Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第五季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“非原罪”没有男朋友时最可怕的噩梦The worst thing about not being in a relationship.就是你必须写篇is when your job is to write about关于你跟男朋友的专栏being in a relationship.还记得那个爱穿凉鞋的男人Remember that guy who wore sandals?凉鞋小子蓝达尔吗?Randall the sandal guy?我们约会过几次We went on a couple of dates?那是六年前的事吧?Like six years ago?你想说什么?-他叫蓝达尔?-Yeah. Is that anything? -His name was Randall?不对我已经肠枯思竭了姐♥妹♥们♥No, but I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here, ladies.上星期我在专栏里提到Last week I wrote about my search我在寻找完美的薯条for the perfect french fry.我看了 真的很可爰-Ooh, I saw that. -It was cute.薯条Uh-huh, french fries.你没看我的专栏吗?You didn't read it, did you?我不是每次都有空看你的专栏I don't always have time to read your column.好吧Huh. Okay, then.连我的朋友都觉得我的文章写得烂Wow, even my friends find me irrelevant.我每星期都会看Hey, I read it every week.你的乳♥房♥♥上已经挂了个小男孩了You have a little man hanging from your breast.太棒了Yay!你一定会喜欢的I think you'll really enjoy it.她写的证词哲学Her philosophy of written affirmations帮助我克服了许多负面的想法has helped me let go of negative thoughts.不Oh, no.这家伙不行Oh, not this guy.他是秃子No, he*s balding.他的头太大了He's got a big head.你还是有很多负面想法So you still have some negative thoughts.天啊他往这边走过来了Oh, my God, he's coming over here.别抬头Don't, don't lookup.你不是纽约星报的凯莉布雷萧吗?Aren't you Carrie Bradshaw from The New York Star? 贾比你好Oh, Gabe, hey!你们认识?You two know each other?他是我的编辑Yeah, this is my editor.这位是贾比曼宁This is Gabe Manning.你好我是夏洛特Oh, hi! I'm Charlotte.我很高兴能遇见你Hi. Tm glad I ran into you,因为你都不回我电♥话♥ 了since apparently you don't return your calls anymore. 我知道Yeah, I know, I know.但我正在为下一篇专栏找灵感But I am just now researching my next column.我想它一定会超级有趣跟性感And I think itrs going to be super fun and sexy.我们坐在这里想知道一百个男人中有多少男人See, we sit here, and we pick how many men out of 100 是我们想上♥床♥的对象.we would want to sleep with.凯莉没有人想知道你要跟多少男人上♥床♥Carrie, no one's asking you to fuck every guy in town.我们是周刊We're only a weekly paper.不我们并没有No, ha! We don't actually sleep with.我一直想联络上你The reason I've been trying to get in touch with you.清水出版社的编辑打电♥话♥给我I know, editor from Clearwater Press called.他们想把你的专栏辑录成书They*re interested in turning your columns into a book.我跟写这些专栏的女作家I'm having a Cosmopolitan with the woman一起喝四海为家”who wrote about Cosmopolitans.如果能找到男人就好了Now, if only I could find a man.没办法找到好男人的困扰Trouble finding a man.你考虑过拿它来作题材吗?Have you ever considered writing about that?好点子Oh, that*s a great idea!我该去拿支笔过来Let me get a pen.隔天晚上我跟出版商见面The next night, I met with publishing powerhouses, 莉莉马丁跟柯特妮麦斯特森Lily Martin and Courtney Masterson.说真的凯莉这实在是太棒了Seriously, Carrie, this is such a thrill.清水出版社的人都很喜欢看你的专栏All of us at Clearwater Press read your column religiously.我的天我不会那么做Oh, God, I don*t even do that.我把“十种该避免的男人”贴在冰箱上I even have the one on "Ten Men to Avoid" on my refrigerator.但那跟看“凯西漫画不一样But not in that icky Cathy comic kind of a way.我讨厌那玩意-我也是-Oh, God, no, I hate that shit. -Me too.总之我预料这本书会大卖♥♥Anyway, I predict this book will be huge.红透半边天Huge.那是And that's为什么?Why?因为很多单身女郎都渴望看这样的书Because there are so many single women desperate for something like this.在你面前就有两个我跟她And you're looking at two of them. One, two.你可以从已完成的众多专栏中挑选And the good news is you already have an incredible inventory of columns to choose from. 有些内容不必放进书里And some we don't have to include.比如关于薯条的那篇专栏Like that last one on french fries.就不适合贴在冰箱上吧?That didn't make the fridge, did it?基本来说我们希望在Basically, we want to fast-track it圣诞节也就是光明节时上市and get it on the shelves by Christmas, slash, the Jewish Hanukkahs.你可以挑选25到30篇专栏And you can pick and choose the columns, about 25 or 30.然后写一篇简介Then, you just have to write an introduction以及感谢名单and a dedication to clarify the tone of the book.你是说So you mean.你是什么意思?What do you mean?我们要传达什么样的讯息?You know, what's the message?我可以选出我最喜欢的专栏?Just."Here are my favorite columns1'?没错但这真的行得通吗?Um, yes, but also is it hopeful?凯莉布雷萧是乐观主义者还是悲观主义者?Is Carrie Bradshaw an optimist or a pessimist?你有什么看法?Yeah, what's your point of view?在经历了分手失望You know, after all the breakups and the disappointments,跟火车意外后and the train wrecks,你还是相信他的存在对吗?you still believe he's out there, right?还是说我们该开枪自尽?Or should we just shoot ourselves now?不没错No, yes.应该行得通Hopeful.老实说我不确定自己相信什么To be honest, I wasn't sure what I believed.但我愤世嫉俗的一边告诉我乐观看法♥会&hearts渎♥♥山更多的书 But my cynical side suspected optimism.would sell more books.我的好朋友将成为畅销女作家My best friend is going to be a published author.那真的太棒了我觉得很高兴It's so fabulous; it even makes me more fabulous.我不知道我喜欢自己迟钝的样子I don't know. I think I enjoy being slightly under the radar.我安于现况实际上很多人I take comfort in the fact that many people,包括礼品公♥司♥都没有看过我的专栏present company included, don't ever see my column.我会等着精♥装♥书上市Well, I'm waiting until it's coming out in hardback.希望它会非常地轰动I hope it's big and glossy.就像我犯过的错误一样Like my mistakes.你鼓励这样的事?Is this really something you encourage?快去做吧Doit!报纸没搞头了现在是书的天下Newspaper is out, it*s all about books.有名的人都写书Everyone who's anyone has a book.好吧我不确定你的意思Okay, Tm not sure what you just said, 因为我被一枚钻戒弄得分心了because I was temporarily blinded by a piece of jewelry.让我看一下Let me see that!这是理查送我的It*s from Richard.我想这是他的道歉礼物I think it's his way of saying "Tm sorry." 如果他再伤你一次你会得到什么?Wow, what do you get if it happens again?希望之星?-没错-The Hope Diamond? -That's what this is.“希望那个混♥蛋♥别再伤我心"钻戒The "hope that fucker doesn't break my heart again" diamond.显然我们都把痛苦抛在脑后了Evidently, we were both turning our pain into gold.那晚我开始思索信念的问题That night, I started to think about belief.或许年过三十的人不应该太乐观Maybe it's not even advisable to be an optimist after the age of 30.或许悲观才比较适合日常生活Maybe pessimism is something we have to start applying daily, 就跟保湿面霜一样like moisturizer.否则当信念被现实击倒Otherwise, how do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system 爱无法如梦想中般征服一切时你该怎么办?and love does not, as promised; conquer all?希望是让我们死去的毒药Is hope a drug we need to go off of,还是让我们继续活下去的力量?or is it keeping us alive?信念有什么杀伤力呢?What's the harm in believing?如果你想让爱进入你的生命里每天重复你的证词Repeat your affirmations daily if you want to let love into your life.打开心胸Open yourself.呼吸爰的气息Breathe in the possibility of love.(我相信爱)恐惧不是爰What is not fear.是时候放开你的恐惧It's time to let go of your fears去拥抱你的梦想and embrace your dreams.米兰达不是教♥徒♥但她更改了她的信仰Miranda still wasn't a believer,她找到一间很适合她的教堂but her faith was renewed when she found a church that seemed to suit her, 还有一套她穿得下的套装and a suit that seemed to fit her.我站在雨中等你Fm waiting in the rain!我知道你说十点四十五分I know, I know. You said 10:45.没错这都是我的错对不起-Yeah. -It's my fault. Tm sorry.他没有跟她来He's not with her.我知道我说过她或许把他Yeah, I know, I told you that she'd probably leave him交给护士照顾这位是我妈with the baby nurse. this is my ma.妈她是米兰达Ma, Miranda.布莱迪太太很高兴见到你Hi, Mrs. Brady. So nice to meet you.请叫我玛莉No, Mary, please.你长得好漂亮Oh, you're so fancy.我本来想换上最好的洋装I wanted to wear my nice dress,但干洗店十点才开门but the dry cleaners doesn't open until 10:00.我好希望你带布莱迪来I was hoping that you'd bring little Brady我还没有见过他since I haven*t seen him yet.史蒂夫给了我他的照片Well, you know, Stevie gave me a picture我一直把它放在皮夹里I've been carrying around in my wallet.照片有点折痕It's a little creased.我应该把它放在相框里的I should have put it in a frame.我在电♥话♥公 ♥司 ♥影印照片I Xeroxed it at the phone company让我部门里的同事都能看看他大家都说他长得像我 and everyone in my division said he looks like me. 我在受洗仪式中能见到他吧So Ell see him at the ceremony.谢谢你邀请我参加I'm just grateful to be included, 毕竟你不是天主教♥徒♥especially since I know you aren't Catholic 也不想举♥行♥受洗仪式and you didn't want to have a christening.但一想到宝宝会在地狱中遭到焚身之苦But the idea of this little baby burning in hell.妈Ma! Ma.好吧All right! All right.我只是说I'm just saying.我的大儿子杰奇他的宝宝出生两星期就死了My oldest son, Jackie, had a baby who died. Two weeks old. 我们还是很难过We're still reeling.他太太是黑人His wife is black.她不怎么友善She's not very friendly.她以为我歧视她但我没有Thinks I have a problem with her, but I don*t.我没有I don't.听着或许神父Listen, maybe the priest.不需要知道你们没有结婚doesn't need to know you aren't getting married.我们不想骗神父妈We're not lying to the priest, Ma.你现在倒成了虔诚的教♥徒♥Now you're religious.你好-Hello. -Oh!你是霍布斯吗?Are you the Hobbes party?没错我们通过电♥话♥Yes, we spoke on the phone.我是安德鲁神父请进I'm Father Andrew. Come on inside.抱歉我们迟到了I'm sorry we're late.你好神父我是玛莉布莱迪Hello, Father. Tm Mary Brady.皇后区圣安格尼斯教堂的教♥徒♥I go to St. Agnes in Queens.他们没有结婚They're not getting married.她喝醉了吗?Is she drunk?没有她只喝了几杯啤酒No, just a couple beers.我不希望提起宝宝是天主教♥徒♥I don't want the baby referred to as Catholic.也不要提起原罪No "original sin."或远离撒旦No "renouncing of Satan."那不是因为她相信撒旦It's not that she*s a fan of Satan.她只是不想提起他It's just that she doesn't want about him.事实上不要提起撒旦魔鬼In fact, no mention of Satan, the devil.米兰达很讶异神父那么好沟通Miranda was surprised the priest was so flexible,但实际在不景气的时候but the truth is, in these troubled times,天主教会就跟绝望的三十六岁女人一样the Catholic church is like a desperate 36-year-old single woman, 他们愿意安于手边能抓到的东西willing to settle for anything it can get. ".Christs own forever."你说要出门买♥♥衣服时This is not what I had in mind我没想到你要这么做when you asked if I wanted to go dress shopping.相信我我比你还觉得无聊Believe me, I'm less thrilled than you.他要受洗穿上礼服He has to get baptized and wear a dress.宝宝的处♥女♥秀Baby's first drag show.这是项非常奇怪的传统It*s a very odd tradition.我都不想说了Oh, don't even get me started.重点是要洗清小宝宝的罪It's all about cleansing this little baby of his sins,宝宝纯真地来到这个世界上when, clearly, babies come into this world with a clean slate,是我们污染了他们and we're the ones that fuck 'em up.你是悲观主义者吧?So, you're a pessimist, right?我们认识吗?Have we met?这是为了我的书我必须想清楚Ifs for my book. I have to figure out我是乐观主义者还是悲观主义者if Fm an optimist or a pessimist,我真的不知道and I don't know anymore.我不知道自己相信什么I don't know what I believe.我也不知道我要办受洗仪式Well, neither do I, and I'm having a baptism.你怎么说服自己的?So how do you rationalize that?我可以少帮他洗一次澡One less bath I have to give him.我会那么做是为了史蒂夫Mostly, I'm doing it for Steve.他一直对我很好He's been pretty good to me.我认识他三年了I've known him for three years,直到昨天才见到他妈妈and I didn't have to meet his mother until yesterday.她长什么样子?What's she like?想像史蒂夫戴假发喝醉了Imagine Steve, in a wig, drunk.好恶心没错Yikes. -Yeah.所以So. listen.你愿不愿意当布莱迪的教母?How would you feel about being Brady's godmother?真的吗?我需要做什么?Really? What would I need to do?正式地来说.Officially.你要给宝宝提供心灵上的指引you provide the baby with spiritual guidance.非正式地来说你要站在我旁边Unofficially, you stand up there with me你还能做什么事?What else are you gonna do?-吃东西-没有人跟我约会-Eat. -Pm in a dating desert.他们会把我的专栏改名为They're gonna have to change the name of my column to just.“什么都没有城市”".and the City."或许他们还会取消它Or they'll just cancel it.你上了公车广♥告♥You're on the side of a bus, for Godrs sake.编辑为什么要打电♥话♥给我?他从来不会打电♥话♥找我 Then why did my editor call? He never calls.没有人跟我做♥爱♥我要被开除了I am not getting laid, therefore, Tm getting laid off.你不会被开除You're not getting laid off.莎曼珊我不知道你有没有看其他的报导Samantha, I don't know if you read the rest of the paper,现在是困难时期but these are troubled times.有工作的人的确会被开除People with real jobs are getting laid off.最近经济不景气很多人都会被开除This is not a good economy in which to be. whipped cream.昨晚我开始写我的袜柜Last night, I actually started writing about my sock drawer.男人就跟袜子一样Men as socks.“袜子城市”Hmm, "Socks and the City.'1你们跟我得去找男人I think you and I need to go find some men.问题是根本就没有男人有的-There are no men. That's the problem. -There are men.你们必须知道该去哪里找什么时候有空?You just have to know where to look for them. When are you free?不我不会为了找灵感跟男人鬼混No, no. Tm not trolling for men just to have something to write about.快去做♥爱♥吧别忘了跟我报告让我有个人可以翻白眼so I have somebody to roll my eyes at.你说什么?What do you say?我不知道心灵上的指引I don*t know. Spiritual guidance.我们订了皇后区面包店的蛋糕And there's cake. From some bakery in Queens!放了很多糖跟厚厚的糖浆?Ah, the really sugary kind with the thick White icing?对或许还有鲜奶油Yeah, maybe even a buttercream cross on top.没问题Oh, now you're talkin'.我愿意给他心灵指引跟吃蛋糕Spirituality, and cake!那晚夏洛特拉我到信仰之泉去That night, Charlotte dragged me to the fountain of belief.在场几乎都是女人It was mostly women.很明显女人是“希望的主要市场Apparently, women are the main market for hope.欢迎你要不要抽一张证词?Welcome, would you like to take an affirmation?毫无疑问如果拒绝的话Saying "no" would probably get us off on the wrong foot, 我们会被踢出去it being an affirmation and all.谢谢Thanks.祝你玩得愉快Enjoy.“我相信人性本善”"I believe in the good in people."太棒了你的证词写了什么?That's nice. What does yours say?“我相信这是胡说八道”“I believe this is hooey."你要挖苦所有事情吗?Are you going to make fun of everything?我的脑筋没动得那么快No, Tm not that quick.你今天做了什么?What did you do today?还是一样Oh, the usual.帮我朋友的非婚生子Helped pick a christening gown挑选受洗仪式的礼服for my friend's illegitimate baby.我很高兴她决定举♥行♥受洗仪式I'm so happy she decided to do a baptism.她请我当孩子的教母She asked me to be the godmother.什么?What?那没什么大不了的It's not a big deal.那是大事It is a big deal.那是很重大的责任It's a huge responsibility.我知道很多朋友因此绝交I know people whose friendships have ended因为有人没办法尽到当教母的责任because someone was a disappointing godparent.你为什么会那么Why are you so.?你想当孩子的教母吗?Did you want to be the godmother?不No!知道这世界上还有神圣的事并不可怕I just think it wouldn't kill you to acknowledge that some things are sacred.我真的.I do acknowledge.我们别说话了We*re not talking.-是吗? 殳错-We're not? -No!好吧Okay.我们可以说话了吗?Are we talking yet?你要跟我说话时通知我一声Okay, let me know when we're talking.我相信这会是漫长的一夜I believe this is going to be a very long evening.我相信我们是这里唯一的正常人I believe we are the only normal people here.我相信夏洛特是个好人I believe in the good in Charlotte,她不管我的想法拉我来这里who dragged me here against my will事实上我只想待在家里抱着负面想法哭泣when I wanted to stay home and just be negative.宝宝的礼服长什么样子?What does the gown look like?两个人Table for two.我知道你想让我难过I know you're trying to make me feel bad,但我得告诉你这燃起了我熊熊的欲♥火♥but I gotta tell you, that turns me on.这边请Right this way.谢谢Thank you.我们没事吧?Are we okay?没事Oh, we*re fine.我差点忘了Oh, I almost forgot.星期天你要跟我一起参加米