Sex and the City《欲望都市(1998)》第二季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
欲望城市(性&hearts覆♥专家凯莉布雷萧)四个女人和一场葬礼只有两种情形适合在白天穿黑色礼服There are only two times when it's appropriate to wear the little, black dress in daylight. 一种是太晚离开派对One involves leaving a party way too late.另一种是太早离开纽约的葬礼The other involves leaving the party way too early. The New York funeral.哈维是个热情的古巴设计师Javier was a hot Cuban designer and the toast of the New York fashion elite.也是我的好朋友He was also a good friend.我认识他很久了I had known him since he was Harvey.哈维热爱服饰Javier loved clothes.不幸地他更爱海♥洛♥因♥Unfortunately, he loved heroin more.可恶Shit.好Okay.看看你Wow, look at you.你喜欢吗?You like?穿一位死去设计师设计的衣服Well, isn't it a little wrong去参加他的葬礼不妥吧?to wear a dead man's design to his own funeral?不 ♥穿♥才不妥It's wrong not to.再说我花了两千块Besides, at two thousand for the outfit,不利用机会穿怎么行I better get some wear out of it.两千这么贵?Two thousand? You're kidding!从昨天开始加价三成Marked up 30 percent since yesterday.Fve got the money, Tve got a great job,人们却老爰问我只有你吗?and I still get, "It's just you?"靠自己买♥♥一栋公♥寓♥意味着你不需要男人 Buying a place alone means you donft need a man.每个人都需要男人-I don't -Everyone needs a man.所以我只租♥房 ♥♥子That's why I rent.如果你有自己的房♥子他仍然选择租♥房♥♥If you own and he still rents,那么权力结构就垮了then the power structure is all off. It's emasculating.男人不需要自给自足的女人Men don't want a woman who's too self-sufficient.你真是来自旧时代的人I'm sorry, did someone just order a Victorian, straight up?琼斯小姐你的卡不被接受I'm sorry, Miss Jones, your card's not accepted.不可能再试一次That's not possible, try it again.我可能没说清楚Maybe I'm not making myself clear.我们这里不欢迎你和你的卡Your card, and you, are not accepted here.莎曼珊招惹到不该惹的女人Samantha had messed with the wrong woman.珊蒂几乎拥有整个曼哈顿Sandy Cranwell practically owned Manhattan她要莎曼珊在此消失and she wanted Samantha off it.走吧我们走Come on, lets go.珊蒂做了任何富有的名流都会做的事Sandy Cranwell had done what any well-heeled她让莎曼珊在社交圈混不下去she took out a social hit on Samantha.在半天内莎曼珊从贵宾名单变成黑名单In 12 hours, Sam had gone from A-list to blacklist.隔一晚夏洛特和鳏夫耐德见面The next night, Charlotte met Ned, the widower, for drinks.这挺有趣的This was fun.下一次我们好好吃顿饭Maybe we can meet for a real meal next time.我很乐意Fd like that.他们谈论建筑艺术和长春藤联盟They talked about architecture, art, the Ivy league.他的前妻从来不是话题The ex-wife wasn't even in the picture.这是她吗?Is this her?直到前妻的照片出现Until the ex-wife's picture showed up.对Yeah.她好漂亮She's so pretty.我们走吧Let's get out of here; okay?抱歉Oh, I'm sorry.我真粗心That was really thoughtless of me, I.你一定很难过I know this must be hard for you.在约会时谈到她很奇怪It's just a little weird talking about her on a date.我了解I understand.美郎的夜晚It's a beautiful night.耐德Ned.耐德你还好吗?Ned, are you okay?抱歉I'm sorry.我只是It's just.看到丽兹的照片Seeing Liz's picture and.想到她thinking about her, just.老天Oh, God!我很抱歉I'm sorry.这给你Here, here.一般来说夏洛特讨厌男人哭Ordinarily, Charlotte hated when men cried.但耐德的眼泪让他显得更浪漫But on Ned, it only made him more romantic.这真是太稹了Ifs so embarrassing.我现在感触很多I'm just.feeling so much right now.这些话在夏洛特耳中具有魔力Those were magic words to Charlotte's ears.没关系Ifs okay.你慢慢平复情绪You just take as much time as you need.显然耐德只需要四十五分钟就可以平复Apparently all the time Ned needed was 45 minutes.那晚就在他亡妻的凝视下That night, under the watchful eyes of a dead woman, 耐德“重振雄风Ned came back to life.两次Twice.我劝你再想想One word.Rebound.他老婆去世了It's not a rebound when the other person's dead.她说得有理She has a point.我在帮他走过丧妻之痛He*s moving on, I'm helping him to get over his wife.他根本就是事先策划好了This guy has project written all over him.这不公平That's not fair.他床上表现如何?So how was the sex?太棒了Ah! Amazing.感觉就像丽兹看着我们祝福我们It was like Liz was just looking over us, giving us her blessing. 一人缺席的三人行A threesome in absentia.我的帽子被吹到她的墓前I mean, my hat blew right into her headstone.她在传递某种讯息She was clearly sending a message.“不要搞上我老公你这个爱帽子的贱♥人&hearts/Yeah, don't fuck my husband, you hat-loving bitch.他邀请我参加下周她的追悼仪式He invited me to a memorial service at her grave next week.什么时候这种事变成喜事?Excuse me, but when did cemeteries get so happening?这表示他愿意跟我更进一步It's a sign that he's ready to move on.他已经准备好了And he*s ready to do it with me.所以你用性让他起死回生?So you*re saying you fucked him back to life?可以这么说In a way, yes.你真棒Man, you're good.那一晚我跟大人物约会That night, I had my date with Big.我心中五味杂陈:恐惧幸福担心I was feeling everything, fear, happiness, dread.我准备好回到大人物身边了吗?Was I ready to jump back into a life with Big in it?跟他再次见面是错误吗?Was seeing him again a huge mistake?如果是我为什么这么兴奋?And if it was, why was I so excited?我没有这么困惑过I had never felt so confused.夏洛特是对了吗?Was Charlotte right?在这个人人急于攀关系的世界In a world where everyone's dying to make a connection, 一段关系能让你起死回生吗?can a relationship bring you back to life?我想都没想过I never really thought about it.你死了以后会怎样?Oh, come on, everybody wonders what happens after you die. 我忙得没时间想这种问题I'm too busy wondering who's dinging my car in the garage.我想我们有轮回Well, I think we reincarnate.这是一个解脱的方法Ah! Well, that's the easy way out.你来世会变成什么?What are you gonna come back as?一个懂得更多的人Someone who knows better.你闻起来好香You smell nice.我是认真的I'm serious.你相信天堂吗?Do you believe in heaven?相信Oh, yeah.是吗Really?你心中的天堂是什么样子?What's your idea of heaven?一张大大的床A big bed.天堂的人对着我说:请进And they just say, uCome on in.',你心目中的天堂是张床?Your idea of heaven is a bed?那要看谁躺在上面It depends on who's in it.我今天不跟你上♥床♥I'm not sleeping with you tonight.我们不是只吃晚餐吗?I thought we were just having dinner.没错We are.半小时后我回到大人物家中A half hour later, and I was back at Big§我过去记忆埋葬的地方the site of so many past little deaths.感觉很棒很怪很不妥It felt great and weird and.wrong.-不可以-可以-We can't do this. -Yes, we can.不要这样Not like this.好我们进去You*re right, let*s go inside.不行我要走了No.I have to go, I have to go.我不知道发生了什么I didn't know what had happened,突然间我觉得跟大人物复合but suddenly getting back together with Big不是件好事seemed like a very bad idea.我害怕极了I was scared to death.第一次跟大人物交往The first time I got involved with Big,我离开的正是时候I got out just in time.我第二次会一样幸运吗?Would I be as lucky the second?莎曼珊正面对自己不定的未来Across town, Samantha was facing her own uncertain future.再查一次莎曼珊琼斯Check it again, Samantha Jones.抱歉Sorry.她第一次觉得这是一个不幸的错误The first time, she thought it was an unfortunate oversight.来的真不是时候The second time was just unfortunate.抱歉我们客满了I'm sorry, we're all full.我再等别桌PH wait for a table.不用麻烦了Don't bother.当莎曼珊第三次被拒一切就很明显了By the third time Samantha was turned away, it had all become clear.她在这里死得比哈维还彻底She was deader in this town than Javier.把她请出去Por favor, Teddy, take her out of here.隔天米兰达遇见她的新邻居The next day, Miranda met her new neighbor.你们是我的新邻居吗?Are you my new neighbor?我是米兰达霍布斯很高兴见到你们Yeah, hi, I'm Miranda Hobbes. Nice to meet you.我还没搬进来I haven't actually moved in yet.我只是来测量尺寸I'm just here taking some measurements.我很高兴有年轻人搬进来Well, Tm so glad to have a young person moving in.为这个地方带来生气Brings a little life to the place.璐西很封闭Ruthie kept pretty much to herself.从未结婚Never married.她就死在里面She died in there, you know.真的吗?She did?真的Oh, yes.一个礼拜后才被人发现It was a week before anyone realized she'd passed.听说她的猫吃掉她半边脸Rumor has it, the cat ate half her face.只有你一个人?So. Just you?那一晚米兰达遇到一个窘境That night, Miranda had another disconcerting experience.就在她穿越美丽的厨房♥时她被食物噎住了Halfway through her Three Delicacy Delight, a delicacy got stuck.自己救回一条命后After Miranda was done saving her own life, 她打电♥话♥找人诉苦she called someone who could commiserate.不幸地我正在过滤电♥话♥Unfortunately, I was deep into screening mode.大人物打来两次我不知道要说什么Big had called twice and I didn't know what I wanted to say to him. 我噎到了I just choked!快死了你却不接I just almost died and you're not.亲爰的你还好吗?Hey, sweetie, you alright?我在看影集I was watching Hard Copy.我想当我被发现时And I kept thinking, when they found me,我会变成看烂节目的死人I would forever be the dead girl who watched bad TV.你为什么不打电♥话♥给我?Welt why didn*t you call me?我没办法呼吸I couldn't breathe!我将孤老到死凯莉I'm gonna die alone, Carrie.不会的你要我过去吗?No, you are not. Do you want me to come over?我很好No, I'm okay.明天再打给你Ill call you tomorrow.实际上米兰达一点都不好The fact was, Miranda was not okay.她饿着肚子上♥床♥睡觉 还把猫关在厨房♥两天 She went to bed hungry and locked the cat in the kitchen for two days. 当了一星期的社交贱民后After a week of being a social pariah,莎曼珊领悟到她不得不求人才能回到以前Samantha realized if she ever wanted to get her life back, 她去求助最上层的教父级人物she would have to beg for it. the godfather.莎曼珊琼斯Samantha Jones.听起来很熟The name sounds familiar.希琵西普曼是社交皇后Shippy Shipman was the queen of the ladies who lunch.她曾让至少七十个社交人士消失And was personally responsible for the demise of at least 70 social lives. 因为我负责筹募哈维之屋?You might know me from my work with the Javier House Foundation? 不是的No, that's not it.你就是在一场慈善会中-No? -I believe you were the whore勾引我丈夫的狐狸精who once groped my husband at a Whitney benefit.不只莎曼珊完蛋了Not only was Samantha dying,她的性生活也从她眼前闪过but her entire sex life was flashing before her.或许吧我不记得了Maybe.I don't really remember.我记得I do.你跟珊蒂康威尔是好朋友?Eh. You're good friends with Sandy Cranwell?没错我跟她是旧识了Yes, we go back to Chapin.你能帮我跟她讲讲话?Could you maybe talk to her for me?自己铺的床自己睡I think you've made your own bed and you need to lie in it.你很擅长的不是吗?And you're good at that, aren't you.你希望我说什么?Look, what do you want me to say, Shippy?我是个荡♥妇♥ ?That I'm a whore?我跟全纽约的男人睡过或许还有布鲁克林的?That I've slept with every man in New York and some in Brooklyn?好或许是真的All right, maybe I have.但我需要承受这么多吗?Is that what it's gonna take?好我是个大荡♥妇♥Okay, fm a big whore.你愿意帮我吗?Now. Will you help me?不愿意I don't think so.好吧Fine.我是因为喝醉才会抚摸你丈夫又平又垮的屁♥股♥And I only groped your husband's flat preppy ass at that benefit because I was drunk. 不用送了PH see myself out.隔天米兰达决定观察周遭环境The next day, Miranda decided to check out her new neighborhood.突然间她萌生退意But suddenly she was the one checking out.这就是纽约的诡异之处That was the peculiar thing about New York,你永远不知道计程车会救你还是害你you never knew if a cab was going to save you or kill you.请到哥伦比亚长老会医院Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, please.真的是很奇怪Well, that was freaky.我觉得自己就快淹死了I felt like I was drowning and dying at the same time.亲爱的你这是惊吓过度Sweetie, they said you had a panic attack.这就是纽约See, that's the thing about New York.死了比活着受欢迎You're always more popular when you're not around.凯莉我得精心打扮Carrie, I have to look fabulous.很多人会到场Everyone is gonna be there.友情提示这是葬礼Reminder, honey, this is a funeral,不是周五夜晚的派对not Friday night at Bond Street.你听起来太悲伤走吧That's your grief talking, honey, get your purse, let's go.抱歉我迟到了Hey, sorry I'm late.是不是全曼哈顿都到了?Is everyone in town invited to this?凯莉邀我来的Well, Carrie invited me.你是客人邀请来的?-You got invited with a guest? -Well.我们去看马格里特的展览We were supposed to see the Magritte show together.你的服装很不合宜That dress is really inappropriate.很显然夏洛特和我的服装才不合宜Apparently, Charlotte and I were the inappropriate ones.就在那里哈维的春装全系列There it was, Javier's entire new spring line.那是他有过最好的服装秀It was his best show ever.每个人都穿哈维的设计Everyone's wearing a Javier.我就说吧Told you.把帽子借我Lend me your hat, please?好Fine.要是有人问起就说是设计师送的礼物我得花五百块给医生诊断Yeah, and I had to pay 500 dollars of my single person's salary to find that out. 怎么了?What's wrong?好好看看我的脸葬礼上Take a good look at my face, because at my funeral.我的脸会只剩一半therell only be half of it.我死了我的猫会很高兴ril be dead and my cat will be happy, and.夏洛特又会借机在墓园钓凯子Charlotte will be picking up men at the next gravesite over.深呼吸亲爱的Breathe, sweetie, breathe, breathe.我孤身一人凯莉I'm all alone, Carrie.我的紧急联络人是我的父母The first people on my ncall in case of emergency" list are my parents. 我不喜欢他们And I don't like them.而且他们住在宾州And they live in Pennsylvania.亲爰的你可以写我Oh, sweetie, you can put me on there.不行I can't!你不接电♥话♥You screen!我保证我会接的Welt I'll pick up. I promise.听好你买♥♥公♥寓♥是正确的Listen.You did the right thing buying that apartment.你很喜欢不是吗? 是-You love it, right? -Yeah.你不会一辈子孤单的And you won't be alone forever.我不知道我们之中有没有人会孤身到老The truth was, I didn't know if any of us would end up alone.我只知道米兰达禁不起再一次的打击But I did know Miranda couldn't afford another panic attack.同时在皇后区夏洛特正准备接受惊喜Meanwhile, over in Queens, Charlotte was about to get a surprise of her own.你带了百合花You brought lilies.你说这是她最爱的花You said they were her favorite.他们是你妹妹吧?Please tell me those are your sisters.我没有妹妹I donrt have any sisters.夏洛特不是唯一让耐德重振雄风的人Charlotte realized she wasn't the only woman resuscitating Ned.夏洛特的感情才刚开始就结束Charlotte's relationship died right where it started.她可以活在一个死去女人的阴影下She was prepared to live in the shadow of a dead woman.却不能接受三个活着的女人She wasn't prepared to live in the shadow of three live ones.那个星期六莎曼珊跌到谷底That Saturday, Samantha hit rock bottom, also known as Javier House.没有人回她的电♥话♥她一毛钱也没有募到No one would return her phone calls, she hadn't raised any money.她能为哈维之屋做的就是帮忙盖房♥All she could do for Javier House was construct it.在辛苦工作六小时后她获得重生But six hours of hard labor later, Samantha experienced her own rebirth.那是李奥纳多狄卡皮欧解围之神It was Leonardo DiCaprio, ex machina.那天他们很快地变成朋友That day, Leonardo and Samantha became fast friends.噩梦就此结束The nightmare was over.李奥纳多将莎曼珊带回社交圈Leonardo DiCaprio had brought Sam back to social life.在惊吓过度之后To add insult to panic attack,米兰达接到脑人的消息Miranda had just gotten some unsettling news.贷款经办人篡改她的申请The mortgage officer had messed up Miranda's application.他们将她贴上分居的标签They had inadvertently labeled her as separated,为了澄清米兰达写了一封蒙羞的信and to clear up the confusion, Miranda had to write a rather humiliating letter. 米兰达面临选择Miranda had a choice.她可以继续惊慌或是打字She could panic, or she could just type.米兰达当下即克服了她的恐惧Miranda killed her panic attacks right then and there.她知道她或许不会孤单地死去She realized she probably wouldn't die alone.但她一直过量地喂她的猫But she kept overfeeding her cat.just in case.在四通未接电♥话♥后我的把戏被揭穿了Meanwhile, four unreturned calls later, my number was up.很好你还活着Good, you*re alive.等一下你要去哪里?Hey, wait, where are you going?回家Home.我老了该睡觉了I'm old, it's past my bedtime.我很抱歉I'm sorry.应该的You should be.我有洋基队的门票I had box seats to a Yankee doubleheader.该死Oh, damn!你带谁去?Who'd you take?回我电♥话♥的人Someone who returned my calls.旧事重演It was deja vu all over again.我大人物在楼梯间Me, Big, a doorway,交杂的情绪