原版英语RAZ 教案(U) Dawn of the Doughnut_LP.pdf
Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Common Core SupplementLEVELU UKey QuestionWhy are doughnuts a popular part of American culture?VocabularyAcademic vocabulary:amounts(n.),available(adj.),considered(v.),history(n.),opportunity(n.),process(n.)Discuss each academic vocabulary word with students.Point to the use of each word in the book,and then use each word in a different model sentence.Have students work in groups to create posters for these words.Include on each poster:the word and its part of speech,the definition,the word in an example sentence,and a picture illustrating the meaning of the word.Hang these posters up in the classroom for students to see and refer to as they encounter the words within other texts,lessons,and assignments.Story words doughnut(n.),inexpensive(adj.),ingredients(n.),invention(n.),pastries(n.),recipe(n.)Enrichment words delicatessens(n.),efficient(adj.),humble(adj.),immigrant(n.),profitable(adj.),staple(n.)Go to VocabularyAZ.com for a pre-made vocabulary lesson for Dawn of the Doughnut.Ask and answer questionsBefore reading,preview the table of contents with students.Annotate the page with questions,reactions,or wonderings in the margins.Before they read,have students develop a question they have related to each of the topics.Have students record them in the margin or on sticky notes.While they are reading,encourage students to answer their original questions or pose new ones.After they read,have students discuss their annotations with a partner.Text features:HeadingsExplain that headings are helpful in locating certain information about a topic within a text.Have students look at the headings throughout the text.Have students locate which heading and section would give them information about the history of doughnuts,what section(s)might provide information about different doughnut stores,and so on.Discuss what clues they used to determine which heading they might find the information under,including the heading and images and captions within the sections.Text-dependent questionsNext to each answer,have students write the page number(s)where they found information in the text to answer the questions.Comparehowdoughnutstodayaredifferentfromtheoriginaldoughnuts?(level 3)Whatisonestoryabouthowdoughnutsgottheirholes?(level 1)Whatdoesitmeantocallsomeonea“doughboy”?(level 2)Whyweredoughnutssopopularduringwartime?(level 3)Whatpartdidtheautomobileplayinmakingdoughnutssopopular?(level 2)Howmanydoughnutswereinthelargeststackofdoughnuts?Why?(level 1)Graphic organizer:Cause and effectAfter reading,students can complete the graphic organizer.Model and discuss how to complete the graphic organizer by locating evidence within the text.Response to readingHave students cite specific evidence from the book to answer the key question.Dawn of the DoughnutCommon Core Supplementwww.readinga- Learning AZ All rights reserved.Name Instructions:As you read,list causes in the left-hand column and their effects in the right-hand column.After finishing the book,choose two cause-and-effect relationships and rewrite them on the other side of this page.Dawn of the Doughnut Level USCAUEFFCETE