原版英语RAZ 教案(T) My Secret Internet Friend_LP.pdf
My Secret Internet FriendLesson PlanLeveLT T1 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-About the BookText Type:Fiction/Realistic Page Count:20 Word Count:1,616Book SummaryMy Secret Internet Friend tells the story of a twelve-year-old girl,Sara,who really loves her computer.Sara is learning from her mother and teachers about the proper use of the Internet and also about cyberbullying.In this book,Sara also learns a scary but important lesson about communicating with strangers on the Internet.The text provides an opportunity for readers to learn about Internet safety for young people in an engaging and friendly format.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy Connect to prior knowledge Objectives Use the reading strategy of connecting to prior knowledge to understand text Analyze the main character in the text Identify and use inflectional endings Identify syllable patternsMaterialsGreen text indicates resources available on the website BookMy Secret Internet Friend(copy for each student)Chalkboard or dry erase board Dictionaries Analyze character,prior knowledge,inflectional endings worksheets Discussion cards Indicates an opportunity for students to mark in the book.(All activities may be demonstrated by projecting book on interactive whiteboard or completed with paper and pencil if books are reused.)Vocabulary*Bold vocabulary words also appear in a pre-made lesson for this title on vocabulary .Content words:Story critical:addicted(adj.),cyberbullying(n.),cyberspace(n.),instant messages(n.),Internet(n.),obsessed(adj.)Enrichment:interactive(adj.),logs(n.),text(v.)Before ReadingBuild Background Ask how many students have computers at home.Ask volunteers to talk about what they like to do best on their computer at home.Ask students if they think they spend too much time on their computer at home and if their family members chastise them for it.Write the phrase Internet Safety on the board.Lead a discussion to determine what students know about staying safe on the Internet.Write their comments on the board under the phrase.My Secret Internet FriendLesson Plan(continued)LeveLT T2 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Preview the BookIntroduce the Book Give students their copy of the book.Guide them to the front and back covers and read the title.Have students discuss what they see on the covers.encourage them to offer ideas as to what type of book it is(genre,text type,fiction or nonfiction,and so on)and what it might be about.Show students the title page.Discuss the information on the page(title of book,authors name,illustrators name).Introduce the Reading Strategy:Connect to prior knowledge explain to students that good readers often connect what they are reading to something they already know,have read,or have seen somewhere before.These connections are often called Text-to-Self,Text-to-Text,and Text-to-World connections.explain that connecting prior knowledge about a topic to what they are reading will help them to remember and understand the book.Model using the illustrations and title as a way to make connections with prior experience.Think-aloud:The title of the story was a bit confusing to me at first,but after I looked at some of the illustrations,I realized that the girl in the story must have a friend on the Internet.Many people all over the world,including people your age,use the Internet.I know that lots of people love to use the Internet to stay connected with friends.This is an example of a text-to-world connection to the title and also a text-to-self connection that I made when I thought about the title and looked at some of the illustrations.I will have to read the book to see if there are other connections I can make to the characters or events in the book.Have students preview the rest of the book,looking at the illustrations,cover,and other features.Ask them to share any connections they make.As students read,encourage them to use other reading strategies in addition to the targeted strategy presented in this section.Introduce the Comprehension Skill:Analyze character explain that there are many ways to learn about a character in a story.Point out that an author uses a characters words,thoughts,and actions to give readers insight into the characters personality,relationships,motivations,and the conflicts he or she may face.Read pages 3 and 4 aloud.Model how to analyze a character,on the basis of his or her actions.Think-aloud:As I read pages 3 and 4,I found out that Sara is a twelve-year-old girl,and she feels very lucky because she has her own computer.She tells us that her mom thinks she spends way too much time on it.She even has a nickname,CyberSara.On the basis of this information,Sara appears to be obsessed with her computer.This information provides insight into Saras personality.Introduce and explain the analyze character worksheet.Have students write the information from the discussion in the first box of their worksheet(for example,students may write computer-obsessed in the first box).Introduce the Vocabulary Write the following story critical words on the board:addicted,obsessed.Point out that these words can be found in the story and that they give insight into different feelings or behaviors of Sara,the main character.Divide students into two groups,and give each group two sheets of blank paper.For each word,have them write or draw what they know about the word.Create a definition for each word using students prior knowledge.Point out the glossary at the back of the book.Review or explain that a glossary and a dictionary contain lists of words and their definitions.My Secret Internet FriendLesson Plan(continued)LeveLT T3 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Model how students can use a dictionary to find a words meaning.Have them locate the word addicted in the dictionary.Invite a volunteer to read the definition for addicted.Have students compare the dictionary definition with the glossary definition.Have them compare these with their prior knowledge of the word.Have students follow along on page 5 as you read the sentence in which the word addicted is found to confirm the meaning of the word.Repeat the exercise with the remaining vocabulary word.Set the Purpose Have students read to find out more about Sara and her computer activities.Remind them to stop after every few pages to make connections and to think about what they are learning about the main character.During ReadingStudent Reading Guide the reading:Have students read from page 5 to the end of page 8.encourage those who finish early to go back and reread.Model making connections to prior knowledge.Think-aloud:On page 6,I made a text-to-self connection to Sara and her mom.I often have to tell my son to get off of his computer and come out of his room.I get pretty upset when he keeps telling me,“Just a minute!”This part of the book seemed very real to me because of the connection I made.Invite students to share their connections so far.Ask them to identify which of the three types of connection they made(text-to-self,text-to-text,or text-to-world).Draw a three-column chart on the board and label the columns with Text-to-Self,Text-to-Text,or Text-to-World.Record some of students responses in the columns on the board.If no examples are given for any of the columns,model and record an example.Review the character trait and clues recorded so far on the analyze character worksheet.Ask students to identify any additional story clues that support Saras trait of“computer-obsessed”(she thinks it is more fun than anything else;she plays games,uses the Internet,and IMs her friends;she gave her computer a name,and so on).Check for understanding:Have students read to the end of page 13.Continue to record their connections in the appropriate columns on the chart on the board.On the basis of what they have read,ask students to explain why Sara might be considered friendly.Have them write this information in the second box of their analyze character worksheet.Then have them write clues from the text that support their answers on their worksheet(she became friends with someone she didnt know named Bradley;she chatted with him every day;they looked for things they had in common,and so on).Have students share the supporting evidence from the text.If some students disagree and prefer to label a different trait for Sara(for example,unwise or unsafe),discuss with them the evidence from the text and their reasoning.Have students make a question mark in their book beside any word they do not understand or cannot pronounce.encourage them to use the strategies they have learned to read each word and figure out its meaning.After Reading Ask students what words,if any,they marked in their book.Use this opportunity to model how they can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.My Secret Internet FriendLesson Plan(continued)LeveLT T4 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Reflect on the Reading Strategy Reinforce with students how thinking about what they already know about a topic of a book helps them understand and remember what they read and keeps them actively engaged with the text.Think-aloud:On page 15,I read about Saras mother calling the police and how the police took over Saras emails.And on page 16,it turned out that Bradley was not a 12-year-old boy,but instead a creepy,grown-up man.That reminded me of a news show I saw on TV about how the police can catch these bad people.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the prior knowledge worksheet.encourage them to record at least one response in each column.Reflect on the Comprehension Skill Discussion:Review how Sara revealed her character as the story continued.Discuss with students what other traits they would list for Sara.Assist students with the vocabulary to describe Sara(gullible,trusting,innocent,and so on).Independent practice:Have students complete the analyze characters worksheet,finishing their analysis of Sara as she learns an important lesson.If time allows,discuss their responses.Enduring understanding:In this story,a girl learns important lessons about being safe on the Internet,allowing her mother to help her make decisions,and not keeping secrets from her mother.Now that you have read this story,what do you think of your own Internet usage?How will reading this story change what you do in the future when on a computer and the Internet?Build Skills Grammar and Mechanics:Inflectional endings Write the following sentence on the board:“She insists that I spend too much time using the Internet.”Circle the words insists and using.explain that the verb endings-s and-ing are called inflectional endings or suffixes and that they are added to a base word.explain that adding an-s to the end of a noun makes it plural(more than one of something),but that adding an-s to the end of a verb usually indicates that the action is happening in the present tense.Ask student volunteers to identify the base words for insists and using(insist,use).Point out that the letter e must be dropped from the base word use.explain that if a word ends in a silent e and the suffix begins with a vowel,the e must be dropped before the suffix can be added.Ask students to turn to page 10 in their book and read the last sentence,He said he wanted to be my secret friend and I thought that seemed pretty cool.Have them circle the word wanted,and explain that-ed is another inflectional ending and that it usually indicates past tense.Create a four-column chart on the board.Label the columns Base Word,-s,-ed,and-ing.Model writing a base word in the first column and adding each inflectional ending to show how the word changes(for example learn,learns,learned,learning).Remind students that if the word ends in e,the e must be dropped before adding the inflectional ending-ed or-ing.Also point out that some words must have their final consonant doubled before adding-ed or-ing.explain that if a one-syllable word ends with a single vowel and a single consonant,and if the suffix begins with a vowel,the final consonant must be doubled before adding the suffix(get/getting,chat/chatted).Check for understanding:Add several more base words to the chart on the board.Ask students to add the inflectional endings to each word.Independent practice:Introduce,explain,and have students complete the inflectional endings worksheet.Discuss their answers aloud after students finish.My Secret Internet FriendLesson Plan(continued)LeveLT T5 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Word Work:Syllable patterns Review with students that a syllable is a unit of sound in a word.A syllable contains a vowel and possibly one or more consonants.For example,point out to students that the word name contains one syllable,the word secret contains two syllables,and Internet contains three.explain that many words have multiple syllables,like the words information and conversation.Tell students that knowing how to break words into syllables can help them read and spell longer or unfamiliar words.Write the word mustard on the board.Say the word aloud,stressing the syllables,and put a dot over each of the vowels in the word.Then draw a line to divide the word into its two syllables.Say:Notice that the vowel u is in the middle of the syllable mus,and it is closed in by the consonants m and s on either side.The vowel sound is short in the syllable mus.We call this a closed syllable.Often,vowels in closed syllables are short vowels.I can use this strategy when I am trying to sound out unfamiliar words.Repeat the process above with the word secret.Demonstrate that the syllable break comes after the vowel,so the first syllable is an open syllablethere is no consonant closing it in at the end.Often,open syllable vowels are long.Check for understanding:Write several more words from the book on the board,making sure to choose from three-or four-syllable words as well.Ask student volunteers to come to the board and divide each word into syllables and then explain whether the first syllable is open or closed.If students are ready,have them identify whether the second and/or third syllable is open or closed.Independent practice:Assign each student a page from the book.Ask them to write five words from the page on a separate piece of paper.Then have them divide the words into syllables and put a dot above the vowel in each syllable.Next to each word,have them write whether each syllable is open or closed.If time allows,discuss their responses.Build Fluency Independent Reading Allow students to read their book independently.Additionally,partners can take turns reading parts of the book to each other.Home Connection Give students their book to take home to read with parents,caregivers,siblings,or friends.Have students discuss the connections they made to the story with someone at home.Extend the ReadingInformational Writing ConnectionAssign one bullet point from page 19 to student pairs.Have them design a smal