原版英语RAZ 教案(U) Life Cycles_CQ.pdf
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原版英语RAZ 教案(U) Life Cycles_CQ.pdf
Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Quick CheckLEVELInstructions:Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.Name Date Quick Check continued on following pageU U1.What is the same about all living things?A All living things grow beyond a single cell.B All living things undergo changes during life.C All living things go through the same life cycle.D All living things give birth to live babies.2.Which of the following statements describes most animals but not plants?A They are living things.B They lay eggs or give birth.C They grow in size.D They do not change.3.How does the human life cycle begin?A as a larvaB as a toddlerC as a tiny eggD as a pupa4.Adolescence is a stage in the.A human life cycleB plant life cycleC insect life cycleD fish life cycle5.Which stage of the human life cycle happens last?A toddlerB senior citizenC infantD adult6.What does a tadpole grow into?A a fishB an eggC a frogD an infantLife Cycles Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Quick Check(continued)LEVELName Date U ULife Cycles7.What is metamorphosis?A the stages a living thing goes through during its lifetimeB the stage of the fish life cycle after the eggs hatchC the wormlike stage of an insects life cycleD an animals change from one shape to a totally different shape8.Which of the following is a detail about marsupials?A A marsupial is born ready to walk and run.B A marsupial carries its tiny,helpless babies in a pouch.C A marsupial usually lays its eggs in water.D A marsupial baby spends much of its time in a cocoon.9.How do annuals and perennials compare?A Annuals are plants that have a life cycle and perennials do not have a life cycle.B Annuals and perennials are plants that all have longer life cycles than animals.C Annuals are plants that live for many years and perennials are plants that have a one-year life cycle.D Annuals are plants that have a one-year life cycle and perennials are plants that live for many years.10.Why does the author include the sidebar“Observing a Plant Life Cycle”?A To share a set of directions.B To share a list of ingredients.C To show a picture of a plant life cycle.D To show the results of an experiment.11.Extended Response:What is a life cycle?Explain.12.Extended Response:How are an acorn and an oak tree connected?Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Quick Check Answer SheetLEVELMain Comprehension Skill:Compare and ContrastU ULife Cycles 1.B Compare and Contrast 2.B Compare and Contrast 3.C Sequence Events 4.A Vocabulary 5.B Sequence Events 6.C Compare and Contrast 7.D Vocabulary 8.B Main Idea and Details 9.D Vocabulary 10.A Authors Purpose 11.Answers will vary somewhat but should include that a life cycle is all of the stages a living things goes through from the day it is born until the day it dies.12.Answers will vary.Example:An oak tree begins life as a seed called an acorn.With soil,water,and sun,the seed germinates and becomes a tiny plant called a seedling.The seedling grows and becomes a young tree called a sapling.The sapling grows to become a full-grown tree.Once a year,the full-grown tree produces acorns that fall to the ground and begin to grow.After many years,the tree dies and the life cycle begins again.