膝关节软骨损伤 PPT课件.ppt
LOGO Articular cartilage injury of the knee li yanGeneral InformationvName:Lu x xvMalev18Yvoccupation:acrobat vpain,swelling,immobility of right knee for 2msvworsen 2dsChief ComplaintHistory of present illnessvpain,immobility,swelling of right knee for 2ms when taking exercisev 2 days ago,injuried when jumping,then the symptom became worsenOther Medical Historyvpast history:(-)vpersonal history:(-)vfamily history:(-)vRight knee:swellingvFloating patella test:(+)vMcMurray sign:(+)vDrawer test:(-)Physical ExaminationPhysical ExaminationvLamevMuscle atrophy vROM:0-130Imaging ExaminationvMRI defect 2*2cmLab ExaminationvUrine RTvBlood RTvLiver functionvRenal functionvECGvAll above is normalDiagnosisv Articular cartilage injury of the knee SurgeryvOsteochondral TransplantResultDiscussionvFunction of articular cartilage:vVariable load-bearing through a range of motion in functional activitiesvReduce stress on the subchondral bone&minimise frictionvAbsorbs load-forces up to 5x body weightDiscussionvHealing Response:PathophysiologyvNo blood supplyvNo lymphatic drainagevNo neural elementvNo immunological recognitionDiscussionDiscussionvFull-thickness articular cartilage injury is notoriously difficult to be treated in the fields of orthopedics and sports medicine.DiscussionvOnce destroyed,is not repairedvRepair cartilage is mainly of type I collagen with poor wear characteristicsDiscussionvSubstitution Replacement:vOsteochondral transplantsvAutologous chondrocyte implantationDiscussionvAllogeneic bone and cartilage transplantation can offer a transparent cartilage with biological activity and biomechanical properties to repair full-thickness articular cartilage defects.LOGO