Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第五季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问)“爱的神秘”纽约就像不断扩张的宇宙In this ever expanding galaxy called New York City, 许多天体每天绕着同一个轨道运转there are certain heavenly bodies one orbits around every day. 然后恒星每隔几年都会吸引And then, there are those stars whose gravitational pull 或抛开游离的小行星one drifts in and out of over the years.# Is that all there is? #老是绕着我打转的巴比范Bobby Fine; satellite friend,是钢琴酒吧里的传奇人物piano bar legend.我通常会在家穿着粉红色礼服I usually do this number at home戴着佩姬李的假发唱这首歌♥in a pink caftan and a Peggy Lee wig.三杯黄汤下肚我保证一定走音Like you've never done the same thing after three daiquiris?但是现在我必须休息一下But right now, I must take a quick break跟我的名人好友打招呼to say hello to a celebrity friend.这里的每个人都是名人吧?Is there any other kind?欢迎凯莉布雷萧小姐Little Miss Carrie Bradshaw.她写书She writes books.大家还记得什么是书吧?You remember books?DVD的原始版Primitive versions of the DVD.别笑了Stop, please stop.好吧再来一次Okay; one more time算是给坐在廉价后座的客人优待皇后区的花♥园♥很漂亮Ma's garden in Queens.是紫丁香Oh, lilacs.没错Yeah.好漂亮的花Good flowers.米兰达不确定是紫丁香的香气Miranda wasn't sure if it was the smell of the lilacs,宝宝的味道the smell of the baby,还是史蒂夫皮肤的气味在作祟or the smell of Steve's skin,但那天下午but that afternoon,她跟前男友史蒂夫做♥爱♥ 了Steve went from ex to sex.我跟史蒂夫做♥爱♥ 了I slept with Steve.米兰达承认他们的关系介于Miranda admitted they were somewhere between好友跟情人之间介于曼哈顿跟汉普顿之间friends and lovers, somewhere between Manhattan and the Hamptons.所以你要参加派对Oh! That*s why you decided to participate in the charade.你想逃开这一切You're fleeing.事实上我是个逃犯I'm a fucking fugitive. Literally.那是心动的感觉吗?Perhaps it was the zsa-zsa-zsu.不那是我们不该去抓的痒处No, it was an itch which we shouldn't have scratched,现在我们踏入了灰色地带because now we're into a gray area.没有性关系让我们走得很近Not having sex was the only thing holding our relationship together.你逃进婚姻里Well, you're fleeing to the right wedding.那真的是太妙了I think that's the theme.说真的Seriously.带着孩子你没办法交男朋友跟他相处甚欢You can*t have a kid with someone, and get along, 性生活美满却又不会让别人误解and have great sex without giving the wrong impression. 那么做你快乐吗?That being what, that you're happy?很快乐Fabulous!当然了Absolutely!带他们一起来Yeah, bring them along.我也期待你的大驾光临Well; I look forward to seeing you too.这个派对一定会很棒Oh! This party is going to be amazing.大家都会赞不绝口Strictly nA-list.n我们还在宾客名单中吗?Are we still invited?对但你的小孩不是Yes, but shitty pants there is not.我找不到保姆所以得带上他I have to bring him, I won*t be able to find a sitter. 他已经毁了我的午餐我不会再让他毁了我的派对He's ruining my lunch, hers not ruining my party. 宝宝不能来No babies.很显然这次的聚会已经搞砸了Evidently, there's already a party pooper.番茄酱Ketchup.凯莉Carrie?你好Yeah, hey, hi.-我是杰克你是柏格我还记得你-Jack. -Berger, I know, I remember.你过的怎么样?还好吗?What's going on here? Are you okay?我该用热狗面包跟树枝帮你做止血带吗?Do I need to make a tourniquet out of a hot dog bun and a twig? 那只是Nah, it's just.番茄酱对-Ketchup. -Yeah.谢谢你Oh, thanks.我没想到你会骑摩托车I didn't figure you for a motorcycle guy.我其实不会Turns out, Tm not.我只是因为分手一时冲动买♥♥下它I bought it as a reaction to my breakup.那正是我要的It was exactly what I wanted.成为单身汉的柏格A Berger with a side of single.你骑车的样子很帅Well, you look good on it.不我站在它旁边时很帅No, I look good next to it.我骑车时是这个样子On it, I look like this.我真的不饿In fact, Tm not even really hungry.我停车是因为有只虫撞上我的护目镜I pulled over 'cause a bug hit my visor我的手还在抖and, look, my hands are still shaking.原来你是个烂骑士So youfre "Uneasy Rider."如果你到得了汉普顿Well, uh, if you make it to the Hamptons,我朋友明天要在那里办派对my friend is having a party tomorrow afternoon.就在理查莱特的房♥子里It's at Richard Wright's house.我听说了I heard about that.那地方很不错Yeah, that's quite a place.我到我的房♥子时会经过I pass it on the way to my house.好吧我要喝杯汽水All right, I'm gonna get a soda.我在安全帽里拼命尖叫觉得喉咙很干My throat's kind of dry from all the screaming inside my helmet.很高兴能见到你It's nice to see you.我也是柏格Yeah, you too, Berger.或许我们明天能见到面Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.见不到我的话.Yeah, if you don't, uh.就打电♥话♥报♥警♥call the highway patrol.好吧Okay, yeah.这的确是种心动的感觉Definitely zsa-zsa-zsu.隔天早上莎曼珊在The next morning, Samantha prepared借来的屋里准备盛大的派对-her borrowed beach house for the big bash. -Oh! Hello!一半的桌子摆在房♥子附近I want half the tables set up near the house其他的就摆在游泳池边and the others near the pool.你们是谁?Uh, ladies?卡珊卓我的包包呢?Um, Cassandra, did you bring my tote?我的防晒乳在哪里?Oh, shit, where are my Merits?女士对不起Ladies, excuse me. Hi.服务生该到客房♥去换衣服The wait staff is to change in the guest cottage客房♥就在入口附近down near the entrance.你们是服务生吗?Aren't you here to waitress?我们会到餐厅吃饭但我们不在那里工作We go to restaurants. We don*t work in them.理查在哪里?Where's Richard?理查?Richard?理查不在这里Well, Richard isn't here.这个周末我借用了他的房♥子Fve got the house this weekend.对不起Excuse me.对不起你们要去哪里?Excuse me. Where are you going?理查说我们随时都能过来游泳Richard told us we could hang by the pool whenever.今天不行Well, you canrt pool hang today.三点我要办派对I'm having a party at 3:00.到时候我们就走了Oh, we'll be fried by then.我的手♥机♥收不到讯号♥I have no cell reception at all.米兰达带宝宝来了什么都别说Miranda brought the kid. Don't say anything.我知道你不喜欢宝宝I know you didn't want any babies,他穿劳夫罗伦的衣服我把他的屁♥股♥塞起来了 but he's wearing Ralph Lauren, and I've stuck a cork up his ass 应该没问题so it oughta be okay.这应该是个超级棒的派对This is supposed to be an "A-list" party.游泳池的波霸是谁?Then who's the Hdouble-D-listn by the pool?她们不肯离开Ugh, they won't leave.还说理查答应让她们过来They say Richard lets them hang out here on weekends.白吃白喝的家伙Fucking freeloaders.住在玻璃屋的家伙People in glass houses.我没有白吃白喝I am not freeloading.我和他经历了很多事I went through a lot with Richard.不结婚的人应该得到奖励And people should be rewarded for not getting married as well.说实话我不知道你们为什么要分手Frankly, I don*t know why you broke up with him.不忠跟欺骗比起游泳池别♥堂♥又算什么?What*s a little lying and cheating compared to a pool with a little cabana?你是不准宝宝来还是不准波霸来?Uh, did you say no babies or no boobies?波霸跟布莱迪-Lady. -Yeah.都不能来And Brady.那真的是太没品了That is so inappropriate.来自硅谷的问候Greetings from "Silicone Valley."大家都听到了Shh, people can hear you.怎么?没有人看得出来她们的咪♥咪♥是假的吗?What? Like everyone here can't see those tits are fake?纽约库归区的人都能看出来那是假的People as far as Quogue can see those tits are fake.别再说"咪 ♥咪♥" 了Would you stop saying tits?你为什么要穿那件T恤?And why are you wearing that shirt?热带风味的T恤不流行了Tropical shirts are out.这不是热带风味的T恤This is not tropical.这是大溪地代表服装Ifs tiki.请把它脱掉Well, please, ntiki it off.*'我还以为你永远都不会问我Oh, I thought you would never ask.我的天你的背都红了Oh, my God, your back!你一定对除毛剂严重过敏You must have had a bad reaction to the waxing.是的Oh, yeah.我觉得有点痒-I thought it felt itchy. -Ew.突然间发现长点毛也不算太糟糕Suddenly, a little hair isn't looking so bad, huh?凯莉这是女人间的谈话Carrie, woman to woman,性太美好了the sex is amazing.从来没有男人能让我有那种感觉I've never had a man make me feel this way.别说了辣妹你怎么能继续Oh, why, hush, Miss Scarlett, how you do go on.谁订了美男子?Well.who ordered the Adonis?巴比贝西他是我男朋友马可斯Bobby, Bitsy, this is my boyfriend, Marcus.天啊快去健身房♥吧For God sakes, man, get yourself to a gym once in a while.看看你的身体太恶心了Look at that body. It*s disgusting.我从你的小腹可以捏出起司来Wow, I could grate cheese on your abs.一份大披萨不要义大利腊肠One large pizza, and hold the salami.在我跟你结婚前麻烦你穿上衬衫Oh, please, put a shirt on before I marry you.我三个月没碰过碳水化合物了Oh, no, I haven't touched a carbohydrate in three months.我得塞进那件婚纱里I've gotta fit into that dress.亲爱的吃点东西吧Honey, please, eat something.看看她她就是风♥骚♥贝西Would you look at her, she*s Itsy-Bitsy.巴比Oh, Bobby.巴比我来找塔柯特顺道来打招呼Oh, Bobby, I see the Talcotts. We've gotta say hello.各位明天见See you all tomorrow.好的Okay.再见-Bye. -Bye.我发誓我很认真的说I swear, and I'm totally serious,他说他可以从马可斯肚子上挤出起司时我差点昏倒I almost fainted when he mimed grated cheese on Marcus.很明显他想要他It is so obvious that he wanted him.清醒一点Try to keep up.巴比是异性恋-Bobby is straight. -Oh. Right.她在做什么?What is she doing?或许他会逗她笑Maybe he just makes her laugh.你不能坐下再吃吗?那真的很不文雅Can't you wait till we sit down to eat? It's so crass.我今天有什么地方能让你看得顺眼?Question. is there anything about me today that doesn't bug you?大家都在吃东西你该把T恤穿上When people are trying to eat, you should have your shirt on.你的脸沾到了酱汁-Mmm. -And you have sauce on your face.你也一样Now so do you.为什么她要告诉我他们的性生活很美满?Why did she need to tell me the sex was amazing?因为那很神奇Because it is amazing.她讶异于他不必用小鸡鸡She's amazed he's able to get it hard就能硬起来without another penis in the room.说到小鸡鸡And speaking of dicks,你认为理查跟那些臭女人上♥床♥过吗?do you think Richard slept with any of those cocoa butter bitches?不我相信他们只是好朋友No, I'm sure they're just good friends.柏格Berger!-我看起来怎么样?-非常好-God, how do I look? -You look great.天啊镜子在哪里?Oh, Jesus. Where's a mirror?这里Oh, here.太棒了-Ta-da. -Oh, great.好吧把它放下谢谢你办了派对All right, put it down, okay. Thanks for having a party.你买♥♥♥房♥♥子几年了 ?How long have you had a house here?三年-Three years. -Oh.不久后在蝴蝶的飞舞之间Moments later, among the butterflies,我也有了心动的感觉I felt butterflies.花♥园 ♥很漂亮There's a really nice garden.你的花♥园♥吗?So you garden.不我对拿锄头的事不在行No, no. I have been known to hoe.我的前女友把花♥园♥料理得很好But my ex actually planted the garden希望夏天能吃到新鲜沙拉so we could enjoy fresh summer salads.但我们没有撑到夏天所以We didn't quite make it to the summer, so, uh.那里只留下了痛苦的记忆it*s more a fresh pain than fresh vegetables.我甚至没办法走到花♥园♥去Yeah, I can't really go out there.我了解你的感觉我跟前男友分手时Yeah, I know how you feel. When I broke up with my ex, 我没办法走进他家具店附近的六个街区内I couldn't bring myself to go within six blocks of his furniture store. 你们何时分手的?When did you two break up?去年第二次分手Uh, last year for the second time.前年第一次分手We broke up the first time the year before that.你们分手了两次太棒了Oh, you broke up twice; way to go.第一次时我们伤害了彼此Yeah, well, we hadn't sufficiently hurt each other enough 但还伤得不够the first time around.这次我们是一刀两断But we definitely took care of business this time因为他搬过来跟我住because this time he moved in.我们一起买♥♥ 了很多东西所以So we had the merging of the things and.也必须把东西分清楚-Right, -.the dividing of the things.问题是你不愿意归还And the things that are left behind剩下的东西因为那么做太心痛了that you don't want to give back because that seems mean.你也不想把它们丢掉And you don*t want to throw them away那是你仅剩的回忆because it's all you have left.年纪越大做起来越难for the cheap seats in the back!(就这样吗?)# Is that all there is? # (对就这样)# Yes, that's all there is # 你们认识多久了 ?How long have you two known each other? 这么说吧Oh, let's put it this way, 从“猫还是小猫开始 Cats was just kittens. 音乐剧猫吗Cats, the musical.别开玩笑了 我喜欢“猫”-Hello. -Oh, I loved Cats!救护车Medic!才没有那么久It hasn't been that long; has it? 拜托我们刚认识时Please, darling, when we met, 你还在跳有氧操史丹佛还有头发 you took aerobics, and Stanford had hair. 巴比Bobby.贝西我以为你去吃晚餐了Bitsy, I thought you had a dinner.没错司机在外面绕圈圈Oh, I do, the driver is circling, 我必须进来打个招呼 but I had to run up and say hello. 你好你好你好-Aw. -Oh, hello, hello, hello, hello. 贝西冯马芬林Bitsy Von Muffling, 凯莉米兰达莎曼珊 this is Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, 跟喜欢猫的小姐and the one who liked Cats.贝西我是莎曼珊琼斯 Bitsy, Samantha Jones.And it just gets harder as we get older因为我们不会跟不合适的人约会because we're not dating wildly inappropriate people anymore.根本没有“还好分手了这回事You know, there's. there's no, "Phew, glad that's over."没错Right. Right.每次分手后我告诉自己And after every breakup, I tell myself,我不会再这么做那太难了"Tm never doing this again," It's too hard.人可以承受多少这样的打击?I mean, how many of these things can one person survive?人们应该立法规定谈恋爱要戴安全帽You know what? They should institute a helmet law for relationships. 对说得好Right, that's excellently put.谢谢你Well, thank you.我该走了Well, I should get going. Uh.我要骑六小时的车才能回到两英里外的家Ifs gonna take me six hours to drive the two miles home, so.我的外套Oh, my jacket.抱歉Sorry.希望没有沾到草汁Oh, gee, I hope there aren't grass stains.没事这是件旧外套No, no, it's old.好吧再见一再见-Okay, bye. -Bye.他飞快地逃走The man could not get away from me fast enough.很明显共鸣跟可怕只有一线之隔Apparently, it's a short road from commisery to misery.你没事吧?Oh, are you okay?没事Oh, yeah, okay.很完美一切都很顺利Perfect. Everything's going out right on time. 这里没有标签Um, there's no Tab in here.你们开我的冰箱做什么?What are you doing in my refrigerator?这是理查的冰箱It*s Richard's refrigerator.食物是我买♥♥的I stocked it.你看到米果了吗?Did you see any Rice Krispies treats?理查都会留米果给我们吃Richard usually leaves those around for us.不我没看到No, I didn't.那些柠檬是调饮料用的And those lemons are for the drinks, 而饮料是我买♥♥的 drinks I paid for.随便你Whatever.食物也是我买♥♥的And I also paid for the food.你们两个对这个派对In fact, the only thing at this party 唯一的贡献就是露出咪♥咪♥ that you two actually paid for are your breasts! 你嫉妒吗?Jealous?对Oh, yes.我非常嫉妒I'm jealous.我好希望自己也能长这样Fm just dying to look like.this.如果你真的能长那样你就会跟理查在一起Well, maybe if you did, you*d be out here with Richard. 说得好Snap!很明显借用玻璃屋的人Evidently, people who borrow glass houss不该乱丢甜瓜shouldn't throw cantaloupes.隔天早上史丹佛跟马可斯帮忙照顾布莱迪The next morning, while Stanford and Marcus had Brady, 米兰达跟我共进早午餐Miranda and I had brunch.这些松饼好吃吗?How about these muffins?蛋美味极了How about these eggs?餐巾很棒How about these napkins?盘子也不错How about these plates?我们何不嫁给男同性恋?How about we marry gay guys?现在我别无选择How about maybe now I won't have a choice.真的有那么糟糕吗?Was it really that bad?再见柏格Bye-bye, Berger.前一分钟我们还在笑下一分钟One minute we were laughing, the next minute,他从我面前飞快地逃走he had to get away from me so fast,还留下了摩托车滑倒的痕迹真的我可以指给你看he left skid marks. Seriously, I can show them to you.麻烦把果酱递给我Jam, please?我知道我做了什么我太早跟他说出了心中事I know what I did. I revealed too much too soon.我不擅处理情感问题I was emotionally slutty.那跟真正的你不同-那不是我That's not like you. -It wasn*t me.我想要心动的感觉想疯了It was the zsa-zsa-zsu, it makes me crazy.贝西冯马芬林范或许做对了Bitsy Von Muffling-Fine may have the right idea.我们该停止寻找完美的第一名Maybe we should stop looking for a great relationship 只要找第二名就好了and settle for a fine one.如果史蒂夫是同性恋我一定要嫁给他fd marry Steve in a second if he were gay.一切将会变得很容易Ugh. Everything would be so easy.他是同性恋So a gay area比你们处在灰色地带好?is better than a gray area?对Uh, yeah.我还要咖啡你呢?More coffee. You want some?咖啡很不错Great coffee.说些我不知道的事Tell me something I don*t know.什么?What?你办到了史丹尼You did it, Staney.你事业成功住在大房♥子里Great man, great house,还有一段天赐良缘great relationship.我们一直都在寻找这些东西而你找到了We've all been looking and you actually found it.马可斯跟我Marcus and I haven't had sex买♥♥