原版英语RAZ 教案The Reef_WS.pdf
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原版英语RAZ 教案The Reef_WS.pdf
Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Name _Instructions:List the events in the story under the five parts of a plot.Use your book to help with the correct order of events.SKILL:anaLyze pLot the reef LeVeL x 1Introduction:usually describes the setting and charactersRising Action:presents the problem and explains how the character is trying to solve itClimax:the most exciting part of the text,in which the problem is solvedFalling Action:tells what happens as a result of the characters solution to the problemResolution:ties up loose ends at the end of the storyIntroductionResolutionClimaxRising ActionFalling ActionIntroduction:_Rising Action:_Climax:_Falling Action:_Resolution:_ Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Name _Instructions:Read the passages below from The Reef.Underline each prepositional phrase and circle the preposition.SKILL:prepoSItIonaL phraSeS the reef LeVeL x 2Sunday,May 6:We are back to the ocean today.We hear the mapping of the coast is going well.This afternoon we burned some gunpowder in the hold to clean the air.The Captain then ordered us to build a fire in an iron pot to dry the area.Dont know that it works,but the gunpowder and smoke smell better than the usual stench.I had only one shift on deck today.I was quite without amusement for much of the day.I wrote another letter to my daughter,Chelsey.Sunday,May 20:As we move away from shore,we have encountered a reef where the water is very shallow.The captain has told everyone to be alert for it,and to yell warning if we see it in our path.The water is very clear and we can see the color of the sand on the bottom with no trouble.We also have a fine view of creatures swimming around the ship,including several sharks,dolphins,many fish,and a large turtle.Monday,May 21:Quiet day,little to report.We dropped anchor tonight at 8 to avoid drifting toward the reef in the darkness.Tuesday,May 22:Dropped anchor in a large bay this evening,resolved to go ashore tomorrow in search of plants.Saturday,May 26:We found ourselves in a channel between two strips of land.The water became very shallow and we dropped anchor to check things over.We set afloat in two of the small boats to scout a passage.Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-Name _SKILL:SynonymS the reef LeVeL x 3Instructions:Use a thesaurus to identify a synonym for each word.Then use the synonym in a sentence.Write the sentence on the line provided.1 powerful(synonym)2 amusement(synonym)3 harsh(synonym)4 assure(synonym)5 enjoy(synonym)