原版英语RAZ 教案Discovery in the Americas__WS.pdf
Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-Name _SKILL:authorS purpoSe discovery in the americas?LeveL w 1Instructions:Fill out the Point of View chart below.Authors PurposeAuthors OpinionReasons for Authors OpinionMy OpinionReasons for My Opinion Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-Name _SKILL:LInKIng verbS discovery in the americas?LeveL w 2Instructions:Circle the correct linking verb in each sentence.Write S over each singular subject and P over each plural subject.1.The first voyage of Christopher Columbus(is,are)very interesting.2.Some of the foods eaten by Spanish seamen(was,were)molasses,cheese,honey,raisins,rice,garlic,almonds,sea biscuits(hardtack),sardines,and pickled or salted meats.3.These foods(was,were)stored in casks to stay dry.4.A cooper(was,were)responsible for keeping the casks watertight.5.Boiled food(was,were)served in a large communal wooden bowl.6.The sailors ate with their fingers because there(was,were)no forks or spoons.7.When the days(was,were)calm at sea,the sailors would fish and then cook their catch.8.After 34 days at sea,the sailors(was,were)ready to mutiny.9.Many of the sailors believed the world(was,were)flat and that at any moment they would fall off.10.Columbus convinced the mutineers that land(was,were)just three days away.11.The next day,Columbus and his sailors(was,were)surprised to see tree branches in the water.12.They realized land(was,were)close.Jupiterimages Corporation Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-Name _SKILL:SuffIx-ion discovery in the americas?LeveL w 3Instructions:Add the suffix-ion to make new words.(You may need to drop a letter.)Use each new word in a sentence.Root WordsNew WordsSentencechampattractexpresscompleteoperatedistractcreatedirectexhibit