Oxford Translated Forest Edition English Part Seve目录CONTENTSCourse importVocabulary learningGrammar parsingTextual elaborationPractice and consolidationClassroom interactive session01Course import课程背景介绍课程的历史背景、发展历程以及在当今社会中的地位和作用。课程目标明确课程的教学目标,包括知识、技能和情感等方面的目标。课程结构简要介绍课程的结构和组织方式,包括教学计划、课程安排和评估方式等。Course Background Introduction03教学资源合理利用各种教学资源,如教材、课件、网络资源等,以提高教学效果。01教学目标根据课程目标和学生的实际情况,制定具体、可衡量的教学目标。02教学方法选择合适的教学方法,如讲授、讨论、案例分析等,以实现教学目标。Teaching objective setting简要介绍本单元的教学内容,包括主题、重点和难点等。教学内容根据教学内容选择合适的教学方法,如讲解、示范、小组讨论等。教学方法制定科学、合理的评价标准和方法,以评估学生的学习效果和教师的教学质量。教学评价Overview of teaching content02Vocabulary learningNew word explanationWord 1elusive-Meaning:difficult to find or catch;escaping easily.Example:The thief was elusive and could not be caught.Word 2exuberant-Meaning:full of life and energy;overflowing.Example:She has an exuberant personality and is always full of energy.Exercise 1Vocabulary application exercisesReplace the underlined words with the new vocabulary learned.Exercise 2Write a sentence using the new vocabulary in a different context.Create a short paragraph using the new vocabulary to describe a situation or event.Exercise 3 Use mnemonics-Create a short phrase or image to关联the new vocabulary with something familiar,making it easier to remember.Skill 1 Review and revise-Regularly review the new vocabulary to reinforce memory and prevent forgetting.Skill 2 Associate meanings-Connect the new vocabulary with its definition or example sentence to enhance understanding and retention.Skill 3Vocabulary memory skills03Grammar parsingIdentifying subject and predicate辨别句子类型Identifying grammatical functions辨别语法功能Classifying sentence types辨别主语和谓语 The first step in analyzing sentence structure is to identify the subject and predicate,which together form the core of the sentence.分析句子结构的第一步是辨别主语和谓语,它们共同构成了句子的核心。There are several types of sentences,including simple,compound,complex,and compound-complex sentences.存在几种类型的句子,包括简单句、复合句、复杂句和复合复杂句。Grammatical functions refer to the roles played by words in a sentence,such as subject,predicate,object,adjective,and adverb.语法功能是指单词在句子中所起的作用,如主语、谓语、宾语、形容词和副词。Sentence structure analysisExplanation of Tense and Voice01Tense refers to the time when an action takes place,such as past,present,or future.02时态是指动作发生的时间,如过去、现在或未来。03Voice refers to whether the action is performed by the subject or something else,such as passive or active voice.04语态是指动作是由主语执行还是其他事物执行,如被动语态或主动语态。Using appropriate tense It is important to use the appropriate tense when writing or speaking to convey the correct time and sequence of events.Using appropriate voice Using the appropriate voice can help to clarify the relationship between the subject and the action,and to make the sentence structure more concise and readable.运用适当的语态使用适当的语态有助于阐明主语与动作之间的关系,并使句子结构更加简洁易读。运用适当的时态在写作或说话时使用适当的时态,以传达正确的时间和事件的顺序是很重要的。Examples of Grammar Applications04Textual elaboration01The slides are divided into different sections,each covering a specific topic or subtopic.The textual content includes explanations,definitions,examples,and other information related to the topic being presented.The slides are well-organized and easy to follow,providing a clear overview of the topic being discussed.The text is a PowerPoint presentation,which includes a series of slides with textual and visual content.020304Analysis of Text ContentThe text contains a mix of simple and complex sentence structures.Short,simple sentences are used to communicate basic information or to emphasize important points.Sentence structure is varied,avoiding monotony and keeping the reader engaged.Long sentences with multiple clauses are used to provide detailed information or to express complex ideas.Key Sentence Structure ExplanationThe text includes references to cultural background that are important for understanding the topic being presented.An introduction to these cultural background elements is provided in the slides,helping the reader to better understand the topic in its cultural context.The cultural background information is presented in a neutral and objective manner,avoiding any bias or stereotyping.These cultural references may include historical events,traditions,values,or other aspects of a society or culture.Introduction to Cultural Background in the Text05Practice and consolidation This type of question is used to test students knowledge and understanding of the topic.It involves selecting the correct answer from a list of options.Multiple Choice Questions 1 These questions are designed to challenge students critical thinking and analysis skills.They may ask students to select the best answer or the answer that is most relevant to a given situation.Multiple Choice Questions 2Multiple Choice QuestionsCompletionThis type of exercise involves completing a sentence or a passage with the correct word or phrase.It helps students improve their vocabulary and grammar skills.Completion 1Completion exercises can also include filling in the blanks in a paragraph or completing a table or chart with the required information.These exercises help students understand the structure and organization of written materials.Completion 2Reading Comprehension Questions 1 These questions are designed to test students ability to understand and analyze written materials.They may ask students to identify the main idea,summarize a passage,or explain how a concept is related to another concept.要点一要点二Reading Comprehension Questions 2 Reading comprehension questions can also include critical thinking questions that ask students to evaluate the credibility of a source,analyze a argument,or determine the significance of a detail in a text.These questions help develop students critical thinking and analytical skills.Reading comprehension questions06Classroom interactive sessionGroup discussion目的:促进团队合作和沟通技巧,通过讨论主题,加深对课程内容的理解。步骤1.教师将学生分成小组。2.提供讨论主题或问题。Group discussion3.小组内进行讨论,每个学生都有机会发表意见。4.教师巡视各组,提供必要的指导和帮助。5.讨论结束后,各组分享讨论成果。Group discussion目的:模拟真实情境,帮助学生理解和应用课程内容。role playing步骤1.教师设定情境和角色。2.学生选择角色并准备表演。role playing3.学生按照情境进行表演。4.教师和其他学生观摩并给出反馈。5.根据反馈进行改进。role playing目的:培养学生的演讲技巧和自信心,提高口头表达能力。Student self presentationStudent self presentation0102031.教师提前布置学生准备演讲主题。2.学生自行准备演讲内容。步骤035.根据反馈进行改进,为下次演讲做准备。013.在课堂上进行演讲。024.教师和其他学生提问或给出反馈。Student self presentationTHANKSTHANK YOU FOR YOUR WATCHING