?Name:_Page 1Pirates AdventureA Readers Theater Script by Rebecca BesserThis readers theater skit features a band of unruly pirates who explore the sea,seeking adventure,danger,and of course,treasure!7 Characters(in order of appearance)Stinky PetePatchy McGeePegleg PeggyParrotSharkbait SaraHookarm HarryCaptain GoldtoothStinky Pete:Lets travel the seven seas!Patchy McGee:Pirates we will be!Pegleg Peggy:Well find treasure!Parrot:Awkk!Treasure!Sharkbait Sara:Well have adventures.Hookarm Harry:And laugh in the face of danger!Parrot:Awkk!Danger!All Pirates:Yo-ho!Yo-ho!Super Teacher Worksheets -Pirates AdventurePage 2Patchy McGee:What are our orders,Captain?Captain Goldtooth:Swab the decks,hoist the sails out to sea!All Pirates:Yo-ho!Yo-ho!Stinky Pete:Where will we go?Sharkbait Sara:What will we see,Captain?Captain Goldtooth:Ah,thats the adventure,mates!Hookarm Harry:Will there be strange lands?Stinky Pete:Strange places?Pegleg Peggy:Will there be good food?Captain Goldtooth:There will be all those things and much more!All Pirates:Yo-ho!Yo-ho!Patchy McGee:Sailing we will go!Sharkbait Sara:To where no one knows!Pegleg Peggy:What of the treasure,Captain?Parrot:Awkk!Treasure!Patchy McGee:Will there be silver and gold?Hookarm Harry:Jewels and riches?Captain Goldtooth:Arg!There will be all those things and much more!All Pirates:Yo-ho!Yo-ho!Sharkbait Sara:We sail for the danger!Parrot:Awkk!Danger!Super Teacher Worksheets -Pirates AdventurePage 3Pegleg Peggy:We sail for riches!All Pirates:Yo-ho!Yo-ho!Patchy McGee:Captain,Captain!Land ho!Captain Goldtooth:I see it,mate!Stinky Pete:A mysterious island!Patchy McGee:The trees are so green!Pegleg Peggy:Where are we?Hookarm Harry:No one knows!Sharkbait Sara:Ah!Our first adventure!Captain Goldtooth:Bring the day what may!All Pirates:Yo-ho!Yo-ho!Super Teacher Worksheets -Name:_Pirates AdventurePirates AdventureA Readers Theater Script by Rebecca BesserChoose the best meaning for each pirate word or phrase.1.Well laugh in the face of danger!a.We will do lots of funny things.b.We will face danger without being afraid.c.We will avoid danger.2.Swab the decks!a.Clean the floor of the boat.b.Get ready for battle.c.Time to go down for dinner.3.Land ho!a.Lets look for land.b.I see land.c.Were so far out at sea,we cant see land.4.Bring the day what may!a.We dont know what adventures we might face today.b.Its nearly time for the sun to come up.c.Lets be sure we follow our schedule for today.5.What are our orders,Captain?a.What are we eating,Captain?b.Where are we located,Captain?c.What do you want me to do,Captain?6.Hoist the sails!a.Put the sails up and get the boat moving.b.Take the sails down so the boat stops moving.c.Repair the rips and tears in the sails.Super Teacher Worksheets -ANSWER KEYPirates AdventurePirates AdventureA Readers Theater Script by Rebecca BesserChoose the best meaning for each pirate word or phrase.1.Well laugh in the face of danger!ba.We will do lots of funny things.b.We will face danger without being afraid.c.We will avoid danger.2.Swab the decks!aa.Clean the floor of the boat.b.Get ready for battle.c.Time to go down for dinner.3.Land ho!ba.Lets look for land.b.I see land.c.Were so far out at sea,we cant see land.4.Bring the day what may!aa.We dont know what adventures we might face today.b.Its nearly time for the sun to come up.c.Lets be sure we follow our schedule for today.5.What are our orders,Captain?ca.What are we eating,Captain?b.Where are we located,Captain?c.What do you want me to do,Captain?6.Hoist the sails!aa.Put the sails up and get the boat moving.b.Take the sails down so the boat stops moving.c.Repair the rips and tears in the sails.Super Teacher Worksheets -?