原版英语RAZ 教案(Z) Hybrid Animals_LP.pdf
Hybrid AnimalsZ Z1 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Focus Question:What are the pros and cons of interbreeding different species?Book SummaryText Type:Nonfiction/InformationalThe ancient Greeks imagined creatures that were half one animal and half another.These mythical creatures may not exist,but animal hybrids do!Both nature-made and human-made hybrids are fascinating animals.While some would argue that hybrid animals are a threat to at-risk species,others claim that they are natures way of speeding up the adaptation process.Students will enjoy the detailed text and the supporting text features.The book and lesson are also available for levels Z1 and Z2.Guiding the ReadingBefore ReadingBuild Background Writethewordhybrid on the board and read it aloud to students.Invite students to share what they know about the word hybrid.Point out that the word hybrid is often associated with cars that use both a battery and gasoline to power them.Explaintostudentsthathybrid means a thing made by combining two different elements.Point out that with a hybrid car,the two elements joined are thebatteryandthegas.Explainthatstudentswillbe reading a book about hybrid animals,or animals that are produced by two different types of animals.Introduce the Book GivestudentstheircopyofHybrid Animals.Guide them to the front and back covers and read the title.Have students discuss what they see on the covers.Encouragethemtoofferideasastowhattype of book it is(genre,text type,and so on)and what it might be about.Show students the title page.Discuss the information on the page(title of book,authors name).Previewthetableofcontentsonpage3.Remindstudents that the table of contents provides an overview of the book.Ask students what they expect to read about in the book,on the basis of what they see in the table of contents.(Accept all answers that students can justify.)Introduce the Reading Strategy:SummarizeExplaintostudentsthateffectivereaderspausetothink about and summarize what they have read.Point out that it is useful to stop at the end of each section and consider the most important information presentedbytheauthor.Explainthatasummaryoftenanswers the questions who,what,where,when,and why.Create a chart on the board with the headings who,what,where,when,and why.Readthefirstsection of the book aloud,then complete the chart on the board and model summarizing.Lesson EssentialsInstructional Focus Summarize to understand text Compare and contrast Recognizeandusedashes Describe information provided by text features Identify synonyms and antonymsMaterials Book:Hybrid Animals (copy for each student)Compare and contrast,dashes,synonyms and antonyms worksheets Discussion cards Book quiz RetellingrubricVocabularyBoldface vocabulary words also appear in a pre-made lesson for this title on VocabularyAZ.com.WordstoKnowStory critical:DNA(n.),fertilize(v.),genetic(adj.),hybrids(n.),reproduce(v.),species(n.)Enrichment:adapt(v.),interbreeding(v.),offspring(n.),sterile(adj.),test tube(n.),transgenic(adj.)Academicvocabulary:instance(n.),produce(v.),affect(v.),obtain(v.),similar(adj.),techniques(n.)Hybrid AnimalsZ Z2 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Introduce the Comprehension Skill:Compare and Contrast Explainthatonewaytoorganizeinformationin a book is to explain how topics are alike and different,which is called comparing and contrasting.Create a Venn diagram on the board.Label the left side horse and the right side dog.Invite students to share how horses and dogs are similar and different.Model how to record each responseontheVenndiagram.Remindstudentsthatby organizing information in this way,they will better understand and remember what they have read.VocabularyHave students turn to the“Words to Know”box on the copyright page.Discuss each word with students.Then,have students turn to the glossary on page 16.Explainthattheglossaryprovidesdefinitionsforthevocabulary words in the book.Point out the use of each content word and academic vocabulary word in the book,and then use each word in a different model sentence.Have students work in groups to create posters for these words.Have them include on each poster the word and its part of speech,the definition,the word in an example sentence,and a picture illustrating the meaning of the word.Set the Purpose Havestudentsreadtofindoutmoreabouthybridanimals.Write the Focus Question on the board.Invite students to look for evidence in the book to support their answer.Havestudentsmakeasmallquestionmarkintheirbook beside any word they do not understand or cannot pronounce.These can be addressed in a future discussion.During ReadingText-Dependent QuestionsAs students read the book,monitor their understanding withthefollowingquestions.Encouragestudentstosupport their answers by citing evidence from the book.What is a hybrid animal?(level 1)page 4 What is the effect when species that are too different reproduce?(level 1)page 4 How do scientists define a species?(level 1)page 9 What are the similarities between natural hybrids and human-made hybrids?(level3)multiple pages Why do people create hybrid animals?(level3)multiple pages Why have researchers inserted spider-silk proteins into goat DNA?(level 1)page 9 Why are hybrid animals usually poorly adapted to their environment?(level3)multiple pages In what way is hybrid breeding a necessary means for adaptation?(level3)multiple pageText Features:GraphicsHave students turn to page 5.Point out that the green box is a graphic provided by the author in order to expand upon and clarify the text.Ask a volunteer to explain what information the author isconveyingthroughthisgraphic.Explainthatthisgraphic includes a photograph,a chart,and a caption,all of which help clarify the text.Point out that such features are often present in nonfiction books.Have students turn to a partner and discuss why such graphics might be present in nonfiction texts.SkillReview Guidestudentsinadiscussionaboutthesimilaritiesand differences between bison and beefalo.Have volunteers come to the board and record the similarities and differences on a Venn diagram.Modelidentifyingkeydetailsofthetexttocreate a summary.Think-aloud:As I read a book,I pause often to think about the most important details and summarize what I just read.Effective readers pause at the end of each section of the book to summarize.For example,after reading the section“Animal Hybrids:Problem or Solution?”my summary might include the following:The topic of animal hybrids continues to be a controversial issue.Some argue that animal hybrids are poorly adapted to their environment and often fail to survive or reproduce.By contrast,some believe that when a species faces rapid environmental changes,having hybrid traits actually allows animals to survive when they might not otherwise.There is no clear answer to whether hybrid animals are a problem or a solution.Havestudentsworkinsmallgroupstosummarizeasectionofthebook.Remindstudentsthatasummary includes only the most important details including who,what,where,when,and why.Invite each group to share their summary with the class.Havestudentsworkwithapartnertodiscussthesimilarities and differences between human-made hybrids and nature-made hybrids.Invite them to share their responses with the class.Modelanddiscusshowtocompletethecompare-and-contrast worksheet,using evidence from the text.Have students discuss the details they noted with a partner.After ReadingAsk students what words,if any,they marked in their book.Use this opportunity to model how they can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.Guiding the Reading(cont.)Hybrid AnimalsZ Z3 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-SkillReviewGraphic Organizer:Compare and contrastReviewthecompare-and-contrastworksheetthatstudents completed.Have students share their work with the group.Create two Venn diagrams on the board and record their responses.Comprehension ExtensionDiscussion cards covering comprehension skills and strategies not explicitly taught with the book are provided for extension activities.Response to Focus QuestionHave students cite specific evidence from the book to answer the Focus Question.(Students should include that there are both benefits and problems with hybrid animals,for example:Hybrid animals are often bred to possess the positive qualities of each parent.In a natural setting,hybrid animals may adapt more readily to rapidly changing environments.Hybrid animals can also produce things that are useful or needed.Hybrid animals,however,can also be sickly and not adapt well to their environment.They may also pose a threat to at-risk species.)Comprehension Checks Book quiz RetellingrubricBook Extension ActivitiesBuild SkillsGrammar and Mechanics:Dashes Explaintostudentsthatadash()is a punctuation mark that can be used for different purposes:to show an afterthought or summary at the end of a sentence,or to“set off”or clarify information within a sentence.Write the following sentence on the board:DNA molecules carry instructions for how cells operateinstructions for everything from hair color to ear shape.Explaintostudentsthatinthissentence,thedash is being used to add a thought or more information to the end of the sentence.Revieworexplainthedifferencebetweenadashandahyphen.Remindstudentsthathyphensareused in compound adjectives,adverbs,and nouns,such as at-risk species.Point out that hyphens are shorter in length and are used to connect two or more words.Check for understanding:Have students reread page 9 and highlight the sentences containing a dash.Ask a volunteer to explain how the dash in each sentence is used.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the dashes worksheet.If time allows,discuss their answers aloud after students finish.WordWork:Synonyms and antonyms Writethewordsimple on the board.Ask students to suggest a word that means almost the same thing(straightforward,easy).Revieworexplainthat a word that means the same or almost the same as another word is called a synonym.Ask students to suggest a word that means the opposite of simple(difficult,complex).Revieworexplainthata word that means the opposite of another word is called an antonym.Havestudentsturntopage4andlocatethelastsentenceofthefirstparagraph.Readthesentencealoud and record it on the board:They combine the traits of different speciesand they are more common than most people realize.Circle the word common.Ask students to suggest a word that means the same or almost the same as common(everyday,familiar).Ask students to suggest a word that means the opposite of common(rare,abnormal).Check for understanding:Give pairs of students a thesaurus.Ask them to find the word common and have them name the synonyms listed.If the thesaurus lists antonyms,have them find the antonyms for common.If needed,provide additional practice using the thesaurus.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the synonyms-and-antonyms worksheet.If time allows,discuss answers aloud after they are finished.Connections Seethebackofthebookforcross-curricularextension ideas.Guiding the Reading(cont.)