The Golden Girls《黄金女郎(1985)》第三季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
谢谢你做我的朋友Thank you for being a friend.旅行数日后又重回此处Traveled down the road and back again.你的心是如此真诚Your heart is true.你是我的贴心好友Yourre a pal and a confidante.若你要开个派对And if you threw a party.邀请所有熟人到场Invited everyone you knew.你将发现最好的礼物是我送出的You would see the biggest gift would be from me.贺卡上将会写着And the card attached would say.感谢你与我为友“Thank you for being a friend"黄金女郎第三季第十集嗨妈闻起来好香这是什么?Hi, Ma. Oh, something smells terrific. What is it?意大利面酱来尝尝Spaghetti sauce. Here, have a taste.嗯很好吃Mmm. Delicious.好吃吗?这就是我和你父亲结婚的原因Delicious? This is the reason your father and I got married.姐♥妹♥们♥你们知道我已经八天没约会了吗?Girls, do you realize it has been eight days since I've had a date?你知不知道我已经八天没Do you realize it's been eight days since I had.妈Ma, please.不管是什么别告诉别人Whatever it is, keep it to yourself.这是我的问题That's my problem.我不明白I don't understand.我好像不能像以前那样吸引那么多男人了That car was a chick magnet.行吧斯坦利赶紧给我出去That is it, Stanley. That's it. Get out.滚出我家滚出我的生活Get out of my house. Get out of my life.那审计呢?What about the audit?我们可能会陷入麻烦我们可能会进监狱We can get into trouble. We could wind up in jail.那好极了我要就是要你进监狱Good, good. I want you to go to jail.我要找一个叫布巴的秃顶囚犯And I want a big bald convict named Bubba选你做他的女朋友to pick you for his girlfriend.桃乐茜你才不会这么狠Dorothy, you don*t mean that.我不敢吗这都是你的错The hell I don't. This is all your fault.听着这事怪谁不重要Look, it doesn't matter who's to blame here.我们是一条船上的如果你不想合作We're in this together. If you don't wanna cooperate,你会伤害到你自己的-you're gonna be hurting yourself.你说得对我更恨你-You're right. And I hate you for it.怎么这么吵?What's all the racket?哦没什么我真想杀了斯坦Oh, nothing. I could just murder Stan.他没告诉我就买♥♥辆雪佛兰He bought a Corvette without telling me.有什么可抱怨的?Why are you complaining?你父亲也瞒着我做了一些事Your father did things without telling me.不然你以为我是怎么怀上你弟弟菲尔的?How do you think I got pregnant with your brother Phil?记住我会处理一切我♥干♥过推销Just remember, Fil handle everything. Tm a salesman.我擅长打交道我知道该怎么做I deal with people. I know what Fm doing.闭嘴斯坦利Shut up, Stanley.放松一旦我们进去了Mellow out. Once we get in there, 我们必须在心理上控制住自己 we have to exercise psychological control. 所以我才穿这身西装-你让我恶心-That's why I'm wearing this suit. - You make me sick. 大家都知道好人穿白色Hey, everyone knows good guys wear white. 这套西装在潜意识里告诉审计员我是个好人This suit subliminally tells the auditor I'm a good guy. 看着你我都想吐了I could vomit just looking at you.兹博纳克先生和太太请到我办公室来Mr. And Mrs. Zbornak, step into my office, please. 看我施展我的魔法宝贝 Watch me work my magic, babe.下午好我是温德尔默里我将负责你们的审计 Good afternoon. I am Wendell Murray.I'll be conducting your audit.见到你很高兴我是桃乐茜兹博纳克Nice to meet you. I'm Dorothy Zbornak. 这是我前夫斯坦利This is my ex-husband, Stanley.温德尔Wendell.老伙计 Paisan. 我们要进监狱了 We're going to jail. 你叫我什么? What did you call me? 在他回答之前让我重申一下 Before he answers that, let me reiterate, 我们俩已经离婚了 we are bitterly divorced. 放松桃乐茜Relax, Dorothy.温德尔我叫你老伙计Wendell, I called you "paisan."朋友兄弟的头型Friend, brother of the scalp.恕我冒昧说一句If I may get philosophical for one moment, 我一直认为秃顶的男人就像少数民族一样I've always believed we bald men are like any other minority.我们要团结在一起你说谁秃头?-That's why we have to stick together. - Who you calling bald? 没有人说Nobody, nobody.闭嘴把头发戴好Just shut up and put your hair on.是的亲爰的温德尔如果我可以叫你温德尔的话Yes, dear. Wendell, if I may call you Wendell, 我说过我是彩虹联盟的成员吗?did I mention that I'm a member of the Rainbow Coalition?兹博纳克先生太太容我提醒你们Mr. And Mrs. Zbornak, may I remind you作为国税局的一名雇员that as an employee of the IRS,我唯一的责任就是确保政♥府♥it is my sole obligation to see that the government 能收取到应得的税款gets all the money it has coming to it?我打赌你会做得很好-谢谢然而-And PH bet you do a fine job of it. - Thank you. However, 这事跟我个人没有任何关系明白了吗?I have no personal stake in this whatsoever. Is that understood?哦是的当然伙计-Oh, yes. Yes. - You bet, my man.那就少废话了伙计Then cut the crap, paisan.伙计们我做这份工作已经快四年了You know, folks, I've been at this job almost four years now, 在从业的这段时间里我可以诚实地说and in that short time I can honestly say我从未见过如此笨拙愚蠢的方法I have never seen such an inept, clumsy, downright stupid attempt来避免缴纳所得税to avoid paying income tax.谢谢真是受益良多啊Thanks. That means a lot coming from you.我得实话说这样算下来我也很惊讶I can also honestly say that I'm amazed the way this lays out, 你只欠很少的钱you only owe a small amount.你开玩笑吧当然不是 欠5000美元-You're kidding, - No. $5000.5000美元我们可没那么多钱$5000. We don't have that kind of money.山姆大叔(政♥府♥)不喜欢听到这些Uncle Sam doesn't like to hear that.桃乐茜阿姨也不喜欢说这个Aunt Dorothy doesn't enjoy saying it.我们希望你们每个人在30天内拿出2500美元Well expect you each to cough up $2500 in 30 days.如果我们做不到呢?What if we can*t?我们会扣押和泥吉你的银行账户财产和工资We'll put a lien on your bank accounts, property, and your salaries. 如果还是不够我们就只能把你关起来了And if that doesn't work, we'll just have to incarcerate you.我的天啊我们要进监狱了Oh, my God. We're going to jail.对了斯坦利That's right, Stanley.记得告诉我你和布巴婚礼的瓷器是在哪设计的Please, let me know where you and Bubba register for your china. 萝丝亲爱的你怎么还没睡?Rose, honey, what are you still doing up?准备我的西班牙语考试Studying for my Spanish test.就像我认识的其他人一样都在复习Like somebody else I know should be.不要过度劳累给Don't strain yourself. Here.布兰琪这是考试的答案Blanche, these are the answers to the test.你从哪儿弄来的?Where did you get these?我让你猜一猜I'll give you one guess.你和老师上♥床♥ 了You slept with the teacher.我当然没有和老师上♥床♥Of course I didn*t sleep with the teacher.这几天你可别跟别人瞎说You have to be very careful these days.我答应过他如果他给我答案我就跟他上♥床♥I promised I would if he gave me the answers.我称之为“安全调戏”I call it usafe-teasing."那你就拿回去吧Well, you can just have them back.我这辈子只作弊过一次I've only cheated once in my life.我发誓我再也不会这么做了 无法承受负罪感?-1 vowed I'd never do it again. - Couldn't handle the guilt?不我被抓到了No, I got caught.那是我这辈子最糟糕的经历Oh, it was the worst experience of my whole life.整个圣奥拉夫都被这事震惊了St. Olaf was rocked by the scandal.你做了什么在饲料店少找别人钱吗?What'd you do, shortchange somebody down at the feed store? 更糟Worse.我给我心爱的小羊羔哈兰喂过BB弹I fed BB's to my prize lamb, Harlan,这样他在县里集市上称重就会更重了so he'd weigh in heavier at the county fair.我的天啊萝丝你晚上怎么睡得着?Oh, my God, Rose. How do you sleep at night?我知道这是不对的但我想赢得第一名I knew it was wrong all along, but I wanted to win first prize. 如果哈兰能再多坚持一段时间我就赢了And I would have if Harlan could have held it just a little longer. 你错过了一段经典故事Boy, did you just miss a real gem.可怜的桃乐茜你怎么又起来了?Poor Dorothy, what are you doing up again?我睡不着每次我闭上眼睛I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes, 我看到政♥府♥的人在翻我的钱包I see Uncle Sam going through my purse. 担心欠政♥府♥的钱吗? Worried about the money you owe the government?不布兰琪我担心迈克尔杰克逊是否No, Blanche, Tm worried about whether Michael Jackson 能买♥ ♥到象人的遗骸 will be able to buy the remains of the Elephant Man.真的吗?天啊我还是担心钱的事Really? Gee, Td be worried about the money.这里有人睡觉吗?Does anyone around here ever go to bed?我睡不着妈妈I can't sleep, Ma.我无心上班吃不下饭I can't work, I can't eat.我所能做的就是考虑如何筹集剩下的钱All I can do is think about how I'm gonna raise the rest 2500美元这部分 of that 2500 bucks.真希望我也有小宝贝我知道妈-1 wish I had it, pussycat. - Oh, I know, Ma. 如果你有你会给我的If you had it, you*d give it to me.别理解错了我说“我希望我也有”Don't put words in my mouth. I said, UI wish I had it.” 我存了一点钱桃乐茜I've put away a little money, Dorothy.但是这还远远不够不过可以帮助你一点It's not nearly enough, but you're welcome to it. 噢萝丝Oh, Rose.我可以借你几百元I could lend you a couple of hundred. 我本打算把钱花在我去巴哈马的游轮上 rd planned on putting it toward my cruise to the Bahamas,-管他呢谢谢姑娘们-but what the heck? - Oh, thank you, girls.我就买♥♥儿盘哈利贝拉方特的磁带吧 Ell just buy a couple of Harry Belafonte tapes. 我真的很感激I really appreciate this. 在晾衣绳下扭一扭And limbo under the clothesline.但我不能接受好呢-But I can*t accept it. - Okay. 我只有2500的一半I only have half of the 2500.既然我没有资格申请银行贷款And since I don't qualify for a bank loan, 我得卖♥♥掉我的一些东西 I'm just gonna have to sell some of my stuff. 等下 我的女儿才不会出去卖♥♥ Hold it. No daughter of mine is selling her stuff. 这是罪过面对现实吧桃乐茜It's a sin, it's a crime, and lets face it, Dorothy, 你不能卖♥♥你自己啊 lately you can't give it away.妈我在说卖♥♥掉我的一些东西Ma, I'm talking about selling some of my belongings. 我给几家当铺打了电♥话♥I called a couple of pawn shops 我明天去看看and I'm gonna check them out tomorrow. 我很擅长讨价还价我和你一起去I'm wonderful at bargaining. I'll go with you.我也去-谢谢你们-Me; too. - Oh, thanks, girls.哦我真不敢相信会发生这种事Oh. You know, I can't believe this is happening. 我一直都很注意自己的财务状况I was so careful about my finances all my life. 我以为现在我有了安全感I thought that by now I'd have some sort of security. 现在我却身无分文And here I am, flat broke.我明白你的意思I know what you mean.我从来没想过我在这个年纪还单身工作I never dreamt I'd be single and working at this age.我从没想过我能到这个年纪I never dreamt I'd be this age.姑娘们让我告诉你们最重要的三件事Let me tell you girls the three most important things我从生活学到的I learned about life.第一:要紧紧抓住你的朋友Number one: Hold fast to your friends.第二根本就没有安全感这回事Number two: There's no such thing as security.第三点:不要去拜伊什塔尔And number three: Don't go see Ishtar.美索不达米亚女神象征战争和性♥爰♥姑娘们听着Now girls, listen.听我说Listen.记住要达成交易就是我们要先报价Remember, the way to make a deal is we state our price, 坚持我们的立场再解开衣服另一颗扣子stick to our guns, and undo another button on our blouses. 布兰琪这太荒唐了Blanche, that is ridiculous.解开我上衣的扣子也不会谈到很好的价格Unbuttoning my blouse is not gonna get us a better deal.你说得对别解开你的You are absolutely right. Don't touch yours.萝丝和我会解开我们的扣子Rose and I will unbutton ours.你好姑娘们Buenos dias,Senorita.嗨Hi.你好啊Buenos dias.Como estas?交出你所有的钱Hermoso todo tu dinero.求你了别伤害我钱随便拿Please, don't hurt me, just take my money.我很抱歉我想我把动词用错了I'm sorry. I think I got my verbs mixed up.谢天谢地女士Thanks a lot, lady.那么你想要什么?So, what do you want?我想典当一些东西I would like to pawn a few things.你这里有很多东西.是的-You got a lot of things here. - Yeah.那么这些能值多少钱?So, uh, how much will you give me?这些东西100美元$100 for everything.哦.等一下-Oh. - Wait a minute.先生!你怎么能这么不识货呢Sir! I am shocked at your insensitivity.这可不是一个普通的水壶May I point out to you that this is no ordinary pitcher?这个水壶是她的曾曾祖母在大洋彼岸This pitcher was carried thousands of miles 从几千英里外运过来across the ocean by her great-great-grandmother. 一个来到这个国家寻求更好生活的女人A woman who came to this country in search of a better life, 历史上数以百万计的移♥民♥也是如此 as have done millions of immigrants throughout history. 这个水壶是自♥由♥的象征 Why, this pitcher is a symbol of freedom.这个大水壶可是自♥由♥的象征This pitcher is a symbol of liberty.这个大水壶是中国制♥造♥的This pitcher was made in Taiwan.行吧可能是在埃利斯岛的礼品店买♥♥的 Well! Maybe they stopped off at the Ellis Island gift shop. 重点是这个水壶值得The point is, this pitcher is worth 一大笔钱a considerable amount of money.女士这个故事比这水壶更有意思Lady, that story is worth more than the pitcher.事实上除了你戴的戒指In fact, except for the ring that you are wearing, 你带来的东西都一文不值nothing that you brought in here is worth anything.- 戒指多少钱? -800美元- How much for the ring? - $800.哦我不能把这个当掉Oh, I couldn't pawn this.- 900美元当掉吧桃乐茜- $900, - Take it, Dorothy.不我不能No, I couldn't, it.这是斯坦给过我的唯一一件好东西This is the only nice thing that Stan ever gave me.- 1000美元-这也是唯一有价值的东西- $1000, - Its also the only valuable thing.- 给他吧不行-Hock it. -1 canrt.1200美兀我最后的报价$1200. My final offer.不这可不能卖♥♥No, this isn't for sale.我是说有些东西是无价的我I mean, there are some things that have no price. I. 这对我来说意义重大This means a lot to me.这是我丈夫在结婚38年后送给我的My husband gave it to me after 38 years of marriage.结婚38年后他还甩了你And after 38 years of marriage, he also dumped you 为了一个23岁的空姐for a 23-year-old stewardess大腿结实胸部挺拔with firm thighs and perky breasts.这戒指是你的了大兄弟You got yourself a ring, muchacho.-嗨桃乐茜嗨-Hi Dorothy. - Hi.I just don't seem to be able to attract as many men as I used to.也许已经都结束了Maybe it's just the beginning of the end.也许我这后半辈子都不会再有约会了Maybe I'll never have another date again, as long as I live.别傻了你才不是这样呢布兰琪Don't be ridiculous. Not you, Blanche.你说得对刚才真是说笑了You're right. I am being ridiculous.如果有人再也没有约会那可能就是你了If anybody never has another date, it'll probably be you.谢谢你桃乐茜我感觉好多了Thank you, Dorothy. I feel so much better.嗨姐♥妹♥们♥Hi, girls.猜猜每周二和周四晚上Guess what 1*11 be doing for three hours这三个小时我要做什么?every Tuesday and Thursday night?剪断你的黑色连裤♥袜♥Cutting up your black pantyhose开演阿莫斯和安迪的木偶剧?and putting on an Amos 'n Andy puppet show?不但这是个好主意No, but what a great idea.太好了现在你每周三都有事可做了Terrific, now you have something to do on Wednesdays.好吧Okey-dokey.你们知道我在咨♥询♥中心想要升职吗?Do you know that promotion I was up for at the counseling center? 除非我会说两种语言否则我不能升职了Well, I found out I can*t have it unless I become bilingual.哦不亲爱的别这样Oh, no, honey, don't do that.没有一份工作值得你和女人约会No job is worth having to date women.布兰琪“双语者指的是Blanche, "bilinguar* refers to a person会说不止一种语言的人who speaks more than one language.你们俩在这儿干什么?我以为你有西班牙语课What are you two doing here? I thought you had Spanish class. 我们有但我们不去了我们退出了We do but we*re not going. We dropped out.你在咨♥询♥中心的晋升怎么样了 ?What about your promotion at the counseling center?我现在不考虑这事了Oh, I can just forget about that.挪威人的西班牙语是出了名的差Norwegians are notoriously bad at Spanish.我猜这就是为什么没有鳏鱼玉米卷的原因I guess that's why there are no herring tacos.这就是在浪费我的时间And it was a big waste of my time.那里只有一个帅哥There was only one cute guy there.他一直在笔记本上写“肯尼”这个名字And he kept doodling the name "Kenny" in his notebook.你好桃乐茜-请进-Hi, Dorothy. - Come on in.我去拿我那一半钱的支票I have the check for my half of the money.嗨姑娘们嗨斯坦-Hi, girls. - Hi, Stan.嗨斯坦你的假发呢?Hi, Stan. Where*s your hair?哦该死的我就不该打开天窗Oh, damn. I never should have opened that sunroof.这周我不宜出门This just isn't my week.给你Here you go.谢谢桃乐茜听着Thanks, Dorothy. Uh, Dorothy, uh, listen.我对这一切我真的很抱歉I, um. Tm really sorry about all of this.都是我的错Itrs all my fault.来Here.给你个小礼物A little something for you.我的戒指My ring.我不想让你卖♥♥掉它不应该是这样的I didn't want you to sell it. Not like this.-你怎么知道的?-你出去的时候我打来过电♥话♥-How did you know? -1 called while you were out.索菲亚告诉我发生了什么事Sophia told me what happened, so I went and bought it back.所以我去把它买♥♥回来了斯坦利你没必要这么做Stanley, you didn't have to do that.我想这么做桃乐茜I wanted to do it, Dorothy.因为不管发生什么你仍然是最棒的Because, in spite of everything, you're still the best.我要哭了I think I'm gonna cry.亲爱的别这样你的眼睛会变得很大Honey, don't do that. Your eyes will get all beady, 你的鼻子会像卡尔马尔登一样肿起来and your nose will swell up like Karl Malden.等等如果你把戒指买♥♥回来Wait a minute, if you bo