Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
“完美与平凡”一位跟米兰达不是很熟的男人昨晚邀她参加一个晚餐派对Last night, my friend Miranda got invited to a dinner party by a man she hardly knew.她当时跟尼克瓦克勒约会他是个成功的运动经纪人She was the date of Nick Waxier, a fairly successful sports agent还曾说过她有双漂亮的腿who once told her she had nice legs.在他们还年轻时你想跟他们上♥床♥的电影明星Okay, old movie stars you'd have liked to fuck when they were young.在不在世都可以吗?Alive or dead?可以从我先开始It doesn't matter, Til start.维洛妮卡拉克Veronica Lake,她拍“苏利文游记”时the year she made Sullivan's Travels.大维Dave?苏菲亚萝兰Huh. fd have to say Sophia Loren.我爸一直很喜欢她Probably *cause my dad had this thing for her.别做梦Uh, we won*t go there.蒙哥马利克里夫Montgomery Clift.他是同性恋He was gay.玛丽莲梦露Oh. Marilyn Monroe,在甘迺迪兄弟上了她之前before the Kennedys got to her. Honey?平克劳斯贝Bing Crosby.我想好了Ah! I stand by my choice.史恩康纳莱不论是过去现在还是未来Sean Connery, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.第一次约会时米兰达觉得自己像是击出了全垒打For a first date, Miranda felt like she was hitting it out of the ballpark.They're beautiful things,那就是我的生活你懂吗?and that's what my life's about, you know?我追逐美丽Beauty.我有样东西要给你看看Come here, I want to show you something.这是我真正的艺术创作This is my real art,但无法将它们公诸于世only I can't really show it to the public.至少现在还不行Well, not yet at least.坐吧Sit down.她是凡妮莎That's Vanessa.还有谭雅That's Tanya,伊拉娜跟克芮蒂娜Elana, Katrina.我不敢相信I couldn't believe it.这家伙跟九月"时尚杂♥志♥” 一半的香水广♥告♥模特儿上过床 The man had slept with half the perfume ads in September's Vogue.她们知道吗?Do they know about this?或许知道吧Maybe.你看那个Oh, look at that one.她才刚当上模特儿She does runway now,但有一天她会成为超级名模but I think she's gonna be huge someday.我不知道该说什么I didn't know what to say.只能说There really wasn't anything to say except.有火吗?Do you have a light?有啊Yeah, sure.那天稍后我很高兴地发现了至少有个黄金王老五Later that day, I was relieved to discover that at least one eligible bachelor不屑跟模特儿往来got his kicks off the runway.我真的爱上你朋友米兰达So I totally dig your friend, Miranda.你是在开玩笑吧太棒了You're kidding. That's great!她既性感又聪明Yeah, I think she is so sexy and smart,她有告诉你我们上♥床♥了吗?and did she tell you that we made out?有啊真是热情如火Yeah, it was totally hot.你为什么不打电♥话♥给她?Wow. So why don't you call her? You should call her.她一定会很高兴的-我打过一百次了-She would love that. -I did, like 100 times.但她没回我电♥话♥She totally won't return my phone calls.我不知道她有提起我吗?I don't know. Did she say anything about me?没有No.或许她很忙I don't know, maybe she's just busy,她觉得我不够可爱吗?or I don't know, am I not cute enough for her?当然不是你很可爰Of course, you are. Skipper, you're adorable.我不知道帮我问问看Well, I don't know. Find out for me.我想知道还有没有机会I want to see if I still have a chance.在你面前打?Right now, in front of you?打吧我承受得了Go ahead. I can handle it.我是米兰达请留言Hi, this is Miranda. Please leave me a message.是答录机Oh, it's her machine.我是史奇普Hey, this is Skipper.我跟凯莉在一起I'm in the street with Carrie.我跟她说你不会【回我电♥话♥I just told her how you won't call me back.你现在得回我电♥话♥So now you have to call me back.你最好快打电♥话♥给我You better call me back!我是在开玩笑的No, I'm kidding. Tm joking.说真的我希望你回我电♥话♥Um, but seriously, I hope you call me back,我提醒过我是史奇普吗?and, um, did I mention this was Skipper?我相信帮朋友拉红线一定会被诅咒I believe there is a curse put on the head of anybody who tries to fix up their friends. 有什么地方比服装秀会场更容易找到模特儿狂呢?Where better to find modelizers in their natural habitat than a fashion show?还好我朋友史丹佛巴勒奇Luckily, my friend Stanford Blatch有客户参加了最热门的服装秀had a client in the hottest show in town.“骨头就像是人类中的貂皮大衣"The Bone" is like the human equivalent of the sable coat.他真的是太美了有时我发现自己得把眼光移开He's so beautiful that I find that sometimes I have to look away.你看到他了吗?Do you see him?就在那边Right over there.-在哪里? 天啊你看看他-Where? -Oh, my God, look at him.他带着私人打光师巡回走秀It's like he travels with his own personal lighting director.德瑞克别名“骨头”Derek, a.k,a. "The Bone/'他是最红的内衣模特儿was the world's biggest underwear model史丹佛最重要的客户and Stanford's most important client,也是他单相思的对象as well as the subject of his single-minded obsession.你来了史丹佛Hey, Stanny.德瑞克这位是我的好友凯莉布雷萧Um, Derek, I would like you to meet a very dear friend, Carrie Bradshaw.很高兴认识你Nice to meet you.凯莉是欲望城市专栏作家Carrie writes the column uSex in the City."你看过这个专栏吗? 没有-Oh, have you read it? -Uh, no.有天德瑞克跟我走过他的广♥告♥看板下方You know, the other day, Derek and I were walking past his billboard,他告诉我他想把一片看板譬如说鼻子的部分拿回家去and he told me he'd like to get a piece of it for his apartment, like maybe his nose.我说"拿内♥裤♥凸出那一块And I said, "You should get the bulge in your pants,当女人问你有多大时that way, when woman ask how big you are,你可以告诉她我有十四寸大”you can say, '14 feet.1"那真的很好笑对吧?That would be very funny, wouldn*t it?大家都在谈论你Yeah. Yeah. Everybody's talking about you.你真的是太棒了You are so great.你会是个大明星的我告诉过你多少次了You're gonna be a star, have I told you that enough times?我们最好让你去换衣服Well, we better let you get dressed.我已经换好了I am dressed.结束后见Well, uh, see you after the show.再见Bye.再见Okay, bye.你能相信那么帅的男人会那么有礼貌吗?Can you believe anyone that beautiful can be that nice?我一直梦想有一天他会说I keep dreaming that someday he's just gonna turn around and say, “史丹佛我爱你”''Stanford, I love you."他是同性恋吗?Is he gay?他否认He denies it.那么帅的男人怎么可能是异性恋?How can anyone that gorgeous be straight?亲爱的快过来Sweetie, over here!莎曼珊从未错过大型服装秀Samantha Jones never missed a major fashion show.她认为接近俊男美女She was one of the only people I knew能让自己更有吸引力who thought that proximity to beauty made her feel more attractive. 发生了什么事?Hey, sweetie, so wait, what happened?你在展示台边找不到位置吗?You couldn't find seats right on the runway?从这个角度你能看到所有的缺点Oh, you can see all the flaws from this angle.你好凯莉Hey, Carrie.巴克利你好吗?Hey! Hi, Barkley, how are you?你要参加庆功派对吗?You going to the party afterwards?我不知道Um, I don*t know.我们当然要参加Of course we are.你好我是莎曼珊Hi, I'm Samantha.我是巴克利Barkley.他是不是同志?Martini straight up or with a twist?不是Straight up.真的吗?他好可爱Really? He's very cute.你们没在约会吧?You're not dating him, are you?天啊没有他只爱模特儿Oh, God, no, hers a total modelizer.他现在跟某位模特儿约会吗?Is he, uh, dating any one model in particular?事实上他跟她们都睡过Actually, he's sleeping with all of them in general.他只跟模特儿上♥床♥ ?Only models?没错Only models.稍后我们都参加了庆功派对Later that night, we all went downtown for a party.我陷在甜马铃薯泡芙堆里I was beginning to float away on a sea of sweet potato puffs还有腌鞋鱼跟酸奶酪就是那么巧with smoked salmon and sour cream when.大人物出现了It was Mr. Big,他是商业大亨也是个万人迷major tycoon, major dream boat,他跟我不是同一个世界的人and majorly out of my league.我就知道我看到的人是你I thought I saw you on the runway.你好Oh, hi.在我们认识后我开始看你的专栏I started reading your column after we met.是吗?You did?没错挺可爱的Yeah, cute.“挺可爱的”?"Cute/'没错挺可爱的Yeah, cute.你这星期要写什么?What are you writing about this week?我正在写Um, well, I'm working on a story about.跟模特儿约会的男人men who date models.你有什么想法吗?Any thoughts?他们的运气很好Only that they're very lucky.跟模特儿约会的男人So what have you discovered about these men你有什么了解?who are dating models?我发现他们之中有些人把这样的行为当成体育竞赛Well, I'm discovering that some of them treat it as a competitive sport, 其他人则只是需要被认可and others I think just need the validation.或许其他人是迷恋超级美女And probably others just have a thing for exceptionally beautiful women. 没错Exactly.那有什么不对吗?And there's something wrong with that?不会啊No, there's nothing wrong.我只是觉得有点单调I just think it might become a bit monotonous.要吃泡芙吗?Puff?不谢谢你Um, no, thanks.对不起Oh! Excuse me, baby.你都在哪里写作?So where do you, uh, write these stories?你是指可爰的”文章吗?My cute stories?你有办公室吗?Yeah, I mean have you got an office or anything?没有有一半的时间我待在家里No. Well, about half the time I'm at my apartment,其他时间我都在七十三街跟麦迪逊街口的咖啡馆and the other half I'm over at this coffee shop on 73rd and Madison.凯莉这位是米夏Oh, uh, Carrie, I'd like you to meet Misha.你在伸展台上很漂亮You were great in the show.谢谢你的夸奖Thank you.突然间我觉得自己像是天鹅堆里的丑小鸭Suddenly, I felt like I was wearing patchouli in a room full of Chanel.很高兴能跟你聊天Well, it was nice talking to you.再见Oh, see you around sometime.希望能再见I hope.我以为过了三十岁我可以不在乎自己的长相The truth was, I thought I had come to terms with my looks the year I turned 30, 我了解我不再有力气去做肤浅的事when I realized that I no longer had the energy to be completely superficial.你朋友巴克利来约我Your friend Barkley, he*s really been coming on to me.他认为我是模特儿吗?Do you actually think he believes I'm a model?不论原因为何别去Well, whatever it is, you don't want to go there.为什么?Why not?他会偷偷录下交欢的过程He has this thing for secretly taping his conquests.真的吗?-Really? -Mm-hmm.真是个变♥态♥What a pervert.当莎曼珊准备好上镜头时As Samantha began to get ready for her close-up,我觉得我该回家了I felt it was time to call it a night.我从未觉得如此渺小过I had never felt so invisible in my entire life.计程车Taxi!凯莉Carrie.你好Hey! Hi!史丹佛离开了吗?Did, um, did Stanford leave?他在帮凡赛斯模特儿按♥摩♥脖子No, he*s in there giving a neck massage to a Versace model.你要去哪里?So where are you going now?我要回家Oh, Tm going home.我能跟你去吗?Can I come?你要跟我回家?You want to come home with me?对只要你家很安静Sure, if it's quiet.我受不了人很多的地方I can't take these crowds.我是为了研究才这么做The things you gotta do in the name of research.你不跟女模特儿共度春宵吗?Shouldn't you be spending the night with some girl from the show?不我从不跟模特儿约会No, I never date models.我觉得她们很笨I think they're stupid.我好奇是否有美丽的物理学法则I wondered if there wasn*t some kind of physics for beauty.或许两个模特儿会互相排斥Maybe two models repelled,或许模特儿只能吸引一般人Maybe models could only be attracted to ordinary humans.我觉得能写作很酷So, I think it's so cool that you write.谢谢Thanks.真希望我也能写作I wish I could write.我有很多不错的想法I got all these intense thoughts,但还来不及把它们写下前便忘得精光but I can't keep them in my head long enough to get them down on paper. 这是有窍门的Well, that's the big trick.我有神经过敏的毛病The truth is, I'm totally neurotic.前一分钟我还很酷地走在街上One minute, I can be walking down the street, totally cool,下一分钟我毫无理由地感到沮丧and the next minute I'm depressed for no reason.我总是羞于启口I'm totally self-conscious.我会先想一想再说话Like before I say something, I say it in my head first免得说错了话so it doesn't come out wrong.那不会很浪费时间吗?Doesn*t that seem like a waste of time?只要几秒就能搞定It only takes a second.有时我会分心And sometimes I get so distracted.现在什么东西让你分心?What's distracting you now?你的鼻子Your nose.谢了Thanks a lot.-我讨厌我的鼻子不你的鼻子很可爱-I hate my nose. -No; it's just so cute.我也讨厌我的鼻子I hate my nose, too.谢谢Thanks.你认识尼克多久了?So how long have you known Nick?我们多年来一直搭同一部电梯We've been riding the same elevator line for years几星期前开始共进午餐and then we had lunch a few weeks ago然后他邀请我来吃晚餐and then he invited me here to dinner.我们都很喜欢他Well, we adore him.他很聪明He's very smart.他听进我们最后的通牒了I guess he took our little ultimatum seriously.迪妮Deanne.你是什么意思?What are you talking about?她们告诉米兰达尼克偏好模特儿They told Miranda that Nick had this thing for models.在他们年轻时你想跟他们上♥床♥的老电影明星Okay, old movie stars you would have liked to fuck when they were young. 我先来Fil start.维洛妮卡拉克Veronica Lake,拍“苏利文游记'时the year she made Sullivan's Travels.大维Dave?苏菲亚萝兰rd have to go with Sophia Loren.我爸一直很喜欢她Probably, my dad had a thing for her.蒙哥马利克里夫Montgomery Clift.玛丽莲梦露Marilyn Monroe.平克劳斯贝我的鼻子太大了但那要视我的头发而定It's too big, but I think it depends on my hair.没错Yeah.我了解你的意思I see what you mean.你希望长大后做什么?So what do you want to be when you grow up?我已实现了梦想就是写作Oh, well, I think this might be it.你长大想做什么What do you want to be when you grow up?我想搬回爰荷华州生儿育女Fd like to move back to Iowa and have kids, 当个警♥察♥and be a cop.这就像我十六岁时I felt like I was in my bedroom when I was 16,出去跟帅哥鬼混and I used to hang out with this guy who was really beautiful我父母以为我在教他功课一样and my parents thought I was helping him with his chemistry homework. 我们能躺一下吗?Do you mind if we just lie here?在纽约我觉得很寂寞I get so lonely in the city.石时能跟某人躺在一起就是一种幸福Sometimes it's just nice to lie with someone.没问题Sure. We could do that.很难想像那么帅的人会觉得寂寞It was hard to imagine that anyone so beautiful could ever be lonely.与此同时两个凡夫俗子Meanwhile, somewhere below 14th street, two ordinary Joes 寂寞地过着他们的夜晚were doing their own lonely late-night thing.还要别的东西吗?小姐Anything else, miss?不必了No, that's it.你只买♥♥猫食?Just cat food?没错Yes, just cat food.你好Hey.史奇普Oh, hi, Skipper.你为什么不回我电♥话♥ ?So like, um, how come you haven't been returning any of my calls?抱歉这星期我很忙I'm sorry, it*s been a really busy week.我还以为我们算是在交往I thought we had a connection.我不知道Oh, I don*t know.麻烦把零钱找给我Could I get my change?你跟每个男人都这样吗?You mean you get that way with every guy that you're with?不我只是No, it's just.你不想跟同年龄的女孩约会吗?Don't you want to go out with a girl your own age?这跟年龄无关It's got nothing to do with age.我觉得你很聪明I. I think you're luminous.你觉得我很聪明You think I'm luminous?没错Totally.米兰达抗拒不了自己在模糊镜片上的倒影Miranda couldn't resist the vision of herself reflected in Skipper's slightly smudged lenses. 好了我们快走了All right, let's get out of here.我得付玉米片的钱Okay, yeah, let me just pay for my Cap'n Crunch.我家有玉米片There's cereal at my place.莎曼珊找到了最有力的证据And Samantha found the ultimate validation, 她跟巴克利上♥床♥ 了 sex with Barkley.好了So, uh.在哪里呢?Where is it?什么东西啊?What?摄影机The camera.凯莉跟你提过那玩意?Your friend Carrie tell you about that?别担心我只拍模特儿Don't worry, I only tape models.我不会介意的I won't mind.好吧我可以破例一次Fine, Til make an exception.莎曼珊要求跟每个模特儿一样的待遇Samantha demanded nothing less than the same consideration given every other model in town.你好Hello.凯莉我是史丹佛Carrie, it's Stanford.你知道德瑞克昨晚去哪里吗?Do you have any idea what happened to Derek last night?事实上你不会相信的但Actually, you'll never believe A but.什么事?Yes?是史丹佛打来的It's Stanford.你好史丹佛Hi, Stanford.德瑞克Uh, uh, Derek?麻烦你请凯莉来听电♥话♥Could you put Carrie back on the phone?没问题Sure.你怎么能这么做?How could you?我没有I didn't.我们只是在聊天We just talked.我就知道他是同性恋Oh, I knew he was gay.跟模特儿在一起真的很辛苦It's amazing what you'll do to be with these models.我很快就得退休Fve got to retire soon.她们害得我工作做不完They keep me from getting work done.她们害得我搞砸了我的人生They make me fuck up my life.看看我这个鬼样子Look at me!我是个三十四岁的老头I'm an old man at 34!我开始了解当帅哥美女I began to realize that being beautiful就像是租下一间俯视公园美景的出租公♥寓♥is like having a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park,那根本就不公平该把它送给那些有资格的人completely unfair, and usually bestowed upon those who deserve it least.我没打扰你工作吧?I'm not interrupting your work, am I?真是个大惊喜Hey, what a su