原版英语RAZ 教案L15-Catching Santa (2).pdf
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原版英语RAZ 教案L15-Catching Santa (2).pdf
Name2003 CATCHING SANTA LEVEL L 1SKILL:READING STRATEGYhttp:/www.readinga-INSTRUCTIONS:Before you look inside the book,write what you think will happen in the first column.After looking at the pictures,revise or confirm your predictions in the second column.After you have finishedreading,write what really happened in the third column.Before Looking in the BookAfter Looking at the PicturesAfter Reading the Book2003 GO ANIMALS GO LEVEL A 2SKILL:COMPREHENSION http:/www.readinga-Name2003 CATCHING SANTA LEVEL L 2SKILL:COMPREHENSIONINSTRUCTIONS:Write a main event from the story in each box.Be sure to write the events in the correct order.http:/www.readinga- CATCHING SANTA LEVEL L 3SKILL:COMPREHENSION INSTRUCTIONS:Read each sentence and underline all of the words with the long/a/sound.Write each underlined word on the chart below the word that has the same vowel spelling.http:/www.readinga-1.I like to play with my train when it rains.2.Make a space on the table for the cake.3.My neighbor bought a bird in a cage.4.How much does that bag of dates weigh?5.Dave gave away his gray sweater.6.We can make a castle out of clay and paint it a bright color.7.He looks very pale today.8.My best mate lives in Maine,and he grows grapes there.AwakeStayWaitedSleighName2003 CATCHING SANTA LEVEL L 4SKILL:GRAMMAR,MECHANICS,AND USAGEINSTRUCTIONS:Read each sentence and underline all the compound words you find.Write each compoundword on the chart in the correct column.Be careful!Some sentences have more than one compound word.http:/www.readinga-1.“I will creep downstairs with my flashlight,”said Snubby Nose.2.He heard the pitter-patter of reindeer feet on the roof.3.Snubby Nose was upset,but he soon went to sleep.4.The cat made a beeline for the back door.5.Tammy is very good at the high jump.6.Sometimes I get a sunburn when I go to the seashore.7.The basketball fell into the swimming pool.8.For my birthday,I would like to get a toy fire engine.9.We saw a fire-eater and a clown at the circus.Open(fairy tale)Closed(popcorn)Hyphenated(zig-zag)