原版英语RAZ 教案Money, Money, Money_LP.pdf
Money,Money,MoneyX X1 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Focus Question:How has money changed over time?Book Summary Text Type:Nonfiction/InformationalHave you ever wondered where money comes from or who decides its value?Money,Money,Money provides students with an informative look at the development of money.The book can also be used to teach students how to identify main idea and details and to use proper nouns correctly.The books and lesson are available for levels Z1 and Z2.Guiding the ReadingBefore ReadingBuild Background Askstudentswhattheyknowaboutourmoneysystem.Have them brainstorm to generate a list of questions they would like to have answered about money.Record these on the board.Playaquick,informalversionofthePriceIsRight.Name some common items and ask students how muchtheythinktheitemsareworth.Askstudentshow they think items gain a specific monetary value.Introduce the Book GivestudentstheircopyofMoney,Money,Money.Guidethemtothefrontandbackcoversandreadthe title.Have students discuss what they see on the covers.Encourage them to offer ideas as to whattypeofbookitis(genre,texttype,and so on)and what it might be about.Show students the title page.Discuss the information onthepage(titleofbook,authorsname).Previewthetableofcontentsonpage3.Remindstudents that the table of contents provides an overviewofthebook.Askstudentswhattheyexpecttoreadaboutinthebook,onthebasis of what they see in the table of contents.(Acceptallanswersthatstudentscanjustify.)Introduce the Reading Strategy:Ask and answer questionsExplaintostudentsthathavingpriorknowledgeaboutatopic,aswellasaskingandansweringquestionswhilereading,canhelpreadersbetterunderstandand remember information in a book.Direct students tothe“WordstoKnow”boxonthecopyrightpageand model asking questions about the list of words.Introduceandexplaintheask-and-answer-questions worksheet.Have students turn to the table of contents onpage3.Reviewthesectiontitleswithstudents.Nexttoeachsectiontitle,havestudentswriteontheirworksheet at least one question they have about that section while reading.Lesson EssentialsInstructional Focus Askandanswerquestionsto understandtext Identify main idea and details Describe information provided by graphics Identify and use proper nouns Identify and understand hyphenated compoundadjectivesMaterials BookMoney,Money,Money (copy for each student)Askandanswerquestions,mainidea anddetails,propernouns,hyphenatedcompoundadjectivesworksheets Discussion cards Book quiz Retelling rubricVocabularyBoldface vocabulary words also appear in a pre-made lesson for this title on VocabularyAZ.com.WordstoKnowStory critical:barter(v.),circulation(n.),counterfeit(n.),currency(n.),denomination(n.),mint(n.)Enrichment:cash(n.),durable(adj.),encoded(adj.),floating currency(n.),holograms(n.),watermarks(n.)Academicvocabulary:amount(n.),enough(adj.),establish(v.),image(n.),represent(v.),valuable(adj.)Money,Money,MoneyX X2 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Introduce the Comprehension Skill:Main idea and details Explaintostudentsthatallbookshaveamain idea,orageneraltopicthatistheirsubject.Theextrainformationanddescriptionsthathelpexplainthe main idea are the detailsofthebook.Explainthat sometimes the amount of information about atopicissolargethatitisgroupedintosections,andeachsectionhasitsownmainidea.Pointoutto students that the title of a book or section often provides clues about the main idea.Havestudentsturntopage11anddiscusswithapartner their predictions about the main idea of this section.Invite students to share their predictions and the details that support their reasoning.VocabularyHavestudentsturntothe“WordstoKnow”boxonthe copyright page.Discuss each word with students.Then,havestudentsturntotheglossaryonpage20.Explainthattheglossaryprovidesdefinitionsforthevocabularywordsinthebook.Pointouttheuseofeach content word and academic vocabulary word inthebook,andthenuseeachwordinadifferentmodel sentence.Have students work in groups to create posters for these words.Have them include oneachposterthewordanditspartofspeech,thedefinition,thewordinanexamplesentence,and a picture illustrating the meaning of the word.Set the Purpose Havestudentsreadtofindoutmoreabouthowmoney has changed over time.Write the Focus Question on the board.Invite students to look for evidence in the book to support their answer to the question.Havestudentsmakeasmallquestionmarkintheirbook beside any word they do not understand or cannot pronounce.These can be addressed in a future discussion.During ReadingText-Dependent QuestionsAsstudentsreadthebook,monitortheirunderstandingwith the following questions.Encourage students to support their answers by citing evidence from the book.Why is money valuable?(level 1)page 4 How is currency related to bartering?(level3)pages5and6,page7 How would you compare the first coins to coins today?(level 2)pages 8 and 9 What would happen if the printing press was never invented?(level3)page 11 Why do most countries no longer maintain the gold standard?(level3)page13 What facts would you select to support the idea that countries work hard to defeat counterfeiters?(level3)page 15 How would you summarize what credit cards are?(level 2)pages16and17,page18 How would you adapt money to create a different system?(level3)page 19Text Features:GraphicsExplainthatgraphics,includingcharts,graphs,andcutaways,areusedtohelpreadersunderstandwhat theauthoristryingtoexplain.Havestudentsworkwithapartnertoreviewthechartonpage10.Askstudents:How does the chart support the main idea of this section?How is the information organized on the chart?Why did the author include the chart in this section?Have students review other graphics in the book and discuss in groups which main idea each graphic supports.Invite volunteers to share their thoughts with the class.SkillReview Modelforstudentshowyouaskandrecordquestions while reading on the ask-and-answer-questions worksheet.Invite volunteers to share their questions with the rest of the class.Discuss with students how their questions help them better understand the book.Remind students to look for the answers to these questions as they read.Havestudentsworkingroupstoperiodicallyreview the details they have read and discuss their connectiontoeachsectionsmainideaaswellastheoverall main idea of the book.Have groups discuss main idea and details each time they convene.Modelevaluatingdetailstodeterminethe main idea.Think-aloud:The book is providing me with many details about the development of money,including bartering,using currency,the invention coins and paper money,and invisible money.All of these facts support the main idea that money has changed over thousands of years to adapt to world trade and technology.Still,I will read to the end of the book,examining each detail,to see whether there is a better main idea.Modelhowtocompletethemain-idea-and-details worksheet.Have students identify details from eachsectionofthebookandcirclethem.Then,have students discuss how those details support thesectionsmainidea.Havestudentsuseeachsectionsmainideatogenerateamainideafor the whole book.After ReadingAskstudentswhatwords,ifany,theymarkedintheir book.Use this opportunity to model how they can read these words using decoding strategies and contextclues.Guiding the Reading(cont.)Money,Money,MoneyX X3 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-SkillReviewGraphic Organizer:Main idea and detailsReview the main-idea-and-details worksheet that students completed.Have students share their work in groups.Invite volunteers to share with the rest of the class the main idea and details they generated for each section as well as the main idea for the wholebook.Discusswithstudentsthejustificationfor choosing these details and how the main ideas for each section connect to the main idea of the book.Comprehension ExtensionDiscussion cards covering comprehension skills and strategiesnotexplicitlytaughtwiththebookareprovidedforextensionactivities.Response to Focus QuestionHave students cite specific evidence from the book to answertheFocusQuestion.(Answerswillvary.Reasonsshould include details that describe how money has changedovertime.Samples:Money began as the concept of trade to get something that you need or desire.Thousands of years ago,people bartered materials,such as cows and wood.Over time,currency represented specific values for trade.As technology progressed,currency,such as shells,was replaced with coins and eventually paper money.Today,money can be invisible with the use of checks and credit.)Comprehension Checks Book quiz Retelling rubricBook Extension ActivitiesBuild SkillsGrammar and Mechanics:Proper nouns Revieworexplainthatanoun is a word that identifies a person,place,orthing.Askstudents toturntopage6ofthebookandgiveexamples ofnounsfromthetext.Revieworexplainthataproper noun is the name ofaspecificperson,place,orthing(orsometimes a concept).Apropernounalwaysbeginswith acapitalletter.Writeexamplesofpropernounsfrompage7ofthebookontheboard.Remindstudentsnottoconfusepropernounswithwords capitalized at the beginning of a sentence or inthetitleofasection.Pointoutinstancesinthebook where capital letters are used but a proper noun is not present.Check for understanding:Write the following nouns in acolumnontheboard:culture,continent,person.Askvolunteerstogiveexamplesofpropernounsforeachcategory,andwritethemontheboard.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,andhavestudents complete the proper nouns worksheet.Iftimeallows,discusstheiranswers.WordWork:Hyphenatedcompoundadjectives Revieworexplainthatadjectives are words that describe nouns and pronouns.Adjectivesusually tell which one,how many,or what kind.Writethefollowingsentenceontheboard:We saw a full-grown elephant at the zoo.Have a volunteer come to the board and circle the word that describes the elephant(full-grown).Explainthatthiswordisanexampleofahyphenated compound adjective.Pointoutthattheshortlinebetweenthewordsisa hyphen.Explainthateachpartofahyphenatedcompoundadjectivealonedoesnotaccuratelydescribethenoun.Forexample,itwouldnotmakesense to describe the elephant as a“full elephant.”The words full and grown together create a hyphenatedcompoundadjectivethatcorrectly and more accurately describes the noun.Check for understanding:Write the following sentenceontheboard:Using a credit card can be a time-saving activity for people.Underline the word activity.Havestudentsidentifytheadjectivethat describes activity and whisper it to a partner(time-saving).Askstudentstodiscusswithapartnerthe reasons each word within the hyphenated compoundadjectivecouldnotbeusedalone to describe the noun.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,andhavestudents complete the hyphenated-compound-adjectivesworksheet.Iftimeallows,discuss their answers.Connections Seethebackofthebookforcross-curricularextensionideas.Guiding the Reading(cont.)