Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第三季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
“欲望城市”(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“同居风波”曼哈顿是一个可以24小时满足你需求的地方Manhattan is a place you can get anything, anytime.半夜两点的计程车Cabs at 2:00 a.m.三点的中国菜外卖♥♥Chinese food at three.但不知怎的你就是拿不到干洗衣物But somehow you can never get your dry cleaning.(干洗店)夏洛特和崔正陷入热恋Charlotte was spending all of her time with Trey,他是个出身豪门的医生几乎拥有一切a doctor from family money who had it all.除了夏洛特以外All but all of Charlotte.显然崔是个无法随时被满足需求的纽约人Apparently Trey was one New Yorker not getting everything, anytime. 崔实在很体贴Trey is so thoughtful.他知道昨晚我不太舒服He knew I wasn't feeling well last night,所以他带我去第七街喝汤so he took me to get some soup down on seventh street, 然后我们迈向了第二and then we went to second.第二街?Avenue?第二垒Base.接着呢?他和你一起做体操?And then what? He did your physics homework with you?不我想慢慢来No, I want to take it slow with him.他可能是我的真命天子I think he could really be the one.夏洛特亲爱的你才认识他两个礼拜Charlotte, honey, you've only known him for two weeks.你可能知道他的电子邮件地址不幸的是多数时候是崔在滔滔不绝Unfortunately, it was Trey who was doing most of the Hgabbing." 你刚才讲到生日礼物的部分You were at the part about the birthday present.没错oh, that's right.我妈送我一个很丑陋可以分类零钱的机器So, my mother gives me this god-awful machine, you know, for sorting change. 他有一大堆零钱He has a lot of change.作为我的生日礼物我骗她说我爰死了.for my birthday and I lied to her and I said I loved it,我跳上一辆计程车and then immediately jumped into a cab and drove that thing抱着那玩意儿冲回家right back down to Hammacher Schlemmer.当时我正在So, there I was on.-40街和百老汇大道对40街和百老汇大道-40th and Broadway. -Right, 40th and Broadway.听见一个女人像土狼般大叫And I hear this woman yell like a hyena.我才没有I did not!计程车突然停下来And the cab stops up short, right?我的头差点撞上塑胶隔板I almost hit my head on that plastic partition, I got out.-我叫他暂停计费-他叫司机暂停计费-I told him to stop the meter. -He told him to stop the meter.而夏洛特躺在大街上我们就是这样认识的Right? And there was Charlotte lying in the middle of the street.我们就是这样认识的And that's how we met.真浪漫That's very sweet.你忘了司机气疯了那段Oh! You forgot the part about when the cabbie gets mad.没关系我记得No, it's okay, 'cause I remember.总之这是命中注定Well, anyway, it was fate.如果我妈没送我烂礼物I mean, if my mother didn't give me such bad gifts,就不会有这么棒的礼物在我生命中降临this wonderful gift would never have come into my life.这故事我至少已听过三遍I had heard the story at least three times already.再听崔说下去我便会忍♥不住推他下海A minute more of Trey and we would definitely be in a "man overboard" situation. 我去拿东西吃Hey, I'm gonna go hit the buffet.好Okay.别吃太多Not too hard.我走开时发现As I walked away, I realized我已经好几年没见到夏洛特这么开心I hadn't seen Charlotte that happy in years,而且是和一个她才认识不久的男人and with a man she'd known for five minutes.正当我以为自己很安全And just when I thought I was safe.你好.嗨-Hello. -Oh, hey.我在吃起士Cheese.你好Hello.我遇见那个曾给我短暂快乐的男人I ran into the man I'd been happy with for five minutes.你好Right.我想可能会在这里看到你I thought I might see you here.是吗?You did?娜塔莎呢?So, where's Natasha?她没赶上船She missed the boat.对不起-Oh! -fm sorry.好挤Very crowded.我得Okay, well, I gotta.多明尼克在厕所前面帮我排队Dominick Dunne is holding my place in the bathroom line.大人物和我困在同一艘船上Big and I trapped together on a boat.身边都没有伴Without dates.我们离岸两英里远We were two miles offshore.无路可逃There was no way off.小孩和有感情包袱的女人优先Children and women with emotional baggage first.凯莉Carrie!你看崔送我的礼物很美吧?Look what Trey gave me! Isn't it beautiful?卡地亚的Cartier.这是个惊喜It was a complete surprise!他说过去几周很特别He said the last few weeks have been really special.我让他神魂颠倒And that he's smitten!你看后面还刻了字Look! Itrs inscribed!“献给夏洛特我俩相遇正是时候""To Charlotte, it's about time I met you.”亲爱的太棒了Sweetie, that*s great.这艘船何时靠岸?Do you know what time this boat docks?大约十点-现在几点?-I think around 10. -What time is it?还没调时间Oh, it's not set yet.很漂亮Oh, well, itrs pretty.谢谢我最好回去找崔了Thanks. I guess I better get back to Trey.我想就是他了凯莉I think this is it, Carrie.我感觉得到I can just feel it.显然一个女人的铁达尼”是另一个女人的“爱之船”Apparently, one woman's Titanic is another woman's love boat. 天啊Jesus!刚才是怎么回事?So, what was that back there?我我不知道I. .I don't know.我们不能正常地交谈吗?Well, can we have a conversation anymore?我不知道你说呢?I don't know; can we?布鲁克林区附近将会有一场叛乱把这消息传出去Around Brooklyn, there's gonna be a mutiny, pass it on.这开场白还不错That's a spiffy opener.我尽力了I try.那么你呢?你有So, what are you, are you.你有交往的对象吗?Are you seeing anyone, or.?是的Yeah, I am.他很棒He's great.实际上近乎完美He's perfect, actually.那位完美先生呢?Where is he, Mr. Perfect?他在家我不想让他受到Oh, he's home. I didn't want to subject him冷餐和八卦媒体的污染to the cold food and slimy media leeches.好主意Good idea.不包括目前的同伴Present company excluded.衣服很漂亮That's some outfit, kid.真的吗?你这么认为?Oh, really? You think so?若你喜欢这件那你一定会爱死Well, if you like this one, you would have loved the one被洗衣店扣押的那一件being held hostage on 74th and Lex.很高兴见到你It's good to see you.隔天早上The next morning,我从再见大人物的不适中康复I recovered from my See-Big-Sickness.在下城While downtown,莎曼珊意识到或许她的船已经启航了Samantha realized maybe her ship had sailed.她的月经晚了五天She was five days late.稍后我们在“时代咖啡馆”吃早午餐并在化妆室聊天Later, we did brunch and bathroom at Time Cafe.我爱上他了I'm in love with him!你没有爱上他You're not in love with him.你爱的是他送你的那只昂贵手表You're in love with the very expensive watch he gave you.你还有吗?Do you have another?女士们我不是供应商Ladies, I am not Tampax central.下次记得买♥♥“buy tampons."我放在家里Well, I have them at home.但我凯特史贝的名牌皮包塞不下But they won't fit in my Kate Spade purse.凯特的阴♥道♥必定很小Kate must have a tiny vagina.那只表意味着他也爱我I think the watch is a sign that he's in love with me, too.才怪他是在禁欲的地狱中Aw, he's not in love, he's in blue-ball hell.有时候你就是知道Sometimes you just know.我们是天生一对这是命运的安排We're the right match, it's fate.这和命运无关It's not fate.他的灯号♥亮了如此而已His light is on, that's all.什么灯号♥ ?What light?男人就像计程车Men are like cabs.当他们是自♥由♥身时灯号♥就会亮When they're available, their light goes on.等到某天他们决定要安顿下来生子They wake up one day and they decide they1 re ready to settle down, have babies, 便把灯号♥打开 whatever, and they turn their light on.然后娶下一个载到的女人The next woman they pick up. boom!和她结婚这不是命运That's the one theyll marry. Itfs not fate.-而是碰运气-不好意思-It's dumb luck. -Tm sorry.我拒绝相信爱情是随机的I refuse to believe that love is that random.拜托这就是个时机的问题Please, it's all about timing.你必须趁他们灯号♥亮的时候抓住他们You gotta get 'em when their lights on.我认识的男人都在闪黄灯Most men I meet are flashing yellows.或是下班了Or off duty.他们可以开车到处乱逛好几年却不载客They can drive around for years picking up women and not be available. 不该准许他们上路的Then they really shouldn't be allowed to get behind the wheel.大部分男人的灯号♥很少亮着Most men don't stay lit long before they take the plunge.反而大部分女人自出生后灯号♥便一直亮着Versus most women, who!ve been lit pretty much since birth.那是我最后一个卫生棉条You mooches took my last tampon.-你有带吗?-我没有-You packing? -No, okay, I'm not.而且可能再也不需要了I don't have a tampon and I'll probably never need one again!说“没有”就够了A simple "no" is good enough.我已经35天没月经了I haven't had my period in 35 days.-你是不是-不是我没怀孕我-Are you.? -No, I'm not pregnant, I'm.我 ♥干 ♥涸了I'm drying up.别这样你反应过度了Oh, come on. You*re overreacting.只是一本愚蠢的目录It was a stupid catalog.我是不新鲜面包期限到了I'm day-old bread! My time is up.好好享受你们的红潮吧Enjoy your flows!就一个没有月经的人来说你的经前症候群还真严重For someone with no period you've got a mean case of PMS.你还得忍♥受好几年悲惨的经痛You have years of miserable cramps ahead of you.姐♥妹♥们♥我即将说的话Ladies, what I'm about to tell you.你们可能会觉得很意外may come as a shock.我比你们I'm a little.年纪大一点older.than you.当晚我一直思考时机问题That night, I couldn't stop thinking about time.我们生命中的每一秒都受命运左右吗?Was every second of our lives controlled by fate?或者生命只是一连串的偶然?Or is life just a series of random occurrences?如果我不是永远迟到十分钟If I wasn't perpetually ten minutes late,我的人生会完全改观吗?would my life be totally different?我是否不可能遇见大人物?Would I never run into Big?是否有见到他的好时机?And would there ever be a good time to see him?米兰达说对了吗?Was Miranda right?时机是否决定一切?Is timing everything?电视关小声一点好吗?我在工作Could you turn that down? I'm working.好还不够小声Okay, not low enough.如果我们以后有了孩子Hey, you're gonna have to get used to a noisy house你就必须习惯噪音if we're gonna have a baby around.听着Okay, look.我一直在想关于生孩子的事I've been thinking about this baby thing.我们现在的情况不适合生孩子We're really not in a great place right now我们讲话的时候可以不要看“史酷比吗?and I don*t think. Could we have this conversation, please, without Scooby Doo?这一集不错是演他们在盐矿找到鬼It's a great one. It's the one where they find the ghost in the old salt mine.我是认真的史蒂夫把卡♥通♥关掉I'm serious, Steve, turn off the cartoons.可是鬼怎么力、?“But, Scoobs, what about the ghost?"你知道吗?算了You know what? Forget it!米兰达Miranda!米兰达意识到她家已经有一个孩子了It was then that Miranda realized she may have already had a baby in her house. 生孩子的事我想暂时搁置I wanna shelve this whole baby thing for awhile.好没问题Yeah, okay, you got it.在杯子下面放个杯垫And put a coaster under that glass.睡觉之前把灯关掉And turn off the lights before you come to bed.我们一个礼拜没有性生活而他想要小孩We haven't had sex in over a week, and he wants to have a baby.这个状况哪里不对劲?What's wrong with this picture?你可以效法圣母玛莉亚纯洁受孕Well, you could always go the immaculate conception route.说真的Seriously.我们现在关系很恶劣We're in this shitty place.我们常常吵架为了合伙的事We fight and I'm working really long hours我的工作时间被拉长了because I'm up for this partner thing他把孩子当成绷带以为可以解决我们所有的问题and it's like he's using a baby as a Band-Aid for everything that's wrong with us. 你们出了什么问题?Well, what is wrong with you guys?我不知道I don't know.就好像他是个小孩Itrs like he*s a kid而我老是对他唠叨and I end up nagging him all the time.我是暴躁的妈咪相信我I'm "mean mommy." And believe me, 没人想和暴躁的妈咪做♥爱♥no one wants to fuck Hmean mommy."我相信你Oh, I believe you.然后我在想也许我正在破坏这段关系Then I think maybe I'm just sabotaging the relationship 好逃避生小孩和快乐过日子so I don't have to have a baby with him and actually be happy. 也许问题出在我身上Maybe the problem is me.这个小孩会需要很多治疗This baby is going to need a lot of therapy.哪来的小孩?There is no baby!好的暴躁的妈咪Okay, mean mommy.但我终究会想要一个小孩But I do want one eventually而我的时间不多了and my clock is running out.我只剩下一百万个有用的卵I mean, I've only got like a million viable eggs left.刚才吃饭时喝的马丁尼又杀了 300个300 of which we just killed with those martinis at lunch. 当晚莎曼珊喝醉了That night; Samantha got drunk.她失去了往日的意气风发She had lost her spirit, 目录中没有药物可以治疗and there was no pill in the catalog to correct that.因此她答应和连恩约会And so, she accepted a date with Len.毕竟不新鲜的面包必须物以类聚After all, day-old bread needed to stick together.你坐过凯迪拉克轿车吗?You ever been in a Cadillac Eldorado?没有-No. -Oh.那些宝贝坐起来真稳You can know his email address,但不会知道他是否为真命天子you cannot know he's "the one."我就是知道I just know.这真的很难因为他非常性感And it's really hard, because he is very sexy,我不想太早和他发♥生♥关♥系♥而坏了大事 but I don't want to ruin it by having sex with him too early.这么说你是坚守底线的女孩So, you're "everything but" girl.我倒认为是有额外赠品的亲吻I like to think of it as ''kissing with extras."你真像个九年级生How very ninth grade of you.书上说若一年不从事性行为Do you know, I read that if you don't have sex for a year,就能够恢复处♥女♥之身you can actually become Hrevirginized.n说不定会抓狂And, I would imagine quite frisky.这不是很棒吗?But, isn't that great?过去的风流史可以一笔勾销重新开始You can erase your whole sexual past and start again.谁想要回贞操?Who wants their virginity back?第一次的经验已经够糟了It was bad enough the first time.当时你多大?How old were you?十一年级Um, 11th grade.他叫赛斯贝特曼Seth Bakeman.在他家臭气熏天的康乐室His smelly rec room.吸了半根大♥麻♥三次冲刺Half a joint, three thrusts.完毕Finito.Man, those babies are smooth.车上什么按钮都有And they have buttons to do everything for you.甚至还有调整腰锥的按钮They even have a button to adjust your lumbar.对我的臀部极有好处It's great for my hip.我告诉过你我有个人造臀吗?Did I tell you that I have an artificial hip?没有-难以置信吧?-No. -Hard to believe, huh, baby?莎曼珊无法忍♥受连恩多说一分钟的话Samantha couldn't listen to one more minute of Len.所以她跟他上♥床♥好让他闭嘴And so, she slept with him and his hip, to shut him up. 好宝贝Yeah, baby.快给爹地吧Give it to daddy.老天Ah, Jesus!怎么了?What?宝贝你若不是处♥女♥Baby, either you're a virgin就是月经来报到了or Flo just came to town.我的月经?My period?到处都是血There's fucking blood everywhere.我的天真是太Oh, my God. That is so.这床单是普达狮的一套两千块These are fucking Pratesi sheets. Two grand a set.对不起I'm sorry.我真的很抱歉Really. Very, very sorry.莎曼珊嘴里说抱歉Samantha said "sorry.'1其实她真正的意思是What she really meant was,未来还有很多年轻的性感猛♥男♥"There are plenty more young studs等着她这个前更年期的女人in this hot pre-pre-menopausal woman's future/'真丢脸This is embarrassing.我应该走了I should go.谢谢你的晚餐Thanks for dinner.隔天米兰达在事务所加班时The next day, Miranda was putting in time and a half at her firm when.米兰达霍布斯-是我-Miranda Hobbes. Hey.我现在很忙没时间聊天Hey, I'm really busy. I don't really have time to talk.半小时后在第五十六街和第三街路口见Yeah, meet me in a half hour at 56th and third, okay?不行我四点要开会I cant I've got a meeting at 4:00.来吧米兰达会有帮助的Come on, Miranda, I think it'll help.拜托Please?好吧Okay.这是不可能的This is not gonna happen.过来你看它们Oh, c'mon, look at them!-这对我们究竟有什么帮助? 什么?-How exactly would this help us? -What?也许我们还没准备好生个小孩Maybe we're not ready for a baby,但这可以当作一个试验but maybe this could be a test run.那么谁来照顾它?And who would take care of the test run?我Me.拜托出钱的小姐带我回家好好爱我Please, lawyer lady, take me home and love me!你疯了You're insane.不要在狗狗面前说Not in front of the puppy.米兰达被逼进了死角Miranda had been backed into a corner.虽然她身边都是些母狗(泼妇)And even though she was surrounded by bitches,她可不想成为其中一员she didn't want to be one.好吧Okay.夏洛特和崔又在重复平常那套对话That night, Charlotte and Trey were performing their usual duet. 然后我下车发现了你And then I got out and I found you.真的吗?是我发现你的-Oh, really? I found you. -Mm-hmm.我想我应该进去I think I should come in.不亲爱的No, sweetie.我明天一早要开会I have an early meeting.不过谢谢你我玩得很开心But thanks, I had a lovely time. Really.我也是Me, too.晚安-晚安-Night, -Night.你真是不屈不挠You're very persistent.我不想进来只是想告诉你一件事I don't want to come in. I want to tell you something.我爱你夏洛特I love you, Charlotte.真的吗?You do?是的Yeah.我也爰你I love you too.当晚夏洛特得到她想要的一切That night Charlotte got everything she wanted.崔则得到代打手&hearts枪♥的服务Trey got a hand job.半夜三点And at 3:00 a.m.,米兰达除了火气外什么都没得到Miranda was getting nothing, but aggravated.拜托睡觉吧Please, go to sleep.别出声了拜托我求你Shh, please, I beg you. Here.你看这个Look.这就当作你妈咪的心跳This is supposed to be your momrs heart beating.or something.你高兴了吧?Are you h