The Golden Girls《黄金女郎(1985)》第三季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
谢谢你做我的朋友Thank you for being a friend.旅行数日后又重回此处Traveled down the road and back again.你的心是如此真诚Your heart is true.你是我的贴心好友You're a pal and a confidante.若你要开个派对And if you threw a party.邀请所有熟人到场Invited everyone you knew.你将发现最好的礼物是我送出的You would see the biggest gift would be from me.贺卡上将会写着And the card attached would say.感谢你与我为友“Thank you for being a friend"黄金女郎第三季第一集布兰琪把这个也给你Here,Blanche,you can add this to the pile.你不是认真的吧You're not serious.你不能把这条裙子拿去义卖♥♥You're not given this dress to the rummage sale.这是你最好看的衣服了This is the best looking outfit you own.你是对的我穿这衣服还是很好看You're right. I still look damn good in this thing.我不确定有那么好看Well, I don't know about "damn good."这种设计确实突出你的臀部That particular design does tend to accentuate your behind, 同时看不到你的沟while simultaneously diminishing your cleavage.等一下布兰琪Wait just a minute. Blanche,首先你告诉我这是我拥有的最漂亮的衣服first you tell me this is the prettiest outfit I own, 然后你又说我穿起来不太好看then you tell me I don't look very good in it.He said too many people peed in the ocean.你的埃德娜呢What about your Edna?-埃德娜?-她喜欢沙滩吗-Edna?- Did she like the beach?你注意到这些鸟了吗You ever notice the birds?我在问你的妻子I'm asking you about your late wife,你却问我这些鸟?you're asking me about birds?在公园里它们想让你喂它们At the park, they want you to feed them,但在这里它们会照顾自己but here they take care of themselves.在这里它们都能做成开胃菜了你想说什么Here they could die for clams casino, what's your point?我不知道I don*t know.我在问埃德娜I'm asking about Edna.埃德娜? 你妻子-Edna? - Your wife.抱歉我想我只是不懂暗示Oh, hey. Tm sorry, I guess I just can't take a hint.有些关于萨尔瓦多的事There's some things about Salvador我也是难以启齿I still have trouble talking about.当然有些事情我是不允许谈论的Of course, other things I'm not allowed to talk about除非斯卡波利家族跟我先签个协议unless I want the Scarpoli family to put out a contract on me.嘿最后那段是我瞎编的Hey, I made up that last part,是想让气氛轻松点trying to lighten the moment.对不起阿尔文别哭了I'm sorry, Alvin. Don*t cry.没关系的That's okay.想哭就哭出来吧You cry all you want.黛西讲讲道理Daisy, honey, be reasonable.你为什么不把熊还给我Now why won*t you give the bear back?因为它是我的Because he belongs to me.它才不是你的亲爱的He does not belong to you, sweetheart.它是萝丝的No, he belongs to Rose.这是她给我的She gave him to me.但是亲爱的我无权这么做But honey, I had no right to do that.你是说你犯了个错误吗You mean, you made a mistake?是的这只是一个愚蠢的错误Yes, that's all it was, just a silly mistake.在阳光学园中你必须为你的错误付出代价In Sunshine Cadets, we learn you have to pay for your mistakes. 你得赔上一辆十速的自行车This one's gonna cost you a ten-speed Schwinn.阳光学园没教过你要诚实Daisy. Didn't the Sunshine Cadets teach you anything about懂礼貌和尊重长辈吗?honesty and decency and respect for your elders?这节课应该是在瓦克塔克湖I think that was scheduled for the weekend周末露营时安排的campout at Lake Wakatake.我错过了I missed it, when I was grounded for因为在男厕所抽烟而被禁足了catching a smoke in the boys* john.桃乐茜我们没招了Dorothy, we're shafted.这周末你们能把自行车给我吗Think you could have the bike by this weekend?听着黛西我不喜欢被恐吓Listen, daisy, I don't like being intimidated.我不喜欢被威胁I do not like being threatened.坦白说孩子我不喜欢你And frankly, kid, I don't like you.我不会给你买♥♥任何东西And I am not going to buy you anything.我要告诉你的家人你在做什么and I am going to tell your folks what you're doing 然后我要给收留坏女孩的学校打电♥话♥and then I'm going to call the school for bad girls他们会来把你接走and they will come and pick you up装进麻袋and put you in a sack把你抓走and take you away你再也不能吃冰淇淋或跳皮筋了and you will never eat ice cream or play jump rope again.别搞笑了老奶奶Get real, grandma.不管怎样我要得到自行车Either way, I'll get the bike.我的父母会很难过是因为两个刻薄的老太太My folks will feel terrible because two mean old ladies逼我把熊退回去forced me to return my toy.还因为在去她们家路上And because it was ruined in the accident熊被毁坏了on the way back to their house.意外吗Accident?看见没 这把水枪装的是红墨水See this water pistol? It's loaded with red ink.-大家好啊萝丝别动-Hi, everybody. - Rose, don't move.她拿着泰迪熊还有一把水枪She's got the teddy bear and a water pistol.什么?What?萝丝你再听一遍也会觉得很可笑Rose, it won't sound any less ridiculous if you hear it again.你找到了我的泰迪熊它之前在哪You found my teddy. Where was he?你没告诉她吗You didn't tell her?告诉我什么Tell me what?现在可是涨价了I think the price just went up.我会在48小时内告诉你Fil get back to you within 48 hours.这什么情况她带费尔南多去哪了?What's going on? Where did she take Fernando?她带回家了She took him home, Rose.萝丝其实吧Rose, see, honey, Fernando doesn't费尔南多已经不是你的了exactly belong to you anymore.我不小心把它给了黛西I kind of gave him to Daisy by mistake.要回来啊Get him back.我想要我的泰迪她只是个孩子-1 want my teddy. - Honey, she's just a child.你不能指望孩子把玩具还给你You can't expect a child to give back a toy.现在你明白了吧Now you do understand, don't you?少废话赶紧把熊给我要回来Just cut the crap and get back the damn bear.你去哪儿了你知道现在几点了吗Where you been? Know what time it is?9:009:00.做梦呢吧你又坐错车了 ?In your dreams. You take the wrong bus again?不过没事啥也没发生Never mind, you didn't miss anything.你在干什么What do you think you're doing?我觉得我是在编织实话说I think I'm crocheting but to tell you the God's honest truth, 我也不知道这是啥I wouldn*t swear to it.这是我的座位你坐到我的座位了This is my seat. You're sitting in my seat.不好意思哦我不知道你80岁的屁♥股♥还这么敏感 Excuse me, I didn't know your 80 year old butt was so sensitive. 我每天都坐在这里你无权坐在我的座位上I sit in this seat every day. You got no right sitting in my seat.别急我挪一下Relax. I'm moving.你总是做这种事You*re always doing this kind of thing.你从来不为别人着想只考虑你自己You're never thinking about anybody but yourself.你在说什么What are you talking about?你知道我在说什么You know what I'm talking about.我没有坐错车I didn't take the wrong bus.那个傻♥逼♥司机走错路了另一条路That dumb-ass driver went the wrong way.走的另外的路你知道的A different way, and you know it!你到底是怎么了What the helfs the matter with you?阿尔文Alvin. Alvin.早啊索菲亚Morning, Sophia.你在干啥呢我在这飘着呢走开萝丝-What are you doing? -Irm levitating, Rose. Get lost.哎我不该这么对你你是个好孩子Aw, come back here. You didn't deserve that. You're a good kid.-只是有点沮丧-是吗-Just a little depressed. -Really?你知道我也很沮丧You know, I'm depressed too.你在沮丧什么What are you depressed about?阿尔文和我吵了一架Alvin and I had a fight.我当时在嘲笑一个现在已经失去了的朋友I'm making a scoff for a friend I don*t have anymore.我能体会你的感受I know exactly how you feel.这是我给费尔南多做的I made these for Fernando.我以为你和那个侏儒分手了I thought you broke up with that midget.费尔南多不是侏儒它是我最亲密的老朋友Fernando's not a midget. He's my oldest and closest friend.我认识阿尔文的时间不长但我以为关系很近了I didn't know Alvin that long but I thought we were getting close. 真不敢相信他就这么走了I can't believe it just walked away.费尔南多总是在我身边Fernando was always there for me.每当我害怕或沮丧时Whenever I was scared or down about something, 我就会翻过身来和它相依偎Ed just roll over and snuggle up against him in bed.我和阿尔文还没上过床I never went to bed with Alvin.我从来没有过这个想法The thought never crossed my mind奇怪的是我一直对那种“传说”很好奇which is odd because I've always wondered about that myth.是叫艾尔文的传说吗There's a myth about people named Alvin?关于黑人在卧室里的传说The myth about black men in the bedroom.是希腊神话吗?Is that a Greek myth?去开门萝丝Get the door, Rose.-是你啊-早上好-You. - Good morning.小孩你到底想要啥Well, kid, what do you want?我改变主意了我不该要这些礼物I changed my mind. I was wrong to ask for all those gifts. 桃乐茜你看我就知道她会讲道理的Dorothy, you see, I knew she*d come to her senses.我觉得现金更好I decided cash is better.这样我就能买♥♥到我想要的东西That way I can buy exactly what I want.我去拿钱包Fil get my purse.不我不会让你掏钱的No. Blanche, I'm not gonna let you do that.我想了很久I've been doing a lot of thinking,经过这么多年的爱和陪伴and if after all the years of love and companionship如果现在我们注定要分开Fernando and I are meant to part company 我只能接受这个事实Fil just have to accept that.生活有时会对你不友好Time to time, life deals you an unfriendly hand.对此也无能为力There*s nothing you can do about it.我想我们应该从中吸取教训I guess there's a lesson to be learned here.有时候生活就是不公平小屁孩Sometimes; life just isn't fair, kiddo.-早啊阿尔文-Morning. - Alvin.我坐对地方了吗Am I sitting in the right place?看情况如果你等公交去杰克逊维尔Depends. If you looking to catch a bus to Jacksonville, 可就坐错地方了you could be in big trouble.你这个老家伙你知道我在说什么You old geezer, you know what I'm talking about.有一半时间我都怀疑你不知道自己在说什么Half the time I suspect you don't know what you're talking about. 尤其是你开始用意大利语嘟嚷的时候Especially when you start all that muttering in Italian.我看啊一半的词都是你编的I swear, you make up half those words.我给你带来这个Here. I brought you this.因为你觉得抱歉?Because you're sorry?因为我渴了我想你可能也渴了Because I'm thirsty and I figured you might be too.随便吧Whatever.他们这一对真的很要好不是吗They're really quite a pair, aren't they?-不太明白-我父亲和你母亲-Excuse me? -My father and your mother.他们每天都这样坐着They sit like that all day, every day.他甚至开始叫我丈夫He's even started referring to my husband as“那个蠢蛋”"that dumb badgagaloop.'1你怎么知道她是我母亲How'd you know that she was my mother?我只是从你的眼神猜出来的Just a guess. From the way you were watching.昨天发生的事之后我以为你会出现After what happened yesterday, I thought you might show up.他告诉你吵架的事了He told you about the fight?不我看到了我当时在这No, I saw it. I was here.现在看来没有什么问题了Well, there doesn't seem to be any problem now.你不是说这是冷饮吗这不冷不热的I thought you said this was a cold drink. Itfs lukewarm.我要的是不加冰I told him no ice.你这个笨蛋你认为是什么让它变冷的You dumb badgagaloop.What do you think makes it cold?你的态度太伤人心了Your attitude is making me cold, woman.客气点然后说声谢谢So lighten up and say thank you.好的谢谢All right, thank you.-什么?-谢谢你的汽水-What? -Thank you for the soda.我想我们扯平了这回是我的错I guess we're even This fight was my fault.昨天可是你的错Yesterday was yours.昨天?Yesterday?如果你愿意忘记这事我也愿意Hey, if you're willing to forget about it, so am I.他的状况时好时坏He has his good days and he has his bad days.你永远不知道会发生什么You just never know what to expect.我理解我妈也是这样No, I understand. My mother can be the same way.我想这只是变老的一部分吧I guess it's just part of getting older.也不全是Some of it.但我父亲不会再好起来了But my father isn't going to get any better.他只会变得更糟He's only gonna get worse.男运动装售货员So that's when the salesman from men's sportswear直接进小码女装店walks clear across the store into ladyfs petite对我说:对不起小姐and says, "Excuse me, Miss.我看你一直在纠结是穿绿松石抹胸裙I notice you've been having a hard time deciding between 还是穿火红露背裙the turquoise strapless and the flaming red backless.就我个人而言我更想看你穿露背装Well, personally, I would like to see you in the backless.11 我说什么时候他说星期六晚上怎么样And I said, "When?" And he said, "How about Saturday night?" 我说做梦去吧变♥态♥And I said, "How about in your dreams, sleazo?'1你能相信有这么变♥态♥的?Can you believe the nerve of that guy?你穿小码干什么?What were you doing in lady's petite?-妈?-进来吧-Ma? - Come in.-噢桃乐茜你有时间吗-有-Oh Dorothy,fm glad you're home. Got a minute? - Sure.给我织一条围巾Good. Crochet me a scarf.妈我得跟你谈谈阿尔文Ma, I need to talk to you about Alvin.他生病了He's sick, Ma.你说什么呢你都没见过他What are you talking about? You've never seen him.我见过他I've seen him, Ma.你们吵架之后我很担心你After you had that fight, I was worried about you and I 就跟着你去了沙滩边followed you to the boardwalk.那是你啊?谢天谢地That was you? Thank God.我以为那个打手吉诺被假释了I thought Gino the Enforcer was out on parole.现在能让我把要说的说出来吗Ma, please. Will you let me say what I have to say?也许我不想听你说什么Maybe I don't want to hear what you have to say.也许我很高兴什么都不知道Maybe I'm happy not knowing anything.或者你已经知道了Or maybe you know already.我又不笨I'm not stupid.哪句是实话?Now, which one is the truth?都是啊Both.但是往好了说but on the bright side, honey,你才多久穿一次啊how often do you get out of your robe on the weekends?我已经把纸箱放进了车里I finished letting the cartons into the car.谢谢你黛西亲爱的Oh, thank you, Daisy, darling.你真是太贴心了You know, it*s very sweet of you大周六早上来帮忙筹款活动to give up your Saturday morning to help with this fundraiser.这就是成为阳光学员的意义所在That's what being a sunshine cadet is all about.我知道我喜欢你们的目标I knowjm so admire your motto.全撒开"Spread it around."广撒阳光布兰琪That's sunshine, Blanche.把阳光洒在任何地方"Spread sunshine around."随便吧Whatever.黛西尼伦德走之前在她床上放了些东西Daisy, Mrs. Nylund put some things out on her bed before she left.你能把它们拿过来吗?当然谢谢-Would you bring them in here? - Sure, Mrs. Devereaux.妈你去哪啊Hi ma,where you going?去沙滩边Down to the boardwalk.我喜欢看那些老家伙们I like to sit and watch the old guys刚从水里出来的样子rearrange themselves when they come out of the water.你要去哪里-我要去义卖♥♥了我能看出阿尔文身上有些不对劲I could see there was something about Alvin that wasn't right. 他患有老年痴呆症Ma, he has Alzheimer's disease.我当时在那遇到了他女儿I met his daughter down at the boardwalk.她说他刚开始走神的时候She said that when he first started wandering off,她就跟着他到处走she followed him everywhere.她请了假以便能照顾他She took a leave of absence from her job to take care of him.但她负担不了那么久了But she's not gonna be able to afford that much longer.他家人想把他送去纽约Uh, the family's discussed sending him to New York.他有个侄子在纽约当医生He has a nephew可以给他特别的照顾who's a doctor there and can give him special care.桑德拉说在他接下来的几个月里And Ma, Sandra says that within the next couple of months, 他们将不得不这样做they're gonna do that.桃乐茜人们总是认为如果能活到我这个年纪You know, Dorothy, people think if you live to be my age, 你就该庆幸自己还活着you should be grateful just to be alive.其实不是这样的Welt that's not how it works.你早上需要一个起床的理由You need a reason to get up in the morning.有时候即使你找到了And sometimes even after you find one,生活也会转过身来给我一个耳光life can turn right around and spit in your face.我很抱歉妈I'm sorry, Ma.只有几个月是吧A few months, huh?这些时间够我织好围巾了That should give me enough time to finish the scarf.-妈?-桃乐茜你来这儿多久了-Ma? -Dorothy.How long have you been here?来了一会了A while.他不会再回来了是吧-对-He's not coming back, is he?- No.这几个月过得很愉快It was a nice couple of months.我会想他的Fil miss him.他会记得我吗Think he'll remember me?我不知道I don't know.我会记得他的ril remember him.我织好了围巾I finished the scarf, you know.哦太棒了Oh, great.下次我们去纽约的时候你就可以给他了Next time we go to New York, maybe you'll take it to him.不了我还是寄过去吧Nah, I think I'll mail it.那样的话我就可以想象他还在这里的样子That way, I'll always picture him right here on the boardwalk.嘿!有人坐在那儿!Hey! Someone's sitting there!-Where are you going? -fm off to the rummage sale.你想搭车吗Would you like a ride?不我想翻筋斗过去No, I want to do cockmills for six miles.拿上你的钥匙赶紧走Get your keys, let's roll.尼伦德夫人的东西Here are Mrs. Nylund's things.放在这吧谢谢Put them right here. Thank you.真不敢相信她不要这只泰迪熊了I can't believe shers giving away this teddy bear.我希望我有足够得到钱能买♥♥下它I wish I could afford to buy him at the sale.你喜欢它吗You like him?我觉得它是我这辈子见过最可爱的了I think he's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my whole life.那我就把它送给你它是你的了Well, then I'm gonna give him to you.He's yours.噢谢谢你谢谢你德弗罗太太Oh, thank you, Mrs. Devereaux. Thank you! Thank you!不客气You're welcome.嗨尼伦德太太嗨黛西-Hi, Mrs. Nylund. - Hi, Daisy.再见黛西那是黛西对吗Bye, Daisy.That was Daisy, wasn't it?是的你不在的时候她一直在帮忙Yes, she's been helping out the entire time