梦魇绝镇前情提要Previously onFrom.森林里的黑暗There's darkness in the forest, 是你甚至无法想象的噩梦 nightmares you can*t even begin to imagine. 现在我的血是你的血了My blood is your blood now.每次我看到奇怪的东西就会看到这个符号♥Every time I see something really weird, I see this symbol. 我见过这个I've seen this.你是说在幻象里吗Like in a vision or something?不是在地下隧♥道♥的墙上 No, on the walls in the tunnels.维克多说他妈妈想去救Victor said his mother wanted to rescue the children 被锁在塔里的孩子们 that were locked in the tower,这是唯一能让大家回家的办法that it was the only way to get everyone home.我一直以为那些孩子们All this time I thought the children 是想吓唬我但是were trying to scare me, but 如果他们只是想找我帮忙呢 what if they*re just asking for my help? 你听到了吗Do you hear that?救救我Help me!救命救命来人帮帮我Please! Please, I need help!她在说梦话She was talking in her sleep.她说了什么What did she say?他们碰他们摔他们偷"They touch, they break, they steal.这里没有人是自♥由♥的它需要他们It needs them!它需要他们留下来它需要他们It needs them to stay. It needs them to- 好Okay.-好了我们得把她带走来吧Okay, we gotta get her out of here. Come on.肯尼肯尼快来好Kenny, Kenny, come on! -Yeah.快点快点兄弟Come on, come on, come on buddy.起好了Lift up. There we go.走吧Come on.-没事没事对不起对不起It's all right. It*s all right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 不不停下停下No, don't! Stop! Stop!好好了Okay. Okay.好了好了Okay. Okay.好了All right.它在笑话你It*s laughing at you.什么What?因为是你带它去了镇上For bringing it back to town.是你把它放出来的For setting it free.它想伤害我们It wants to hurt us.它想让我们受罪It wants to make us suffer.它碰到你的胳膊时非常兴奋It got so excited when it touched your arm.我要怎么阻止它莎拉How do I stop this? Sara?怎么阻止How do I stop it?朱莉-朱莉Julie. -Julie?朱莉Julie.朱莉-朱莉Julie? -Julie.朱朱莉Ju- Julie.朱莉Ow! Julie.朱莉和其他人-嗯Julie and the others. -Yeah.他们要死了They're dying.他们要死了They*re dying.等他们都死了And when they die,就太迟了it'll be too late.你需要阻止它You need to make it stop!阻止什么啊Okay. Make what stop?音乐音乐The music! The music!你得让音乐停下来You have to make the music stop!好怎么做Okay, how?我该怎么阻止看不见的东西啊How do I stop something I can't see?我不知道好吧好吧I don't know! -Okay, okay, okay.好了好了Oh. All right. All right.好Okay.呼吸Just breathe.很好That's it.呼吸就好Just breathe.闭上眼Close your eyes.让我们祈祷Let's pray.我虽然行过Yea, though I walk through死荫的幽谷the valley of the shadow of death.也不怕遭害.I will fear no evil,因为你与我同在for Thou art with me.你的杖你的竿都会安慰我Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.马提亚斯Matthias?把枪拿到工棚里锁起来吧Take the guns and lock them in the shed.我不想在房♥子里见到它们了I don*t want them in the house.我们昨晚想办法撑过去了We managed to make it through the night.就看看今天如何了Now we just have to see about today.好Okay.吉姆Jim.来Come on.我要做件事There*s something I have to do,我想征得你的同意and I need you to say it*s okay.维克多最后见到她母亲时The last time Victor saw his mother,她说有孩子们被锁在塔里了she told him that there were children locked in a tower, 说如果她能帮助他们大家就都能回家了that if she helped them, then everyone could go home.我不明白I don*t understand.我见到的那些孩子All-all these children I've been seeing,还有我做的有关高塔的梦the dreams Fve been having about a tower.如果她说对了呢what if she was right?如果救朱莉的唯一办法就是找到那座塔呢What if the only way to save Julie is to find that tower?泰贝-亲爱的我知道Tabby- -Honey, I know,我知道听上去很疯狂我的理论I know it sounds crazy. -I had a theory about this place差点害死自己that almost got me killed.这两者不同有什么不同Well, this is different. -How?就是不同It just is.吉姆Jim,我们的女儿躺在那our daughter is laying in that room好像从噩梦中走出来的一样like something out of a nightmare.她昨晚喊我She called for me last night.可我却根本帮不到她and I couldn*t do anything to help her.我就站在那I was just standing there.我能想到和看到的就是and all I could think and see was托马斯躺在地上Thomas lying on the fucking floor.不行吉姆这样不行I can't I can't, Jim.我们不能坐在这希望事情能有所好转We can't sit here hoping for the best.维克多的母亲离开了这个地方再没回来Victor's mother left this place, and she never came back.不管她去做什么了她都没能回来Whatever she went to do, she never came back.维克多一个人在这里独自长大Victor had to grow up here alone.如果你也这样怎么办What if that happens to you?我知道I know.所以我才需要你同意我去That's why I need you to tell me that it's okay for me to go.我必须得试试吉姆拜托了I have to try this, Jim. Please.等朱莉醒来时她一定会饿When Julie wakes up, she's gonna be hungry.我们给她做最爱吃的吧We make her favorite.嘿我们拿吃的来了Hey. -We brought home food.好Oh, good.维克多我能跟你说句话吗Um, Victor, can I talk to you for a minute, please?维克多有麻烦了吗Is Victor in trouble?没有No, no.你过来帮我忙吧You come help me.你说过你母亲想救被锁在塔里的You said your mother wanted to rescue the children孩子们that were locked in the tower.你知道怎么走到塔那里去吗Do you know the way to the tower?但我我知道But I- I know the way.如何到瓶子树那里to the bottle tree.什么The what?想到高塔那里This is how you get to the tower.你你必须先得找到瓶子权You- You have to visit the bottle tree.你能带我去那吗Can you take me there?应该可以I think so.能让我们单独聊两句吗Can you give us a second?吉姆我必须得试试Jim, I have to try this.至少试试I have to at least try.我只是I just.我知道我知道亲爱的我知道I know. I know. I know, baby. I know.那我们要怎么做So, what are we supposed to do?我们回镇上去We head back to town.等等等等什么Wait, wait, wait, what?她说八音盒在这啊She just said that the music box is here.是在这我们得找到它啊It's here. We have to find it, we have to-是你说我们要怎么找Yeah, how do you expect we do that?我不知道I don't know,但我很确定回镇上肯定找不到but I'm pretty sure it's not by going back into town!大家的性命危在旦夕People's lives are at stake here!嘿我不需要你提醒我这一点Hey, I don't need a fucking reminder of what's at stake!我们在这什么都做不到至少现在不行There's nothing we can do here. Not yet.听着我们要对付的东西Look, we're dealing with things已经超出我们的认知范围that are beyond our scope of.我们现在就比上午知道的多We know more now than we knew this morning.这也算是好事That's a win.好吧嗯Okay. -Yeah.那我们要So, what are we我们要怎么跟大家说呢What are we supposed to tell people?告诉大家我们在努力了We tell people that we are working on it.我们能做到最好的事The best thing we can do now is就是让大家稍微镇定些help people feel a little more calmer,让大家没那么害怕help 'em feel less afraid.你能做到吗Can you do that?好好Yeah. Yeah.好Good man.嘿Hey.你还好吗You all right?人们为什么总问些答案如此明显的问题Why do people always ask that when the answer's obvious?听我说兄弟昨晚的事我也很难过Look, man, Tm sorry about last night.让你待在那间屋子里我们只是想Putting you in that room, we were just trying to 是我的错It was my fault.我失控了I lost my shit.宝拉比我擅长处理危机Paula was the one who was good in a crisis.我从没意识到我们如此脆弱I never realized how fragile we are.这么容易就崩溃How easily we break.我还在楼下像个白♥痴♥一样做晚餐I was downstairs making dinner like an idiot.你也无能为力There was nothing you couldVe done.不是任何人的错This was nobody*s fault.是Yeah.不是任何人的错Nobody's fault.嗯Yeah.他怎么样了How's he doing?我只是无法想象发生那种事后我能做些什么I just can't imagine what I'd do if something like that. 如果是你if it was you.嘿来Hey, come here.不是我It wasn't me.我们结婚吧Let's get married.就今天Today.好Yeah.我们不知道会发生什么Look, we have no idea what's gonna happen, 也不知道你父亲能否找到办法or if your dad's gonna find a way to.如果这就是结局了If this is the end, 那我希望能跟你在一起then I want it to end with you.我想结婚I wanna get married.好Okay.好吗Okay?好当然好Okay, yeah, sure. Yeah.你在我酒吧就是干这个吗So, this is what you're doing with my bar?这是个思维试验It*s a thought experiment.我发现这样I used to find this helpful很有帮助当我想when I was developing my, um.你死了You died.对Correct.好吧Okay.就是想在这事上跟你达成共识Welt just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.你不想问我是不是真实存在的吗Well, aren't you gonna ask me if Tm real?我想这是某种由压力引起的精神错乱I imagine this is some sort of stress-induced psychosis, 你很快应该就会自行消失了and you will disappear soon enough on your own.你是在干嘛So what's all this supposed to do?这是让我重新寻找新视角的方法It's a way of reorienting my perspective.我试图I'm trying to.试图找到一种不同的方式来看待这个符号♥trying to find a different way to look at this symbol.为什么Why?为什么Why.因为我看它的方式一直都是错的Because I've been looking at it wrong.这里应该有答案我这是There's gotta be an answer here, Fm just-我只是还没想到I'm not seeing it.你知道我觉得You know I just thought什么怎么了What? What is it?你换成了不起泡的洒You changed the still.不客气You're welcome.我认为你想多了I think you're overthinking it.是吗死汤姆Oh, do you, Dead Tom?哪里想多了In what way? Hm?你已经知道该怎么做了You already know what you have to do.泰贝莎告诉过你她在隧♥道♥里见过这个符号♥Tabitha told you she saw this symbol down in the tunnels.问题是The question is,你愿意花多大精力去寻找答案how far are you willing to go to find answers?进隧♥道♥里去就是疯fGoing down into those tunnels would be insane.就算能救朱莉的命吗Even if it saves Julie's life?妈的No one here is free."这里还有别的东西There*s something else here now.没见过的东西Something new.今晚任何人睡觉都不安全It's not safe for anyone to go to sleep tonight.你们每个人一带他上楼Every one of you. -Get him upstairs!都会死马上把他带走.is gonna fucking die! -Get him outta here now!我刚想起我的梦I just remembered my dream.是个男孩穿着一身白衣There was this boy all dressed in white,他一直在重复同样的话and he kept repeating the same phrase.他们来了“Here they come."三人成行".they come for three,除非你停下那旋律unless you stop the melody.1'我知道这是什么I know that one.这是一首古老的童谣It's an old nursery rhyme.他们碰他们摔"They touch, they break,他们偷这里没人是自♥由♥的“they steal, no one here is free.他们来了三人成行"Here they come, they come for three,除非你停下那旋律unless you stop the melody."朱莉停下Julie! Stop!-他们在楼上They're upstairs.你妈妈和Your mom and.Oh, fuck.我甚至都不知道能不能在下面找到东西You know, I don't even know if I'd find anything down there!你当然能这是大自然的设计Of course you do. Its natural design.就跟你大脑在头骨里Same reason your brain's in your skull,心脏在肋骨后面的原理一样your heart's behind your ribs.大自然总会把最珍贵的东西Nature will always put what's most precious放到最难触及的地方in the spots most difficult to reach.这地方跟自然一点都不沾边Nothing about this place is natural.错了Wrong.这里的东西跟熟悉的事一点都不沾边Nothing about this place is familiar.这是有区别的There's a difference.要能有等待找寻的答案If there's answers to be found.还能被承认这是个很大的前提and granted, that's a- that's a big if.那就是那里了that's where they'll be.那我该怎么做All right, so I'm supposed to what?听取一些建议I'm supposed to take advice from some.你冲进一栋正在倒塌的房♥子里You ran into a house that was falling down去救泰贝莎而她根本就不在那儿to save Tabitha and she wasn*t even there.你知道吗And you know what?要有机会的话我还是会这么做的Given the choice, Td do the same thing again.那你就是个傻♥逼♥ 了Well, then you're a fucking idiot. Like-你不能根据你期望的结果You don't make moral choices based做出道德选择on the outcomes you expect.要根据你是否认为结果是正确You make them based on whether or not而去做出选择you think they're right.我冲进那栋房♥子的时候并没有考虑When I ran into that house, I wasnrt thinking该选哪边或者决定论或者about the Trolley Problem, or determinism, or.什么都没想wasn't thinking of any of that.里面有个16岁小女孩等着你去救There's a 16-year-old girl over there who needs your help.你把宝拉埋了吗Did you bury Paula?什么What?你把宝拉埋葬了吗Did you bury Paula yet?天呐Jesus Christ.我去吧PH do it.我去找人帮忙Ill go and find some people to help.博伊德Boyd?在Yeah.你已经尽力了You're doing the best you can.去他妈的Fuck it!你把枪收起来了You putting the guns away?是啊唐娜不放心把枪搁家里Yeah. Donna was worried about leaving them in the house.确实很聪明要帮忙吗No, it's smart. You need a hand?不用我这就完事儿了No, I'm just about done.没事的啊It*s okay.没事没事It's okay. Its okay.你不过是比我们其他人走的快些罢了You're just gonna go a little sooner than the rest of us.一切都是个系统Everything's a system.一切都有联♥系 ♥Everything's connected.一切都会好起来的Everything's gonna be fine.一切都会好起来的Everything's gonna be fine.去他妈的Fuck my life.不不不不No, no, no, no, no, no!-妈的混♥蛋♥振作起来Fucking piece of shit! Come on!淡定Okay.淡定我可以的Okay, I got this.小菜一碟Easy peasy.他妈的小菜一碟Easy fucking peasy.上头有人吗Anybody up there?跟你说啊Tell you what.要是你真的存在if you are up there.你真♥他♥妈♥是个混♥蛋♥你知道吗 .youfre a real fucking asshole, you know that?你很享受这些吗You enjoying this?如果卡特里在卡特里会说If Khatri were here, Khatri would say,上帝行事神秘"God moves in mysterious ways."是没错因为卡特里有个计划Oh yeah, yeah, 'cause Khatri had a plan.他认为你把他带来这里是有原因的He thought you put him here for a reason. He.他认为我们会像他妈的虎豹小霸王一样He thought that we were gonna walk out into those woods 走进森林里like Butch Cassidy and the motherfucking Sundance Kid!他一直都这么认为He thought that right up until the time直到其中一个那玩意儿割断他的喉咙one of those things slit his fucking throat!他在生命最后一刻在做什么What did he do with his last breaths?在祈祷He prayed.他上气不接下气的祈祷He gasped out that fucking prayer这样你就能知道so that you would know.这样他就能告诉你他从没失去过信仰So that he could show you that he had he never lost faith.我跟你说啊王八蛋You know what, motherfucker?我不是来祈祷的I ain*t here to pray.如果你不是我们自己编的睡前故事If you are anything other than some bedtime fucking story 那你就告诉我这是为什么that we tell ourselves, then you will tell me why!为什么你让我觉得我能解决这个问题Why you made me think I could fix this.某个他妈的英雄会带这帮人回家Some kind of fucking hero gonna lead these people home, 而我不过就是个一直在when all I am is a dumb motherfucker害死别人的傻♥逼♥who keeps getting people killed!W该死Damn it!去你♥妈♥的♥你觉得这样有意思吗You fuck. You think this is funny?你在上面笑呢吧Huh? You up there somewhere having a fucking laugh?回答我啊回答我Just. answer me! Answer me!说话啊Huh? Say something!你知道You know.破坏邮箱可是联邦重罪.tampering with a mailbox is a federal crime.请进Come in.她怎么样了How's she doing?越来越糟糕了She's getting worse.她体温越来越低She's, um, she's getting cold.真的就这样了吗Is this really it?结局就是这样了吗Is this how it ends?我不知道I don't know.自从她走下那辆大巴You know, ever since she walked off that bus我就让自己I actually allowed myself相信一切自有天意to believe that there was a plan to all of this.我们注定要在这里做些什么That there was something we were meant to do here.但没有But there's no.没什么宏伟的结局There's no grand design.我们都会命丧此处We're all gonna die here.所有这一切都是徒劳的And all this would have been for nothing.我爸曾经说过You know, my dad used to say,在你只是跟毛线的时候"Its hard to see the sweater很难看出来毛衣的全貌的when you're only just a thread."直到现在我才知道这话是什么意思I didn't really know what he meant 'til now.所有被困在这里的人All of the people that have gotten stuck here.也许我们并不是能回家的人.maybe we aren't the ones that get to go home.也许我们在这里做的事But maybe what we did here.能让之后来的人更容易些.makes it easier for the people who come next.也许我们是他们得以回家的机缘Maybe werre the reason that they get to go home.仅仅因为我们是一根毛线不代表我们就不重要Just because we're only a thread doesn*t mean we don't matter. 搞定There ya go.你最不需要的就是Last thing you need is Khatri haunting you被卡特里缠上over everything else.为时已晚It's too late for that.朱莉和玛丽埃尔Julie and Marielle.兰德尔Randall.莎拉说他们要死了Sara says they*re dying.他们一旦走了就再也没法把精灵And once they*re gone, there's no putting the genie放回瓶子里了back in the bottle.不管这东西是什么