Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第六季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“高度性期望”和像柏格这般优质对象的The only thing as delicious as those first few bites前几次约会of a truly great burger就像咬下特级汉堡的前几口 一样美味are those first few dates with someone truly Berger.我心里想着All right, so I thought, that's cool.我要在家乡办个读书会I'll do a book reading in my hometown.在第五个问题之后Right about after the fifth question, 我发现我妈妈在刁难我I realized that my mother is heckling me.她才没有她有-She was not! -No, no, she was!去问问邦诺书店里的人Ask anybody at the Downer's Grove Barnes and Noble, all right. 他们还在谈论这件事They still talk about it.过来Come here.每件事都很新鲜每件事都是初体验Everything is fresh. Everything is a first.你很喜欢你的牛肉汉堡You like your beef.每个举动都是前戏Everything is foreplay.即使逛家饰店Even a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond 也都会成为美好的经历can become an ecstatic errand.看不出来你喜欢鱼I don't see you as a fish person.因为你进了鱼主题区Yeah, the problem with the fish is then you're into the whole fish theme. 鱼形肥皂鱼的浴垫You have the fish soap, the fish bath mat.We're aware, as smart single women, 我们不该期望过高that we can't expect perfection.但现实老是会开我们玩笑But life still manages to throw us curve balls.也许一旦进入35岁以后Maybe once you*re into your mid-30s, 就不该再称之为约会it shouldn't be called dating.而该改称It should be called“得之我幸不得我命了"waiting for the other shoe to drop.'*两人之间的问题要不是出在性♥爰♥If it's not the sex between me and you, 要不就是其中一人是犹太人then someone has to become a Jew.为什么总会出现问题?Why is it always something?除非你的对象是绝不会出现问题的数位录影机Unless you're in a problem-free relationship with TiVo. 不No.晚点再说No. Maybe later.你好Ahh. hello.走开Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.谢谢你Ah, thank you.“爱在他乡”朱尔斯Jules.你在吗?Are you there?你好 咪♥咪♥Hello, Mimi.你总是不♥穿♥上衣就出来应门吗Do you always answer the door without a shirt on?热水炉坏了The heat isnrt working.所以我才找你上来That's why I rang you up.好像没坏It seems to be working.因为这里很暖和It's definitely balmy in here.问题出在卧房♥No, the problem is in the bedroom.当然Right, of course.在卧房♥The bedroom.第二天夏洛特勇敢地前往The next day, Charlotte boldly went约克家族从没去过的地方where no York had gone before.犹太教堂The synagogue.你好Shalom.请问犹太牧师在吗?Where would I find the rabbi?他在书房♥在里面His study. Inside.谢谢Thank you.你就是犹太牧师吗?Are you the rabbi?没错Mm-hmm.你好我是夏洛特约克Hi, my name is Charlotte York,我今天来是想加入犹太教and I'm here today because I would like to consider joining the Jewish faith.我们没兴趣We*re not interested.我要告发一个没礼貌的人Hello. I need to report a very rude man.我说我的名字是夏洛特约克I was just saying that my name is Charlotte York,我想加入犹太教and I would like to consider joining the Jewish.真不知道那些人是怎么回事I don*t know what is with these people. I never!你知道我有多爱你才会决定这么做Do you know how much I love you for doing this?你知道你看起来有多性感吗?And do you know how sexy you look?我巴不得马上拥有你That's it, I have to have you immediately.哈利很亢奋Harry definitely had "throw down/'但夏洛特却气愤难消but Charlotte was too thrown and down to care.等一下哈利Stop, Harry.我觉得受到你们族人的排挤I'm feeling very rejected by your people.那是游戏规则宝贝That's the game, baby.他们是故意刁难你They try to make it hard for you.什么?-那是过程的一部分-What? -It's part of the process.依照传统他们要拒绝你三次Traditionally, they turn you down three times以确保你是真心实意的to make sure you're serious.夏洛特豁然开朗Suddenly, Charlotte understood.他们只是要让你知难而退They were playing hard to get.这是他们的戒律They were "rules'1 rabbis.我一定可以过关的I can play that game.这种游戏我最拿手I invented that game.没有人能拒绝夏洛特约克No man rejects Charlotte York!我不在乎其他犹太牧师说什么I don't care what any rabbi says.你就是我想要的人You are my chosen person.米兰达正打算好好地和男友Miranda was looking forward to another perfect night享受另一个亲密的夜晚with her perfect boyfriend.但很不幸出现了另一个女人But unfortunately, there was another woman.我想我可能搞砸了I think I did something bad.什么意思布莱迪吗?What do you mean, Brady?我才刚去看过他I just checked on him.不孩子没事No, the boy is beautiful, is fine.数位录影机?TiVo?你做了什么?What did you do?你到底做了什么?Exactly what did you do?我坐在上面I sit on.然后就什么都没了and then nothing.你坐在录影机上?You sat on TiVo?它没事吧?Is it okay?什么都没有了你怎么能这么做?Nothing is recorded. How could you do this?我正准备看“爱在他乡的第二天早上This is Jules & Mimi, the morning after.在城市的另一头我躺在床上期待柏格打电♥话♥来And across town, I lay in bed willing Berger to call me, 但他却没有which never works.你好Hello?你好是我Hey, it's me.很抱歉我没有早点打来I'm sorry for not calling earlier,我知道这是男人惯用的借口and I know this is the same excuse that every guy gives,但却是真的but in my case, it is true.有一只60尺高的浣熊攻击村子A 60-foot raccoon was attacking the village,我必须抓它并杀了它做成标本and I had to trap it, and kill it, and stuff it现在大家都平安无事了and everybody's safe now,连被困在树上的小女孩也是even the little Flanders girl who was stuck in a tree.但我可能会感染狂犬病But I might have rabies.你现在在做什么?What've you been up to?老样子Oh, same old, same old.做纽♥约♥时♥报♥上的填字游戏找出拼"癌症"的方法Did The Times crossword puzzle, found a cure for cancer.你在玩纽♥约&hearts时♥报♥上的填字游戏?You did The Times crossword puzzle?是星期一这期不是星期天的Monday's, not Sunday*s.好吧Oh, okay.星期天的要找三个人来做I need like three people to do Sunday's,其中一人还要有答案才行one of them has to have the answers.如果两个人分别在不同的床上I was thinking that if two people can be good in bed也能如鱼得水when they're not in the same bed,在同一张床上会有什么困难呢how hard a conversion could it be?如果你出计程车钱我就告诉你答案I have some answers if you have cab fare.是吗?Oh, yeah?甩了他Dump him!搞砸第一次是你的问题Fuck me badly once, shame on you.搞砸第二次就变成我的问题了Fuck me badly twice, shame on me.有这种说法吗?Is that the saying?这是我说的That's my saying.我不想用了他我觉得他很棒I don't want to dump him. I think he's fantastic.而且我们已经过了随便甩人的年纪And aren't we getting a little old to jump to the dump?想想有什么解决之道What about working on things?夏洛特都要加入犹太教了Look at Charlotte, she's becoming a Jew.我需要让男人一看到Hi, I need something that will make a guy cum in his pants 就会血脉喷张的款式 as soon as he sees me.明白Got it.你都和售货员这么说吗?You talk to salespeople like that?这里我常来他们都很欢迎我I'm here all the time. They love me.你是想特别吸引某人Is this for a specific gentleman还是没有特定目标or do you just look for that generally?是生食餐厅的侍者It's for that hot waiter from Raw.我打算和他上♥床♥但他还不知道I'm sleeping with him tonight, but he doesn't know it yet. 我得去和他谈一谈I think I have to talk to him.不行No!我们其他事都无所不谈We talk about everything else.亲爱的性事是要做而不是要谈的Honey, when it comes to sex, spray it, don't say it.我不需要那个Okay, that was unnecessary.我是想帮你挽救爰情I'm trying to salvage your love life.在床上只适用淫秽的语言The only words you should be saying in bed are dirty ones. 没有酒精我办不到I can't do that. without alcohol.那就去喝酒想要火♥辣♥的性生活Then start drinking, because if you want a hotter sex life, 你就得先点火you*re going to have to turn up the heat.就从Starting with.我不♥穿♥毛毛鞋I don't wear furry shoes.不是为你是为了他They're not for you, they're for him.他穿帆船鞋He mostly wears loafers.你确定我不能去跟他谈?Are you sure I can't talk to him about it?亲爱的Honey.如果性趣不合If the sex isn't great,就算说出来也没用it doesn't help to say it's not great.只会更加扫兴我的意思是That's usually a downer, and by that, I mean.何况他自己一定也知道Plus, he must know it's not great.他也不满意那种状况吧He can't think this is good.天啊Oh, God!难道他觉得那样很好?Is it possible he thinks this is good?找到了Here we are.我就要这个了Oh, as a matter of fact, Fm gonna take this.我也要No, well take two.鞋子要七号♥的And um, these in a seven.那天晚上米兰达原本认为That evening, Miranda had one of those regrettable discussions和理想伴侣能用沟通解决问题的想法that results from the belief that you and your significant other 受到了很大的冲击should be able to talk through any problem.我们已经谈过这个问题了We have been over this before.我觉得你都没听进去I feel like you are not listening to me.我把它关机了十分钟再开机还是没任何变化I turned the system off for ten minutes and nothing changed!很抱歉I'm sorry.我心烦意乱I'm upset.(安装手册)我现在很沮丧I'm just so disappointed.我习惯回来就有东西可看I got used to coming home to something.你能不能帮我解决问题?Can't you work with me on this?我已经试过这个方法了You told me to do that already!你到底是怎么回事?What is wrong with you?和柏格共度的星期五夜晚Friday night with Berger,我在高级时装内穿了性感内衣I had my sexy lingerie under my cool couture,我觉得很棒and I was feeling good.你穿那件衬衫很性感You look so hot in that shirt.你是说真的?You being serious?我们来喝点东西Okay, we're gonna need some drinks.现在还是欢乐时光Welt it's still happy hour,冰玛格丽特买♥♥♥♥送♥♥so frozen margaritas are two-for-one.-入乡随俗好-When in Rome. -Sure.有了两次什么都没有的经验让我觉得买♥♥♥♥送♥一 ♥是个好主意Since we were 0 for 2,1 figured two-for-one was a good idea.在打了三通电♥话♥没接获任何回应之后And after three unreturned phone calls,夏洛特决定亲自登门拜访Charlotte decided to make a house call.你好犹太牧师Hello, rabbi.我带了两瓶酒来I brought you some kosher wine.很抱歉但我先生现在不方便见你I'm sorry, but my husband canrt see you now.恕我失礼Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude,但我认为他可以见我but I think he can!这位小姐Miss, wha.!听着我已经37岁了还有生育方面的问题Look, I am 37 years old, Tm reproductively challenged.我爱上了一个犹太人I am in love with a Jewish person,我花了 20年才找到这个人and it took me 20 years to find him.我没时间和你们玩游戏I don't have time to play these games!好吧夏洛特All right, Charlotte,第一课你要学会喘口气you have to give it a rest因为今天是安息日是休息的日子because it*s about to be Sabbath, the day of rest.你想加入犹太教?You want to be a Jew?坐下Sit.观察Watch.学习Learn.这样是很不错Oh, that is so sweet.但是But actually.我必须去见我男友I'm supposed to meet my boyfriend.我可以爽约的I can skip it.过来女孩们围过来Come, girls, gather.抱歉Oh, sorry.Baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam.阿们Amen.莎曼珊在生食餐厅准备来顿热炒And Samantha was at Raw, ready to get things cooking.欢迎来到生食餐厅Hey, welcome to Raw.你好Hello.我前几天来过-这种事常有-I was here the other night. -That*s what happens.只要来过一次就会接着再来You come once; and you just keep coming over and over. 这是金字塔式销♥售♥Ifs a pyramid scheme, this shower curtain.我家用的是这个Now, this one. this is the one I have at home.但我家里的那个“China”已经长了霉Except on mine, China's covered in mold.他们还以为问题出在communismAnd here they thought communism was a problem.逛街购买♥♥浴帘是很私密的事You know, it's a very intimate thing, shopping for shower curtains. 是吗?Oh, yeah?等我带你到寝具区你就知道了Wait till I get you into bedding.当然首次的亲吻And of course, those first kisses是世上最棒的亲吻are the greatest kisses in the world.晚安Goodnight.我们应赶在他们关灯前离开All right, we should get out of here before they turn the lights off.店员等不及要关门The wait staff couldn't wait any longer, 我也等不及and neither could I.我迫不急待希望柏格在我床上浴室及其他地方I wanted Berger in my Bed Bath and Beyond.immediately.我可能要留下丰厚的小费I'm either leaving a very big tip不然就得留下干洗费or a dry-cleaning receipt.我的头发Ow, my hair.对不起Oh, sorry, is that.不我只是Yeah, no, I just.第二天晚上莎曼珊力邀我们到生食餐厅The next night, Samantha convinced us to go to Raw,那里的气氛很热烈但食物则不然让人期待Here's hoping.我一会过来今晚快忙翻了Fil be with you in a minute. Fm getting slammed tonight.出于某些原因老板总是让我一个人For some reason, the hostess keeps seating忙来忙去我马上回来everyone in my section. Be right back.莎曼珊恍然大悟为什么生食运动Suddenly, Samantha realized why the raw food movement如此风行was a movement.女人不是为生冷食物而来Women weren't there for the cold food.她们是为了性感侍者而来They were there for the hot waiter.抱歉Sorry!抱歉Sorry, sorry.看看谁回来了Hey, B-boy, look who's home.我被公事缠住了Oh, I got held up at work.谢谢你来带他Thanks for filling in.你好小宝贝Hi, hi, cutie.修录影机的人来过了吗?Hi, cutie. Did the TiVo guy come?没有他们打电♥话♥来说要把时间改到No, they called and said that they have to reschedule下星期四for a week from Thursday.下星期四?A week from Thursday?没错我试了一下Yeah, but I played around with a few things,它应该可以用了and I think it's okay now.什么它可以用了?What do you mean? It's working?对Yep.我爱你我是指你修好了它I love you! I mean, you know, for fixing that.梅格说它很重要Yeah, well, Magda said it was kind of important.那么So.我要走了Listen, I gotta take off.有约会吗?Hot date?我约了人吃晚餐Yeah, I got this dinner thing.再见小家伙So Ell see you later, champ, all right?有些东西譬如坏掉的录影机Some things, like a broken TiVo,还有机会修复can be repaired.但有些东西像是破碎的心And others, like a broken heart,就比较复杂了are a little more complicated.四小时内吃了四客没煮过的食物后Four hours and four courses of uncooked food later, 莎曼珊和她的对手们持续进行拉锯战Samantha and her competitors waited it out.或许她们没那么好色Maybe they were less horny.或许是因为食物太难吃Maybe it was all that roughage.终于她们一个个地弃巾投降But one by one, women threw in the napkin.还想吃些什么吗?Can I get you anything else?不用了我正在享用美味的Oh, no, I'm just enjoying my delicious.蘑菇茶mushroom tea.好Okay.还需要什么吗?Did you want anything else?你知道吗?You know what?我想要一些招牌莱姆蛋奶冻I would like to have some of that key lime custard. 听起来就让人垂涎It sounds too good to pass up.好Okay.亲爱的你是打了一场好仗Honey, you've put up a very good fight, 但你没搞清楚对手是谁but you have no idea who you're dealing with.我要带他回家I'm going home with him你要带招牌莱姆蛋奶冻回家and you're going home with key lime custard.你的晚餐我请客So what do you say I buy your dinner今晚就到此为止如何?and we call it a night, hmm?好Okay.买♥♥单Check!与此同时我终于有信心Meanwhile; I was finally confident能重燃性生活I could heat up my sex life,因为我是性♥爰♥专栏作家because I was a sex columnist,我的资源充沛I was resourceful,而我也已烂醉如泥and I was drunkity, drunk, drunk.我准备了东西给你I got a little something for you.你一定会喜欢的And you're gonna love it.你看这个Look at that, hmm?准备接招吧先生Get ready, mister, 因为 'cause 因为我在里面准备了东西要给你'cause I got something under here for you.还有鞋子And there are shoes.你等着看我穿上它们吧Wait till you see me in these, hmm?你还好吧?Hey, are you okay?我很好Yeah, I'm fine.吃了一晚生食之后And after a night of raw food, 莎曼珊终于享受了狂放的一夜Samantha enjoyed an all-nighter of raw sex.告诉你一个秘密Can I tell you a secret?你只有12岁?You're 12?你其实不必点那些垃圾来吃You didn't have to order all that shit.我上星期二就打算和你回家了I was ready to go home with you last Tuesday. 你怎么现在才说害我吃了一个恶心的仙人掌 Now you tell me. I ate a fucking cactus. 到下面好好补偿我一下Get back down there and make it up to me. 遵命Awesome.莎曼珊一夜激&heartsHW♥到天亮Samantha was still having sex 而我和柏格却什么也没发生 when it “dawned" on me that Berger and I hadn't. 我们都知道再不做就永远都没机会了We both knew, it was now or never.早晨的时候我已经接受That morning I resigned myself to the idea我可能无缘再享受情欲或是火热性&hearts覆♥的想法了 that I would never again have frozen drinks or hot sex.我搞砸了真糟糕I suck. This is awful!我了解I know!我从没这么丢脸过I've never been this bad.我无意自吹自擂Look, I don't want to toot my own horn here, all right,但我真的可以做得更好but Fm way better than this.别人夸过我做的不错I've actually been told that I'm good at this.我不知道到底是怎么回事I don't know what the fuck is happening.我们在其他地方都很合We're so good everywhere else.现在在餐馆里Would you look at u