Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第六季第十九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
欲望城市(性♥爰♥专家凯莉布雷萧并且勇于发问) “情迷巴黎(上)”有些衣服等了 一辈子才找到适当的时机亮相Some outfits wait a lifetime to be taken somewhere special. 有些人也是那样The same can be true of people.我是亚力Hi, it's Aleks.别整理行李了Stop packing.巴黎也可以买♥♥到衣服They have clothes here in Paris.明天见See you tomorrow.祝你一路平安Safe flight.我是米兰达Hi, it's Miranda.这已是我第40次打电♥话♥求你别去巴黎 No, this is not my 40th "please don't go to Paris" call. 已经三周了很好笑吗?It's been three weeks, is that funny yet?总之我帮我们订了餐厅Anyway, I got us a dinner reservation.你搭九点的飞机我们就得六点吃饭You're leaving at nine so we have to eat at six, 活得像老年人谢谢你了which makes us senior citizens. Thank you.或许我该说谢谢美女求求你别走Or should I say merci beau. Please don*t go.凯莉Carrie.是我It's me.我在城里I'm in town.听着我真的想见你回我电♥话♥Look, I'd really like to see you, so call me.号♥码没变如果你忘了Same number, and in case you*ve forgotten, it's.我来找亚力山大佩特洛夫斯基I'm staying here with Aleksandr Petrovsky.是的布雷萧小姐Very good, Miss Bradshaw.佩特洛夫斯基先生在沙龙里I believe Mr. Petrovsky is in the salon right now. 是吗Ah! Oui?是的-好的.-Yes. -Oh, okay.我的行李So, um, the luggage?谢谢Merci.谢谢Thank you.凯莉你来了Oh, Carrie, you're here!嗨Hi.看到你我好高兴Oh, so nice to see you.嗨Hi.我要你见见我女儿克萝依I want you to meet my daughter, Chloe.抱歉我只听得懂10跟30I'm sorry, all I got was "it's ten thirty."你不会输法文?Oh, you don't speak French?我正在学但是Well, I'm learning, but.克萝依说她今天心情不好Chloe was saying that she's having a bad day 她想自杀and she wants to kill herself.她真的很惨0h. -She's a bit dramatic.跟男朋友有问题-Boyfriend troubles. -Oh.那是我的专长Well, that's my department.跟我谈谈那个混♥蛋♥So, tell me all about the bum.爸爸说这是你第一次来巴黎?Papa tells me this is your first visit to Paris?如果看电影幻想不算的话Well, not if you include movies.我不敢相信我终于来了But I can*t believe Fm finally here.看到艾菲尔铁塔我差点大叫I almost screamed when we drove by the Eiffel Tower.真可怕Oh, terrible.以前我还可以忍♥受它但是It was tolerable before, but.现在晚上加演灯光秀now with that light show at night.真的是太可怕了Hideous. Just hideous.我希望克萝依今晚能跟我们喝一杯I wanted Chloe to meet us for drinks tonight,但她只有今天下午有空陪老爸but the only time she could give her old papa is from now 'til this afternoon.你们两个应该好好独处You two should have your day alone.有我当电灯泡只会打扰你们All the interpreting for me is gonna cut your time in half.我可以整理行李睡个觉调整一下我的时差I can unpack and take a nap, and try to get on Paris time.好吗?Okay?我还要见几个博物馆的朋友Oh, also, I have to meet some people from the museum跟他们提早吃晚餐for an early dinner.但我只会吃一点然后我们可以一起出去好吗?But PH eat light, so we can go out then, okay?我已经到巴黎了I'm in Paris!别担心我Don't you worry about me.好吧-Okay. -Okay.再见-See you. -Okay.很高兴见到你Uh, nice to meet you.我也很高兴能见到你It was nice to meet you too.-谢谢再见-Thank you. -Bye.再见Bye.我要去几号♥房♥ ?Uh. Where am I going?625 号♥房♥Oh, 625.真棒Perfect.再见Au revoir.谢谢你Thank you.10小前后Ten hours later.我盛装打扮佩特洛夫斯基却没有出现All dressed up, and no Petrovsky to go.你的法官朋友写的推荐信在哪里?Oh, where is the recommendation from your friend the judge? 这里Here.我去帮凯莉拿信时And Carrie left hers at home,会顺便把她的推荐信拿回来so I can pick it up when I get her mail later in the week.这个世界有那么多弃婴It's amazing with all the unwanted children我们却得做这些事we have to do all this.私人领养中心竞争激烈Well, this private adoption is a very competitive market.中国的弃婴不多吗?More competitive than China?我们得等上一年We've got like a year's wait on that list.亲爱的上帝一定会帮我们挑个好孩子Honey, God is gonna send us a baby.from somewhere.我们的工作是填写表格And it's just our job to file all the papers并且表现得非常急躁让人不安and to just be as aggressive as we can, up to the point of obnoxious. 阿门Amen.抱歉我回来晚了-Hey. -Pm sorry I'm late.我跟博物馆的人吃晚餐结果时间一拖再拖This museum dinner turned into this big, long thing个展赞助商跟其他赞助人都来了with the exhibit sponsors and other patron's riffraff.-抱歉-你为什么不打电♥话♥来?-Sorry. -Why didn*tyou call?我打了I did.你要柜台帮你拒绝来电You had the do not disturb on your phone.对Oh, right.我忘了I forgot.你有睡觉吗?Did you sleep?你睡饱了吗?Did you get enough sleep?睡饱了Yeah.好吧现在是纽约的晚餐时间Well. Itrs dinner time in New York.祝你好胃口Bon appetit.你看起来好像甜点You look like dessert.你的千层派下藏了什么?What's under your mille fille? 千层派层层相叠Mille fille. 1,000 layers.,. a One, two, three.四五六four, five, six.七八九十seven, eight, nine; ten.天啊快住手Oh, my God. Stop. Oh, my God!如果你们想知道乳腺癌的真面目.If you want to see the face of breast cancer.看看你们的四周look around you.它就是你隔壁的洗衣店女工It's the woman next to you at the dry cleaners,小儿科护士the nurse in pediatrics,到学校接孩子的单亲妈妈the single mother picking her child up from school.你确定暖气关了Are you sure the heat is off?去他的化疗Fucking chemo.我说到哪里了 ?Where was I?她带着了解的微笑She's the woman with the knowing smile.诉说着“我打败了乳腺癌我可以征服世界”I beat cancer, I can take on the world!很棒吧?It's good, huh?怎么了?What is that?它有点老套It's kinda stiff.完全没有你的风格I just thought it would sound more like you.这篇演说非常有启示性It's an inspirational speech.在嗜酒者互诫协会说真话才会有启示性At AA, the most inspirational speakers are the ones who keep it real. 说真话?Keep it real?我要在正式晚宴上演讲I'm speaking at a black tie benefit,不是在吹牛老爹的派对上耍宝not chillin' at P. Diddy's crib.我是说真♥相♥才有力量I'm just saying, the truth is powerful.你是戒酒专家我是公♥关♥Look, you may know AA, but I know PR.现在不好意思Now, if you'll excuse me;我得把头伸进冰箱里I simply must stick my head in the freezer.在巴黎待了一星期之后After a week in Paris, 我觉得我的法文进步了许多I decided my French was now strong enough可以勇敢面对终极挑战to brave the ultimate test.到街上去血拼A day of shopping.你好女士Bonjour, madame!你好Bonjour! Whoa!-你没事吧?-我没事-Can I help you? -Fine. Yeah, Tm fine.我的皮包Oh, my purse. Oh.没事It's fine.有人去大血拼了Someone has been shopping, huh?我跌倒了I fell.我在迪奥里面跌倒了I fell in Dior.所以我想我买♥♥得越多So, I decided that the more I purchased, 他们就不会认为我是“在迪奥跌倒的美国人"the less they'd think of me as the American who fell in Dior.他们不会那么想的They donrt think like that.至少现在不会Well, not anymore they don't.这趟血拼之旅跟切除脑叶手术差不多This is the shopping equivalent of a lobotomy.可怜的宝贝Oh, poor baby.我的皮包飞了出去My purse went flying.我得把所有东西捡回来I had to scoop everything up.我大老远从纽约来这里结果趴在迪奥地上捡东西I came all the way from New York to squat and scoop in Dior. 我甚至没时间检查I didn't even bother to check and see我有没有把信♥用♥卡♥都捡回来if I had all my credit cards.很明显你捡回了一张Well, apparently you had one.这一张我很多年都不会再用它One that I won't be using again for many, many years.不Oh, no.不我的天啊No, no, oh, my God.怎么了?What?我的凯莉项链不见了My Carrie necklace was in here.我把它放在这里我找不到它I put it in here. I don't see it.它不在这里该死It's not in here. Oh, damn it.我的天我不能失去我的凯莉项链Oh, my God, no. I can't have lost my Carrie necklace. No!买♥♥保险了吗?Was it insured?不不是那样的No, no, it's not like that.它不值钱但它是It cost like nothing, but it's.它是无价之宝我It's priceless. Tm.我保存它很久了所以I've just had it forever, so.喂Hello?太早了吗?Is it too early?凯莉你好吗?Carrie, hi, how's it going?我真的很沮丧Oh, I'm really upset.怎么了?What's wrong?不是什么大事我只是It's nothing serious, I just.我把我的凯莉项链弄丢了I lost my Carrie necklace.它不见了我永远都找不到东西代替它And it*s gone and I'll never be able to replace it我跟你们一起去市集时买♥♥了它然后and I got it at that street fair when we were all together and.我真的好难过It just makes me so sad.那当然我了解Sure, I understand.在巴黎没有人能了解Well, no one in Paris seems to understand.至少没人能了解我Or at least they don't understand me.回家来吧Come home.不行我来这里才一星期I can*t come home. I just, I've only been here a week.除了丢掉项链之外你还好吧?So, aside from the necklace, how's it going?在这里生活很辛苦Well, you know, it's hard.比我想像中还辛苦It's harder than I thought.我不会说法文这里又冷又湿I don't speak the language and it's too cold and rainy没办法整天散步我去过每间博物馆两次to walk around all day, I've been to every museum like twice.我不知道I. I don't know, I'm.我我失落感很重rm. Tm just sort of lost.-亚力在哪里? 一个展花掉的时间比他预期中长-Where's Aleks? -Well, the exhibit is taking much more time than he thought, 所以我常一个人soI'm alone a lot.回家来吧Come home.那太可笑了我才刚到That's ridiculous, I just got here.我是认真的你听起来真的很沮丧I'm serious, you sound really upset.不我只是在闹孩子脾气No, I'm just being a baby.我弄丢了我的项链You know, I lost my necklace我看到那些女孩在吃午餐and I saw these girls having lunch and.我只是I just.我只是觉得我很想你们I just thought how much I miss you guys.我们也想你We miss you too.这真的太荒谬了我在巴黎Oh, this is absurd, I'm in Paris!我一直想到这里来这真的.I've wanted to come here my whole life. This is.我太闲了才会胡思乱想I just have, you know, too much time to think.那是什么意思?What does that mean?我想告诉你一件事Can I tell you something and you won't use against me你发誓以后不会取笑我?when I feel better and everything's great?那当然Yeah.我.一直在想大人物I. I keep thinking about Big.我在想About.如果是跟大人物来巴黎那会是什么样子What it would be like if I'd. if I'd come here with Big.喂Hello?我还在听I'm still here.当我跟其他男朋友But that's just something I do出现问题时我都会那么做你知道的when things aren't going perfectly with any guy, you know.我拿他们跟大人物比较I compare 'em to Big.天啊Oh. Oh, God,我听不懂法国总机在说this French phone is saying something that I don't.凯莉听着Carrie, listen.如果你们想知道乳腺癌的真面目.If you want to see the face of breast cancer.看看你们的四周look around you.它就是你隔壁的洗衣店女工It's the woman next to you at the dry cleaners.小儿科护士The pediatrics.到学校接孩子的单亲妈妈The single mother picking her child up from school.我要她有启示性不是要她满身大汗I said inspirational, not perspirational.她既勇敢又能干删除留言Deleted.花了那么多时间整理好行李后After many more hours of packing,我出发去吃最后的晚餐I was off for our version of the last supper.如果穆♥罕♥默♥德♥没有走到山边Well, if Mohammed won't come to the mountain.你好小鬼Hiya, kid.嗨Hi.我刚好经过看到你的灯还亮着I was in the neighborhood, saw your light on.我能跟你谈一谈吗?Can I talk to you?我跟朋友约好吃饭要迟到了Well, uh, Irm late for dinner with the girls.现在是五点四十五分It's 5:45.快上车吧外面很冷Come on, get in, it's cold.劳尔麻烦让我们独处一下Raoul, give us a minute, will ya?不没事的他No, no, it's okay, he doesn't.外面.很冷Its. Its cold.他很强壮的对吧?劳尔Oh, he's a tough guy, right, Raoul?我付小费时就跟洛克菲勒差不多PH tip like a Rockefeller.我很抱歉没有回你电♥话♥I'm sorry for not returning your calls.我觉得自己像个黏人的女孩Yeah, I was starting to feel like a needy chick.我做了什么事惹你生气吗?Did I do something to piss you off?不我No, it's.我一直在忙别的事She's brave, she's capable.她就是你she's you.该死她就是我Oh, fuck it, she's me.如果你们跟我一样全身发烫And if any of you are having hot flashes like I am, 你们都该拿到勋章you deserve a fucking medal.掉头发就已经够糟糕了Bad enough I lose my hair, 现在流汗流到妆也化掉了now I have my face running down my couture.去死吧Oh, to hell with it.那样子好多了Whoo! That*s better.(给夏洛特妈妈凯莉宝宝的推荐信)是我请留言Hey, it's me, leave a message.是我It's me.我知道你要我别再打电♥话♥给你I know you said you never wanted me to call you again. 但我还在城里But I'm still in town我不知道你能不能听到and I don't know if you*re even calling this number, 但我还是要说.but I had to call.我想这个时候我没什么好失去的I figure at this point I've got nothing to lose.除了你之外Except you.我不能再失去你凯莉I can't lose you again, Carrie.我爱你I love you.我是夏洛特Hi, it's Charlotte.她的电脑还放在床上And her computer was just sitting there on the bed.多年来你们一直不喜欢我Well, I know I haven't been your favorite over the years. 我不会那么说I wouldn't say that.我会I would.天啊我真的伤透了凯莉的心Well, God knows, Tve made a lot of mistakes with Carrie. 我搞砸了I fucked it up.很多次Many times.我知道I know that.听着我需要你们的建议Look, I need your advice.你们比任何人都了解她You three know her better than anyone.你们是她的最爱You're the loves of her life.任何男人能排到第四名就够幸运了And a guy's just lucky to come in fourth.但我真的爰她But I do love her.如果你们觉得我还有一丝希望And if you think I have the slightest chance,我会搭下一班前往巴黎的飞机ril be on the next plane to Paris, I'll roam the streets 在街上不停地寻找她until I find her, Til do anything.但如果你们觉得她真的快乐.But if you think that she really is happy.我不想毁了她的幸福Well, I wouldn't want to wreck that for her.我会从此消失And Fil be history.去找我们的朋友吧Go get our girl.那是什么?And what is that?我的天啊Oh, my God.我知道这不是凯莉项链I know this is not "the Carrie necklace/1但这是要给凯莉的项链but it's a necklace for Carrie.天啊,Oh, my.那是钻石吧?These aren't diamonds?我不会把它放在你的旧皮包里Well, lets just say I wouldn't throw it around in your old purse. 希望它能让你打起精神I hope this cheer you up.谢谢你Thank you.-你想试戴一下吗?-我要-Wanna try? -Yes.好了Okay.可以吗?-漂亮极了-It's alright? -It's lovely.听着我知道我一直都很忙Listen, I know Fve been busy.但个展开始之后But as soon as the exhibit opens,我我发誓会好好陪你好吗?it'll be just you and me, I promise, okay?亚力?Aleks?安德烈-Hey! -Andre!晚安他是我最好的朋友安德烈-Bon soir. -This is Andre, my best friend.记得吗我跟你提过他记得-Remember, I told you about him. -Oh, yeah!晚安Bon soir.I've just been busy with other things.听着上次我伤了你的心Look, I know I freaked out about us the last time I was here, and. 没关系No, it's fine.你对我很好我想要You were amazing to me and I.你你也很好You. You were fine.你能不能让我说完?Would you let me finish?自从上次起我一直在想我们And since then, Fve been thinking a lot about us.你不必这么做You don*t have to do this, okay?那真的没必要There's. There's really no point.没关系的It's all fine.劳尔快冻坏了我得去跟我的朋友见面Raoufs freezing and I have to go meet the girls.我知道了Got it.明天晚上一起吃饭?How about dinner tomorrow?喝点东西?Drinks?我又开始觉得自己很黏人了I'm starting to feel like that chick again.明天我不在这里今晚我要飞到巴黎I won't be here tomorrow. I'm leaving for Paris tonight.巴黎? 一对-Paris? -Yeah.你终于要去度假了You're finally taking that vacation, huh?我不是去度假It's not a vacation.我要跟我现在的男朋友去那里I'm going there with the man that I'm in a relationship with.他很棒我很幸福He's wonderful and I'm happy;所以请你不要觉得内疚so please, don't feel bad about anything.再见Goodbye.等一下Wait, wait, wait.你说再见是什么意思?What do you mean goodbye?我得走了I have to go.凯莉Carrie!凯莉站住Carrie, stop!你在做什么?What are you doing,你跟我说再见然后跳车离开?saying goodbye and jumping out of the car like that?你要搬到巴黎?Are you moving to Paris?你打算什么时候告诉我?When were you gonna tell me?你不告诉我他是谁?What, you're not even gonna tell me who he is?他叫亚力山大佩特洛夫斯基His name is Aleksandr Petrovsky.你要跟一个俄♥国♥佬搬到法国?You're moving to France with a Ruskie?少来了我在开玩笑凯莉Ah, come on, it's a joke, Carrie.你每次都这样每一次You do this every time. Every time!你装了雷达吗?What, do you have some kind of radar?凯莉可能过着幸福的生活该去破坏她了 ?''Carrie might be happy, it's time to sweep in and shit all over it."什么?不听着What? No, no, look.我是来告诉你I came here to tell you something.我犯了一个天大的错误你跟我I made a mistake, you and I.根本没有你跟我"You and I nothing!你不能再这样对我You canno