 8,而现在他们也不喜欢我and they don't like me now.你帮助过这里的所有人现在是时候让我们帮你了-You helped all these people, now let us help you.这还不错对吗?Not bad, right?爸爸? 你说什么?Dad? -What?什么?-What?所以你说斯通法官是-So you're saying that Judge Stone第一个知道你情况的人?was the first person to acknowledge your condition?那么为了正式纪录能说下具体是什么情况吗?And for the record, what is that condition?我是个女性狼人-I'm a female werewolf.也被称为女狼人Otherwise known as a wiff-wolf.斯通法官很亲切的接待了我Judge Stone met me with such kindness.她甚至买♥♥ 了我关于女狼人不平等待遇的电子书She even bought my e-book on wiff-wolf inequality -“同咬同权”"Same Bites Less Rights."艾比是个甜妹Abby's such a sweet kid.有段时间她对我很有好感She had a pretty big crush on me for a while.能请求将这个证人视为妄想症吗?-Permission to treat this witness as delusional?在我最近一次被-And when I got hit by lightning闪电击中时我第一个打给的就是艾比this most recent time, my first call was to Abby.奇怪的是那时候我应该没带手♥机♥The odd thing was I didn't have a cellphone on me at the time.哦抱歉我要接个电♥话♥Oh, excuse me. I need to take this.是的我花了点时间做了个简单的调查Yes, I have time for a short survey.斯通法官不只是听我说话而是真的在倾听我说话-Judge Stone didn't just listen to me, she truly heard me.再和我说一次这人是谁?-Whispers Who*s this guy again?艾比是我所知最好的人Abby's the best person I know.她经历了很多并且总是把他人放在第一位She's been through a lot, and she always puts people first.这是一个刚被她甩了的男人说的-This from a man she just dumped.是互相甩了!-It was mutual!我一直很喜欢我的工作但自从斯通法官-I've always loved my job, but ever since Judge Stone加入之后这里变得更像一家人了joined our court, it feels more like family.是好的帕特里奇式的不是糟糕的曼森式那种The good; Partridge kind, not the bad, Manson-y kind.帕特里奇家族/鹏鹄家族(The Partridge Family)是1970年Bernard Slade导演的一部家庭喜剧。“曼森家族,是媒体给查理曼森,以及围绕在查理曼森身边的年轻人们的一个统称。他们被称为“邪教“、“连环杀人犯“、"反♥社♥会♥团体”等的名字。短 短的几年时间里,犯下了杀害十几人的罪行,有超过8名成员被指控与谋杀相关的罪名。谢谢你古尔加努斯女士-Well, thank you, Ms. Gurganous.轮到你质证了Your witness.好了你了解她的弱点-Alright, you know her weaknesses.-快上去干掉她-什么?Get up there and destroy her. -What?杰夫我不想这么做Jeff, I don't want to do that.我还不想在阿贝兹店里刮胡子呢-And I don*t want to shave in an Arby's.ArbyK是美国著名快餐连锁,类似肯德基麦当劳,主打烤牛肉汉堡但如果你还想在这干的话 你就给我上去But if you want to keep your job; you will go up there并且给我赢下这场官司and win this case for me.古尔加努斯女士我嗯-Ms. Gurganous, I, um.我完全同意你的说法pletely agree with you.艾比向我展示了我的人生Abby showed me that my whole life不该只有自己的事业doesn't have to be about my career.她重塑了我 就像那个小镇重塑了圣诞怪杰一样She's ruined me, like that town ruined the Grinch.“圣诞怪杰”是2000年由罗恩霍华德执导,金凯瑞、泰勒摩森等主演的喜剧片。 该片讲述了一个叫格林奇的绿毛怪策划偷走整个圣诞节,后来被真情感化的故事。 她不仅是我最要好的同事She's not just my friendly colleague.她也是我的朋友She*s my friend.这就是我这么做的原因即使代价是失去自己的工作Which is why, even though it might cost me my job,我要求自己回避!I recuse myself!嗯Hmm.我还以为大家会大吃一惊呢Thought there'd be a surprised gasp.嗯你好像暗示过-Well, you did sort of telegraph你会这么做的where you were going with that.哦还有杰夫-Oh, and, Jeff,我让人把你♥妈♥的♥车或者说你家拖走了所以吓一跳了吧I had your home/mom's car towed, so ya burnt.奥利维亚我不敢相信你会为我这么做-Olivia, I can't believe you did that for me.嗯不过把话说清楚我还是会为了一份-Well, to be clear, Td still sell you out私人企业的工作而出♥卖♥♥♥你的in a second for a private-sector job,所以你不必这么做比如这样子so you don't have to, like, do that.这个变♥态♥发疯的禽兽-This sick, demented monster承认她将一个无辜的老人从他的床上拽下来 confessed to ripping an old man out of his bed.我们必须避免这个行走的威胁We have got to take this threat off the streets走出这个法庭and out of the courtroom.哇Ow.这就是你们要做的事And that is how you do it.好了额我要在上边说的事情-Okay, uh, you will not agree with everything你可能不是所有的都赞同I am going to say up there,但你要知道我所作的一切都是为了我的委托人好but just know that I'm doing what is best for my client.我相信你-I trust you.这就是为什么我找你回来It's why I brought you back here.你是我所认识的做好的律师也是我爸爸认识的最好的律师You're the best lawyer I know, the best lawyer my dad knew. 哦天啊-Oh, man.你们知道怎么伙计们?You know what, guys?我本来来这里I was gonna get up here,是为了试着让某些人难堪的同时and I was gonna try and make someone else look bad让我的委托人摆脱麻烦in order to make my client look good.但在听完那些证词之后But after hearing all this testimony,我觉得已经足够向你们展示I don*t have to do anything to show you that艾比是个好人了Abby Stone is a good person.You're right, you're right. I have nothing to worry about.哦这味道-Oh, that scent.这是什么味?湿了的皮革?-What is that? Wet leather?不是这是查克诺里斯的古龙水-No, it's Chuck Norris cologne.查克诺里斯,空手道世界冠军,美国电影演员,动作片演员,出演过“敢死队2”神探霹雳火”等大量经典动作片。1972年与李小龙合作拍摄拍摄电影“猛龙过江”而声名大噪叫做德州步行者香水It's called Walker, Texas Fragrance.译者:本人对香水一无所知,随便翻翻据我所知只有一个人还在用这破玩意I only know one guy who still wears that crap.你好啊艾比-Hello, Abby.杰夫德威特-杰夫德威特-Jeff Dewitt. -Jeff Dewitt.额我只是想来看看-Eh, I just wanted to stop by确保每个指控都准确无误and make sure everybody's being charged correctly.我认为对我们的法官要高标准严要求I think that our judges need to be held to a higher standard,尤其是那些especially ones who are,按法律术语来说你们这群傻♥逼♥in legal parlance, stupid-faced jerks.哦私闯民宅重罪听上去怎么样?Oh, does felony breaking and entering sound about right?耶 斯通法官大傻♥逼♥!Yeah. Judge Stone sucks!斯通法官大傻♥逼♥!斯通法官大傻♥逼♥!Judge Stone sucks! Judge Stone sucks!好吧这对我们太不利了-Okay, this could be bad for us.我不介意即使就我一个人这么嗨-I don't mind that I'm the only one chanting.重罪丹?重罪指控?-A felony, Dan? A felony?六个月前她出现在我门前Six months ago, she showed up at my doorstep, and I figured 而那时我认为我已经受够了其他人了I was pretty much done with people,但她她看到了其他方面but she saw - she saw something else.她看到了一个被困多年而不自知She saw a man who was stuck但却渴望改变的人and not even knowing but yearning for a change.而我自我感觉却很良好And I thought I was fine,即使所有周边邻居的小孩even with all the neighborhood teenage kids都叫我运动裤圣诞老人calling me Sweatpants Santa.这就是她所做的That's what she does.她能发现人们自己都没有看到的一面She sees things in people that they don't see in themselves.你们明白吗这就是我想你们所做的事You know, that's all I want you to do.我想要你们看看每晚她坐在I want you to see what she sees every night法官席上所看见的东西sitting on the bench.不止于罪行去看见那些非凡的东西Look beyond the.crime to see the remarkable,她是个无私的人selfless person that she is just underneath.他说得对-He's right.斯通法官是个好人Judge Stone is a good person.这个男人他威胁我That man blackmailed me.哦这反而让你们吃惊了?-Oh, now you gasp?他威胁要把电视机-He threatened to have my residence从我的房♥间里拿走take the television out of my room.我才不要再回去看书呢I will not go back to reading.不论是谁都不行Not for him, not for anyone.肃静!-Order!鉴于我刚刚得知Given the prosecutorial misconduct检方的不当行为I'm just learning about,我对此案裁决实体权利的驳回起诉I dismiss this case with prejudice.裁决实体权利的驳回起诉/不可再诉的驳回起诉此种驳回起诉即为对案件实体 问题作出的终局裁决,禁止原告在此后以同一诉因或请求再次起诉。我们做到了 哇你知道吗?-We did it. -Aw, you know what, though?我不敢相信你让我I can't believe you wanted me to attack攻击那个可爱♥女♥人♥的性格that sweet woman's character.嗯 看起来有人拿回自己的办公室了啊-Mm, looks like somebody got their office back.哦不过你最好消下毒Oh, you might want to spray it down, though,因为我听说有些人得了额红眼病'cause I heard somebody had, uh, pinkeye.这是怎么啦?你应该高兴才对What's the matter? You should be celebrating.你赢了啊You won.是啊我对那个当然很高兴-No, I'm so happy about that, of course.我只是嗯I just, um.-还是不说了-我明白了Never mind. -I get it.我们英国人也会压抑自己的感情Us Brits keep our feelings bottled up, too.但我听说这很不健康But I hear it's not healthy.所以你想要谈谈吗?So you want to talk about it?其实没什么好谈的-There's nothing to talk about.好吧是你来找我的-Okay. You sat down with me.我是说这应该-I mean, this should -应该是我职业生涯的高光时刻may be the highlight of my career.我的意思是我让一个认罪了的女人无罪释放了I mean, I got a woman who confessed to a crime exonerated. 我打败了一个自以为是我宿敌的人I