原版英语RAZ 教案O23-Barack Obama.pdf
Barack ObamaLesson PlanLeveLO O1 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-About the BookText Type:Nonfiction/Biography Page Count:16 Word Count:805Book SummaryBarack Obama is a biographical text about the forty-fourth president of the United States of America.Chronicling his life from birth until his historic election,the book educates readers on how Obamas life experiences shaped his decisions and career path.Background information about his family life,struggles,and career choices gives readers insight into Obamas personal side.Book and lesson also available at Levels K and S.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy AskandanswerquestionsObjectives Askandanswerquestionstounderstandinformationaltext Understandandidentifycause-and-effectrelationships Identifysilentletters Recognizeandunderstandirregularverbs IdentifyandusesynonymsMaterialsGreen text indicates resources available on the website BookBarack Obama(copy for each student)Chalkboardordryeraseboard Dictionaries Thesauruses KWLS/askandanswerquestions,causeandeffect,past-tenseverbs,synonymsworksheets DiscussioncardsIndicatesanopportunityforstudentstomarkinthebook.(Allactivitiesmaybedemonstrated by projecting book on interactive whiteboard or completed with paper and pencil if books are reused.)Vocabulary*Bold vocabulary words also appear in a pre-made lesson for this title on vocabularyAZ.com.Content words:Story critical:ashamed(adj.),civil rights(n.),inspired(v.),moved(v.),outsider(n.),races(n.)Enrichment:continents(n.),local(adj.),slavery(n.)Before ReadingBuild Background WritethenameBarack Obama on the board.Ask students to share what they know about him.explain that Barack Obama was elected president of the United States on November 4,2008.Ask students whether they know anything about Obama or his campaign for the presidency.Barack ObamaLesson Plan(continued)LeveLO O2 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga- CreateaKWLSchartontheboardandhandouttheKWLS/askandanswerquestionsworksheet.RevieworexplainthattheK stands for knowledge we know,the W stands for information we want to know,the L stands for the knowledge we learned,and the S stands for what we still want to know about the topic.As various topics are discussed,fill in the first column(K)on the board with information students know about the topic.Have students complete the same section of their KWLS worksheet.AskstudentswhattheywouldliketoknowaboutBarackObama.Havethemfillinthesecondcolumn(W)oftheirworksheet.Writetheirquestionsontheclasschart.Preview the BookIntroduce the Book Givestudentstheircopyofthebook.Guidethemtothefrontandbackcoversandreadthetitle.Have students discuss what they see on the covers.encourage them to offer ideas as to what kind of book it is and what it might be about.Askstudentsiftheythinkthisbookisfictionornonfictionandtoexplaintheirreasoning.Showstudentsthetitlepage.Talkabouttheinformationonthepage(titleofbook,authorsname).Askstudentstoturntothetableofcontents.Remindthemthatthetableofcontentsprovidesan overview of what the book is about.Ask students what they expect to read about in the book based on what they see in the table of contents.(Accept all answers that students can justify.)Introduce the Reading Strategy:Ask and answer questions Discusshowhavingpriorknowledgeaboutthetopic,andaskingandansweringquestionswhilereading,can help readers understand and remember the information in a book.Directstudentstothetableofcontents.Useitasawaytomodelaskingquestions.Think-aloud:I can use the table of contents to think of questions Id like to have answered about Barack Obama.For example,Section 2 is titled“Growing Up.”I know that Obama grew up to be a very important politician,but I dont know where he was born or what his life was like as a young boy.Ill have to read the book to find out.Ill write that question in the W column of the KWLS chart.Havestudentslookattheothersectiontitles.Writeanyquestionstheyhavebasedonthecoversand table of contents in the W column of the KWLS chart on the board.Havestudentspreviewtherestofthebook,lookingatmaps,photos,andcaptions.Pointoutthe“Do You Know?”boxes,which contain more information about Obama.Show students the glossary.HavethemaddanyadditionalquestionstheymighthaveaboutthebooktotheirKWLSchart.Writesharedquestionsontheclasschart.Asstudentsread,encouragethemtouseotherreadingstrategiesinadditiontothetargetedstrategy presented in this section.Introduce the Comprehension Skill:Cause and effect Discusscause-and-effectrelationships.Explainthatacause is an event that makes something happen,and the effect is what happens because of,or as a result of,the event.Writethefollowingsentenceontheboard:I put on my hat.Model identifying cause-and-effect relationships.Think-aloud:I know that there are reasons,or causes,for events to happen.When I put on a hat,it might be because it is hot outside.The hat shades me from the sun and keeps me cool.So,a cause for putting on the hat could be because I wanted to stay cool.However,I also sunburn easily.Since a hat shades my face from the sun,another reason to put on a hat could be to prevent me from getting sunburned.There can be more than one cause for an effect.Invitestudentstoexplainotherpossiblecausesforputtingonahat(itiscold,itiswindy,thehatis part of a costume,and so on).Barack ObamaLesson Plan(continued)LeveLO O3 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga- Retelltheseriesofcause-and-effectrelationshipsaboutthedecisiontowearahatonahotday.Ask students to identify the causes and effects.Write each cause and its effect on the chart on the board.When finished,point out how each cause-and-effect relationship leads to other cause-and-effect relationships.Introduce the Vocabulary Writethefollowingwordsfromthecontentvocabularyontheboard:civil rights,outsider,and inspired.Givegroupsofstudentsthreepiecesofblankpaper.Foreachword,havethemwriteordrawwhatthey know about the word.Create a definition for each word using students prior knowledge.Revieworexplainthattheglossaryandadictionarycontainlistsofvocabularywordsandtheirdefinitions.Modelhowstudentscanuseaglossarytofindawordsmeaning.Pointoutthatnotallcontentwords will be found in the glossary,and ask students to locate the word inspired in the dictionary.explain that they will find the word inspire,and that the suffix-ed is dropped for entrywords.Inviteavolunteertoreadthedefinitionforinspire in the dictionary,and have a different volunteer read the definition for inspired in the glossary.Havestudentscomparethedefinitionwiththeirpriorknowledgeoftheword.Thenhavestudents follow along on page 8 as you read the sentence in which the word inspired is found to confirmthemeaningoftheword.Repeattheexercisewiththeremainingvocabularywords.Set the Purpose HavestudentsthinkaboutwhattheyalreadyknowaboutBarackObamaastheyreadthebooktofindanswerstotheirquestions,andwritewhattheylearnedintheL section of their KWLS worksheet.During ReadingStudent Reading Guide the reading:Havestudentsreadtotheendofpage8.RemindthemtolookforinformationaboutBarackObamaandtheeventsofhislifethatwillanswerquestionsontheirKWLSchart.encourage students who finish early to go back and reread.Whentheyhavefinishedreading,havestudentsdiscusstheinformationineachsectionandsharewhat they learned about Obamas accomplishments,influence,and/or personality.Have students circleanyquestionsontheirKWLSchartthatwereansweredandaddanynewquestionsthatwere generated.ModelansweringaquestionontheKWLSchartandfillinginadditionalinformation.Think-aloud:I wanted to know where Obama was born and what his life was like as a young boy.I found out that he was born in Hawaii in 1961 and that he was called Barry when he was young.I also found out that his father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas,and that his dad left when Barry was 4.His mom later married a man from Indonesia and they moved to his country when Barry was 6.He was eventually sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents,so he could get a better education.Ill write what I learned in the L column of my KWLS chart.This information made me want to know how living in different places affected Obamas outlook on life.Ill write this question in the W column of my KWLS chart.Createacause-and-effectchartontheboard.Writehis father moved back to Kenya under the Cause heading.Ask students to use the text and think-aloud discussion to identify the effect of this cause(his mother eventually remarried because her first marriage ended and she fell in love with someone new and they moved to Indonesia).Write this information on the chart under the Effect heading.Barack ObamaLesson Plan(continued)LeveLO O4 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga- Introduceandexplainthecause-and-effect worksheet.Ask students to write the information from the board on their worksheet.Have them identify and write on their worksheet a cause-and-effect relationshipthathappenedasaresultofObamasmotherremarryingandmovingtoIndonesia.(Cause:Obamalearnedwhatitwasliketoliveinaverypoorcountry;Effect:HismotherthoughthecouldgetabettereducationinHawaii.)Pointouthowthechartconnectsthefirstcause-and-effect relationship with the second(the effect,his mother remarried and moved to Indonesia,is connected to the next cause,Obama learned what it was like to live in a very poor country).Havestudentsidentifyandwriteontheirworksheetacause-and-effectrelationshipthathappened as a result of Barry moving back to Hawaii.(Cause:InHawaii,hefeltlikeanoutsiderbecauseofthecolorofhisskinandhisunusualname;Effect:HelearnedaboutimportantAfricanAmericanswhofeltlikeoutsidersbutwhohadsuccessfullyfoundtheirwayintheworld.)Pointout how the chart connects the second cause-and-effect relationship with the third(the effect,His mother thought he could get a better education in Hawaii,is connected to the next cause,In Hawaii,he felt like an outsider because of the color of his skin and his unusual name).Check for understanding:Have students read pages 9 and 10.Have them write answers they found while reading in the LcolumnoftheirKWLSworksheetandadditionalquestionstheyraisedin the Wcolumn.Invitethemtosharetheinformationtheylearnedandthequestionstheygeneratedastheyreadthebook.RecordsharedresponsesontheclassKWLSchart.Havestudentsidentifyandwriteontheirworksheetacause-and-effectrelationshipthathappened as a result of Barry finishing high school.(Cause:BarrywenttocollegeinLosAngeles;Effect:Helearnedthathewantedtohelppeopleincommunities.)Havestudentsreadtheremainderofthebook.RemindthemtolookforandwriteanswerstotheirKWLSworksheetquestions.Encouragethemtoaddnewquestionstheymighthavetotheirworksheet as they read and to circle the important events.Havestudentsmakeaquestionmarkintheirbookbesideanywordtheydonotunderstandor cannot pronounce.encourage them to use the strategies they have learned to read each word and figure out its meaning.After Reading Askstudentswhatwords,ifany,theymarkedintheirbook.Usethisopportunitytomodelhowthey can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.Reflect on the Reading Strategy AskstudentstosharequestionstheyaddedtotheirKWLSworksheetwhilereading,andaskthemwhatquestionswereanswered(ornotanswered)inthetext.Think-aloud:I wanted to know how living in so many different places affected Obamas outlook on life.I found out that he often felt like an outsider because he had a father who was black and a mother who was white.However,I learned that when he went to college,he learned that he didnt have to choose between his two backgrounds.Over time,he became inspired to make changes in some of the unfair things he had seen so far in his life.I learned that he went to law school and later became involved in politics because he was so passionate about helping people and improving the world.Reinforcethataskingquestionsbeforeandduringreading,andlookingfortheanswerswhilereading,keepsreadersinterestedinthetopic.Italsoencouragesthemtokeepreadingtofindanswerstotheirquestionsandhelpsthemunderstandandrememberwhattheyhaveread.Pointouttostudentsthatalloftheirquestionsmaynothavebeenansweredinthistext.Brainstorm other sources they might use to locate additional information to answer their questions.Invitestudentstofillinthefinalcolumn(S)of their KWLS chart with information they would still like to know about Barack Obama.Barack ObamaLesson Plan(continued)LeveLO O5 Learning AZ,Inc.All rights reserved.www.readinga-Reflect on the Comprehension Skill Discussion:Discusswithstudentstheinformationontheircause-and-effectworksheet.Pointoutthe last effect in the chain.(He learned that he wanted to help people in communities.)Have students reread page 11 to identify the cause-and-effect relationship that happened as a result of Barack wanting people to be treated fairly.(Cause:Barackwantedtolearnhowtochangelaws;Effect:Heenteredlawschoolin1988.)Independent practice:Havestudentscompletetheircause-and-effectworksheet.Iftimeallows,discuss their responses.Enduring understanding:Inthisbook,youlearnedaboutObamaslifeexperiencesandhowtheyallhelped to shape his great accomplishments.Now that you know this information,how do you feel about his motivation to succeed and the changes he has undergone so far in his life?How have his experiences shaped him as a person?How does Obamas life story affect how you think about your personal experiences helping to shape your own life?Build SkillsPhonics:Silent letters Writetheletterk on the board and ask students to say the sound the letter k makes.Writethelettern after the letter kandsay:When the letter k is followed by the letter n,the k is silent and you only hear the/n/sound.Havestudentsturntopage4andhavethemunderlinethewordwiththesilentk(know).Check for understanding:Writethefollowingwordsontheboard,leavingofftheinitialconsonant:knife,knot,kite,knight,know,kick,knee.Invitevolunteerstocomeuptotheboardandaddtheinitial consonant k to each word.Have them tell whether the k is silent or not.Grammar and Mechanics:Irregular verbs Havestudentsturntopage7.Writethefollowingsentenceontheboard:Barrys mother taught him about races and cultural groups.Ask them to identify the verb in the sentence(taught).explain that this is a past-tense verb that describes something that happened in the past.Write the term Past Tense on the board.WritethetermPresent Tense on the board.explain that present-tense verbs describe something that is happening in the present,or right now.Ask students to name the present-tense form of taught(teach).Write the examples under the appropriate headings on the board.Havestudentsturntopage6.Readthefollowingsentencealoud:Barrys mother married a man from Indonesia when Barry was six.Ask students to identify the verbs in the sentence(married,was).Pointoutthattheverbmarried is changed to a past-tense verb by adding the suffix-ed to the root word marry after changing the-y to-i.Discusshowthisisanexampleofaregular past-tense verb.Pointoutthatwas is an irregular past-tense verb because its past tense form is made without adding-d or-ed.Ask students to name the present-tense form of was(is).Write