Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第五季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“只有寂寞有一天There is one day连纽约最愤世嫉俗的女人都能完成even the most cynical New York woman dreams of她一生的梦想all her life.这一定会很棒It'll be fabulous.白色的花白色的桌巾Everything white; white flowers, white tablecloths,还有食物全都是白色的white food, W-H-I-T-E, white!她想像她要穿什么She imagines what shell wear,此起彼落的闪光灯跟干杯声the photographers, the toasts.大家都在庆祝她找到了Everybody celebrating the fact that she finally found.出版商.a publisher.这是她的新书发表派对It's her book release party.这是非常性感的活动This is a sexy event,不要害怕使用各种颜色so don't be afraid to use color.我什么都不怕I'm not afraid of anything.粉红色好吗?How about pink?火热的粉红色粉红色-Hot pink. -Pink.这真的很完美吧?Isn't it perfect?这个派对会非常盛大It's huge.宴会厅很大书一定会很畅销Huge space, huge book.Yes, and I'll be without a plus one.我会陪你去的ril be your plus one. Coffee?他应该说“我们”的He should have said "weu something.我们要一起去干洗店"We" go to this dry cleaners.我们可能很快就会分手nWe might be breaking up soon.'1我没告诉沃克我生了孩子I didn't tell Walker I had a baby.你怎么不说呢? 我找不到机会说-How could you not mention it? -It didn't come up.如果他问起“你最近生过孩子吗? ”If Walker had asked me directly, "Have you given birth recently?11 我会说这要看你怎么定义最近了”I would have said, “First of all, define recently.'1你必须告诉他You have to tell him.我会说的I know. I will.我不希望他改变我的生活I just don't want it to change everything.我没有孩子的话我们会约会If I didn't have a baby, this is a guy I'd be dating.如果凯莉的男人没有女朋友If Carrie's guy didn't have a girlfriend,她会跟他约会then he's a guy she'd be dating,但他有女朋友but he does.谢谢你又提起这件事Thanks for bringing that up again.在纽约你总是在找In New York, they say you're always looking for工作 男朋友跟公♥寓♥a job, a boyfriend, or an apartment.就说你完成了三分之二的梦想So, lets say you have two out of three,它们都很棒and they're fabulous.为什么要让我们无法拥有的事Why do we let the one thing we don't have影响我们对既有生活的感觉?affect how we feel about all the things we do have?为什么少了另一半Why does one minus a plus one感觉会那么空虚呢?feel like it adds up to zero?莎曼珊不需要男人来肯定她Samantha didn't need a man to make her feel positive, 但她需要男人定期在她额头上打♥针♥but she did need a man to inject her forehead every so often.我们会警告病人We like to warn our patients有些人无法适应手术后的改变that some people find it difficult to register emotion打完针后他们的脸部会毫无表情on their faces after the injections.你会说“我非常生气”“I am so angry."琼斯小姐很熟悉这项手术Miss Jones is familiar with the procedure.她是新来的?New ones?像大多数有权势的女人一样Like most high-powered women,莎曼珊可以应付工作压力Samantha could handle the stress of her job;却受不了皱纹but not the stress lines.在打肉毒杆菌前Before we do the Botox,你想做化学脱皮术吗?have you thought about a freshening chemical peel?只需要花十五分钟It takes 15 minutes,它会让你看起来年轻十到二十岁and it can make you look ten to 20 years younger.十五分钟后15 minutes later,莎曼珊真的Samantha seemed to have it all.脱皮了.peeled off.有些时候女人能够享受寂寞There are times when a woman relishes being alone. 我的天啊Oh, my God!通常是因为And those are the times你遇见了你不想见到的人you usually run into someone you don't wanna see. 我就遇到了伊妮德In my case, it was Enid Frick, 时尚杂♥志♥的编辑也是一个人 my editor at Vogue, also alone.凯莉Carrie.伊妮德你好Oh, Enid. Hi.你好吗? 我很好-How. How are you? -Good. Good.你跟别人有约吗?Are you meeting someone?不我只是来吃饭No, I'm just grabbing a quick bite.你要不要Well, um, would you like to.不我怕打扰你工作Oh, no, not if you're working.没事的我只是在看书Oh, no, it's fine. I was just reading.,哈喽”Hello!你好Hi.我是指你-"Hello!" is what you are. -Oh!看的杂♥志 ♥Reading.你真的要和我一起吃饭?So, do you really want company?当然我已经点菜了Sure. I just ordered.这样子我才能报帐I. I guess this way I can expense it.对Right.沙拉才吃完一半我们就聊完了Enid and I ran out of Vogue stuff to talk about 时尚杂♥志♥的话题midway through our salads.你住在附近吗?Do you live in the neighborhood?不No.但跟我男朋友住在附近But the man I'm seeing does.你交了男朋友Oh. So, there*s a man.没错我交了男朋友Yes. There is a man.那真是太棒了Well, that's great. You have a wildly你的事业成功又有男朋友successful career and a relationship.我很担心女人无法兼顾I was worried, we, you know, women,事业跟爱情only get one or the other,但你做到了but you have it all.伊妮德你得给我一些灵感Enid, you gotta give me something here.我真的是肠枯思竭了I'm working my ass off.好吧Alright.说到杂♥志♥的专栏我是个好题材.To speak in magazine copy, yes, I have it all.我住东区on the East Side.他在西区还有一个情人He has someone else on the West Side.中♥央♥公园是缓冲区Luckily, the park provides a buffer.你接受这种事?So.You're okay with that?对我没有时间照顾男人Yes. I don't have time for a full-time man.我的工作很忙I have a full-time job.那就是重点That's the key to having it all.别期待Stop expecting it to look like爰情会像你想像的那样what you thought it was going to look like.爱情跟男女关系就是那么一回事That's true of the fall lines, and it's true of relationships.伊妮德的至理名言让她获邀参加我的派对Her little tip earned Enid one invitation to my party.那晚夏洛特让她的完美情人占有了她That night, Charlotte let her perfect plus one have it all.她甚至让他在她的完美公♥寓♥里过夜She even let him stay the night in her perfect pre-war apartment.是曼贾我订了早餐Oh, yeah, that's Mangia, I ordered breakfast.你真的是太体贴了You're too good to be true.不幸的是Unfortunately.送上门来的不是夏洛特订好的早餐Charlotte was about to get much more than she ordered.有人在家吗?Is anybody home?我在家Yes. I am.你好夏洛特Oh, well, hello; Charlotte.邦妮你来这里做什么?Bunny, what are you doing here?问题是你在做什么?The question is, what are you doing here?管理委员会告诉我一些事I'm hearing things from the co-op board.他们在监视我?They*re spying on me?柯利尔太太说你白天时在走廊上Mrs. Collier saw you kissing a male caller in the hall 吻了一个男人in the middle of the day.我相信接吻应该不犯法I believe that kissing is allowed.皮尔斯太太说有个男人And Mrs. Pierce said a gentleman, 我们猜应该是同一人谁知道呢we assume it was the same one, but who knows, 他昨晚跟你一起回家came home with you last night.根据门房♥的说法他还没有离开And according to the doorman, he hasnft left yet.我在我的公♥寓♥里怎么过生活What I do with my life, in my apartment is.这就是问题所在了亲爱的That's the thing, dear.这不是你的公♥寓♥It's not your apartment.崔把这间公♥寓♥给了我Trey gave me this apartment.这由不得他决定It's not Trey's to give.这间公♥寓♥是麦克道格家的财产And this apartment remains in the MacDougal name. 至于你夏洛特约克你不是麦克道格家的人Whereas you, Charlotte York. do not.这是个难题更严重的是So, you see, it's rather a sticky subject, 事实上你仍是有夫之妇made stickier by the fact that you're still married.你结婚了 ?You're married?我没有结婚我分居了I'm not married. Tm separated.你忘了穿裤子吗?Aren't you missing a pair of trousers?你必须离开别推我-You. You have to go. -Don't you hustle me out, young lady.这是香奈儿的套装This is Chanel.夏洛特发现当她的男伴Charlotte discovered that a plus one,撞见了她的前婆婆那表示一场大灾难要发生了plus one ex-mother-in-law equals disaster.同时我打算成为派对的焦点人物Meanwhile, I was manning party central.你好安东尼是我的男伴-Hello. -Anthony is going to be my date to the party.你的完美情人怎么了?What happened to this perfect plus one we all had to meet?我不想谈I don't wanna talk about it.亲爱的Well, sweetie, what ha.我有电♥话♥进来你等我一下Thats my call waiting, can you hang on a sec?不行No, I canrt.锁匠来了邦妮她回来了That's the locksmith. Bunny's back.你好Ooh. Hello.我在你的宾客名单上吧?So, I'm definitely on the list, correct?当然Of course you're on the list.很好我要带我男朋友去Good, 'cause I'm bringing my boyfriend.我听说了Yes, I've heard.我不希望当无名小卒I don't want to seem like a nobody,现在我有伴了now that I have a somebody.没关系你没伴的时候就是无名小卒吗?Oh, so it's okay to be a nobody when you have nobody? 很显然“没有人爱你你就是无名小卒”Apparently, 'you?e nobody till somebody loves you." 我以前很喜欢那首歌♥I canrt believe I used to like that song.那像是我们的国歌♥It's the co-dependent national anthem.有人妒忌了Oh, me thinks someone's a little jelly.我很怀念你当我男伴的时光Well, I just miss having you as my plus one.男同性恋是单身女郎最好的保护网You know, the gay guy is the single gal's safety net.连夏洛特都有男同性恋男伴Even Charlotte has a gay plus one.这是我很重要的一晚And this is my big night.她的烂朋友安东尼也会去?Her little boy-bitch Anthony is coming?对他是派对的负责人Yes, he's coming. He styled the event.我很高兴他带女伴参加派对Well, good, Tm glad hell be there.因为我带的是男伴Because he's bringing a woman and I have it all.我有电♥话♥进来Oh, and I have a call.今晚见See you tonight.再见Okay, ciao.你好Hello!亲爱的我做了一个小手术Honey, I've had a little something done.已经没有昨天糟糕了但是And it's not as bad as yesterday, but.我看起来好多了I've looked better.我想我不该去参加派对Uh. Tm not sure I should go to the party.你非去不可You have to come.你是我的宣传因为你You're my publicist. And thanks to you, 有八千人会到场there's going to be 8,000 people there.我希望我的朋友能在场支持我I would like to see at least one familiar face.那个莎曼珊Well. Samantha, 我需要你我无法应付媒体I need you, I can't talk to the press.我没办法让大家保持清醒I can't keep everyone straight.你说过你会陪我的And. you said you would by my plus one.好吧Oh, alright.别担心我会出席的Don't worry about a thing. I'll be there.太好了谢谢你Okay, thank you.这派对将会非常精彩并且在以后成为大家讨论的话题The party was one of those amazing events that would definitely end up on page six. 事实上我的派对The fact that it was my party, 有漂亮的小蛋糕was just icing on the beautiful little cakes还有漂亮的服务生穿梭其中that were being passed around by beautiful little waiters.凯莉布雷萧看这边再来一张Carrie Bradshaw, right here! Carrie, one more!太棒了凯莉看这边Oh, that's great! Carrie, right here!好的谢谢你Alright, gentleman, thank you.天啊凯莉Oh, my God, Carrie!再来一张布雷萧女士One more, one more, Ms. Bradshaw!你能相信吗?-如果派对-Can you believe this? -Is it a bad thing抢走了书的风头那是件坏事吗?if the party is better than the book?我一直在拒绝每一个人I've been turning people away. -Oh.这里没有异性恋男人Not the straight men, of course.你看到莎曼珊了吗?Hey, have you seen Samantha?“浮华世界没有位子-Oh, no. -Vanity Fair doesn't have a table.那不是你的问题好好玩吧-Oh! -Not your problem. Enjoy.大帅哥Ooh, cute guy.谢谢你凯莉你好Thank you, Carrie. -Hey.你好凯莉我是纽约客”的哈洛德奇南-Hello, Carrie. I'm Harold Keenan of The New Yorker. -Oh.我一直都很注意你And I've been following your career.恭喜你-Oh. -Let me just say congratulations.谢谢凯莉-Thank you. Carrie.我在这里I'm here!你看起来棒呆了You look amazing!“纽约客'的哈洛德奇南这位是莎曼珊琼斯Harold Keenan from The New Yorker, this is Samantha Jones.我的宣传你在做什么?Bee keeper. What are you doin' under there?快跟他说话让他看看你的脸Talk to the man. Let him see your face.凯莉Carrie!我的另一半There she was, my plus one.脱了 一层皮Minus one layer of skin.谁会来参加派对? 每个人都会来Who's coming? -Everyone.这真的是太疯狂了Okay, this is cuckoo.宾客名单Guest list!当你的事业一飞冲天时When your career is going better than ever,能不被冲昏头脑真的很难it's hard not to get a big head.同时米兰达开始上班了Meanwhile, Miranda was back at the office她很高兴自己能恢复上班and she was politically incorrectly happy to be there.沃克路易斯打电♥话♥找你I have Walker Louis calling.我接ril take that.米兰达跟沃克在她生孩子前有过很激烈的一♥夜&heartsIW♥Miranda and Walker had shared one night of great sex B.C, "Before Child." 我很高兴我没有等你打电♥话♥给我I'm so glad I wasn't waiting for your call.我很高兴你记得我I'm so glad you remember me.我记得你Oh, I remember you.我也记得你Oh, I remember you too.我记得你裸体的样子I remember you naked.你好吗?So, how you been?有什么新消息吗?What*s new with you?老样子你呢?Nothing much. How about you?我希望再跟你约会I was hoping to take you on a very belated second date.星期四可以吗?How about Thursday?她邀请他参加新书发表派对你好我做了化学脱皮术Hi, I've had a chemical peel.我是凯莉的宣传I'm Carrie's publicist.你不能把化学脱皮术Could you at least separate the two thoughts,跟凯莉的宣传分开来说吗?chemical peel, Carrie's publicist?你为什么要这么做?Why did you do this?我被医生强迫推销-It was an impulse purchase. -No, no.你被强迫推销时只能买♥♥ 口香糖这要比买♥♥ 口香糖严重多了 Gum is an impulse purchase. This is more than gum.我希望在派对上表现出最迷人的一面I wanted to be super fresh for the party.你看起来跟生腌牛肉差不多Well, you are. You look like beef carpaccio.快把面纱放下-不-Veil down, I think. -No!你应该知道有多少晚宴-Yeah. -If you knew how many dinner parties I've sat through我都是戴着面纱出席across from one of these.你能吃东西吗?And you were able to eat?凯莉我做了化学脱皮术Carrie, Tm entitled to a chemical peel.等一下那顶帽子很漂亮Wait! Wait! No, no, no. The hat was good.女人不应该隐瞒Women shouldn't have to hide in the shadows因为她们应社会的要求because they've had cosmetic surgery,做的整容手术which society nearly demands of them.先遮一下到别的地方说吧Wear a ribbon and make that political statement elsewhere.这是我的派对你吓坏了客人This is my party and you're scaring people.-凯莉-你好Carrie! -Oh, hi.我做了化学脱皮术I've had a chemical peel.她勇于承认事实And she's not afraid to say it.我隆鼻时在家里待了一个月When I had my nose job, I stayed in for a month.对不起Oh, excuse us.我们得去找夏洛特跟她的小朋友We have to go find Charlotte and her tiny little friend. 我们认识彼此We were just getting to know each other.我一定要告诉他I was planning on telling him.夏洛特用蒂芬妮的盒子把它包好Char, you can wrap it up in a Tiffany bow all you like.除非你想先上♥床♥The point is you wanted to get laid first.夏洛特你好史丹佛还记得安东尼吗?-Charlotte, hello. -Hi, Stanford. You remember Anthony?安东尼当然记得Anthony. Oh, oh, of course.你想帮我们做服装秀You tried to fix us up at the fashion show.我不知道你也会来I didn't know he'd be here.他是我的男朋友马可斯Um, this is, um, Marcus, my boyfriend.是吗你们在一起多久了?Really? How long you two been going together?四个月-Four months. Hm.已经四个月了祝你好运Four whole months. Good luck to you.我们不需要好运我们彼此相爰We don't need luck. We*re in love.虾Shrimp!对某些人来说拥有还是不够的For some people, having it all is not enough.他们需要看到别人的嫉妒They need someone who missed out on it all to be jealous.我们要在汉普顿买♥♥♥房♥♥子We're getting a house in the Hamptons.该死的虾This friggin' coconut shrimp!你对它们的尾巴做了什么事?What do you do with the tails?虾先生Mr. Shrimpy!他的老二很大And he has a large penis!汉普顿的哪个地方?Where in the Hamptons?目前为止我的王牌还没出现.From a pair of queens to a hand still not shown.也许我们该到人比较少的地方Maybe you and I should go somewhere a little less crowded.像是Like, um.曼哈顿的某个地方Anywhere in Manhattan?你家呢?Your apartment?没问题Yes.但我要先告诉你一件事But, um.first I have to tell you something.你有别人了Ah, there*s someone else.可以那么说Huh, sort of.我生了一个孩子I had a baby.但我还是可以做♥爱♥But I'm still allowed to have sex.是我的孩子吗?Is it, uh. mine?不No! No!他爸爸是我的朋友我们不小心上了床The guy*s a friend who I accidentally slept with.我不是喜欢孩子的人I'm not good with kids.我也是Neither am I.如果以后我们还在一起Look, months from now, if we*re still together,我们会想出解决的方法well figure this out. But for now,现在只要想着你跟我我还是跟以前一样it's just us and, um, I'm still the same person.所以让我们疯狂地做♥爰♥吧So, lets go screw our brains out.我觉得好奇怪Oh, that feels amazing.你确定我们不会吵醒他?-他没事-You sure we won't wake him? -He's fine.他没事别管他He's fine. Forget about him.米兰达想证明她还是能做♥爱♥Miranda was trying to prove she could still do it all.她把男人带回有孩子的家里想要跟他做♥爰♥达到高♥潮♥Bring home the bacon, bring home the baby, and bring