原版英语RAZ 教案Gems - Treasures from the Earth_WS (2).pdf
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原版英语RAZ 教案Gems - Treasures from the Earth_WS (2).pdf
Instructions:Read each statement and predict whether it is true or false on the basis of what you know about gems.As you read,confirm or revise your prediction in the third column.If you need to revise the statement,change it to a true statement and write it in the box.If you confirmed your prediction,write the page number that you found the answer on.Gems:Treasures from The earTh LeveL v 1SKILL:maKe,revISe,and confIrm predIctIonSStatementsT or F?Revise or Confirm Your Prediction1.Diamonds are formed by minerals being squeezed under layers of rock.2.A ruby is a crystal.3.Crystals are formed by volcanoes.4.Coral is a gem.5.The word carat,which refers to the size of the gem,comes from the name of the vegetable,carrot.6.Clarity refers to the color of the gem.7.Emeralds are the hardest natural things in the world.8.A flawed emerald can be worth more than a perfect diamond.9.Cultured pearls are made by machines.www.readinga-Name Learning AZ All rights reserved.Instructions:Use the boxes below to write the cause-and-effect sequence for each process.You can look back in the book to help you.Gems:Treasures from The earTh LeveL v 2SKILL:cauSe and effectHow sapphires are formed(p.7)How opals are formed(p.7)How gems become jewelry(p.10-12)How pearls are formed(p.9)How amber is formed(p.9)www.readinga-Name Learning AZ All rights reserved.Image:Steve Cole/Photodisc/Getty ImagesInstructions:Read the sentences below.In the blank on the right,tell whether they are simple,complex,or compound.Then circle the parts of the sentences and label them subject,verb,phrase,or conjunction.Gems:Treasures from The earTh LeveL v 3SKILL:Sentence typeSGems are beautiful,and they are valuable._ People who cut gems are called lapidaries._Emeralds are very rare._Diamonds are the hardest things on earth,and nothing else can scratch them._Pearls,which are organic gems,form inside oysters._The brilliant cut has many facets._compoundverbsubjectconjunctionverbsubjectwww.readinga-Name Learning AZ All rights reserved.Images:left:courtesy of USGS;center:Siede Preis/Photodisc/Getty Images;right:Learning A-ZInstructions:Below are words taken from Gems:Treasures from the Earth.Cut along the dotted lines to separate the boxes.Then move the boxes around on your desk to arrange the words in alphabetical order.Then write the words in alphabetical order on the lines below.Gems:Treasures from The earTh LeveL v 4SKILL:aLphabetIcaL orderwww.readinga-Name Learning AZ All rights reserved.Image:Learning A-Zmixedstreakstrongmineralsgemstonestoneminingstripeddiamondgeologistdrillstyle