【Week5-6】精读讲义 20240203 AI的诱人前景 ★★★★☆.pdf
经济学人经济学人双语双语 AI 的诱人前景 Week5 周六 字数 853 words 难度系数 全文导读 在人工智能的发展过程中,由于生产乃至服务的智能化,原本凭借廉价劳动力参与到全球产业分工当中的发展中国家似乎出现了被永久边缘化的风险。但通过推动人工智能向善发展,发展中国家也将受益于其进步所带来的成果,如推动教育普及化、提供更优质的医疗服务等,从而弥合人力资本差距、助力发展中国家经济增长。重难点讲义&全文翻译 AI for all:AI holds tantalising promise for the emerging world AI 服务于所有人:AI 为新兴世界带来诱人前景 It could help boost human capital,and ultimately growth.AI 有助于提升人力资本,最终促进增长。tantalising /tntl-az/adj.making you feel a desire to have or do something 逗引人的,撩拨人的 the tantalising smell of fried bacon 诱人的煎熏猪肉的味道 SYN tempting promise /prms/n.signs that something or someone will be good or successful 某事或某人将有好结果或成功的迹象,征兆 a young man full of promise 一个大有前途的年轻人 human capital 人力资本,亦称非物质资本,与物质资本相对,是体现在劳动者身上的资本。如劳动者的知识技能、文化技术水平与健康状况等。作为“活资本”的人力资本,具有创新性、创造性,具有有效配置资源、调整企业发展战略等市场应变能力。对人力资本进行投资,对 GDP的增长具有更高的贡献率。扫码听音频 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 4-2-31/13Para.1 New technology brings with it both the sweet hope of greater prosperity and the cruel fear of missing out.Satya Nadella,the boss of Microsoft,says he is haunted by the fact that the Industrial Revolution left behind India,his country of birth.(Indian manufacturers hardly enjoyed a level playing-fieldBritain was then both their rival and their ruler.)Many technologies,such as online-education courses,have generated more hype than economic growth in the emerging world.Some people worry that generative artificial intelligence(AI),too,will disappoint the global south.The big winners so far seem to be a bunch of Western early adopters,as well as startups in San Francisco and Americas“magnificent seven”tech firms,which include Microsoft and have together added an astonishing$4.6trn to their market value since ChatGPTs launch in November 2022.miss out to not have the chance to do something that you enjoy and that would be good for you 错 失 机 会 Some children miss out because their parents cant afford to pay for school trips.一些孩子因为父母负担不起学校组织的旅行而失去了参加的机会。haunt /hnt/v.if sth unpleasant haunts you,it keeps coming to your mind so that you cannot forget it(不快的事情)萦绕于脑际,难以忘却The memory of that day still haunts me.我的脑海中常常回想起那天的情景。leave sth behind if a person,country,or organization is left behind,they do not develop as quickly or make as much progress as other people,countries etc 落后 In class,a child with poor eyesight can soon get left behind.在课堂上,视力不好的孩子很快就会落在别人的后面。a level playing field a situation in which different people,companies,countries etc can all compete fairly because no one has special advantages 公平竞争 Small businesses want to compete on a level playing field with larger ones.小企业想和大企业公平竞争。hype /hap/n.attempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television,the radio etc used to show disapproval 传媒的 大肆宣传,炒作 含贬义 Some experts are concerned that the new drug wont live up to all the hype.一些专家担心这种新药并不像宣传中那么好。generative artificial intelligence 生成式人工智能,是利用复杂的算法、模型和规则,从大规模数据集中学习,以创造新的原创内容的人工智能技术。这项技术能够创造文本、图片、声音、视频和代码等多种类型的内容,全面超越了传统软件的数据处理和分析能力。2022 年末,OpenAI 推出的 ChatGPT 标志着这一技术在文本生成领域取得了显著进展。the global south “全球南方”通常被用来指代低收入、人口密集、基础设施差的发展中新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 4-2-32/13国家,这些国家主要分布于非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲。虽然这些国家中有不少位于南半球,但这一术语并非指地理意义上的南方,而是相对于发达的北方而言。全球北方(Global North)则主要是指发达国家、高收入国家。发达国家(北营)与发展中国家(南营)在社会经济和政治上常常存在巨大分歧,称作南北分歧,也称作南北差距(North-south Divide)。a bunch of sth a large number of people or things,or a large amount of something 大量 Theres a whole bunch of places I want to visit.我想去的地方太多了。adopter /dpt/n.a person who starts using a new technology(新技术)采用者 early/late adoptersof DVD players 早期后来用 DVD 机的人 startup n.a new small company or business,especially one whose work involves computers or the Internet 尤指从事计算机或因特网的小型的新兴公司,新创办企业 an Internet startup 一家新兴网络公司 magnificent seven 美股市场的七大科技巨头,包括:苹果、微软、谷歌、特斯拉、英伟达、亚马逊以及 Meta Platforms。market value the total value of all the shares on a stock market,or the value of a particular companys shares 股市中所有股票或某一公司股票的市值 launch /lnt/n.when a new product,book etc is made available or made known 新产品的 投放市场;新书的 发行 a product launch 产品的投放市场 划线句 The big winners so far seem to be a bunch of Western early adopters,as well as startups in San Francisco and Americas“magnificent seven”tech firms,which【引导定从修饰“magnificent seven”tech firms,即美国科技七大巨头包括微软在内,并且自 ChatGPT 发行以来市值大幅上升,说明了目前为止人工智能的受益者主要是发达国家,表达了对人工智能惠及性的担忧】include Microsoft and have together added an astonishing$4.6trn to their market value since ChatGPTs launch in November 2022.新技术不仅让人们殷切期望更加繁荣的未来,也让人们痛苦、唯恐错失良机。微软总裁萨提亚纳德拉(Satya Nadella)表示,他的出生地印度因工业革命落后于世界其他地区,这一事实让他久久不能忘怀(那时,印度制造商很难公平参与竞争;因为英国既是他们的竞争对手,也是其统治者。)许多技术,如在线教育课程,在新兴世界引发的炒作远远超过其带来的经济增长。一些人担心,生成式人工智能会让全球南方的希望落空。目前为止,该领域最大的赢家似乎是西方国家早期采用该技术的企业,此外还包括旧金山的初创公司,以及微软在内的美国科技“七巨头”;自 2022 年 11 月 ChatGPT 发行以来,美国七大科技公司的市值总共上涨了 4.6 万亿美元,令人震惊不已。新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 4-2-33/13Para.3 Para.2 Yet AI stands to transform lives in the emerging world,too.As it spreads,the technology could raise productivity and shrink gaps in human capital faster than many before it.People in developing countries need not be passive recipients of AI,but can shape it to suit their own needs.Most exciting of all,it could help income levels catch up with those in the rich world.stand to do sth to be likely to do or have something 很可能会做某事,可能有某物 After the oil spill,thousands of fishermen stand to lose their livelihoods.石油泄漏发生后,许多渔民很可能会失去生计。catch up with to improve and reach the same standard as other people in your class,group etc 赶上同班、同组等其他人的水平At the moment our technology is more advanced,but other countries are catching up with us.目前我们的技术比较先进,但其他国家正在赶上来。然而,人工智能仍有望改变新兴世界的生活。随着人工智能的普及,该技术可以提高生产率,弥合人力资本差距,且速度快于之前的许多技术。发展中国家的人民无需被动地接受人工智能,而是可以根据自身需求改造它。最令人兴奋的是,人工智能也将帮助发展中国家在收入水平上追上富裕国家。The promise of AI in developing countries is tantalising.As in the West,it will be a useful all-purpose tool for consumers and workers,making it easier to obtain and interpret information.Some jobs will go,but new ones will be created.Because emerging countries have fewer white-collar workers,the disruption and the gain to existing firms may be smaller than in the West.The IMF says that a fifth to a quarter of workers there are most exposed to replacement,compared with a third in rich countries.all-purpose adj.able to be used in any situation 多用途的,通用的 an all-purpose cleaner 万能清洁剂 go v.to no longer exist or no longer be in the same place 消失,不见 The door was open and all his things had gone.门开着,他所有的东西都没了。SYN disappear white-collar adj.white-collar workers 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 4-2-34/13Para.4 have jobs in offices,banks etc rather than jobs working in factories,building things etc 在办公室、银行等工作的 白领阶层的 white-collar jobs 白领工作 IMF an international organization that tries to encourage trade between countries and to help poorer countries develop economically 国际货币基金组织,是根据 1944 年 7 月在布雷顿森林会议签订的 国际货币基金组织协定,于 1945年 12 月 27 日在华盛顿成立的国际组织之一。其职责是监察货币汇率和各国贸易情况,提供技术和资金协助,确保全球金融制度运作正常。expose /kspz/v.to put someone in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant 使暴露于险境,使置身 于危险 当中 The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.报告披露工人们受到了高强度的辐射。人工智能在发展中国家前景诱人。与在西方国家一样,人工智能将成为对消费者和劳动者而言一项有用且功能多样的工具,方便其获取和理解信息。一些工作将消失,但是新工作将由此诞生。由于新兴国家白领较少,与西方国家相比,人工智能对现有企业的颠覆和增益也较少。国际货币基金组织表示,发展中国家五分之一到四分之一的劳动者有可能会被人工智能取代,而在发达国家这一比例为三分之一。But a potentially transformative benefit may come from better and more accessible public services.Developing economies have long been held back by a lack of educated,healthy workers.Primary-school teachers in India have twice as many pupils as their American counterparts,but are ill-equipped for the struggle.Doctors in Africa are scarce;properly trained ones are scarcer.Whole generations of children grow up badly schooled,in poor health and unable to fulfil their potential in an increasingly global labour market.hold back to prevent someone or something from making progress 阻碍某人/某事(的发展)They felt the British economy was being held back by excessive government controls.他们感到,由于政府过度控制,英国的经济发展受到了阻碍。counterpart /kantpt/n.someone or something that has the same job or purpose as someone or something else in a different place 职务相当的人;作用相当的事物 Belgian officials are discussing this with their French counterparts.比利时官员与法国同级官员正在讨论此事。ill-equipped adj.not having the necessary equipment or skills for a particular situation or activity 装备不足的;能力欠缺的 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 4-2-35/13Para.5 Their army is ill-equipped for modern warfare.他们的军队装备很差,不符合现代化战争的要求。school /skul/v.to educate a child 教育;培养 She should be schooled with her peers.她应当与她的同龄人一起接受教育。但是公共服务质量提高、覆盖范围扩大可能会带来潜在的变革。长期以来,发展中国家因劳动力受教育程度与健康水平低而发展受制。印度的小学教师教授的学生人数是美国小学老师的两倍,但是教学条件很差,不能应对教学需求。非洲医生稀缺;受过适当训练的医生则更加稀少。整整几代人在资源贫瘠的教育环境下长大,健康状态不佳,无法在日益全球化的劳动力市场中发挥其潜力。As our briefing this week sets out,policymakers and entrepreneurs around the world are exploring ways that AI can help.India is combining large language models with speech-recognition software to enable illiterate farmers to ask a bot how to apply for government loans.Pupils in Kenya will soon be asking a chatbot questions about their homework,and the chatbot will be tweaking and improving its lessons in response.Researchers in Brazil are testing a medical AI that helps undertrained primary-care workers treat patients.Medical data collected worldwide and fed into AIs could help improve diagnosis.If AI can make people in poorer countries healthier and better educated,it should in time also help them catch up with the rich world.briefing /brif/n.information or instructions that you get before you have to do something 做某事前得到的 简要指示,情况简介 这里指的是经济学人的 briefing 板块,这是一个专门针对政策、商业和科技领域的深度报道和解析的版块,旨在帮助读者深入了解全球范围内的重要事件和趋势。Briefing 板块的内容通常比较长,需要花费一定时间来阅读和消化。但是,它的报道和分析都非常深入和全面。set out to explain ideas,facts,or opinions in a clearly organized way,in writing or in a speech 清楚而系统地用书面或口头方式 陈述,阐明 He set out the reasons for his decision in his report.在报告中他陈述了作出这个决定的理由。speech-recognition the ability of a computer to recognize speech 计算机的语音识别 speech recognition systems 语音识别系统 illiterate /ltrt/adj.someone who is illiterate has not learned to read or write 不识字的,文盲的 bot /bt/n.a computer program that performs a particular task again and again many times 网上机器人;自动程序;机器人程式 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 4-2-36/13Para.6 Kenya 肯尼亚,位于非洲东部。2021 年肯尼亚国内生产总值 1104 亿美元,人均国内生产总值 2321 美元,经济增长率 7.5%。tweak /twik/v.to make small changes to a machine,vehicle,or system in order to improve the way it works 对 机器、汽车或系统作小小的改进 Maybe you should tweak a few sentences before you send in the report.报告交上去之前,有几个句子你也许应该修改一下。primary-care basic medical treatment that you receive from a doctor who is not a specialist 非专科医生的初级保健护理,初诊治疗,初级治疗。欧美国家医疗体系普遍采用医疗保健服务分层制度,初级诊疗负责提供常见病症的诊断和治疗,以及日常的健康管理,比如疾病预防和筛查、健康宣教和体检等服务。此外,还负责转诊(Referral),确保患者得到进一步的、更适合他们的特定的治疗。feed v.to put information into a computer over a period of time 将信息输入计算机 Figures are fed into the computer,which then predicts the likely profit.数据输入电脑后,由电脑来预测可能的利润。in time after a certain period of time,especially after a gradual process of change and development 过一段时间,迟早 He wants to see changes in the company and I am sure he will,in time.他想看到公司的变化,我相信过一段时间他一定会看到的。正如我们本周的简报所述,世界各国的决策者和企业家正在探索人工智能助力发展的路径。印度正在将大型语言模型与语音识别软件相结合,让不识字的农民也能向机器人询问如何申请政府贷款。肯尼亚的学生不久后将可以向聊天机器人提问与作业有关的问题,聊天机器人将相应地调整和改进课程。巴西的研究者正在测试一款医疗人工智能,帮助未经充分培训的基层医护人员医治患者。在全球范围内收集并输入给人工智能的医疗数据将辅助改善诊断结果。如果人工智能能让贫困地区的人们改善健康水平、提升教育程度,那么假以时日,它也将帮助这些人赶上富裕国家的发展进度。Pleasingly,these benefits could spread faster than earlier waves of technology.New technologies invented in the early 20th century took more than 50 years to reach most countries.By contrast,AI will spread through the gadget that many people across the emerging world already have,and many more soon will:the phone in their pockets.In time,chatbots will become much cheaper to provide and acquire.gadget /dt/n.a small,useful,and cleverly-designed machine or tool 设计精巧的小机械工具 a neat gadget for sharpening knives 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 4-2-37/13Para.7 精巧的磨刀工具 划 线 句 By contrast,AI will spread through the gadget that【引导定从修饰 the gadget】many people across the emerging world already have,and many more soon will【即 many more(people across the emerging world)soon will(have),省略了括号内的成分】:the phone in their pockets【解释这种 gadget 就是人们口袋里的手机,人工智能借助手机传播,因此传播速度更快】.好消息是,与早期科技浪潮相比,人工智能的好处能以更快的速度传播。20 世纪初诞生的新技术用了五十多年的时间才惠及大多数国家。相比之下,人工智能将通过新兴世界许多人已经拥有并且很快将有更多人拥有的设备,即手机进行传播。最终,聊天机器人的生产和获取成本将大大降低。Moreover,the technology can be tailored to local needs.So far there is little sign that AI is ruled by the winner-takes-all effects that benefited Americas social-media and internet-search firms.That means a variety of approaches could prosper.Some developers in India are already taking Western models and fine-tuning them with local data to provide a whizzy language-translation service,avoiding the heavy capital costs of model-building.tailor /tel/v.to make something so that it is exactly right for someones particular needs or for a particular purpose 根据特定需要制作,定做 Treatment is tailored to the needs of each patient.治疗方案是针对各个病人的需要而制订的。winner-take(s)-all adj.(of a competition)resulting in the entire prize going to the one competitor who wins(竞赛)胜者全赢的 His winner-take-all business tactics shut out would-be competitors.他的胜者全赢的商业策略使潜在竞争对手不愿参与进来。注:赢家通吃,是指市场竞争的最后胜利者获得所有的或者绝大多数的市场份额,而失败者往往被淘汰出市场而无法生存。赢家通吃发展到极致就是寡头垄断,即只有少数大而有实力的公司控制着大部分的市场份额。fine-tune /fan tjun/v.to make very small changes to something such as a machine,system,or plan,so that it works as well as possible 对机器、系统、计划等进行微调,精密调节 Over the next few days,we fine-tuned the scheme and made some useful improvements.接下来的几天,我们对计划进行微调,作了些有益的改进。whizzy /wzi/adj.having features that make use of advanced technology 采用先进技术的a whizzy new hand-held computer 技术先进的新型掌上电脑 新英文外刊公众号 2 0 2 4-2-38/13Para.8 此外,这种技术还可以根据当地需求进行本地化。目前为止,还未有迹象表明人工智能受到“赢家通吃”效应的支配,这种效应曾让美国的社交媒体和互联网搜索公司受益颇多。这意味着人工智能技术将百花齐放。印度一些开发者已经采用西方模型,并使用本地数据对其微调,以提供先进的语言翻译服务,避免了建模所需的巨额资金成本。Another idea that is also taking off in the West is to build smaller,cheaper models of your own.A narrower set of capabilities,rather than the ability to get every bit of information under the sun,can suit specific needs just fine.A medical AI is unlikely to need to generate amusing limericks in the style of William Shakespeare,as ChatGPT does so successfully.This still requires computing power and bespoke data sets.But it could help adapt AI in more varied and useful ways.take off (of an idea,a product,etc.)to become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly(观念、产品等)突然大受欢迎;迅速流行 The new magazine has really taken off.这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。under the sun used to emphasize that you are talking about a large range of things 世上一切,天下万物 用于强调范围很广 You can buy jeans in every colour under the sun.你可以买到天底下任何颜色的牛仔裤。limerick /lmrk/n.a humorous short poem that has five lines that rhyme 五行打油诗 bespoke /bspk/adj.a bespoke product,especially computer software or a piece of clothing,has been specially made for a particular customer 尤指计算机软件、服装等产品定做的,定制的 the cost of development of a bespoke system 定制系统的开发成本 data set (Computing)a collection of related sets of information that is composed of separate elements but can be manipulated as a unit by a computer(计算机)数据集 另一个观念也在西方兴起,那就是构建规模更小、成本更低的专属模型。有限的功能要比包罗