原版英语RAZ 教案Book of Blood_WS.pdf
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原版英语RAZ 教案Book of Blood_WS.pdf
www.readinga-Name Learning AZ All rights reserved.book of blood level v 1SKILL:connect to prIor KnowLedgeInstructions:Beforereadingthebook,answer“Yes”or“No”toeachquestion.Afterreadingthebook,answerthequestionsagainandcompareyouranswers.Before ReadingTopic:Circulatory SystemAfter ReadingBlood moves in a circuit around the body,starting and ending with the heart.The heart is a muscle that works without your telling it to.The largest artery in the body is the aorta.The heart is about the size of a fist.The heart and lungs work together to move blood and oxygen through the body.The heart works harder when a person exercises.Red blood cells carry oxygen to parts of the body.White blood cells fight infection.Prior Knowledge SurveyYes=I agree with the statement.No =I do not agree with the statement.www.readinga-Name Learning AZ All rights reserved.book of blood level v 2SKILL:maIn Idea and detaILSInstructions:Findthemainideasforthechaptersbelowandrecordthemonthechart.Youwillneedtolookthroughthewholechaptertofigureoutthemainideas.Thenlookforthemostimportantdetailsthatsupporteachmainideaandrecordtheminthedetailscolumn.ChapterMain IdeaImportant DetailsVessel VoyageAll About BloodThe Color Red.or Purple?Know Your Typewww.readinga-Name Learning AZ All rights reserved.book of blood level v 3SKILL:Subject-verb agreementInstructions:Choosethecorrectverbforeachsentencefromtheparenthesesandwritethewordontheline.1 The circulatory system never.2 Your blood in a circuit around your body.3 From the lungs,pulmonary veins the blood to the left atrium of the heart.4 The vena cava the blood to the upper chamber of the heart.5 The arteries blood loaded with oxygen and nutrients.6 Capillaries the oxygen and nutrients in the blood.7 The walls of the arteries to accommodate this flow of blood.8 There two main types of of blood cells.9 Red blood cells the nutrients from digested food.10 White blood cells your body healthy by fighting off disease.(rest,rests)(travel,travels)(take,takes)(deliver,delivers)(carry,carries)(transfer,transfers)(expand,expands)(is,are)(absorb,absorbs)(keep,keeps)www.readinga-Name Learning AZ All rights reserved.book of blood level v 4SKILL:content vocabuLaryInstructions:Playthismatchinggamewithapartner.Cutupthecards,mixthemup,andspreadthemoutfacedownonthetable.Taketurnsturningovertwocards.Ifthetwocardsmakeapair,yougettokeepthem.Ifnot,turnthembackoversoyourpartnercanhaveaturn.bacteriaone-celled organisms that can cause diseasecirculationmovement in a circle or circuit within the bodyclotto thicken and make a liquid stop flowingpulseheartbeat felt through blood vessel wallsplasmathe fluid blood cells flow intransfusionstransfers of blood into the circulatory system of another persondepletedemptiedproteinan essential part of all cells in the bodyvirusestiny organisms that infect and reproduce inside living cellsantigena substance that helps the body fight infection