英语试题公共英语部分注:括号里面的文字的意思:1 .根据整篇短文的理解加进去,只是为了正片读起来相对比较通顺而已,省去括号里面的内 容也可。2 .考虑的翻译的可读性,改变了原本的表述方法,括号里是字面上的意思3 .每句与每句之间的衔接的逻辑连接词。4 .对前句翻译的说明。另,有些翻译仍然不够通顺,请见谅!八,Put the following passage into Chinese:1、 Critics of early schooling cite research that questions whether 4-year-old children are ready to take on formal learning.早教的批评者援引有关4岁的小孩是否已经准备好接受正规学习的研究。Educators find that older toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers, whereas their younger counterparts are more likely to fail.一些教育者们发现那些学步较晚的小孩更能胜任学校的功课,而那些较早学步的小孩反而 不尽人意。Kindergarten children who turn five during the latter half of the year seem to be at a disadvantage when it comes to physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development.那些4岁半即将5岁的幼儿园小孩,在生理、心理、社交、智力的发展上似乎处于劣势地 位。Additionally, children who are nearly six when they enter kindergarten tend to receive better grades and score higher on achievement tests throughout their schooling experience than do those who begin kindergarten having just turned five.另外,相比于那些刚刚5岁就被送进幼儿园的小孩,那些接近6岁才进入幼儿园的小孩在 他们学校功课中常常能够获得更好的成绩,在成绩测试中也常常获得较高的分数。Being bright and verbally skillful and being ready for school do not seem to be the same thing. (一个小孩)聪明、语言表达能力(是否强)与(他)是否适龄入学似乎并不是一回事。It is easy to confuse the superficial poise and sophistication of many of today's children with inner maturity.如今小孩身上表现出来沉着、老练与内在的成熟,这两者很容易被混淆。Indeed, evidence suggests that early schooling boomerangs: Youngsters whose parents push them to attain academic success in preschool are less creative, have more anxiety about tests, and, by the end of kindergarten, fail to maintain their initial academic advantage over their less-pressured peers.实际上,有证据显示,早教所带来的恰恰适得其反。那些被父母后面督促着而学业有成的 小孩(往往)缺乏创造力,而且对于考试他们显得更加焦虑。同时,相对于没有收到重压 的同龄人,到学前教育结束之时,他们(已)难以维持最初在学业上的优势。Many psychologists and educators remain skeptical of approaches that place 4-year-olds in a formal educational setting.对于将4岁小孩放入正式教育的这种做法,许多心理学家和教育家都持怀疑态度。They question whether environmental enrichment can significantly alter the built-in 按照一位教授的原话:“那些与他们父亲打闹的孩子们,早早就明白了打人和踢人或者其他 形式的暴力行为都是不允许的JThey learn when to "shut it down.*' 他们知道何时“住手”。At play and in other realms, fathers tend to stress competition, challenge, initiative, risk taking and independence.在玩耍亦或是其他的一些地方,父亲往往会强调竞争、挑战、主动、冒险和独立 Mothers, as caretakers, stress emotional security and personal safety.(而)母亲作为看护者,强调的是情绪上和人身的安全感。On the playground fathers often try to get the child to swing even higher, while mothers are cautious, worrying about an accident.在游乐场中,爸爸经常试着让孩子的秋千摆的更高,而妈妈却总是小心翼翼担心意外。7、(与第一篇重复) Critics of early schooling cite research that questionswhether 4-year-old children are ready to take on formal learning. Educators find that older toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers, whereas their younger counterparts are more likely to fail. Kindergarten children who turn five during the latter half of the year seem to be at a disadvantage when it comes to physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. Additionally, children who are nearly six when they enter kindergarten tend to receive better grades and score higher on achievement tests throughout their schooling experience than do those who begin kindergarten having just turned five. Being bright and verbally skillful and being ready for school do not seem to be the same thing. It is easy to confuse the superficial poise and sophistication of many of today's children with inner maturity. Indeed, evidence suggests that early schooling boomerangs: Youngsters whose parents push them to attain academic success in preschool are less creative, have more anxiety about tests, and, by the end of kindergarten, fail to maintain their initial academic advantage over their less-pressured peers.Many psychologists and educators remain skeptical of approaches that place 4-year-olds in a formal educational setting. They question whether environmental enrichment can significantly alter the built-in developmental timetable of a child reared in a non disadvantaged home. They do not deny, however, the value of day-care centers and nursery schools that provide a homelike environment and allow children considerable freedom to play, develop at their own pace, and evolve their social skills. But they point out that many of the things children once did in first grade are now expected of them in kindergarten, and they worry lest more and more will now be asked of 4-year-olds. These psychologists and educators believe we are driving young children too hard and thereby depriving them of their childhood.8、Sociologically, advertising supports the mass communication media.从社会学角度来说,广告是支撑大众传播媒体运营的基础。It pays all the costs of commercial television and radio.广告为商业电视和广播媒体提供开销。It provides viewers with free entertainment and news programs, though viewers are often annoyed by commercial interruptions.尽管观众们老是因为插播商业广告恼火,然而广告却为观众们提供了免费的娱乐和新闻节 目(然而观众们正因此而不必为娱乐和新闻节目买单)。Without advertising, readers would have to pay a higher price for newspapers and magazines, and many of the publications would go out of business.如若没有广告,读者们便不得不为昂贵的报纸和杂志买单,许多出版商也会因此倒闭。9、Most publications have lots of advantages.各种出版物都有其各自的优势。Paper is pleasant to handle, easy to read, and very portable: you can read it almost anywhere. 纸质出版物适于上手、易于阅读、便于携带,让你随时随地享受阅读。On the other hand, print has its weaknesses.而从另一方面来说,印刷品也有他的短板。Paper is expensive, and articles are often cut to fit the space available.(那就是)纸张非常贵,并且文章通常都需要缩减以适纸张篇幅。Printing and distributing paper is expensive and takes time.(同时)印刷和分发这些纸质出版物既耗时又耗财。Printed materials are expensive to store and almost impossible to search.印刷品的储藏较为昂贵,且难于(字面:基本上不可能用于)检索。Electronic publishing offers solutions to all these problems.电子媒体为所有这些问题提供了解决方案。10、 In a report called Research Capability of the University System launched this week the group claims that funds are needed to pay for the "professional development“ of university teachers who are not active in research, to help them keep up with their subject and improve the courses they teach.一份叫做大学系统的潜在研究能力的报告在这周公布,其研究小组声称为了使那些消极于 研究的大学老师跟上他们所在领域(的研究进展),提升他们所教课程的质量,我们需要建 立一个基金来激励那些有专业发展的大学老师。11、None of the methods conceived two decades ago has yet to discover a uniformwarning signal that preceded all quakes, let alone any sign that would tell whether the coming temblor is mild or a killer.20年前的这些预报地震的方法中,还尚未发现一种统一的预警信号能够提前预测地震,更 不用说预警是否能提醒将至的地震的强烈程度。Earthquake formation can be triggered by many factors. 地震是由许多因子引起的。So, finding one all-purpose warning sign is impossible. 因此,找到一种通用的预警信号是不可能的。12、Challenge assumptions.挑战假设Reserve the assumptions you make about problems.记下你对于每个问题所做展开的设想。List the assumptions and write the opposite.将这些设想与对其立面一一罗列。Henry Ford challenged the practice of having workers go to where building materials were kept, in order to build cars, by creating a system that brought the materials to the workers instead. 亨利福特挑战了了汽车制造过程中的常规做法,创新了一种汽车装配系统,将所有的零 配件的生产分配到每个工人手中,而不是像过去那样单纯将工人们领进堆满零配件的厂房 里。With this reversal, the assembly line was born. 正是因为如此逆转,生产流水线就这样诞生了。1 3 Nowadays, we hear a lot about the growing threat of globalization, accompanied by those warnings that the rich pattern of local life is being undermined, and many dialects and traditions are becoming extinct.如今,我们听到了不少有关全球化的威胁在不断增长的说法,还听到了这样的警告:丰富 多彩的地方生活方式正在遭到破坏,许多方言和传统正在消亡。But stop and think for a moment about the many positive aspects that globalization is bringing. 但是,静下心来,考虑一下全球化带来的许多有利之处。Read on and you are bound to feel comforted, ready to face the global future, which is surely inevitable now.继续思考下去,你肯定会觉得有所慰藉,乐于面对全球化的未来一一现在看来,这种未来 不可避免。Consider the Internet, that prime example of our shrinking world.想一想因特网这个使我们这个世界变小的绝好例子。Leaving aside the all-to-familiar worries about pornography and political extremism, even the most narrow-minded must admit that the net offers immeasurable benefits, not just in terms of education, the sector for which it was originally designed, but more importantly on a global level, the spread of news and comment.撇开人们对色情文学和政治极端化的普遍担忧,就连最目光短浅的人都肯定承认:因特网 给我们带来了不可估量的利益,不只是在教育方面一一因特网最初就是为教育设计的,更 重要的是全球范围内信息和观念的传播。It will be increasingly difficult for politicians to maintain their regimes of misinformation, as the oppressed will not only find support and comfort, but also be able to organize themselves more effectively.对于政治家来说,要想维持他们误传的政权将会越来越困难,因为被压迫者将不仅得到支 持与安慰,而且能够更有效地组织自己。MTV is another global provider that is often criticized for imposing popular culture on the unsuspecting millions around the world.音乐电视是另一个全球性的传播物一一因为在全世界数以百万计没有疑心的人中强 行推广流行文化而经常受到批评。Yet the viewers* judgment on MTV is undoubtedly positive; it is regarded as indispensable by most of the global teenage generation who watch it, a vital part of growing up.不过,毫无疑问,观众对音乐电视的看法还是肯定的;全世界看过音乐电视的大多数青少年 正在成长的主要群体一一都认为音乐电视绝对必要。And in the final analysis, what harm can a few songs and videos cause?总而言之,几首歌和几部录像能够造成怎样的损害?Is the world dominance of brands like Nike and Coca-Cola so bad for us when all is said and done?在该说的都说了、该采取的行动也采取了时,像耐克和可口可乐这样的世界主导品牌就会 对我们有害吗?Sportswear and soft drinks are harmless products when compared to the many other things that have been globally available for a longer period of time- heroin and cocaine, for example.同许多其他更长时期内在全世界都可得到的产品相比一一比如海洛因和可卡因,运动装和 不含酒精的饮料没有害处。In any case, just because Nike shoes and Coke cans are for sale, it doesn't mean you have to buy them- even globalization cannot deprive the individual of his free will.无论如何,正是因为耐克运动鞋和可乐易拉罐在待销,所以并不意味着你非得购买它们不 可一一即使是全球化也不可能剥夺人们的自由意愿。Critics of globalization can stop issuing their doom and gloom statements.全球化的批评者可以停止发表他们的悲观言论了。Life goes on, and has more to offer for many citizens of the world than it did for their parents* generation.生活会继续,生活将给予世界上许多人的乐趣比给予这些人的父辈的乐趣多。14、A quality education is the ultimate liberator.素质教育是最根本的解放。It can free people from poverty, giving them the power to greatly improve their lives and take a productive place in society.它可以使人们摆脱贫困,赋予他们能力迅速改善他们的生活,从事社会中具有创造性的工 作。It can also free communities and countries, allowing them to leap forward into periods of wealth and social unity that otherwise would not be possible.它还可以使社会和国家解除负担,使它们迅速跨入富裕与社会和睦的时期,而用别的方式 是不可能达到这种效果的。For this reason, the international community has committed itself to getting all the world's children into primary school by 2015, a commitment known as Education for All.因此,国际社会承诺:到二O一五年时,将让世界上的所有儿童都上小学,这就是著 名的“教育面向所有人”的承诺。Can education for all be achieved by 2015?到二。一五年时,“教育面向所有人”的目标能够实现吗?The answer is definitely "yes",although it is a difficult task. 尽管这是一项艰巨的任务,但回答肯定是“能够”。If wc now measure the goal in terms of children successfully completing a minimum of five years of primary school, instead of just enrolling for classes, which used to be the measuring stick for education, then the challenge becomes even more difficult.如果我们现在根据孩子顺利读完最少五年的小学来评估该目标,而不只是根据班级的注册 人数来评估该目标一一过去用于评估教育的方法,那么,这种挑战就会更加艰难。Only 32 countries were formerly believed to be at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of enrollment rates.以前,根据注册率,只有三十二个国家被认为面临实现不了 “教育面向所有人”目标的风 险。The number rises to 88 if completion rates are used as the criterion.如果把毕业率当作评估标准的话,那么这个数字会上升为八十八个。Still, the goal is achievable with the right policies and the right support from the international community.尽管如此,只要政策合适,国际社会又给予适当的援助,该目标还是可以实现的。59 of the 88 countries at risk can reach universal primary completion by 2015 if they bring the efficiency and quality of their education systems into line with standards observed in higher-performing systems.如果八十八个有风险的国家使其教育体系的效率和质量达到效率更高的体系所奉行的标 准,那么,到二O一五年时,其中的五十九个国家就可以实现“所有孩子都能够小学毕业” 的目标。They also need significant increases in external financing and technical support.这些国家也需要国际社会给予资金和技术方面的大力援助。The 29 countries lagging farthest behind will not reach the goal without unprecedented rates of progress.如果没有空前的发展速度,二十九个最落后的国家将不可能实现该目标。But this is attainable with creative solutions, including use of information technologies, flexible and targeted foreign aid, and fewer people living in poverty.但是,如果有创造性的解决方法,这个目标也可以实现一一包括使用信息技术,国际社会 灵活、目的明确的援助以及更少的生活贫困的人们。A key lesson of experience about what makes development effective is that a country's capacity to use aid well depends heavily on its policies, institutions and management.但是,如果有创造性的解决方法,这个目标也可以实现一一包括使用信息技术,国际社会 灵活、目的明确的援助以及更少的生活贫困的人们。Where a country scores well on these criteria, foreign assistance can be highly effective.基于这些标准,在一个国家表现好的领域,国际社会的援助就可能非常有效。15、SpeechwritingThe success of a speech is often attributed to the skill of the speaker, with merit being given to speakers who are confident, articulate, knowledgeable and able to deliver a speech with conviction.演讲的成功往往归功于演讲者的技巧,这既是演讲者的优势,同时也足以让演讲者充 满自信、滔滔不绝、旁征博引,且能够让其能够以坚定的信念进行演说。But often it is not the speakers who write these moving speeches, it is a speechwriter.然而,写出这些感人讲稿的却常常不是这些演讲者,而是演讲稿撰写人。And one industry in which this practise is common is that of politics.其中,政治圈便是深谙此道的行家。So what does it take to be a political speechwriter?那么,要如何才能成为一名政治演讲稿撰写人呢?One technique is introducing contrast.其中一个技巧就是引入对比。This is extremely useful when presenting a positive spin on a negative issue. 当你要通过积极的笔调来扭转消极事件的时候,这是极其有效的。One of the most famous examples of this can be seen in a speech given by former American President John F Kennedy: nAsk not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.n其中一个较有名的例子就是美国前总统约翰肯尼迪的一次演讲:“不要问你的国家能为你 做什么而是你能为你的国家做什么。”Another technique is the use of three-part lists.另一个技巧就是三段式的应用。This can be an excellent way of adding finality or confirming a statement.这是一种让你给出结论和确认观点的绝佳方法。Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was a fan of this technique. 英国前首相托尼布莱尔就就特别钟情于这种方法。One of his most famous campaign slogans was neducation, education, education'1.“教育、教育、教育”就是他最有名的竞选口号之一。These techniques can be used like tools - they can be chosen from a toolbox and applied as necessary.这些技巧就像工具一般,当你需要的时候,你只需从工具箱里选择一件合适的就行。A few other techniques you might find in a speechwriter's toolbox might be the use of imagery, anecdotes and alliteration.当然还有其他一些技巧,如意象、奇闻轶事、押头韵等。So next time you have to prepare a speech or presentation, try applying one or more of these techniques and see if you have what it takes to be a winning speechwriter.那么下次当你准备一场演讲或其他表演时,试着用上面提到的技巧,看看你是否能成 为一个成功的演讲稿撰写人。16、 What makes an original contributor in science is often not only ability, but also something else, something apparently intangible, and not easily detected.一个人在科学中有独创的贡献,这往往不仅(是他的个人)能力问题,还有其他的因素, 一些无形的、难以察觉的因素。This extra something lies deeply within the individual and needs to be nurtured and tested. 这些因素深埋于每个人当中,需要去培养和磨练。Motivation is a personal trait that is primarily instilled by seniors such as teachers or parents. 动机是因人而异的,它来自于老师、父母等长辈的循循善诱。An important aspect in developing motiv