Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第三季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“城市"欲女纽约客期待的事情一只手就可以数得出来You can count on one hand the things a real New Yorker will wait for. 我的清单包括:完美的租金管制公♥寓♥My list includes the perfect rent-controlled apartment,贝纳迪诺餐厅的巧克力酥the chocolate souffle at Le Bernardin,还有曼诺罗布雷尼克年度拍卖♥♥and the annual Manolo Blahnik sale.在与设计师约会四次After four sublime dates with the furniture designer他的吻令我双脚发软后whose kiss made my knees wea,我这个纽约客等待得够久了this New Yorker had waited long enough.想在这里过夜吗?So mister, do you wanna sleep over?我得要喂皮特I gotta feed Pete.明天还要早起I gotta get up early in the morning.显然这个纽约客不期待Apparently, that New Yorker had not.当一扇门关闭后另一扇门则会开启People always say when one door closes another one opens.半夜两点莎曼珊家的门开了At 2:00 a.m., the door that was opening was Samantha's.你能相信吗这太可怕了Can you believe it? This is terrible!发生什么事了 ?What's going on?ID的芙雷达被抢了Freda Luftshein in 1-D was held up at gunpoint.我的天Oh, my God!情况已经得到了控制女士We have it under control, ma'am.嫌犯被监视录影带拍下We have the suspect on tape.去义诊中心检查Well, go to the free clinic.算了会怎么样呢?Whatever. What*s gonna happen to me?尿尿的时候会痛?Does it hurt when you pee or something?男人是带原者毫无症状No, men are just carriers, there aren't any symptoms at all.那我为什么要知道感染与否?Then why do I need to know?你要是不接受治疗Because if you don't get treated,可能会传染给别人you could pass it on to other people.你是我唯一的性&hearts胖♥侣♥But you're my only other person你已经感染了and you already have it.如果你真的感染了Yeah, but see, if you've got it,我们之间就没完没了werll just keep passing it back and forth.那我完全康复之前都不碰你Plus, I'd rather not sleep with you until this thing is out of my body.我还要再用抗生素六天And I've got six more days of antibiotics.拜托你去好吗?So will you please just go take care of it.好好接受治疗Just go, get it over with.史蒂夫这趟看医生之旅Steve's trip to the doctor对他的恐惧没什么帮助didn't do much to cure his fear of doctors.裤子脱掉Drop your trousers.这里没什么问题No, there's nothing going on down there.是我女朋友叫我来这里接受检查I'm just here because my girlfriend said to get the test.我需要你阴♥茎♥里面的抽样I need a sample from the inside of your penis.当史蒂夫正在面对男人害怕的问题As Steve faced something every man dreads, 米兰达也在面对女人害怕的事Miranda faced something every woman dreads.她正在列所有跟她睡过男人的清单She was making a list of all the men she'd slept with.至少是那些她记得的At least all the ones she could remember.她纳闷自己如何能一边搞这些男人She started to wonder how she did all these men, 一边还能拿到法律学位成为一名成功的律师 and did her law degree, and became a successful lawyer. 莎曼珊知道自己睡过男人的数字Samantha knew her number was up there, 但是她不知道其他人也知道了but she didn't know everybody else knew.我们知道是你把抢匪带进来的We know it was you who buzzed in the gunman.你说什么?Excuse me?你一天到晚有访客You always have guests coming in.我每次进电梯就看到你跟不同的男人在一起Every time I'm in this elevator you're with a different man. 这话太荒谬了That's ridiculous!你的楼层到了女士This is your floor, ma'am.抱歉Excuse me.次日米兰达的性生活也快速地从她眼前闪过The next day, Miranda's sex life was flashing before her as well. 谢谢好的抱歉打扰了Thanks, okay, sorry to bother you.恭喜你你现在结婚了And congratulations! I guess now that you're married, 就不用担心这一类的事情you don't have to worry about stuff like this.再见Bye-bye.霍布斯小姐二线正在等候Miss Hobbes, line two's still holding.米兰达霍布斯Miranda Hobbes.我是大卫回你电♥话♥Hi, it's David returning your call.你好大卫近来好吗?Oh, hi, David; how have you been?很糟我现在是合伙人了很累你有什么事?Lousy, I'm partner now, and it's all work, no play. What do you want?这有一点难以启齿Ah, well, it's kind of awkward.我很忙有屁快放什么事?Well, I'm kind of busy, so spit it out. What is it?好吧我得了Okay, I've got this.我得了衣原体就是It's chlamydia, which is like.我知道衣原体是什么I know what chlamydia is.或许你应该接受检查Oh, well, perhaps you should get yourself tested.我检查过了I've been tested.最近吗?Recently?没错说完了吗?Yes, is that it?那么不Ah, I guess, ah, no!你有受感染吗?Did you have it?关你什么事?How's that your business?几个月后你突然打来关心我的健康You call me after months of not talking, and you wanna discuss my health? 是我是有感染Yes, I had it!又怎么样So what?或许是你传染给我的So perhaps you gave it to me.怎么样?想告我吗?What are you gonna do, sue me?你至少可以打通电♥话♥You know, you could at least have called me.是你叫我不要再打电♥话♥的Well, you told me never to call you again!我想起来为什么了再见And now, I remember why, bye!与此同时我还在等待我感情的诊断Meanwhile, I was still waiting for the diagnosis on my relationship.艾登会是男友还是朋友?Would Aidan become friend or boyfriend?布雷萧小姐的外送Delivery for Miss Bradshaw.该是时候了我一年前就叫了Well, ifs about time, I ordered this years ago.他的吻确实像男朋友He certainly kissed like a boyfriend.你没有成对的盘子吗?Don't you have two matching plates?没有No.那你都用什么喝酒?赠品马克杯?What do you use for wine, promotional coffee mugs?他取笑我的方式像朋友But he teased me like a friend.过来我来弄Oh, come here, you got a little something.男朋友Boyfriend.我不管其他人怎么说I don't care what anybody says,凯萨琳齐塔琼斯好正点I think Catherine Zeta-Jones is hot.朋友Friend.当然没有你正点不过还是很正点Not as hot as you, but shers hot.男朋友兼骗子Boyfriend, and liar.我觉得莎曼珊说对了I think Samantha was right.什么对了 ?About what?我跟艾登只能当朋友偶尔接吻的朋友Me and Aidan. I think we're just friends who kiss occasionally.你为什么要说悄悄话?Why are you whispering?因为他还在这里Because he's still here.那还有希望Well, that sounds promising.他已经在浴室待半小时了He's been in the bathroom for half an hour.我们只有一起吃中国菜一起看“蒙面侠苏洛”All we did was eat Chinese take-out, and watch Zorro .我现在在工作他在厕所看报纸And now, Tm working and he's reading a paper on the John or something.这不叫恋爱这简直是狗屁This isn't romance, this is bullshit.凯莉Carrie?什么事?Yeah?过来一下Come here a sec.我得挂电♥话♥ 了我的“朋友叫我到浴室去I have to go, my "friend" wants to see me in the bathroom. Bye.你需要什么吗?What did you want; because.好棒Wow.好像罗曼史小说中的情节It's like a Danielle Steel novel in here.从一个作家口中说出我确定这是个侮辱Oh, from a writer, I'm pretty sure that's an insult.不是这真的,No, this is.很棒wow.我想泡澡能帮你舒缓情绪Well, I thought a bath would help you relax.你好像很紧绷You seem kind of tense.这可是你想看我裸体的低级诡计?Are you sure this isn't just a cheap ploy to see me naked?你会裸体吗?Will you be naked?泡澡不就是要那样That's the thing about baths.随便你好好享受Well, this is about you, so enjoy.我得走了I'm gonna get going.但这样并不表示我们只是朋友That doesn't make us friends, 'cause,我会想着你裸体的样子ril be thinking about you naked.大浴缸只有我一个人Big tub, little person.你说服我了You talked me into it.现在怎么样?So now what?什么怎么样?我们一起泡澡Now what what? We're just taking a bath.或者是我们干脆做了Oh, fuck it, lets just do it.不这样是不可以的No, this isn't how it's supposed to happen.我们只是在泡澡You said this was just a bath.拜托谁在乎?C'mon, who cares?你在乎我也开始在乎了You do, and I do too, now.够了离开浴缸Okay, everybody, out of the tub.次晚莎曼珊感到毫无隐私可言The next night, Samantha was feeling exposed.她来了Shh, here she comes!晚安Good evening.你好Hello.如果你们要谈论我If you want to say something about me,就当着我的面说say it to my face.你是这栋住&hearts厂宅♥的害虫You're bad for the building.什么?What?你的访客太多了You have too many visitors.大厅里总是有男人There are always men in the hall.你害我被抢I got robbed because of you.我的左眼闭不起来I can't close my left eye.他们追着我不放好像我是做♥爰♥怪物They practically chased me with torches like I was Fuckingstein!放松他们不能因为你做♥爰♥而驱逐你Oh, relax, they can't evict you for having sex.那些干瘪的老家伙在嫉妒Oh, of course not, they're just jealous.他们八成几百年没做过爱They*re a bunch of dried up old farts who haven*t had sex since Eisenhower!而我让他们想到自己有多悲惨And I remind them of what they can't have.或许我该搬家了It might be time to move.不行那可是位于上东城的No, you can't move! You have a rent-controlled apartment租金管制公♥寓♥on the upper east side!不是租金管制是生活管制Honey, this isn*t rent control, this is life control.我得挂电♥话♥了跟艾登有约会I have to go, I have another date tonight with Aidan.约会?A date?不要告诉我你们还没上♥床♥Don't tell me you're not having sex yet.我们还没上♥床♥We're not having sex yet.那么你们在做什么?Then, what are you doing?比如说我们今晚要去蓝调俱乐部Well, tonight, for example, we're going to a Blues club.谁要唱歌♥ ?你吗?Who's singing, you?我们终究会上♥床♥的Hmm. Listen, we*ll have sex eventually.还有我有预先审查And by the way, I got a little preview,我跟你保证他那里没有弯曲and I assure you, there is no curving in any direction.很直直得很It is straight. Very, very, straight.那一晚夏洛特也有约会That night, Charlotte had a date as well.他努力成为即强壮又安静的类型And he was doing his best to be the strong, silent type.怎么了?What's the matter?我害怕射出来I'm afraid to come.你在说什么?Oh, what are you talking about?我就快了I'm close.说吧Go ahead.该死的姨♥子♥该死的荡♥妇♥You fucking bitch, you fucking whore!我恨我自己我是怎么了?Oh, I hate myself! What's wrong with me?当晚亚历山卓决定不再跟夏洛特见面That night, Alexander decided to stop seeing Charlotte他开始去看治疗师and start seeing a therapist.史蒂夫的检验报告出来了And Steve got his test back.呈阴性结果不过受检经验很糟糕It was negative, like the rest of the experience.我给你说医生用海绵棒捅我痛死了I'm telling you, that doctor with the swab, ouch! 我连挖耳朵都不敢了I don't even wanna swab my ears anymore.史蒂夫是我的错Steve, it's my fault.我是带病者I'm the one with the disease.我是个肮脏带病的荡&hearts妇♥I'm a big dirty, diseased whore.不要这样说我女朋友Hey, that's my girlfriend you're talking about.你知道吗?Yeah, well, you know what?我甚至得列跟我睡过男人的清单I had to make a list of all the guys I've slept with 而且并不少and, uh, it's not short.怎么个不少?How not short?有我不能告诉你Its. no, I can't tell you.我不曾向人透露过I've never told anybody my number.我只是好奇What? I'm just curious.你保证不会批评我?You promise you won't judge me?我在义诊中心待了一天I spent a day at the free clinic.好吧大约四十二个Okay, it's like, about. 42.四十二?还不太糟Forty-two, that's not so bad.太多了That's too many.还好No, it, it's fine.你的数目呢?What's your number?不告诉你No, no, I'm not telling you.说C'mon!很难为情No, it's embarrassing.我这礼拜已经受够羞辱了I've had enough embarrassment for one week.到底是多少?What is it?十?It's ten.更多Higher.六十?Sixty.更多Higher.比六十更多?Higher than 60?多很多?A lot higher?我是酒保而且很可爰Hey, I'm a bartender, and I'm cute.拥有很多性&hearts伴&hearts侣♥的男人不叫荡♥妇♥Note, men who have had a lot of sexual partners are not called sluts.他们叫做“很棒的接吻者”They're called very good kissers.有的甚至叫做“浪漫的人”A few are even called romantics.我不敢相信你没到过蓝音符Well, I can't believe you've never been to the Blue Note before.还敢自称纽约客You call yourself a New Yorker.我没做过的事很多I've never done a lot of things.我可以想到一件事但他是怎么进入的But how did he get in?这应该是一栋安全的大楼This is supposed to be a safe building.当时很晚门房♥已经F班了It was late. The doorman was off duty.很显然他是尾随其他访客进来的And apparently, he entered behind somebody's guest.真糟糕That's awful!他来了There he is!他尾随的人正是莎曼珊的客人Clearly, the guy came in behind the guy who came in Samantha.真是太糟糕了Oh, my, that's terrible.谁会在半夜两点有访客?Who has a guest at two in the morning?我不知道I have no idea.你们昨晚都在做什么?So what did everybody do last night?-没什么没什么-Nothing. -Nothing of note.我不想说I don't wanna talk about it.怎么了你第二次约会就跟人上♥床♥ ?Why, what happened? You sleep with someone on the second date? 是第三次No, it was the third date.跟亚历山卓连力我在艺术展上It was Alexander Lemley, the investment banker遇到的银行家that I met at the Young Art Collectors show.床上功夫不好?And what, the sex was bad?很好不过No, it was good, except.我不想讲I don't think I can say it.自己去克服吧I can think of one thing in particular.不这件事我做过的Nope, that I've done.我还可以想到另一件Oh, I can think of one other thing.我留下来过夜怎么样?What do you think about me staying the night?我不确定皮特怎么为,?Well, I don't know, what about Pete?我请管♥理♥员♥的儿子帮我照顾皮特Well, I arranged for the super's kid to walk Pete and feed him. 你早就知道会这样?And you knew this all night?然后奇怪的事情发生了And then something weird happened.这么多年的经验以来我第一次感到紧张For the first time in a long time, I was nervous.艾登和我将要一起过夜Aidan and I were going to sleep together,这绝对是意义非凡and it was going to mean something.我不是处♥女 ♥I was no virgin,不过这样的经验绝对是第一次but this was definitely virgin territory.早安Good morning.早安这正是我想要的再见Okay, that's what I wanted, bye.一段新关系的好处就是The nice thing about a new relationship,开始一个新记录ifs a clean slate.说到新记录And speaking of clean slates, 莎曼珊搬到时髦的肉类工业区Samantha moved to the hot and trendy Meatpacking District.早安女士们Good morning; ladies.在那里荡♥妇♥是荡♥妇♥男人是女人 Where whores were whores, men were women,租金远比之前的高and rents were much, much higher.小心一点那是我的床Easy, that's my bed, come on!Oh, get over yourself.好了亲爱的到底怎么了?C'mon, sweetie, what happened?当他那个你们知道的Well.when he, you know.要来了 高♥潮♥射♥精♥Came, orgasmed, shot his wad.他说Uh-huh. He said.该死的姨♥子♥该死的荡♥妇♥You fucking bitch, you fucking whore!他为什么要那么说?Why would he say that?因为你在跟他做&hearts覆♥ ?Maybe because you were fucking him.他又不是对着干洗店的人说He didn't say it at the dry cleaners.他是对着你说He said it when he was in you.你们觉得我是荡♥妇♥ ?Do you think I'm a whore?拜托你要是荡♥妇♥那我是什么?Oh, please! If you're a whore, what does that make me?你们觉得我是荡♥妇♥ ?Do you think I'm a whore?你再正派不过了Well, you have had a decent amount of bone in you.这很糟糕谁会想要娶荡♥妇♥为妻?This is bad! Nobody wants to marry a whore.连夏洛特做的爰都比我多No, what's bad is that even Charlotte is having more sex than I am.-艾登怎么样? 他怎么样?-What about Aidan? -What about Aidan?我不知道怎么回事I don't know what's going on.他很迷人我们在一起的时间很长Clearly, he's attractive, we're spending a lot of time together,他一直约我出去he keeps asking me out.但就是不肯跟我睡But he doesn't wanna sleep with me.同志? 他不是同志-Gay. -No, he's not gay.恋母情结?Mother issues?我看不是No, I don't think so.或许他的小♥弟♥弟♥右曲Maybe his dick curves to the right.这种事情好解决So if it does, werll work it out.我往左一点PH go left.我可能永远不会知道了The thing is, I may never know.你要当心Well, you better be careful,拖太久上 ♥床 ♥you wait too long to sleep with someone,就会错失良机变成普通朋友you miss the window, and become just friends.而不能成为该死的嬷♥子♥该死的荡♥妇♥As opposed to his fucking bitch, his fucking whore.别这样Oh, c'mon.要是莎曼珊说对了If Samantha was right,在错失良机之前我的时间已经所剩不多I had very little time left before the relationship window closed forever. 所以我穿上清凉的衣服引他无限遐想So I wore my very little dress that left very little to the imagination. 要不要帮我拿进来?Do you wanna take this inside?我得回家了我要I better get home, I gotta do something.对对你要早起要遛狗随便吧Yeah, yeah, you gotta get up early, the dog, whatever.这是怎么回事?What's goin* on up there?你只想当朋友吗?Do you just wanna be friends?我不知道I don't know.你是这样亲吻朋友的吗?Is that how you kiss your friends?你为什么不跟我上♥床♥ ?So why don't y