Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第三季第十七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“因果报应”十五比零查尔斯Three-love, Charles.和崔结婚两个月之后Two months into her marriage with Trey,夏洛特的生活似乎一切顺遂Charlotte's life appeared to be a bed of roses.不过那只是局外人的看法at least that's what it looked like to an objective onlooker.我儿子们从私立中学时Can you believe my boys have been playing就开始打网球against each other since prep school迄今仍乐此不疲and they're still not tired of it?让女生们打C'mon, let the girls play!她穿粉色的规定要穿白色She's wearing pastels. It's whites only!你真古板C'mon, you old fuddy-duddy.我们可以破例一次I think we can make an exception this one time.崔你们父亲要是听到这些话Trey, your father would roll over in his grave一定会在坟墓里翻身if he heard you talking like that!夏洛特还不熟谙麦克道格家的规矩Well, I don't think Charlotte's yet been issued a copy of the MacDougal house rules. 没有不过我该拿一个了No, but I think it*s time I got one.在圣经旁边床边的桌子You'll find it next to the bible in your bed stand.好笑Very funny.大家都低估了传统的美德Tradition is a very undervalued virtue.嫁入麦克道格家You know, girls, when you marry a MacDougal,Does everything that goes around really come around?果真如此的话它是不是会回来反咬你一口 ?And if so, will it come around to bite you in the ass?感情是不是也有因果报应?Is there such a thing as ''relationship karma"?稍晚之后我陪莎曼珊Later that night, I agreed to accompany Samantha去参加神秘的山姆琼斯举办的派对to a party thrown by the mysterious Sam Jones.我不敢相信我们要去参加陌生人的派对I can't believe we're going to the party of a total stranger.并不是完全的陌生我跟他同名同姓He's not a total stranger, we do share the same name.你为什么走这么慢?Why are you walking so slow?我在等人跳出来偷我的胸罩I keep waiting for someone to jump out of the bushes and steal my bra.要是这家伙很差Oh, look, if the guy's a loser,我会叫他的朋友不要再打来ril tell him to stop having his friends call me,然后我们去吃晚餐and we'll go for dinner. If not, who knows?他的朋友听起来挺可爱的His friend sounded cute on the phone.只通过电♥话♥你怎么能知道?How can you tell if someone's cute over the phone?我就是知道I can.再说华盛顿广场是高级地段Besides, Washington Square? Very money address.我觉得这一切都有因果循环And I just feel like there's some kind of cosmic purpose to all this.这一切不只是巧合It's just too much of a coincidence.那么你认为我为什么So what do you think the cosmic purpose was会遭到娜塔莎的轻视?of my getting snubbed by Natasha the other day?好吧要是我告诉你一件大人物和娜塔莎的事Okay, if I told you I had a piece of information about Big and Natasha,你会认为有因果关连would you consider it a cosmic connection还是流言一则?or just a random act of gossip?你得先告诉我I guess rd have to hear it first.娜塔莎跟大人物离婚了Natasha left Big. Their marriage is over.她回到劳夫罗伦工作She's back to working for Ralph Lauren.我的天Oh, my God.是谁告诉你的?Who told you that?一个跟我搞过的员工透露的A little bird I fucked at Ralph Lauren.你走了 15条街区才告诉我?And you waited 15 blocks to tell me that?我希望你尽情玩乐I wanted you to have fun at the party.我不敢相信我居然要为他们的婚姻负责I can't believe I'm responsible for breaking up their marriage. 才不是这样You are not responsible.他们本来就合不来It probably wouldn*t have worked anyway.我真的感到很难过I don't think I could feel any worse.到了Oh, here we are.这是宿舍It's a dorm.看我更难过了Well, look at that, I feel worse.这些可爱的男生还在上大学吗?You think all of these cute boys are still in college?是Yes!我去找山姆琼斯Well, I'm going to find Sam Jones,然后我们就离开and then, we're outta here.抱歉你知道山姆琼斯在哪里吗?Excuse me, could you tell me where I could find Sam Jones?山姆琼斯?Sam Jones?对你是谁?Yeah. Who are you?-珊琼斯-你说什么?-Sam Jones. -Excuse me?看来我们这里有一点误会Well, it appears that we have a little problem here.我们同名同姓We have the same name, the same exchange, 我一直接到你的电♥话♥and it appears I'm getting all of your fucking calls.原来是你一直接到我的电♥话♥Well; if you're getting all my "fucking" calls, 难怪我到现在还是处♥男♥I guess that explains why I'm still a virgin.当莎曼珊纳闷着And while Samantha was wondering what kind of message这一切代表的意义the universe was trying to send her, 米兰达心中毫无疑问Miranda had no doubt.我很开心Well, this was really fun,我想邀你进去不过你已经进去过了and I would invite you in, but you've already been in,而且明天我很忙and I've got a really huge day tomorrow,我不是不想见你which isn't to say that I wouldn't like to see you again, 要是你想见我的话尽管这完全取决于.I really would, that is, if you'd like to see me, although it's totally up to. Mmm. 我再打给你PH call you?她觉得自己中了头奖She felt like she had just hit the cosmic jackpot.不要告诉别人我们来过这里Please don't tell anyone we were here.有些男孩子很可爱Some of those boys were cute.年轻到可以当你Some of those boys were young enough.你敢说?Don*t you dare say it.借过女士Excuse me, ladies. Excuse me.借过女士-借过妈-Excuse me, ladies. -Excuse me, Mom.计程车Stop!娜塔莎从楼梯跌下来现在换我了Natasha fell down the stairs, now I fall down the stairs.这很显然是我的因果报应This is an open and shut case of karmic retribution.那些人喝醉了这只是意外Those guys were drunk. It was an accident.这不是意外This was not an accident.昨天我才被抢劫Yesterday, I get mugged, favorite shoes gone.现在连一辆计程车都拦不到And now, I can't even get a freaking taxi.我之前总是能拦到计程车这是我的报应And I can always get a taxi. My karma is shot.要是事出必有因Well, if everything happens for a reason, 我为什么会接到山姆琼斯的电♥话♥ ?why am I getting all those calls for Sam Jones?这有什么因果关连吗?What's the karmic connection there?我不知道你的报应我只知道自己的I don't know about your karma. I only know about my own karma. 或许我该上那个处♥男♥Maybe the universe is telling me that I should fuck that cute virgin 给他一个我没有过的完美初体验and give him the great first time experience that I never had.那不叫因果报应那是法定强♥奸♥罪That's not karma, that's statutory rape.计程车Ooh, taxi!这里-Taxi! -Here, here!别这样-C'mon. What? Hey! -No!怎么了?What's up?与此同时在城市另一头Meanwhile, across town,夏洛特收到自己的讯息Charlotte was getting a message of her own.醒一醒Wake up.夏洛特醒一醒Charlotte, wake up.你做了噩梦A nightmare. You're having a nightmare.你全身湿透了You're all wet.过了几天我的膝盖仍因跌落楼梯而疼痛Later that week, my knee still hurting from my karmic trip down the stairs, 我决定立刻采取行动I decided to take matters into my own hands.劳夫罗伦娜塔莎办公室Ralph Lauren. Natasha's desk. Kathy speaking.我想找娜塔莎Yes, Fd like to speak to Natasha, please.我是凯莉布雷萧It's Carrie Bradshaw calling.有什么事吗?What's this regarding?-是私人的事等一下Uh. it's, itrs personal. Hold.我不知道怎么告诉助理I didn't know how to tell an assistant事关宇宙的含意that it was a matter of cosmic significance.她在开会我会等She's in a meeting. -Oh, I'll hold.无意冒犯不过你得等一辈子I don't mean to be rude, but you'll be holding forever.好吧我就等一辈子Okay, then, I'll hold forever.显然这一切并不容易Obviously, this wasn't gonna be easy.我得面对自己种的果I had some tough karma to overcome.隔周夏洛特自己种下了果The next week, Charlotte flirted with her own karma.你的园艺在哪里学来的?Where did you get such a green thumb?家传手艺我们家族世代都是园丁Runs in the family. We're gardeners for three generations.好可爱的传统What a wonderful tradition.我是夏洛特I'm Charlotte, by the way.崔的妻子Trey's wife.我知道我叫巴特I know. Tm Bert.这些玫瑰好漂亮These roses are so beautiful.是什么种?What kind are they?月月红的特别混种A special hybrid of American Beauty.味道很香They*re very fragrant.夏洛特想不到她的因果报应会是怎样And Charlotte's karma flirted back in a most unexpected way.在市区莎曼珊要解决自己造成的因果报应Downtown, Samantha was working out some karmic issues of her own. 我为了那些电♥话♥向你道歉I just came over to apologize for all of those calls.谢谢你Oh. Thank you.还有呢?Anything else?我一辈子都在等像你这样的女人I've been waiting for a woman like you my whole life.你是我看过最性感的尤物You are the hottest thing I've ever seen.慢着Slow down.老天我的老天Oh, Lord! 0h, my Lord.好了Oh, here we go!真是太酷了That was awesome.是的Yes, it was.珊?Sam?是的山姆?Yes, Sam?我想我爱你I think I love you.亲爱的那不是爱Oh, honey, that wasn't love.那是性That was sex.不女士我No, ma'am.我爱你I love you.好了Okay.该走了time to move.一定要吗?Do I have to?是的Oh, yes.我还有事要做I've got stuff to do.跟我吻过最甜美的双唇道别Goodbye to the sweetest lips I've ever kissed.再见Buh-bye.稍晚Later that night,麦克道格家在享受鸡尾酒时光the MacDougals1 were enjoying their cocktail hour,一般是从下午五点持续到天荒地老which generally lasted from 5:00 p.m. till last man standing. 我连续赢了你三场比赛查尔斯I beat you three sets in a row, Charles.还没完呢该死We didn't finish that last set; dammit.是因为天色暗了It was getting dark, as you recall.不要吵嘴了 .要三明治吗?-Boys, stop bickering! -Sandwiches, ma'am?不了谢谢No. Thank you.我今天过得真是精彩Well; I certainly had an interesting day.我上午去骑马I went riding in the morning.下午我在园邸四处逛In the afternoon, I took a long walk around the property然后看见夏洛特亲吻园丁and saw Charlotte kissing the gardener.夏洛特你现在是麦克道格家的人了Charlotte, you're a MacDougal now!城市另一边莎曼珊发现And back in the city, Samantha came home to discover老天给她好多留言that the universe had sent her many messages.你有三十五通新留言You have 35 new messages.我是山姆琼斯Sam, it's Sam Jones.回我电♥话♥我无法停止想你Call me. I can't stop thinking about you.我今晚一定得见你很重要Sam, hi.I have to see you tonight. It*s really important.珊我是山姆Sam, it*s Sam. Listen, I.没有你我活不下去好吗?I don't think I can live without you; okay?宝贝珊你在吗?Sam, are you there, babe?我今晚得见你I. I have to see you tonight.这很重要It's really important.珊Sam! Okay, Sam.我是山姆It's Sam.城市的另一端米兰达和她的善果共进晚餐And across town, Miranda met her karmic treasure for dinner.奋斗了十年And after almost ten years at the firm,我终于在两个月前成为合伙人I finally made partner two months ago.还是三个月前?我忘记了Or was it three? I'm losing track.-恭喜你谢谢-Congratulations. -Thank you.还要喝点什么吗?Can I get you another drink?再一杯伏特加马丁尼Oh, another double vodka martini, please.先生你呢?And you, sir?我不用I'm fine.要点菜了吗?Would you care to order?可以再过一会儿吗?Could we just have a minute?慢慢来Take your time.我有想过读法律You know, I thought about law school.我爱死神探可伦坡了Of course I loved Columbo so much growing up as a kid.米兰达发现所有的女人Miranda realized that every woman都盯着她的男伴看in the room was staring at her date.比如你的朋友Take your friend for instance.你们遇到的这个案子就是个很典型的案子That's the kind of case, typical case, that I see on the job.办案过程没有你想像中那么刺&hearts微♥Turns out it's not as exciting as you might think.因为这不是凶杀案It*s not homicide.她知道她们在想And she knew what they were thinking.“这个帅哥怎么会跟她在一起? ”What is that incredibly attractive man doing with her?要是你的朋友不丢鞋If your friend didn't lose her shoes, then.我也不会在这里了we wouldn't be sitting here right now.请用Here you go.谢谢Thank you.她只好喝酒麻醉自己So she drank to feel better about herself.在六杯伏特加马丁尼下肚后And six vodka martinis later,她感觉好极了she was feeling pretty damn good.你好帅God, you*re hot!你有点醉了知道吗?And you*re a little drunk, you know that?我很好感觉很棒I'm fine. Tm great!帅Hot, hot, hot.你是跟我约会过最帅的男人You may be the most beautiful man that I have ever been with.你知道吗?你长得也不错You know what? You're not so bad yourself.我不是大美女但是床上功夫很棒Well, I'm no Mena Suvari, but I'm great in bed!就像是嫁给历史you're marrying history.我该去换衣服了I guess Ed better go change.夏洛特对他的家族历史没有兴趣Charlotte had no interest in hearing any more about the MacDougal family history. 她跟崔的历史已经够叫人沮丧了Her history with Trey was depressing enough.在性事方面几次失败后After a few half-baked attempts at a fulfilling sex life,崔似乎已经放弃了Trey seemed to give up.唯一能让他越战越勇的The only place he even tried to score nowadays只有网球was on the tennis court.早安Good morning.早安Morning.好美的玫瑰Beautiful. roses.谢谢你Thank you.我不知道是怎么回事我深深地被他吸引了I don't know what it is, I'm strangely drawn to him.当然了因为这男人会犁地Of course you are, you know the man can plow.他的味道令人陶醉He had the most intoxicating scent.好像汗水混着甜味Like sweat, mixed with something else,但又辣得刺♥激♥something sweet, yet pungent.肥料吗?Manure?还有他性感的丰唇And these full; sensuous lips.他有在曼哈顿浇花吗?Does he water plants in Manhattan?这太疯狂了我已经结婚了当晚崔没有回到床上来When Trey didn't come to bed that night, 于是夏洛特去找他Charlotte went looking for him.你在外面做什么?What are you doing out here?练习发球Improving my serve.停下来你很沮丧Trey, stop. You're upset.我做错了我很抱歉And what I did was so wrong, and I'm sorry.我能说什么?Well, what can I say?我无法满足你的需求I'm apparently unable to meet your needs,这段时间以来我已经厌倦了so from time to time, as much as I detest it,所以我只好睁只眼闭只眼I guess I'm just gonna have to look the other way.我不要一个睁只眼闭只眼的丈夫I don't want a husband who looks the other way!我要一个让我搂着我I want a husband who takes me in his arms不会让我想亲吻园丁的丈夫and makes me not want to kiss the gardener.夏洛特没有一个婚姻是完美的Charlotte, no marriage is perfect.我们拥有的大部分都是美好的And so much of what we have is wonderful.我们可以分开生活So we can have separate lives,却仍然在一起and still be together.我完全可以接受It*s totally acceptable.当夏洛特在完美的郊区房♥子As Charlotte looked at her perfect husband,完美的网球场看着她完美的丈夫on his perfect tennis court at their family*s perfect country house, 她了解到她缺少了些什么she realized the one thing that was missing不完美的人之间完美的结合was that perfect connection with an imperfect person.崔Trey.等我们回到城里when we get back to the city,就先分居一阵子吧I think that we should separate for a while.好的All righty.打了七次无人接听的电♥话♥Seven unreturned phone calls也不见娜塔莎回电and still no response from Natasha.佛教♥徒♥相信前生债今生还The Buddhist believe you pay for what you do wrong in this life in the next. 我知道我做错了什么I knew what I'd done.我不想等到下辈子才被原谅I just didn't think I could wait a lifetime to be forgiven.次晨The next morning,米兰达经历了有生以来最痛苦的宿醉Miranda woke up with the worst hangover of her life.史帝文森警官?Detective Stevens?在走廊桌上On her hall table,史帝文森警官留了 一组电♥话♥号♥码she discovered that Detective Stevens had left a number.是当地瘾君子互戒协会的热♥线♥For her local AA chapter.而在市中心莎曼珊得到她的因果报应And downtown, Samantha got her karmic retribution.我爱你珊琼斯I love you, Sam Jones!她意识到在搞过山姆琼斯之后She realized, that in screwing Sam Jones,她自己的生活也被搞砸了she wound up screwing herself.几天后A couple of days later,夏洛特回到了她的旧公♥寓♥Charlotte came home to her old apartment.还好她当时只是将它分租出去It was good fortune that she had only sublet it,一切都原封不动not to mention, good sense.为了来世不想当一只臭虫Not wanting to come back in my next life as a dung beetle,我请莎曼珊的助理帮忙通过娜塔莎的助理I asked Samantha's assistant to pump Natasha's assistant查出娜塔莎在哪里用餐to find out where she was having lunch.我需要跟你谈谈I need to talk to you.我要尖叫了I'm gonna scream.拜托不要我只待一下下Please, don't. I'm only gonna stay a minute.我打电♥话♥到你公♥司♥不过I tried to call you at work, but.算了那不重要Anyway, it's not important.我可以喝一口吗?Okay.Can I have a sip of this?谢谢Thanks.我听说了你的婚姻状况I heard about your marriage.真的很糟糕And it's, terrible.我不是故意让这一切发生I never, never meant for any of this to happen.如果有办法我一定尽力挽回这一切And if there was something that I could do to take it all away, I would.但是我没有办法But I can't.我今天来这里是想对你说我有多抱歉So I came here today because I needed to say how sorry I am.我为我所做的一切感到后悔I am deeply sorry for what I did to you.我错了It w