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    Postgraduate English PowerPoint coursewareREPORTING目 录Course IntroductionLanguage knowledge and skillsCultural background and cross cultural communicationAcademic EnglishCourse evaluation and feedbackPART 01Course IntroductionREPORTINGImproving English proficiency Through this course,students will improve their English language skills,including listening,speaking,reading,and writingEnhancing cultural awareness The course aims to increase students understanding and recommendation of different cultures and ways of thinkingDeveloping critical thinking skills By analyzing and discussing a range of texts and topics,students will develop their ability to think critically and independentlyCourse objectivesUnit 1 Language and cultureUnit 2 Critical thinking and argumentationUnit 3 Academic writing and researchUnit 4 Business English and professional communicationCourse outlineLecturesGroup workCase studiesSelf studyTeaching method Students work in small groups to complete tasks and projects,practicing their English communication skills Analysis of real world situations and problems,encoding students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical contexts Assigned reads and online resources for students to explore independently In depth discussions and explanations of key concepts and theoriesPART 02Language knowledge and skillsREPORTINGMastering basic grammar and sentence patternsThe English curriculum during the graduate stage should focus on explaining grammar and sentence patterns,so that students can proficiently master the basic grammar rules and commonly used sentence patterns in English,and improve the accuracy and fluency of language expression.Grammar and Sentence PatternsImprove reading comprehension abilityBy reading various English literature and materials,students can improve their reading comprehension ability,cultivate their ability to quickly and accurately obtain information,analyze and solve problems,and lay a foundation for academic research and paper writing.Reading comprehensionEnhance writing and expression skillsBy practicing writing and providing guidance on academic papers,students can improve their English writing and expression abilities,including writing academic papers,abstracts,comments,etc.,so that they can express their opinions and research results clearly and accurately.Writing skillsImprove listening and speaking skillsThrough listening training and oral practice,students can improve their English listening and speaking abilities,enabling them to better understand and express their spoken English,and enhance their cross-cultural communication abilities.Listening and SpeakingPART 03Cultural background and cross cultural communicationREPORTING要点三Western Values The core values in Western culture include individualism,rationality,and materials These values have significant impacts on the way Westerners think,have,and communicate要点一要点二Religion in Western Culture Christian is the main reliance in Western culture,and its influence on Western values and ways of life are found Other dependencies also exist,but Christian is the most valuableFamily and Community In Western culture,the family unit is considered important,and community ties are loose People of choice to live independently and push their own goals and dreams要点三Western cultureValues Chinese culture accents collectivism,while Western culture accents individualism These different value systems affect the way people think and haveReligion Buddhism and Confucianism have had a profound impact on Chinese culture,while Christianity is the main dependence in Western culture These different dependencies shape peoples worldviews and ways of lifeFamily and Community In Chinese culture,the family unit is considered more important than in Western culture,and community ties are commonly strong People often live with their families and are expected to fulfill their Filial dutiesComparison of Chinese and Western Cultures It is important to be aware of cultural differences and try to understand the other persons perspective Avoiding stereotypes and showing respect for other cultures is essential Non verbal cues such as body language,legal expressions,and eye contact are important in cross cultural communication Understanding these cures can help avoid misunderstandings and improve communication When communicating with people from different cultures,it is important to use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to them Clear and precision communication can enhance understanding and reduce misinterpretationAwarenessNon verbal CommunicationVerbal CommunicationCross cultural communication skillsPART 04Academic EnglishREPORTINGAcademic Paper WritingTitle and Abstract Writing:Writing a clear and consistent title that reflects the main idea of the paper,and creating an abstract that briefly summarizes the content and main findingsIntroduction and Conclusion:Writing a strong introduction that sets the scene,defines the research question,and outlines the structure of the paper Creating a conclusion that summarizes the main points,reviews the research question,and highlights the significance of the findingsMethodology:Describing the research design,data collection methods,and analysis techniques used in the study Ensuring that these are appropriate for the research question and aim to minimize biasResults and Discussion:Presenting the results of the study in a clear and organized manager,and discussing their implications in the context of existing literature Drawing conclusions from the data and highlighting any limitations or areas for further researchDelivering a Convincing Opening:Starting with a captioning introduction that captures the audiences attention and sets the tone for the speechUsing Evidence and Examples:Supporting arguments with relevant evidence and examples to strengthen the credibility of the speechOrganizing and Structuring Content:Arranging ideas in a logical flow that makes it easy for the audience to follow and understand the main pointsUsing Appropriate Language and Delivery:Using clear,precise language,and delivering it in a confident and animated Manner to engage the audienceAcademic Speech Skills01 Reading with a purpose,actively engaging with the text by asking questions,making summaries,and annotating important pointsActive Reading02 Capturing key ideas,arguments,and information from the text in a structured and organized managerNote taking03 Assessing the reliability,validity,and bias of the information presented,and forming opinions based on evidence ratio than personal beliefs or biasesCritically Analyzing Text04 Bringing academic concepts into practical applications in real world settings to enhance understanding and personal developmentApplying Theory to PracticeAcademic Reading MethodsPART 05Course evaluation and feedbackREPORTINGFormative evaluation This method focuses on improving feedback to students during the course to help them improve their performance It includes written assignments,quizzes,and participation in class discussionsSummary evaluation Summary evaluation occurrences at the end of the course to assess student performance It typically includes written assignments,final exams,and projectsPeer evaluation Peer evaluation involves students evaluating each others work It helps to develop critical thinking skills and improve cooperation among studentsEvaluation methodFeedback and improvementStudents receive feedback on their written assignments,quizzes,and class participation to help them identify their strengths and areas for improvementImproving performanceBased on the feedback,students can identify areas that require improvement and work on improving their performanceCourse improvementThe feedback received from students is used to improve the course by incorporating suggestions and addressing issues raised by studentsFeedback on assignmentsCourse OutlookThe course will be expanded to include more interactive elements,simulations,and case studies to enhance student engagement and learning outcomesExpansion of courseThe course will continue to evolve and improve in the future based on student feedback and the latest teaching methods and technologiesFuture developmentNew content will be integrated into the course to keep it up to date with the latest developments in the field of postgraduates EnglishIntegration of new contentTHANKS感谢观看REPORTING


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